Page 63 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 63
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland Oollege, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE \SPORTS I BASI\E,TBALL BOXING \SPORTS I BOXERS SCORE VICTORY BALTIMORE UNIVERSITY WINS DRIBBLERS GAIN DAZZLE VICTORY RIDGE CO-EDS EXTEND VISITORS BLUE FIRST TO OVER W. VA. UNIVERSIIY BY LONE TALLY I Punch· Drunk Says: I BUT LOSE EXCITING GAME The W. \1. buekeeeora lost n hnrd 'fhe westcru CI[arylaud basketball fought game (0 the Qf Balti- Well, the haaketeers are u~arl)' ready tenm won its first vletory of Wll season 'fhe'l'errorooxersLookol'erWestVir· nt the expense of Blul" Ridge College o.n W. M. 1lO·~ds were nosed out by a sin- more on 'l'uesdny eVClIing the to. ring (Iowl! the eurtnin on the 1929·30 ginia Unlversf ty for their fifth victory Thu1'8Cl'1.\· evening. The game was played gle in II thrilling game played here ",ns 35·3-1, of the se1>SOll. in the 'i'i'e~t",iuster Ar· SC'aSOl1. 1n SOUle WH~'S it may not have at the armory, with tl'e filial score, W. last with the Eredcricksburg 'rh~ imprcvemem of the W. 1I.t drib sports wtiturs mcr y on Pebruury lS, by a 5·~ score. been what arc prone to ~l., Blue Ridge, )-t. The game was State Teachers College. This game is blera was CII]_l a "
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