Page 66 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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Pl.G1~ TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, C;Ol \lei [Arolttlll tl)1'illUllljllt!l [ i~HI' B. II, PHILLIPS WI)HI' A REVIEW AND LIFE ]Iuril'l\! Utili OF BOOKS, PLAYS It takes the str:wgers out the til pick A SHIP real sheiks on the Hill. C11l$9 is running over with' Thc men Preshman with A trim, deep-laden sehocuer moves PLAIN GOSSIP amorous teudcuclee-c-nnd it took tho via, slowly forward under sheets of wenther· Sh.llW'8 Apple C(lri is now in New Oflieiul newapnper of Western Maryland College, pub'lished on Thursday during Itillg girls from 10 find it stained cnnvns \l'ith just enough wind ill the neademle year Uy the students of Western Maryland Oolfege, Westminster, Lonaconing them to belly them out tikhtl,r, while York. 'l'he lmeat repcrte snow thnt. it is Maryland, Entered as eeeond-etaaa matter nt the Westminsrer Postoffiec, out. Just listen 10 these excerpts from bl'ing well rccetvedy although many of the all nrt.iele taken from their high school just liS slowly beside it in the water fuvcrnble erhlclams limit their npprorul. autrsertpeton Price, $2.00 a Year describlug their trip to Western wobbles its imnge. A ~light ~hift of the Naturally so! And further, would "E(ICh girl tried to appear wincl mnke~ the sails relax n IiitIc, caua Shall' wnnt one of llis 1I1A.NAGING s'rAFF best, for there wero many good ing ripples to run across their surfaces. whole-heartedly by a nrouurl," "\V1' The bow dills grlleefully a1111slow- 111'is searcely in EDITOR-IN-CllIEP .. "William G. Eaton, '30 Freshmen alene. Iy to swell, all the white turniug bnek we can sny that the liIANAGING EDI'I'OR .. . Wilmer V. Bell, '30 "hall!'l Burt's boy friend had his firM the sen in white gurgling eddies. Around n fiuaneinl suceesa for date, uud it was Isnbelts first date, too," the ship 11)' a fc,,' gulls; now consttng ; Brooks Atkinson of tho New rm'J,; ASST. MANAGING EDI1'OIL .. Weldon G. Dawson, '30 It is reported that {hi'! refers to "Bill" now veering; now halan6ng th('Illselves Times S<1~'S it is "bcnigll1lnt BUSL."ESS lIfANAGER. .... Paul J.1. Bates, '31 Pyles. " Mr. Albrecht, her (~.iss Oil their thin flexible now drop Hollert Littell of the World 8R)'8 AnVER'rlSING lUANAGER .. , .. Joe C. Newcomer, '31 R.itter) bashful little freshlll~n .fell so suddenly to rest upon- the hard that lie llasu't recovered yet, and so Or to gobble up a bit of refuse CIRCULATION l\[ANAGER ... James A. Stach, '30 is keeping up a correepondeuee with nearby. The gnlls Josiah D. Stillwagon, Jr., '3:3 her." Good flIDi~g, J'oe!-' 'Gee 1 I NIW in shrill eerie voices. ASS'l', CmCUl,ATJON MANAGERS. , Joseph 'I'. Addison, '32 likrd "To(ld" Routson, because he had helmsmnn is the only memher of the { \V<1yne VI'. "AroOl'e, '32 huir like Bobby's, he crew to be seen, $ave one sprawled bloop SPO!l1'S Em'I'OR. , .Alex. OT.1eni1', '30 WtlS n little bil Bobby, (wd Ilis in the warm sunshine on the fore hatch; the. and he stnnds smoking wna .iust the opposite to Bobby's." calml,r nt "'rodd," .lOU muat look like wheel in the shadow of the grC!Jt mizzc.n REPORTORIATJ S'I'AFP Bobb~'-alld now and then at tho Of course IlJe.FJCsallie writ-ers hod more ASSOClA'l'E Erw.roRs tosar, Virginin C, Merrill, '30 C, \V, Koockoge;'t', '32 COpy EDl'l'ORS It ooema that 11. O. Smith is becoming a steamer is coming o,'er the llori, ClIlhcl'ille E. Head, '30 W, C, Hein, '31 quite ~ finRue-iel', ZOllo All the while the ship moves slowly llnd forw:lni wilh its bowsprite It is reporte!1 that "Bishop" Me-teaH words, HEPORTERS pointed >lOme port on the other which 11'(11:1 Grace Armstrong, '30 IJfln-y 0, Smith, '30 1V::t~ rambling 0 'er the eampllS recelltly side of the world. snme amO(1njon another us who saw eljunll," 'I'hosc Elizabeth Clougll, '30 John T.J. \Vutkins, '30 with Q pinnl.'d OIl his bnck-"Kiss this play Bnltimore imlllediatel,), nfter Arvalcnc Hitchens, '30 Roy '1', Edwnrds, '31 1.fe," )'OU nll in 011 n se~ret-i.l..i8 Christmas s!ioul(! surel]' tnko onr 01I gvcl.rn ]UlIt,hcl', '30 Howard A, Bolton, '32 further reported that h~ pinned it there WlLL-O·THE·W1SP hnts to thc Guild-or nny other Qrgauiz· ISilbel Donglas, '31 ChnJ'les R, Etzler, '32 himsol!, "Bishop" benl's \1"-1tching, I IHI\·e(·hasedth.lllelusil'espul'kc,·ery· alion run 011 such principles, Otllenl'ise 'l'hclma Heid, '31 St;mfol'cl I. Bolt, '32 girls. It's a golden opportunity, 11aelight.ful piny would ha\'c bee .. lost to Evelyn Collison, '31 Duncall C, l'IIllrchison, '32 BIlSh, '32 Smllnel G, Townsend, JI'., '32 :Mary Lee :::;hip)ey, '32 Clltherine \V, Cockburn, '31 G. Agncw, Ih~1: 1lI;1'steriouspscudonym of Gold Bug fame surel_\,gnl'~ lIS:1 treat Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. tilile 1I'esee bre1Hl we think of tomatoes last week with hor poem, "1'o______!.l', -To mnkea long stor]' short 1I'enre sick when we eOlUment UPOI, his or we cannot limit olll'~eh'es to lind tire!loftolllatoes-Gi"eusbrelid but IE.-D-I-T-O-R-l - A -LI c]ou't dip it illre(t tomato juice, thrm ag:lili, it reappears quite un The Uni,'crsil)' men nrc putting on the expectedl]' off on one side, 1md thither J. A Progressive Evel'yolle on lhe Hill has hel11'cl of 11 certain college on Their rooms were swcpt out, the rush, only to find it dantillg tauntingly is 80 ,'(\r_reddcllt ill 1)11 mod· Institution the East().l'l1 Shore c.alled-Washington College, Uncloubt- d3_r by the just ahead. Now it veers suddenly and ern poetry, YJ!(·h:1d Lilldsey lws it, cclly you haye hearcl about its rather poor football team this yeal', Bul reform IJrings its gains grouod, Still I follow it in bliJld Onrl Sandburg hilS it-C. Agnew hlls it. nnd its excel~tiona~ly strong ba~l,ctball te.alll, But ha\'c yo,u ever had trag~)'! Ol~e of the Uuh-crsily m~ IS desperation dctcrmin.J!;!l 1.0 POage!!" .Ji!._'~i' _"::==: _ -- the;O}l]lOl'tl.U'..lty tc>- gmllc.e- 0\':1' I~S coil".ge -pnpcl',~Th-e -W~h.Jl:5'ton-~rg:--tt;--is t"OIll>j,~t),kr He wa'SsW~8pite of its c\'lIsh-elles~, Ou I rush at II legIan1 If you lla\,(:>, you will tinc! eVIdence or a cel'tam pl'ogl'Cs'ilve· out 'nth the trnsh: It is the milll paeu Hlid serlll tl) gain a little, Yes, IH'SS on the pal-t o,f bo~h the faculty and' s.tudent-body which is m?s.t belter tbing, 118all of them say 1 1)11\ gll..ining! I stretch out m,l' arUlS commendable, It IS f]lUte natllt'al to compare Wc:;;.tero IUal'yland WIth longer seems like home down there with :t"d fling forward with rcncwe(l \\raslliogton College along these same lines. cI'el' so d~uccdly elenn. "igor born sheer seye~~\ ~hC~i~~s~r~I~~~~a~l~ll~O~~:l~\~eo:a;~;~~~I~I~ti~~c:::~li~;IV~:l~,~'!~e;;~~l ~1 Has aUJ'one seen Gus Belote 'g Lulu1 el' and uearer r draw and \u rrfer' cneeto morlern dance out a :;:ignifieanee which is almost lmllieaS\ll'sable. -With a fraternity Ot·, Kotice!-l~o!' Sale: SC1'eral discnrdcd is applicable to all lllodernism_:_"it is gallized on a nationnl b1v,is, there comes to the campus a new spirit coats of arlllor, scverll.! shields and any ra~e; fastcr and fast~r, gaining percep· an unswerving nlH1 uusentimental direct,' which i5 most beneficial Hnd lasting :in its effects npon the college number of nll sorts, The very noll'. Onw(ll'(ll _Puster! The stmin ness of idell in 11 style !lio.:tnted located tIl ere. '['he officials nt Washington realized tLis fact, llnd it is thing f:or thc lunch bOlllb3rdment. wholly b~' idea with everrthillg ruth tU1dcrstood that they sponsored the movement, ror the ehal'tcl'iJlg of Tel'ms re:150unble, whittledawllytlllltisn011-essenti>Jl. these fl'1lternities and the securi_llg of houses, to mail, strllctural lines." Row In the second place, \'H1'ious features of the papel' make it clcnr "Hcal'), hcu,-.)",hangs ehest." fingers close 011 nbaut it~doeailsllityou' 1-hat there if; a socinl atmosphere on tIle call1pns which adequfltcly meets This is a new gallIc by through ",' thC' demands of modei'll stL1dents. Articlcs may be found pertaining to "J.'l'cnchy" DeH:lI'en, It is willi (llslI]lpcars into night, 1 lind fraternity dances, eotillion dilllces, afterlloon teas, (mixed couples) militar.I' med31s. full, r'lpping Ill)' llead upon II 'I'lus ide:! o~ the "-of the ~rolllll pal,ties with orchestras, banqllets-, Yon get the idea, .ESlher Hullins, while eonversing with Streaks of fUlltRsHenlly colored Hame I Clu!.>" is certoiuly heing eOllllUer~i,dized, ir hns the \'isioll; then blnrring so tlnre ncross m,l' 111 tlle tllird place, a free ex-pl'ession of student thought may be (Inc of the opposite sel< started off with, kllOWllotlting, WhclIntlR",("Irel'il'C,my long as it within bounds. found in the Open .l!~orunl of the paper, hUIl-", Whether she 1I1CDlItto head aehes UTul'lly,throhbing ~s though a Book of the .\lonth the Liternry III the Londh placc, the uSlla-l "Student Council :Minutes" give !tolley or JIllUibug, it is !li!1icult thouslI.n!l demons were pounding it with Guild, BOlli's Paper nrn aU ,10' one the idea that \\rnshington has all active lltudent ol'ganizlltioll, Ac- 10 say, but we hal'e 0\11'opiniOllS, mauls, T look arollild and see nothiJlg ing a S'cn'ice to the ]lublicwhieh iBto be\:Sian, but it wonld be interesting to kll0W what I'cally has happened. l:xactl~' ~I'ho was it thAt made \Y(, linve al"cady mentioned Professor as the play is of n Russian the 8ucces~ful II W-Ilel'e do ell the tomntoes come -hom \"hich lll'e served in the Din- tllIlrk some time ago ill AmeriCllu His, 1'0 ffClldrielf the "Un. nju know that Professor ISllnogle played el1~e demands relll skill, ChC'l'rlf Orcliard, in a cycle, the same tomutoes meal after melll tOl', goodness knows, they the Jew's Hnrp~ Wlrat. a musical treat at t!te present time, is included in Eva aren't- eaten. ] suggested to Bill that they ought to be Sllippcd to the derground Rnilwny'" Ille combination ]H1Uld mllke! Gnllicllne's repertoire at the Chie .Anllenians during Spl'ing house-cleaning. Bill only looked SOUl' and :\fore than tl1\e Sellior mill] h~s- gone .Le Theatre, New York. mu.rmul'cd- something about t.he POOl' Armenians. Dr. Whitfield has recently acquired a wrong. Leslie Grover goes about the Do yon remcmhN' the Dean's l'equest fOl' a Jist or the good things hnll$ singing "-for some girls are "million dollar hair-eut", as he expresses about Western l'Ilar'yIand! Bill asked me to s{'ml _VOIl his list. They (juirkl_y forgotten." Aha! A brokel] it. Some say it was for the oeca.sion News of Stl'aJtge litlcrlu(I~. at last! fll'e: the football Rnd toxing tellms, certain members of the faCltlt,\r, 11 heart somewhere! of trle Facult,y Tea. given Wednesday, At the present time it is pl~)'ing at the few of thc cO.Ul'ses, and t;,~,locatioll. TIe \\'allts to know if you can im~ but we know better-it was to relieve Garriek Theatre, PhillidelpTii~. Very pl'OVe l!pOn It, RullI hns at last witnessed the wonder him of all overhead responsibilities so likely it will be in Baltimore in the near Yours t.ruly, of wonders. He lwq seen 11 flash-light he would feel .freer to fight over again futUre, probably aronnd Spring Vaention JnL turned into a grape fruit----()r something tlle Civil War, time,
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