Page 69 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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CO-ED DEBATE vs. URSINUS BomG VS. NAVY SMITH HALL AN"lIIAPOLIB SATURDAY, 7:30 P. M. SATURDA)", 8:00 P. M. Vol. 7, No. IS WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. March 1§,1930 NOTED CHEMIST SPEAKS SPEECH STUDENTS ENGAGE IN MUSIC STUDENTS EXCELL IN RE- WINNERS OF POPULARITY RESEARCH FOR COMING PLAY COLLEGE CALENDAR CITAL HELD TODAY BEFORE SCIENCE CLUB In canneuflon with thQ eonunq pm· THURSD ....\Y, MARCH 13- CONTEST ANNOUNCED duct.inn by the Senior Speech atudenta ?'·Iusic Recital; Smith Hall; 7:30 serics 'l'he Music music Department on continues its reeitnl~ of Thursday "PLEASURES AND PossmILITIES" of "I'he Ch~rry Orchard", lim meetcr P. ],f. evening, March 13th, at 7:30 P. M. TELLERS COMPILE INTERESTING .aUDA Y, )IARCR 14-- OF SCIENCE DESCRmED piece of the Russian dramu.tist, Anton 'I'he program for t.h('! reeitn l to be held AND VITAL STATISTICS . Tchekliov, Miea Ruth Staley, and Miss Prnluulnary Oratorical Contest; in Smith Hall is as follows: Bmitb rren, Dr. Neil E. Gordon, Hend of the De- Virginia Mrrrill spent last Monday in 7:30P. U. 'fhe statistics compiled by the telkri! partment of Chemical Edueation at Baltimore doing special research work Men's Varsit.y Deba tej Washing· Hindar Song Bemberg of the popularity contest held. tW() Johus Hopkins Unlverait.y, was the fca ut the Peal)od."Lilmtry. ton College; Away. ],fiMBell weeks ago are complete aD{~ m'c here tured speaker at the last meeting of the ~Iiss WIIO is costulller for tho SA TORDAY, MARCH }5- Deh Vicni from the Marr-iage of "Figaro presented for your information! Science Club, held on Mareh (ith in lhe some vnlunhta inform;' Vllrsit;l· Boxing; Navy; Annapolis. MOZArt 1. \\"cstern 1I1:1.rylnllll College \s truly lecture room of new Science RaIl. The Wumeu'a Varsity Dcbnte ; Urainus ; 1I1is8 St rnwbridge dcmo(l[ precetlillg lIfr. I~Qrlines istr.v. The ugreeable Benefit Boxing Ueet; St. Jollnsi ~pellk6r imme(liately period upon Russian thought nnd be Armory; B:OO P. U. Seherzo in B lUinor Chopin 7. The girls most in(1_uisitjve as to dillllCC whose nttention was completely lllwior in thc so·called "gloom:;' nine- WEDNESDAY, }..fAUCH 19- .!Iri.~sWalIace the results wcre least nfi'eeted l;Iy them. Ileld by what prO\'cd to be one of the ties". She also mllde n stdny of tlHllif(' Y II'. C. A.; 6:30 P. :ilL Margaret Ht the !:»)inningWllecl 8. Girls 1\'1'0 write in grllel' ink are most ausorbing lectures whil)h have nud wcd,s of Talwkho\'. Schubert '11'1" to forget to sign their n nes. beenpr(!BClIlt.ed 011 the llill this year. All of llu.' fncts gained by heth Miss 1". 111. C. A.; 6:-15 P. 11[, )(issBush 9. 'rhL're ore man.y potel tial politi Dr. Gordon began by ~tating thllt Staley [lnd Mbs :.\:frrrill will prove \"[11· Tn Questa Tnlllbn Beethoven ei!lllS on the Hill (Some men ea~vnve usnally W6 are prejudiced unole in interpreting nnd in producing THEME OFCHAPEL SERMON '1'0 the Eyening Star (T~nnll:luger) 01" six b.111ots signing someone' e'~c's "The Cllerry Ore-hard". Wagn('r ".me). IS "HAPPINESS IN LIFE" llr.Dellnven .1.0. 'rller(L i3 a great laek oil umler- STUDENTS TO COMPETE IN standing of the attributes of olla taking n minor in CO-EDS TO DEBATE WITH 3nothcl"-thc laek of knowlCllgc !If HowevCt, BOOn aftergrnduation was ORATORICALPRELIMINARY most studeuts of the meo an.d womell called upon to teacll a class in ehem· URSINUS COLLEGE TEAM not ill their own clique is nstounding. istry. This led him to n better know- II. 1lany men !lfe ignorant of oven \\"a~ the ledge of the subject :tnd he b<'l:nme BO 'n1£! local preliminary contest for thc tlte nnmes of most of the girls. faaeilluted that he haa made ehcrn.istry, Sixth Nation."1.l Inter·eollegilltc Onltori· 12. 'fhe girlll are not eo uninformed. and particularly chemical education, his cal Contest on tIle COllslitution will be re\"iewed SlHuuel Jollll- te~'~:l1:;~,:t:f ufel~:tSeC:\~.~I;!ll~~nl~~:~: i~:; 13. :Many n:.!.mes signl'd \0") ballot.s ~[arcl, 15, evelilng, "itt ..."blk. --~"""'I,j,",l,1',··mridaY·evcnTilg, 14, at 7:30 tabiillhed a community in R.l~sclM~'b~"mtUnj sinus Universit..f, College IIilI, Wi~ Penn I,·ere not conl"ined In 1.11 ... regIstrar's-.., which tl,cre One o.f the fllclors which mnkas chum o'do<:k in Smitll lIa.11. was no work or hari!ship, enly pleasure. sylvan in. recorda. istry sneh 1<11 absorbing sub,iell;t, D/ The winner ~t this contest will repre· a~odC:~~:,:;;~::: 14. Twenty· three mon aud twenty Gordon continued, is the fact that it is a sent ·WCstern Marylllnd College at the ~~~:~'t~::threi~:ll:er~{er The fw de"bntc is, "Re- women wert). eonsidered ruther ",raa- creativll sciencll. To provc his h~ statc finals of the national contest to be suell an existence of easc. "Rassala.s" solved: tho United States sbou\{] live". took the Ilxample of the IJ<)ld Inler in the season. Eaeh aol1eg~ 15. FiftCilIl m~u and ni.neto.cll women llltiOll of tho worm in whicll man, ia tile state is to OUIl represell- is an epitome of the expe~~:c~I:: :~~: ;!~I~~r~~et.~,rol~'hCt1::ffif1~f~~;~~g~~;~"~{~ were conceded "popularity". 1G. Fourteen men and ninetecn WOill- by means of ahemiiltry, lJ:ls eopied na- tlltive, the eontest being held alternate is forCI'IIl" happiness seldom tile question will he uphcl(llJ.v Western t.llre'a proeess nn(l ercllted rnyo'll, the Iy mnong the varions colleges. The finds it, man who tnkes part in }'Iar.rlalld debaters at UI"Sillll3 Uuiver· ~u (He "nIl round" people. famUbr eubstitutc for silk, out of woo(l winller of the stute (:onte~t, in turn, will life, "his excellent self to exacll" fiuds sity, l"fitl! :Mi$~ Vietori:l. 8lJlilh as aap- 17. Fifteen men and seventeen wom· }lulp. Similar cases c~.) be seen in t.he rellreSent :Maryland at t.he regional con- it. Life proves tho Golden Rule to be f;nin ef the tealll. SIle will IlC support- en ha'·e[lnotieeablemodieulil of wit. chcmiBt's artificial production of dia- test. Each regiOi} embrllllces several on iron rule, because unless one t.rie-s ed h~' Miss Anna Mae Gallion Hnd ]I.!.i,,;s lB. Eleven lIlell ond eightwOlllcn are lIlo·nels, and t.he mysterious and intri· sta.t.eA, tJ.llrl tllerc arc seven national reo to follow it hc (lannot find hllppine!l9. Isobel Douglas, with :Miss Unr.\" L()e g()od a1"IJIctes. !late ergania fluids whieh are the moous gions. The tinaJ contest will be held in The onc who wishes to he first lllust 1)e Shipley a~ alternate. The ileg~til·c. team, 19. Onl~' eight men [JJl(1 ten women operandi of the \'nrious ductless glauds Lo~ Angeles. sen'aut of all. consisting of ?Uss Viva Heed, in tllis collage nre studcuta. in tlle lmman body. Last year the s;tate eontest was heli! -..rhe worli! is eontinually ehanging. :Miss Hildred Haulll, "Miss Tholma 20. The tcllcrswonld ha\'O lIad ~ real Women chemists, asserted Dr. Go;·· at Mount st. Mary's College. Wcstarn 'fhe youth of toi!ny will be eit.her the and ·Miss ~[argD.ret Hamilton, ~lt"'rnate, don, are becoming Illore '-alua.ble :lntl MaryJOl,d was represented by Mr. Les- heirs, or ,·ietims, of the ahnnges will delJll.te Il"illl representative of Ur- For the COIII'enience of ~nyone inter- mora ·popular, c~peeinlly in the fiiold of lill Grover, '30. },fro Grover's snbject bronght about b~' the generation in sinus ColiegC' here in Smith Hull. (Continned on Page 4) hio·ellcmistr~', whure grcat stridcs IL:lxe WitS, "Our Constitution". leadership at prc~cr,t, :Illd in turn, the been made in the hut few years. 1'hi.Q year a keener iuterest hns been prl's('nt· y(wth will be rc-sponsi1)lc. ior Since Western :Maryland, with its sliOwn than ever bllfore ani! it is expect· BALLOT FOR 1930-1931 GOLD BUG STAFF new c.lill.uges. l!:\-cry person is a free atrong educo.tion department, is elle 0.£ cd that the contest tomorrow nigllt wiH will ngenl to ddermine llis own destiny. t.lw ehid sources of high srllool te~cl)ers be au exeiting one. 'I'he contestants Poor ~tel\"ardsl!'p b[ings llick of sntis· 1. Vote tonight for the eltlldidates yon wish to be elected in ~he state, hls audience wns most ani! their subjects will beaa follows: faction. Often tho~,; apparently not eg- 2. Ballots will be collected TOMORROW MORNING after Cbapel. deeply interested in wlmt Dr. Gordon The Constitution :Mr. Grovcr peainll~· gifled di.saover laLan~ nbility 3. No lJallot will be considered withollt tile signature of tbe voter. had to say about his own particul:,r 'I'lle Constitntion and tim Supremo Court n~ a result of difficult tasl{J' or aitun- l.JJ"(lllel!, tJJ~t of Cilemical Eduealion antI !'hc Con$tit·utioJl Mr.Gl"Ilv<' the possibilities wljich it offered. Lac). ~~~~~·t I::::.:~~. h~;~,eeV~:ff~:~ln!: ~~:~::~ N_"_"_'E_" 0_'_' V_O_T_E_R ." ••.. _•. _ Constitutional Ideal~ Mr. Dellllis of spaae prevents us from reeording" The Constitution .i\fr. Trundle a great persen ana an ordinary persoIl FOR EDTTOH,-JN·Cllilll" FOR ASSOCIA'l'E EDITOR thislaetureinfull,butherearesonlO TIle Constitution Mr. Lyons is that the former ia nlwa.ys I)uahing VoteForOllC boiled down statistics whieh Dr. Gor ~hMd with all of lIis l'
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