Page 92 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. (!linss, OIlub,ntt~ ~nrt.dy inittgs Social Gossip iI __ ?Bug ?Bun:tttgs Dearest Dotty:- '--------------------- SHAKESPEARE CLUB BACHELORS Here it is almost June WCl'ck-AlmOl:it NONSENSE CASTLES IN THE AIR!! to sny "au rel'oir" to College Rill, The Shakespeare Club met in McDaniel At' the regular meeting of Alpha almost time for some of us to bid it ~VllUtunawer did you get to that lust Tbe moon had risen to II,. spectacular Rail Parlor, .hlonday evening, May 19. Gnmlllfl Tau Fratern.ity on Tuesdny farewell. The happiest, busiest, most ex' problem' Seventy-five, you sayf Oh, h~ight, and shone down upon II. sen. of Thi... was the first meeting of the club J;or el'elling, the following officers for the eiting time of all the ecuege year is here. yes; lhat was a silly mistake, I can't mid-night waters. The sands gUttered this year, After a short business meet- year 1930-3] were eleeted. Thurc is somcthing to do every blessed c\'en add two and-doggone those flies! in the pale light, and the reeks, jutting ing, selections from "A Midllummer '9 Alpha-Paul Bates. minute, but how very short those minutes These problems ureutt half bad after yon upon the coast, seemed huge monsters going Night Dream" were dramatized. The 'Vice Alpha-George are beginning to seem. get started on them-What's Ann simply by the sea. A wind wa9 playing its soft to wear tonlght f-c-Ia she' cast wna us follows: 'I'au-c-Harrj+Lawrcuee It's been such a long timo since I crazy about that yellow dress, 1'111 but I summer !!'Ongto the moon, the sand, the 'l'itania ... .. Helen Myers. Gummn-H. A. aonon. 111\\'0written to you that I eannot even don't t.hillk she looks so hot ill it. rocks, and to me. 1 lay eurlcd up in my Oberon. anna GlOUgll Sgt.vat-nrms-c-Charles wentlaudt, try to tell you all that happened. 'l'weuty-five ol"cr,---dnrn those flies 1- mOSSY bed atop a largo ftat-surmeed Puck. .......... Susan gtouer. Chaplain-c-Ployd Doughty. The Vnrsity Drag was a huge sueeess. what was I saying' 'I'wenty-Ilve over reek. IIo\\" mnny nights such as these Lysander . .... Jane Stayton. A eclored orebestrn, music with ali sorts fifty-timcs the interval-c-Hew many hurl tho age-old saud and the Lime-worn Helena. .... Louise wemtz, of charms, lights, pretty dresses, knick- times have they played that piece any rocks seen' I closed my eyes and Demetrius Victoria Smith GAMMA BETA CHI ers, and Q\"C"U suapeudera, nil Dring back way'! I thillk I'll get them a record be breathed in a deep breath of fresh sea- Hermis. ... Carolyn Tull. memories. After tIle dance .... thc dQ"r \\'heredid we Jen\'eoff-Five air. All the world was asleep. There Bottom. ... Ruth E. Wooleott. G~mm~ Beta Chi held the deeHoll of mitQry, dark find silent awaited us. I into-lrnmp-hollow, I wa!! a sudden stirring of the waters, and Fairies ..... 1[arian Humphries, oflleersfor the fiut, scmester of next year mean it was silent until the girls got back thillk a grand place for tue through the path that the moon had left Catherine IIobby. nt its weekly lliceting '.rncsday uigllt. and then for an hour or $0 :1I!cDaniel Hnll class pienil'.--sure s11e'1I object but thell upou the wal'es, n large Spanish galleon, Profe$Sor Edgar B. Jenkin!! eQmpared 'rhe followiug wcre elected: came "to lifc," lllltilother lives qILieted she'll Ilfolida a chllpero!l, don't worry. bedt!llked with Howing sailll, came drift· the play, "Plaudills" wit? Shakes- Presidcnt-Wn.lter Wilker. ilaQlI'n. ..1.8 if we needed Olle! Sixty·three :lud iug e10ser 10 me. There was a s('.r~ping llcnre's "Comed-y of Errors." Dr. Gee. Vice l'resident-E. J. Rebert. Thll Sundny SellQnl elnsBcs :oIre giving twenty·eight new hat 11111),'5 of the bottom of tJIC ship UPQIl the snore. S. Wills eoneluded the progmlll ·with a Secretary-Walter Kohout. tho ('lubs lire giving rush par bec!! weHring looks like fifty dol· in the pl\le light I saw gaily·dressed llllm ---- general diSClU!sion of "A )'lidsummer's TreflSurer-D. C. Murchison. banquet!!; the Scniors Hre being lars. What did you allr~-Wllat did JQU hastily enrrying.'l. hen,·y box to lheaanful. Night Drenm." Sngeant-at.arnls-Lndwig l'ineura. entertained nil of the t,ime. First by say'_Well who do you suppose we IIII"e 'I'here was a flash of steet-Wn.s itknh'es or the sill'er trinkets they wore on their evening' ull BROWNING-PHILO Cllalllain-l1Qger (,1ssel. Prefessor find Mrs. lsnnogle, Bleu b-y Dr. a been talkiug llbont I ,,-ish you'd get a If arms' With enntious glances around, and It'ij good tQ be you're !lot a $ightl Wnr!l. lIfrJ!. Senior ill cap :llld gOMl, and it's snd to "permanent" and stOll wenring th080 th~r started to dig deep into the sand. The Browning and Philo Literary So IRVING he 'I. Senior, but in a tillY while ill llla.ce combs. 1I1ay1)e ~'OU arc, but 1 II"culd Deeper and deeper Ihey went, ulltil fin- eielit'l! .held a joillt meeting in Smith Qf OlIr S~niou, exist. ruther atay just ns r alll.-We'll never nlly the cheat that rhey had brought from Hall 011 ~Jollduy evening, Ma-y 19th. At a recent meetiug of the lrrillg Lit only alu1l1ni will gd these. prQblems Ihme. Which OlIO arc the ship was completely hiddan. "\Vil" Louise Werntz, viee·presillent of Philo, erary BodH)" the following {)fficers were The girls' inter·elnss lmscbnll games wr on' How lll11ny honrse laughs, they took thelllseh-cs back '.rhe llud charge of the pregram, wllieh was as 'eletted: President, :Mr. Edwurdsj vica· UTe most fetehing. Everything i!$ "· more h:we we' IICl'enk>euth' It won't take \0 tllll ship. r could JUllgll, tool One Twcnty1 follows: presidcnt, :Mr. Herniek; scerctnry, Mr. ed" prQmptly but ihe lmll. The sopho- long now. Fiftaell over thirry times tho oth~r 1",cll' thare wall a treasure hmd~ll 8eripturll Reading and Prayer- 1'yl(l; er.iti~; Mr. W. Dny; sergeant-at- mores are away nheull. I shouldn't be fnjen'al,which i!!aix,equals-thoscc1amn 1I11IOI1!; the sands. As quickly liS t.hey Elsie Ebawortb. arms, nfr. Chandler; chnplnin, !lfr. SPUT' surprised to sel) them walk nwny wifh came they sailed :lwny. i opened my quit! PianQ Solo: Fifth Nocturne, Leybackj ro\\"; reporter, Mr. Snyder. first honors. I'm afraid that some of flies! Let's -~-- Thc moon wns ati!! shining briglIt n. E. O. '30. Evelyn Collison. A committee was alao appointed to those "'SQphs"-"ilebc" Cr(lwthcrs nnd TheIl there w~s a lIound like that of Talk: Modern Drama alld Dramatists, prepare a special prQgram for lhe so "Pnl" ),Iurphy for instunce---will be [\ bell rillging ill the disbnce---no, it was Mrs. Jenkins. {'iely reunion, tQ be held during "June tnking all early le:II'o of their Alma NINETEEN THIRTY I]uite Hear to me. I jumped lip. My Solo: ITo! 1I1r. Piper I Catherine Hobbl'. 1Ycck." Mflter jnst for the aake of becoming .<\11onr hearhwith 10ve nrefilling, nlarm clock! What a,life it. is, lohal'e Quartette: Mornhlgj Wait in , in the "hig laflgucrs!" and getting their pic· to get up at. six o'clock Qn a wet, glQomy Nineteen-thirty; Shadows; Cathllrine Hobby, Amllndn BLACK AND WHITE ture!:! in jhll papors. Por our Alma Mater thrilling, &pring morniugJ Bell, Kathleen 1[oore, Margaret Lee M n): went off with a bang-a big Ni1letccn·t11irty. LYNNWOOD. Nelson. --- well Banquet in hOIlOr of the outgoing, when CUpi(l lost her Oal· i\lny OIlT(leeds thy banner brighlen, held itl! llllllUal Filre 'Phc fraternity Plnto in the heart wilh ollrhopesthillBhonorhcighten, w.w. Senior members at Clea.r Ridge Inn on that Tho dog-lheone IQ8ther halance. 'Iupsday, May 20tb. Doctor G. S. Wills, her arrow :lnd beC:llllCso excited that she i\larJland's elnss enlightcned- l\inetcen·thirt~'. W. W. Club entertained a Hnmber of HIHlQrary Member of the fratc-rnity, was seems tQ be Black and -White Club's mas- Starr, Gorsuch & Little friends with 11"\Vonderball Hike:lt Tramp the chief sTH!uker. cot kept the audienee nnd the Queen With the ~'eIlrs so swiftly passing, Hollow, Monday afternoon, May l~. amused nll duriug the program. The Kinetccll·tllirty; The W. W. Glllb entertained the 'l'a bQYs' Ma~"Da)', well it WllSmost dainty. Grew our friendships el'crlasting, Goods for Young Men ri()U!! clubs aud fraternities at tea in DELTA SIGMA KAPPA Graceful teo, to say the lenst. -_ ---:Mell"Ruiel Rill I'.1Niir,-'rucana-y after- -~1iro\i·CIb:larelllorder. Lastmght This our ]lledgo is truly spoken, noon,1I1:1y20. Delta Sigma entertained II Senior Fl1re\\"cll was Jlresented. This "College lics shall ne'('r be broken!" 10 per cent Off for College Students number of gllests n swimming parI)' f:irewell was one full of enjQyment, fun Almll Mater this ollr token; at tho HeadQI\' Park Pool, nell' Siher lind sadness. The propheey was qnite pm ALPHA MU RUll, ou S,'Jturday afternoon, M~y 11. II clcl'er on~. "Pat" PrQskey's wedding "Nineteen·'rhirty." was predicted, ill fact, presented in a B. II. P. Jr. Evelyu Malher entertllincd the club at most anH\z·illg way. Her attendants, need a bridge party on Saturday afternoOll, 1 Cllllmerate themf and certainly, Jap ?lfa-y 17. were AJI lhere~ Fusses, of eonrse not, finnl farewell- LAST CALL The Sophomores and Juniors of the Delta Pi Alpha tllkcs pleasure in an· thnt is of coursc nQtyetl Anna ~A.y club cnlllrtained the SeniorS' at a "BOil notlllcillg that ),Ir. 1.1aso11 Spr:tgue has Gallion, 1sal)el Douglas alld Helen Myers Voyage Dinuer" lit the College Ina, been aceepted into the membership of llresentcll the "Suppressed De· Wednesdny cnming, 1IIay 21. the fraternity. sires." Then came "'IVe drink before we I)nrt." But need COMMENCEMENT EXEROISES ISI1Y Illore about iI. Yon \\'ho arc lllull\- llae h:n'e your memories of JUlIe week- We have an attractive line of College (Continued from Page 1) J.OS'f, ncar Alumni il[Iil, n wllite aeniur week, and $Ollle d:ly we may be golil bor bin. Will finder 1)leRse reo nbletoeoUlpareourmemorie!l'iI'ilh yours. Seal Items suitable for Commencement Gifts. Commeneement Exareises lurn t1le pin ttl Mrs. Dorgan' It's good-byo lime. A good"bye to Commeneement will be held ot ten you ... \ good b'ye to tI,e ScniOMl. What Take home with you some Western Mary- Q'clock Monday nlorlting. After the en,r will College Hi)l do without tllem' conferring of degrees, tho address will "Dad" SMELSER But perllll]lS somll of tllcm will favor us land Seal Item for "Keep Sake." be given by Hon. Alfred P. Dcnnis, of ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES, \\"itllu ,-isit when they arc :lIumui. tho United States Tariff Commission. Leve, Mr. Deunis is a fermer PrQfcssor Qf COLD DRINKS I. Princeton University. Open Eve!}' Nite Until II :30 SUGGESTIONS NEW SPRING APPAREL, EVER.HAR.T SHOES and HATS -for- BARBER AND BOBBER JCPENNEYCo. Commencement Gifts At the Forks 56 West MaLn St. Westminster Savings Bank :r:f;:~~~!fns King's Pharmacy Kodaks-- Pen and Pencil Sets-- Capital $50,000.00 The Rexall Store Surplus "Earned" $400,000.00 --Jl-+- 55 E. Main St., Westminster, Md. Bracelets-- F. Tbos. Babylon, Pres. Milton P. Myers, Vice Pres. Babylon & Lippy Company Toilet Sets-- Jacob H. Handley, Treas. BUCK CASH Bill Folds-- SHOES, HATS, UNDERWEAR SECURITY -SAVINGS-SERVICE Wrist Watches-- AGENT FOR SILVERWARE WATCHES Equitable Life Insurance Co. Perfumizers, Etc. Somebody, Somewhere, wants your OF IOWA A. H. Fetting Co. Photograph llANUFACTUJlTNG JEWELEF,S BONSACI('S The Wilson Studio TIMES BLDG. Phone 314 Oharles St., North WeslminEter, Md. sso "The College ShJp" CLASS PINS CLASS RINGS (
   87   88   89   90   91   92