Page 91 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 91
The Gold Bt'.g, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE BASEBALL TENNIS ISPORTS I I SPORTS I a'll ~D TERROR NINE AVENGES Co-Ed Tennis Team NETMEN DEFEAT LOYOLA Co-Eds Inaugurate ATHLETICLES MOUNT SAINT MARY'S is Defeated by G. W. U. AND DREXEL INSTITUTE Athletic Association RETROSPECT An undefeated football eleven, with A women's athletic nsaociatlon hnl! The Terror nine surprised a confident The co-eds lost their first-an{llast- The Western J\bryhllli! tennis team is been formed at W. 1[. C. with the pur- two players on All·Amcril'..1n mention, Mt. St. llnry's baseball team Saturday tennis mateh to the George Wa shington showing marked improverueut as the sea pose of "promoling athletics, ereaung a four players awarded places on All-State on Hoffu. Field, and finished the gamo University cc-ede on Mn)' 3, by- II score son draws to a close. Lnst week they the ideal team nnd an entire squad remembered by three runs ahead of thei\[OUlltainel'"r!!. or four to one. It is the first time in downed Loyola College, 6-1, and Drexel taste tor eports, lind fostering nseceta- t.hose who followed the team during the good sportsmanship." The final score was g·5. The game WHII the history of Western Maryl.and College .luetitute by A score of 4c-3, but lolrl to of tion has been limited to those ThiR interested season-in and out of the game. played 011 a ~emi·C'.hWr afternoon. A that a girls' tenuta tenul hv.a been orgall- the strong Gettysburg team, 6-3. A sucecssfnlllOceer eieven who, too, ccntiuuous line of ehnuer from the play- lzetl and sent ont for coorpetttton iu In- Again$t Gettysburg thry broke enm on ill athletics, hare it being necessary 10 their for nppb- "did themseh'es ])rond." 100 points canh to credit ers added that finnl spark ef encourage- tereolleginte phl~·iDg. Everyone played the singles, Engle, 'Wooley, and Willard before becoming eligible for member- A basketball team which encountered meut to Gorden Lamb, ann he responded her hardest and no oue should feel any coming through in usual fortu; but were ship. 'rhcy !!lny gain these necessary disaster as far as final scores show but wholeheartedly. ~fost of the Mounts Benge of ulamc-the girls merely met suo un able to aeore in the doubles. points by ps ttleipa ting in the vurious displayed accelerated form as the sea- saw three strikes go by them .lit one time perior and better team organau- The Terrors had no trouble with 1,0), interclass sports offered by the Depart- son progressed, whieh means no good to or another and wondered whllt happened tion. Murphy, plnying n l13rd und oln, ouly losing one singles to the Balti- ment of Physical Education. After gain- next year's opponents. to the ball in its flight. With Western consistent game, won her match with a moreans. Tuckerman played flue tennis, A boxing team Wllic.h lost two dual a certain number Uarylalld's outfie.ldreeruitedfron. theln- good han(lieap. The Test were not so showing good form in his f.lingles. Engle, iug be exaet, the iudividual of point a, 500 to meets by one bout, won al! others and is given a letter crosse team, memories of Inst year's de- fortnllate, but nevertheless they deser'i'e Willard and Wooley had little trouble -if she is so fortunate a~ to hnve plneo(l three in the finals in the Inter- fent of Nn,·y cnme to 1l1ind npIJlnuseforlheattelllpt. with Unl lead-off men. In the first worked hard enough for 1000 points, eollegiates. Two Champsi The high lights of the game: doubles the I,oyola IJuir gal'e Engle ani! she is nwardod II sweater. A baseball team which played fivo 1st. iuuing-Mt. at. Mary's went out Tennis, e~en though makiug its debut '\V'oolcy a good pl:!y in the first set, but At the first meding of the 118soeia· games un-a won :fonr-when pre-scason one, two three, '1'11'0 outfield flies und.a at sueh 1I lato date, should be eneoumged lost their stride in thc second set which tiou. the eonstilutioll wall rend and ap· dope predicted fino defenh. put-out at first eonvinced the Emmitsburg lit Western. Marylund College. It is n the Terrors took in ensy fallhion. In the prOI'ed, :md the following officers elect- A teonis team which 1I'0n a majority contingent that the Terrors Ineans hase- game that makt's use of bOUI mentnl and second doubles Brown and Mather como of their matehes, and diseovered talent pllysicnl powers and it is wholly deair- ed: Christiue Hogan, president; Cather· baU. throngh in good form. where others did not look for it. nble that the {!o·t'ds shonld be represent· ine viee-president; Isabel In Western 1>IRQ'ltwd's lnllf of the a A lacrosse team which started uff on I'd jn .more than 0111' sport. Plans have Drt'xe-! Institute @~Ilt well-balanced Douglas, ~[Hry Humphreys, inning Wellinger I'..'lme through with a telllll frolll Phil:ldelphi~ 10 oPI)Ose the treusurer; hike supen'isor, Nllrg~ret the wrong foot but with possibilitics of hit that meant four bases and fl. homer it bct'n In'ltle fostering ihis nell' sport, find Terrors !Jut they were nosed out by their Hamilton. An t'xecu\i\'e bonrd will be doing- was. Another rUIl scored when 'Yeisbeck it is lU!eessmr that the college shonld stend)'-pll)_~'ing opponents. composed of the nbol'e offiecu, the heath PROSPECT hit snfel)' and !:!Cooted /lrouud on Dough· bnek up the girill. The deans lind tho Wille~' g~l\'e Long, Drexel's nmnbl!r of sports, Cnrolyn Tul1, Rulh DAVis, 'flllit's it-tllC lnerosse team can ruin ty's single. 'Iwo rung. Dopa.rtmllnt of Physienl Education have one !Unn, a good :fight, lmt could not "t;ldcline CIlurphy, Victorin Smith, nn NIlI"J'S championship hopes oa Satu.rday Tn the second inning, two liounlnin· shollrJ1 th!'ir willingnt'a'I 10 eo-opc1'Ilta by eope with file- stendy stroking Philndcl ;\(h-isnry Committee cOIlS'isting of U,e in· lit Annnpolis. With the proverbial ~I'rs were loft stranded on Ihe basell 115 ofTning !wo silver cups-one to be phian. l'uellermnn also sh~wed mueh structors of the Department of Physicol "everything to gain, nothing to Ieee" tkl'f't fielding frustrated ntlB.mpts at Rwim]ed io the school champion aud the ability, losing a tongh match, but show- Eduentioll, and the Committee on Athlot· Western Maryland wilL enter that con- otht'r to lJe pres(mtc(] to the clnss which 8~Oring. ing to all that he hilS the making of n icsfer \Vomou, appoiuted by Dr. Wnrd. test nnd fiHish it fighting. And nfter Bunching of hits by Engle, Smith, defeatstJleotherelasses illn eompetitil'e renl tennis player, find mueh is expected will Lawrm'ec, and Wellingcr produeed three arrangement. It relUnins only for the that-Wushington College be met of him to uphold tho Green und Gold hnrdfightinthesecoud!!Ct. 'I'nekerm:m on Roffn Field llle following Satnrday. more runs for Ihe Terror~. girl~ to baek this UH),-emenL, pllly off next yellr. Engle, '\Vooley nnd Willnrd and Wooley wereexlellded to the limit in A tGIlnis match with Baltimore Univer- In the third a llit, two wnlks and an their schedUled matches lind so pave the defeated Iheir !IIcn in easy fashion. The error enabled 1ft.,St. Mary's to brenl> w7l:y to a Inrgl!l' nnd more succt'ssful Drexel lirat doubles match WIIS too mU{,h the seeond doubles, bnt they the old pulled 'l'error out sity this week-end nnd sports our for year tha be year will showed itself Rns concluded. ns in the scoring coluln1l. 'fwo runa wera sehedulellext),ear. for Willey and Mather, but ther gav6 a n!J·7,7·5vietory. been sueeessfulf in before the side W3S retired. The rest of the inning ns \I'ell as tlm '~~~~~~~~~~~~~= fourth, fifth and 81.:"tll stanzas prodne ed nothing more Ihull R Bore throat on the part of the umpire. HOWCl'er, in Western Mnryluml's part ofthese,'enthasneeellsionofhits,re- its ORM sulting in three more ruos for the Ter- the springboard f rors, drove Gray uut of tile box. Lana- / han, relief piteher for the y;sitors, enme to t.ho mound and kept Western Mary- la11\1 out of further &coring. In the eighth, II. hard drive hit T..!lmh 0)1 the shoulder and troubled his arm. He resumed pitehing bnt. St. Mary's found llis deliveries. Brown reliel'ed Lamb, with tllree liountninecrs oceupy- ing lhe bags. Before Brown found him- self he was nieked for three runs. After tlwt Nt. St. :llary's wag p.olI'erless to score. Although an error ill the ninth again filled the bnse~ for tIm visitors, Brown settled down lind retired the side. An unusual evellt was lhe bet that Weish~ek retired All three men in the fifth inning. Ficldlllg by Lawrence, Wellinger lwd Donghty was spectaculnr nt times. HOW ABOUT YOUR COLLEGE EX· PENSES FOR NEXT YEAR? '''rite us immediately for n good money-making proposition selling (1) ~olJege nnll frnternity jewelrr ineluding clu~, rings, (2) nttracti"e high grade ill- diridu,ll stationery printed to customeh ordcr,(3) eomplcleline of felt 1ll\(1 leather goods, and {-l) all styles of eol· Icgr belts carrying buckles with or wilh out yonr eollege colors. III your letter, statt' whieh of tho nhove four inter1!sh you, !lnd be sure to give two refprences and yonr sUmmer address. in a cigarette lNDL.L'V SALES AGENCY, Willinmsburg, Va. Smith & Reifsnider GETTING DOWN to brass tacks, a cigarette is a smoke - made and bought for your own \Y./ estminster, Md. enjoyment. But between just something to smoke, and LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES tobacco character, richness, delicate aroma- AND COAL in short, something to taJte-well, that's the SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND difference that accounts for Chesterfield's ever- mounting popularity- GENERAL MILL WORK • TAS T ~ above eve'!lthing " THEY SATISFY D. S. 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