Page 62 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, llJnril'tl1 IArounb tlTl'illUmpUll G \lei It seems that »utue enthuainam which THE "BULL SESSION" A REVIEW AND OF LIFE BOOKS, PLA YS ballot unsettled. test has been aroused to by remain tile popularity con- Tho instinet of gregariousness is uni· APPLE CART The is anHO\lntemellt of resultllwill not belllllde "ersal, aud in no other group is it to be Those who believed that Shaw injects Official newepnper of Westorn Maryland College, 'published on Thunday during until the Aloha comes out. What sus- found more in evidence than in a group his cwu iudividunl idcas in his plays were the acndemie yell.r by the students of Western Marylo.nd College, Westminater, pensc! whose membcrs are getting their first assured of the fact in "Apllie Cllrt." Maryland. Ent.ered as second-class matter at tlu) We!tmin~ter Postoffiee. taste of life "on lheir own." College 'I'hose who henrd that he rlisli.kes Amer A suggeation hila beeu made t hnf the etudcnte fan rClldily into sueb a group. icnn ldcns no longer discredit the rumor. Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year Book·room "hang·outs" farm a. club Gnining everyday new expertenece, they Thosc who nave hcen told that he even enlled the "Soc.iety .for Promotion of to forrnulnte thcir philosophies of. deplores certain eonditicns in his native College Gossip." Consequently there arises within British Tales mny feel satisfied that he U.ANAGING s'rAFl!"1 lhnm all nil-impelling desire to broach rcally does. Those who glory in his EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, . .. William G. Eaton, '30 The members of the faculty wl,o pass- their- deduetlcns to others, to discover cyniral hnmor had a chance for revelry. ed thc week-end at Atlantic Cit.y at the whatever prtneiples otllcrs may have Those who hnve been aeqnflinted with his MAN AGING EDITOR ... .." .. Wilmer V. Bell, '30 various conventions should consider their built up, and to discuss sincerely WitIl radical ideas before, eoflided with them spent. ASST. 1\"lANAGING EDITOR. .. Weldon G. Dawson, '30 time City, well COllI(] let Who, such wbile thing at Atian N. their fellows all the phases of their ex- in full force. Yes, "Apple Cnrt" is so as a tic BUSINESS U,U.'AGEn. . .Paul L. Bates, '31 E. A. interfere with their board-walk perieuces. by This urge of is nn enabled institution to be yer.I' Bhn vtau flesh it and reeks blood of of Shaw the himaelfi, is the author. means It satisfied ADvER'rlSINGUANAGEIL. ., ... Joe C. Newcomer, '31 strolls and the various euter tniument on alllong college men known as the bull- The premiere of the play in Baltimore C1RCUr,,\TlON :MANAGER. ,.James A. Stach, '30 the various piers' session. last week wag ull(loubtcdly the high light A Josiah D. Stillwagon, Jr., '32 Spring in thc air! Knic"kefll lIre to Clear-cut groups-cone could aunoet de- of ne"- the pllly, thent rical fnmous season. (or notorions) perfectly nu· a sects--, ASS'],. CmCULATION l\IANAGERS •• . Joseph'!'. Addisoll, '32 be seen, gay colorea dresses flash about, fine them as as "gangs", kuowu lire in collegiate thor, a r1lclical plot, n Guild production, { universally WaYJle ""iV.1I[001'e, '32 rolled slee\"es, turned·down collars, ten- among college students. Groups an incol\lparnblc cast-all go to makeujJ SPOR'I'S EOI'I'OR.. . .AJex. QLeair, '30 nis, elclln shirts-but. still the fur eoats of men, numbering between two and nlt C\'cnt long to be remcmbered .• uts are enablcll a "man without a. country." eYer theories or poinb of view they may malum is arrl1uged and in due time pre: Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news, hlll'C conceived. All m:lJlner of subjects s~utcd to the King f(lr acceptance aud EI'idently the llair-pill episode ill Chap· are discu$sed; lind most significant is tl,c The cOl1{litions of the ulti- cl Sunday niglJt pricked someone's con· fact thnt, no matter what topie may be would greHUy eUl"b the royal au· IE-D-I-T-O-R-I-A-LI scicncc into rcporting the affair. uuder discussion, it is i.lI\·nri!lbly inter. !llld ::\Iagnus, nftH displaying the 1Ifetcalf fiud Palmer were on huud to prered in terms (If what is commonly in tnet, wit and resoureefulness, ::~~~t:i~~:~~;~~~~::;~,~~~~;f;~:~,~~j'~:t;r;;~~,. ~~;,~e~~,~ i~;'i:~:(~h;O n~:":is~:~igu~ Apple \\Testei'n :Mfll'yland was well repre·se.ntcd at Ford's last a anll SuiJmitleil Cart weel~ f01" the Guild presentation of Shaw's Apple Cart. C~)unty :L~ dry says liS eHlr that to -Western Maryland lllclined group, to IIUY slIch statelllent heterogeneously c~bi)]et. ha~ This taken briefly this is th~ plot. tcclmicnl rather certain Shaw him. is looks '1'\\'0 Spc.cch classes saw the play en masse, [lsit were, of being llS thor(mghly llllalyzed and en politicn! '!itualion and garbed it witch an .and many other individuals attended VI)l"ionsperformances throughout "Wherc, oh, where did the new tite it hnd heen submittcd lightness of t.ouch nn(] ill' tune the we.e.k-ill fact as one stood outside t.he theatre after the Satnrdnv go "-these dog words S\ll1g make to up the an appro· of to fierce of l)ublie opinion it acrter! in own id~as, llis own pre- 11 (·ottllin melody, cardinal matinee one almost felt as if lle were outside .Alumni TTall after son;e printe theme song for t.he Li..ncoln 00- self. of our race, the is brought into achiel'C' and of his )r~gnus own wit. hc has TIll'ough thc mellt prfHl convinced refjuil"ed attendance. A denllitc conclusion seems possible. The appeal ellpnnts last Thursday night. ticc. !\s n result anyone tllking part ill us thflt he bcliel'es monarchy to be tIm of G. B. S. is not only limited' in Americfl t,o "GelH~" Ttmney but has 'rhc WOmen 'II Varsity Basketball ~ucll a. gathering is Ilna\'oidably better most ndl'isnblc forlll of governmeut. spread to the fonr comers or the llation, its effects even being felt on is ellgcrly awaiting the Virgillill enablcd to undcrstand the requir~!l1CIlts Thrnugh again, through thc the Hill. Exaeth' what the various inc1ividu!ll reactions were to the this week.elld. 1'here is a swimming of good citizenship nnil more wisely to 1'l\r;OUi! m('mbers, lind the Vnnhllttr.n, girls, pL1~'it is rather difficult to assume, for eritieisms of Shaw nre invari- 011 yon the orcn't eampus. used Go easy, things you fulfill his obligations untion. not ouly to his alma throngh l1r. 10 England hc lws cOlivincetl to such ambassHdor mater, I but to his ahly two-fold, const.ructive and destrllctive. It \I'ould be iuteresting, us thill, he despises nil democracy in h(l\\"evel', 1.0 get tnl estimate opinion of Apple Cart from those on the It seems that therc II"ll8 much eQll ilc!lloeratic U. S. i,l 1'ar· 1fr. the i:tst Hill Wl10saw the play and the Gold Bug invites each one to send in hi.~ fusion lights at the unexpectedly B!l.chclor werc D~nce when THE COCKPIT OF AMERICA ln before :lCtiOll of M~gnus, V~uhattcn explain King extiuguiah- the own personal reaetio.n, if he cares to do so cd. i\!.~ny I! mateh was strucl{ in se~rch of his coulltr;l'to rcscind Within l11e area lri;,g llircetty around of 11 lost ))]:Hc. It seems t1lllt Professor Frcdericksburg, Virginia, anil bouncl l)y Deelnrfltion of Independence and re Hall h:l(l T31her a difiicplt timc to find a eirculII.ferenec of for!.y miles, six great join the Britisll Empire lmd thc disgust· his partner whic.h llla~' be due to the battles of the War of 1861-65 were ed rVPf bnftle .Joe" of Chan~e]\or, out:fo\lghtj "Fight· the .Pnrlher, Shaw displayed his a!)i1ity lit theweek-elld. w;'s oftheWo- lIookc.r same shortcomings but at. the Mme time realizes t.hat their rcmedy is mon'a Fire Brigade was fl\\'ay. And lit, of the Wildol"ll('ss, where for the lhe craft of pl:lywrifing brcaking Ihe o1'ten il mllttcr of' personal understanding and co-operation. On the lle did the Captain think of her duties first time, llftcr haVing fought a pitch- of his with Ull iu- was C!llllpUSsueh a person is the man or woman who has imbibed enough as shc imbibed that }Jure Southern air ell battle on Virginia thc Army of dnring. Who WIIS as Sllllw di"erting as dare it havc but ,,-ould school spirit to understand th!lt college is not entirely Il matter or nlHl clljoyed thOS6 full Sonthern moons. tho Potomac. advaneedi battie of the Ring of t~flgl3.nd rail boisterously adminhih'ation and" facuJty reglllations-hut also student activity and i\Tnuy n young ulan. Ims eXJ.lrcsse
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