Page 68 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 68
PAGE FOUn. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Gossip II.. \ mittnn. miub. ttn~ ~nrtrty intngn I Social ~ni~ 1Bug 1BuHtngn :: I ,--------------------_j Denr "Dolt,-", J3rrr I Murch i!f fiu,IlJiy here anll he MIDNIGHT IN A SECOND-HAND ne;'::':e £;:~ti~O~~l~abr~:~, f:~r: ;I~::e WEBSTER BROWNING LITERARY SOCIETY :~;;~l,\~~: :~o~O~,~~::~~!~I,:'~IOa\:~~~1~1~:~t sl~: BOOK STORE were flowers, and trees, nud II balcony. The members of Browning were enter President Link culled tile meeting to taiued at their met meeting all Mendny, So, fearful of being damaged in his ~1,T"I~e,,-"I,~'~~dl~~t.I".~~ Ctll,~Ckl":ttr~~kt, tod"~:-d :~:e ~:~:leIO:~~di:hi;v s::~re~ ,~~1~,:~Ob~:~ order lit seven o teloek. J-]uvillgquickly .11t1rch 3, by H on('·net play called "Par stormy bl:lsts T have refused to venture ~ u ~ ., ~ .~ ~ " 0 "u" ~ passed over the necessary formalities of outdoors, thercfore time lJangs heavy. away, there wns a slight muffled sound, friends, Romoc'l" opening the meeting, the program began lor Tricks". The scene is lnid in the The il1habitnnts of College Hill have as if soruoue were moving, The en rly a ~:::~~eri~:~~he S~:~O~l~; at'I~:; :::: "[cKinley High hlld birthdays and a little birel told me teresting data on his love affairs, Pol Sohool. thnt thry celebrated too. Who cversHid Goods for Young Men lewing this, Ni~s Gallion !l1lrl )1iss Dads ":Mclllbers of the grQup made brief Ihnt :111 grt:ni men wcrc born in Febru· gn,-e tI dflllnatizc(l scene from BalMc's (\ddressos lauding tIle paB~ work of 1\[r, 10 per cent Off for College Students novel, "El.1gcnie Grandet." Dr. BOll Gilligan as .1< civic leader, They point· nfterll(ton ),Iiss Mann's SUII- notie then ttlll{ed wlhe club ou Balzac's ed out that their president's interest un:' oJass h('ld a combined busj· place in Fr~neh litl'rnturc, Niss Brough Jle~B antI s(li'ial meeting nt College Inn. Iny primarily in Distriet affairs. l'lIe ton led n game and the program ended '1'h~ Galllllln Betas IHC hal'iug n dance endoracmollt will be a~nt to Presiilcnt with the singing of "La )rars~illaise." at the Fircmcn's Ball night aiter Hoover." tlu.' Georgetown fight. The l)tOlll Westminster Savings Bank 'Mr, Gilligan is a prominent lawyer. is(>S to be II good olle, I'll writc tIle de· and a !rustec of Western Maryland PHILO tails later, Somebody, Somewhere, wants your Capital $50,000:00 College. Just n minute while I elose 111)'window. Philo held a short bllsinCS9session on Reverend Pllul F. Warner, '18, r~ The Jesters' Glec Club iS,at it and Surplus "Earned" $400,000.00 Monday e\-cning, ClL1reh 3, Ht, which the turned Moreh 4_ to Bnltimorc from their practifing BOnnds jU$t. n Me· Photograph eleetion of offieers took place. They are Nagoya, Jllplln, where hc is a miseion- Dllnie! ffilll midnigllt b.1rnyard , .. F. Thos. Babylon, Pres. as f.ollows: President. )Iatllil(la 'I'hOnlp' ayr, The trip was made by boat, train, Well, tile window i~. closed llnd-- Milton p, Myers, Vice Pres. out ,yent the lights!-! "Ginsey" Mer- son; "ice president, Louise Werntz; eor· nnd aeroplllne in the shortest time pos· The Wilson Studio rill's Ht it again. She just blew out all· Jacob H. Handley, Treas. responding senetary, Sarnh R.obinsoll; sible b('(lause of tile ilhlesB of his futh- recol'ding secretary, Cntllerinc Hitchens; ,;r, Rcverelld L, F. W'arner, of Blllti- other fuse so I'll writ.(! 10 you 13ter, SECURITY _SAVINGS_SERVICE trcIISUl'er, )fildred R~um; chaplnin, Elsie more,1>1:aryland. when there's plcnty of light. Ebsworth; crltic, 1rnrgaret Leonard, :\luehlovc, Carroll Bruehl, ex·'30, was recently J. GAMMA BETA cm married to They 'Miss are Lillian Dorsey, of Gall The BETTER SERVICE Shop for information ahout your living Pikes,-ille, at Reisters· town, ll~l'yland. King's Pharmacy permanent wH¥e - The Steam Oil Method - Safe and Sure The Gamma Bela Clli Fraternity wish· EXPERT MARCELLING SCALP AND FACIAL TREAT\IENTS 1I11ss AgnllS Leaso, '83, ha~ returned es to nniiounee a
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