Page 64 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, I Five Years II:: mluss. mluh. unll ~nrtdy ilntngs Ago ~nlll 1iug 1iuntngs L MAY 6,1924 _j FRENCH CLUB PHILO SWAN SONG HEAVEN'S BRILLIANTS Open Forum ille French Club held its regular meet- Philo Ilelt1 its regular meeting on Mou- To the Editor of Black aud White: COI'l'r mil witl' the cloak of dark; Like golden scimitars in the skies, il1g in ?llcDaniel .Ilnll Parlor on Wed- 1lay, Pebrunry 2-1, ut 6,-15 P,.1L After This is my fir st, year at Western Mnry Hide mil in, the mountain's heart; Wben the moon's beams are lig'otly trae- ucaday evcufng, F'ebrunry 26, The pro, the usual devotiounl exercises, thc society land and there are Ulany things both Bury me in the ocean-s deep; ed-e- gram, of which :\liss Merrflf had ehurge, t(lok np th!; question of eligibilit.y for new and atrange to me, At the school I And there lilt mil forever sleep con+ered :!found a, study of rapresentn-, Inter-Society Debating. It was decided attended before entering this institution, The smiling shadows in my adored one's rive Freuch women. Miss Lj-ncb as a that as a body we would be in favor of the supervising teachers had the perfect Unknown, nnsnng-a pioneer grave, eyes. French peasant, girl and Miss Barnhart Ole present system by which varsity de- confidence of the entire student body, Shrouded by the cold moonlight, as a typio:~al Parfelenne shewed in (lOS bators are eliminated, so as to discover and reasonable regulations were obaerv- Beneath the ealm stars let me lie; Thou, too mightst look and eulogize t ume and dialogue the contrast between new lind worthwhile material from the ed by everyone. 'Ihese rules were gen Mourned alone by the nightbirds' cry; Those twin delights by Heaven graced- these two tvpcs. Another scene was laid rnnks of the more amateur, eral and natural; petty infringements Wept for only by the great blue sky; f_,ike golden scimitars in the skies, at the snlou of the popular hostess, Num The progrum of the evening in charge harl no plaee m tlle school life, and every de Villard, represented by Miss Mather. of the program committee, tOOK the form student of that school lived a life of un· Sobbed for only by the niglltwinds' sigh: Among the distinguislled artists gather (If a eomedy presentntien translated from murmnring cc-opc-aucu with the anlhor Alone I Jived-alone 1 die. As aeroas dark pfaecs a mirage lies, ed at this seu» were the famous actress the Spanish and entitled, "A Su.nny itiea. Beckoning the thirsty over the desert Surnh Bernhardt (?lfiss H, Myers), the "\f(ll'ning." This charming play, with ih Western ~Jaryland seems to me to be a lYell·known writer, George Sand, nee Slitting i'L a pnblic park in ::'Ifadrid, peculiar combination of an intellectual TO A CHESAPEAKE BAY BUGEYE The, 9miling shadows in m.l' adored one's Ludle·Amore Duderant (Miss A. Hitch Spain, "'l1S most amusing aud effective, college and a social grammar scl.ool, gov eyes. ells), the pRint!;'r, BcrthaMoriaott (Mis9 Miss Gallion as "Dona Laura," Mis~ el'llcd by the idens of ages past. Petty o beautiful of trim and rake, W('Cks), the i:leientist, :Madame Curie ",.r~·ers as "Petrn," J).'!iss Todd in the nagging those who should be th!! A creature of the wind nnd sea Abandoned, indeed, he who denies Thompson), and the tenuis cham role of "Don Gonznlo", with Miss soci!!l and leaders has resulted in With dainty, slender, daucing bow The bCl1uly that Cod, in His goodness, Snzul1ne Lenglen prise Orozi~r) Smml as "Juanito" his SCrV!!llt, g'l\'C the of 8-spirit, not of satisfie(l That tramps thc main and not the len. pillced, eOUl'Se of the conl'(lrsntion ench exccllent interpretations of the eharne. but of c(Jntinual discontent, { Like goldeu scimit~rs in the skies. told something about herself. Then Mr. ters II'hom they portr:lycd, :lut:lg'onistic dissatisfaction with ex, Strong, slender uraft with hi'But sails Dixon gn\'o llll American's view of Illc isting conditions and restrictiollS, That. catch the wint1 and _~peeil you on, A beauty, likll starshiHe, which never l'rench womrrn, nitcr which Miss Nelsoll Your paper has iu a recent issue em· A ship of dreams J'ou seem to me SHllg, 'rhe special featurc of the whole Y,W.C,A. ph,\sized the progress thut the college Against the beauty of the dawn. dies, ]Jmgl'am was the t~lk to the club by has lll~de in the P11st yellr. I call enly Apprnised and cherished by 'Drllnin's- Madamo Bonno!te, Then Miss Brengle The Illeeting of the Y. W. C, A. on Sfl}' that I am thankful thut I did flOt. at· 'fhe sen gullJl I'ie Jonr gr:lce to match, led the dnb in plaring n game. Thl) Wednesday, Febrnary 26, was in charge !end here in by·gonl! \jmes, I appreciate On slender wiugs they glide 'L'he smjling shndows in my ndQred one's mediug was brought to a close by the of Asenaih Bay. 'fhe progl'~m WAS as the cfforts of those among the student. And veer ~,\d taek and caw and eye eyes, ~ingi"g of "La ::'I1arseillaise," fullows: Opel\ing soug, "'\Vonderful body who arc striving fer the social bet· Their pied retleetious in the tide. Words of Life": prayer by Asenath terment of '\Vestera ?llarylall(l, but it Ilnppy the world wheu she deaeries B1'Y; talk by Misa Gladys Taylor of the seems to me that :In euormous amount of Vi".th song your shapely prow' 'l'llis ncwborn joy, stellate and ('.\mste, WEBSTER Nlltio!lal Y. W. C. A, headquarters- worl{ shows bnt slight resnlts, Sllvcral Cut9 the morniug·gilded wave, The water in a'stern T"ike golden soimitaril in the skies, "Findiug the Trai.1 of Life": solo by of my friends have stated pm;itil'ely that Dispensing with the program, the Gloria Thoruburgh-"Since M.y Life is • they will not. return next year, and 1 feel With merry, bubbling, curling lave. 'l'he smiling shadows in my :ldored OM'S Webster meeting of 11lS~ Monday e<'en liid With Christ in God"; poem exnetl;l' thut 1\'1'y There are m:luy qes, iug was devoted entirely to the elCllring rca(l by lIliUs-"1 Shall Not schOOls whkh the studellts half-way 'l_'he bOl,tmr.n smoke 111eir fnlgrant pipcs up of certain busiucs~ obJig:1liol1s which that do not And talk of (lays gone by; were at hand, The final r€port of the ha\'ctobo And ~'ou, with eager, graceful speed, program committee for the Faculty I intend to Snil on betweeu thesca and sky. "THE ROYAL ROAD TO ROMANCE" Night Entertainment \\'a~ ilnd the W. :1.L should change her tuctics nnd ~:,~~s::;r;h:r;~n~:i:'ec:~::ry to comple~~ BROWNING LITERARY SOCIETY ~:d gi~~\o~~~st:::ell\~S:~~: c:~le~~o~:;r: TO- gr~' \';~~.~ ~:,~l:ge ~rea~h~la~~~in~ ~~~ the promotion of thllt annual event, The year without catching the spirit of an. sunk into obseurity, bchil\d it report of the eOHlmittee :lppointed to An interesting debate was given ill blgonis"" whicll is often voiced awny Tonight I wns tired so I went into your only an Hmber glow. away select pins for Webster's representatives Browning Monday, }'ebruary 25, Thc from the college, from t.he of the outside world and in tile annual inter-society oratorical topie was: "Reseh-cd-Tllat the college These thoughts are expressed you were not at hOUle but you work at things 1 hated, be· eon test was giyen by J).fr, Newcomer, eurrieuluni af to
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