Page 90 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 90
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. About Other Colleges 1IIartdll .i\rnunll tl)1'(!Talllpun and Things A .REVIEW OF BOOKS, \ PLAYS AND LIFE A eerta.iu Junior girl was asked when This week-s-this column insists upon tho Titanic was sunk and her answer being mostly about things. News from STRANGE INTERLUDE was, "Oh! don't ask me that! I don't other colleges is a mere repetition of even know what war or battle it wall what is going 011in W. M. C. (i. 0.) Bllltimore bad wailed long and pa- Official newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday during ild" getting ready for exams. "\Vorking up tiently for O'Neil's leugthy drama the academic yllnr by tIle students of Western Maryland Co!1ege.,Westminster, bnek reporh-lnallagiug to get to a few "Strange Interlude", and resjJonded to Maryland. Entered as second-class mntter I1t the Westminster Pnatofflee. Professor Jenkins iu Greek class: classes in between pre-eomrneueemen t it with more or loss capacity houses Subscription Price, $2.00 a. Year "Wlmt doee "ouk 'uida' meauj" activities-ate. 'l'herurore the weary during its twelve performances a few Student- "I don't know." cclurunist trudged nll over bilt aud weeks ago. .Juat as the motives of Professor J.: "Correct!" town fQr things to fill tl,is COIUntll- curiosHy or real interest prompted MANAGING S'l'AFF everything helped-even the United these audienccs to attend the play, so "Billy" Sunday wants to know wha.t the acaetdona of these audiences ranged ·Roy T. Ed wards, '31 States Congress. EOITon-IN-CHlE~' . course yon would ad...-tee girls to take between physical boredom and tue C. W. Koockogey, '32 to train for marriage. What's up "Bu- Congress reminds me of :1 bit from keenest mental stimulation. But what- MANAGING EDITOR .. Yerk Tribune: ·Thomas W. Otto, '32 ly" the New be onc's llersonal reaction to ASST. lIL"_'_...-AGING EDITOR . Lives (If Dongressmun remind us the utter disregard for eouvcn- Paul L. Bates, '31 The Reverend C_O. Sullivan advises BUSINESS £.UNAGER. •. eollego girls to marry young. Maybe We must keep our luggage dry, tion or particular interpretation of ADVEJtTlSINO :MAN AOER · C. Robert Etzler, '32 the younger they arc the higher reos And departing leave behind us one of Us euurnctcr parts, one must dou whoso brain his hat to the dramatist CmOUl"ATIQN :MANAGER. .. Wayne W. Moore, '32 they pay. Notbing in the cour-ts to try. coueeived such a maaterpicce of dram- . { David Trundle, '33 atic skill; a IJhl~' which runs for four ASST. CIRCULATiON MANAGERS .. Hannah Mace says she likes "punch' hours and can still hold its heterogen- Joseph T. Addison, '32 in her tea-it makes it better! '.-Vhat eous nudienceej a play which has nlod- brnnd of "llunoh" is it Haunab I The mcntio n of eourts hrings up tile R,EPOR'l'ORIAL STAFF affair of Rnth Hanna l\fc..cormiek erruaed the almost forgotten aside, 11. Round one! "Tim" '.rimmon!!refuaerl (You've read about it-c-lmvcn't. you~). coutrivnncc long considered obsolete. ASSOCIATE EDITORS to come out of his corner, "Pete" Pln- There is II stnck of pupers 011 the chair Js there Jlnyone who has not heard Thelma Reid, '31 Duncan C. TIf llrchison, '32 ter declared the ellampion. by the stove--down at "Margarets". lllllUtion of the plot of Strange Inter- Can't inmgine why Ruth wanh to be a lnde' It is not an astonishingly im- '.rhe recent Sunda.y School picnic was aginati,·c one; it is too close to every· SPORTS EDITORS a dcc.iUed suecess from a "soeillli1.illg-' SC1'at.or. Perhaps because her fa.thel duy e::hesto be among the first to present its congrfltulations. IVe hope palllgraphs back) sail" a sllirt ad~·ertise lllund Darrell. One may have disliked that good fortune ana honor will come your way as a class and as in- u. W. Miller ment which read, "Shirts that.laugll at :nUssAndersen's interpretation of NiDa. dividuals. We assnre you that. tlle underclnssmen have profited much the laundry"- This is actually true. by their associatioll with you. We know that yon leave gaps in colleglJ Cleaner :tnd Dyer 1 have one-and it callie back last week I didn't. One may have thought Frank I did. Conroy a bit too aloof as Ned. life that we must fiU as best we can. As you are going to attempt to Westmi steJ:,Md. witliih sidcssplit. And a.s one leaves the theatrc--be ill live up to the traditions or previous classes in life, so we must attempt R. E. WOOLUOl\T, '31. vcry likely wondering. W. G. Eaton., '30. to live up to the traditions you have set on the "HiD". R. M. R :::ED, Rep.
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