Page 67 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 67
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE \SPORTS \ BASfiE:TBALL BOXING \SPORTS I TERRORS TAKE TANGLE DRIBBLERS LOSE FINAL GAME O'P GEORGETOWN GIVEN SCARE BY CO-EDS CONQUERED IN WITH PENN PUNCHERS SEASON I Punch Drunk Says: I TERROR BASKETEERS HARD FOUGHT CONTEST 0 The Mount St. Mary's basketball team conquered W-estern Maryland Mondny Turn out for the Georgetown moet tc- Philndl.'lphin,},furelll-Western Mary- night, 32 to 19. The Mouul~ineers, morrow night! 'l'h\'eo·c!lsfailcd in their elIort to land's boxing team, with its two inter- reaehing the peak of their game at the the defeat given them Fred· eolleglate champions, Ted Klrpac and present stage of dc,'clopment, carried too Last Week's Scoreboard Saturday but the Doug d{'mOlllltrating their ctnss, many guns for the Terrors, outclassing Boxing handed the of Pctmsylvnnia fL the. Western Mnrylnnd, 4; University of llallhereto- Lynch and Ed Ryaeavagc had their Pennsylva nla, 3, nf Philadelphia. nigltt. eyes on the baeket null led the llOlUe team At the start of the meet it seemed as in scoring. Engle W(lll the only 'Vest· Penn would come through with a ern l\larylandrr to register more tha.n ouo We-stern for Houdinu nntl Schadel scored field g-oal. triumphs in the first two match- 1I1d., 19. 1fT. ST. llARY'S G. ·F. T. Pre{\ericksburg Western Floweret, with the entrance of Crosby 0·2 ),jurylnnd,19. tos!.. into the ring to battle Alike S~810w, II trip nud them tho beginning of 'fhe score at the exhausted. found whom he (Ideated lor I he title last year, ?If GerrigRn, f. 0-0 Conceded but (he barest of eh~uces of cud of the half was 12·10. Predericka- the entire ospcct of tl,o meet ehanged. McCnll, c. ]-3 end still burg, For three rounds the rnug.I' Western E. Rysenvage, g. 2·5 10 Prederlckaburg of third fln:d quarter score 17-14, 39-16. and was ?lfnrylund boxer his 1'il'(lI,:ln(l Connell, g. 0-1 o 'rtio unc cp . wheu time was there wns 1'0 J. Rysenxage, g. 0·0 doubt as to who was the rightful holder Wl-:ST. MD. FHEDER.ICKSBURG of the title. 'Iutnls 14_l4_ 4_.)Z Mitchell '. f. Chnmbcrs Dnnec Borchers evened the point scor-e for WESTER.N MARYLAND illJ'rphy I. f. Cockins 'I'bornburg the Southern team when he G. F. T. Cockburn Broadus Lou Rosenblonm in the 1,15·11.>. Wooller,.f. 13 3 D,wis r. g. Harr-is Then the fans got tue best bout of the Bnker, f. 03 Ru~sell g. DuBois night. Hammel, e. 34 Engle, e. H Final score---39·16. Goals, W. U.- Lawrenee, g. 00 1; Mitchell, 3; Chambers, 12; Dame, Pouls ehot-c-Murphy, 3 out of '''ellinger, g. 01 5; tluunbers, 1 Ollt of 1. So in this thflt rue 'I'otnls 19 fans were induced to break tunt rule of Score by hetvee . sllcuce whith is in vogue in intereol xu. St. !\Iflry's 14-32 compelHion sud cheer their res- Western Marylsnd 13-19 javontes, load 1I'0n by a widu umrgin. Frank Merrick, the scusational Penn -/ heavyweight, defeated Lud- Pincurll for hi;. fiftll straight ...on the track it's and gal'e the Quakers third match. Norman Barnett, in the li5-pound di,"isiou was the other winner Summaries: JIS·Ill. class-?l[il<(l Houdina, Penn, won dectaiou over Harvey Flater, west- ern Maryland, three rounds. 125·1b. elas:s-~In'Tin Penn, 1I'0n tlceielou oyer Edwin Wes t.ern Mnryland, three rounds. ias.n, dnss-Doug weoee» Maryl:llHl., defeated :hl.ikc Penn, thrl'erounds. 145·1b. ~Iass-Ch:lrles Borchers, West em Marylnnd, defeated Louis Rosen bloom, PI'Ull, three rounils. l60·lb. cl:)ss-T~d Klepac, ·Western ,\]ar~-lnl1d, defented Oliver liorne, PenH, thrce.rounds. 175-lb. ela!lS-)Jormau Bnrnett, West- ern ),jllrybn(\, bcat Don ;;lac.L~an, Penn, tJlreerou),ds. llenl')'weight class-Frank Merrick, defeated Ludwig Pincnnl, Western tllreerounds. Final seore: West.ern Maryland, 4; Penn, 3. "Dad" SMELSER ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES. COLD DRINKS in a cigarette it'sTAST~ / Open Every NitI' Until 11:30 SILVERWARE WATCHES A. Ho Fetting Co. lOA BIRD IN THE HAND is worth would two fn the trade it smoker Good taste_what bush." 1I[ANUFACTUHlNG JEWELERS away for any number of cigarette claims? No Chesterfield smoker would. For its mild 314 Charles St., North fragrance, its deeply satisfying character- in short, its taste- has always been the onething OLASS _PINS Ol,ASS RINGS smokers wanted: ..TAS TE above everything" MILD .•• andyet THEY SATISFY Do S. GEHR (Established 1866) Wholesale and Retail HARDWARE Phone 318 © 1929. L,eGJn'T & My.,.. TOBACCOCO.
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