Page 59 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 59
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE \SPORTS \ BASf\E,TBALL BOXING \SPORTS \ BOXERS BEATEN BY CLOSE I these I pushers are sebeduled to meet both of KEEN INTEREST SHOWN IN WOM- DRIBBLERS DROP GAME on. Looks Inter teams MARGIN AT PENN SCATE Punch-Drunk Says: are living up to their reputation like the I 'faTS EN'S INTER-CLASS GAMES BUT SHOW REAL FORM 'The class games for girls haH sue- gotten State College, Pn., Fcbrnnry 15--'rhe Well, the Nittany Lions certainly Georgetown, another team \l'hich is 01\ el'sdull.Y to be a very under war to \\'h~t prom- for An inspired basketball temu represent interesting ises ba ttle Green 'I'errcr boxing team took its nrst roared last Saturday night, mid not eu- the 'l'etrcr schedule, lost II close meet to class supremllCy. 'The girls have taken ing Western Maryland gavll the dribblers tirely in ynill, either. The outeoma of Army by Il. 4·3 aeorc. And a. 4-3 score defeat of the eenaou here to-night at the the meet showed clearly that Penn State with Arm)' means aotnething l keen Interest, in this new iunooat.ion nnd of :;'.ft. St. Mary's II great battle at the hnnde of the Nittan)' Lions eomiug out witb interest atways comes .A. anucry Tuesday eveuiug, The final be one Western on the short end of a 4·3 score. The mid· will again ebstuctes of at the Ma'ryland ts record is bl'ing kept of high score was Mt. St. Mary's 28-W. 'M. C. dleweight. bout, wh.ieh decided the meet, toughest Intercollegiate "The manly art of salf-defeuse"" teams and the individunl scorers. The 25. Throughont the first period the was won 1)), Chllikowski, who took the at Ph.illy. seems to be taking a firm hold on the reecrd nt present: game lagged with the visiting passers decision over Daptain 'l'cd Klepac by a Boutu. Last week Duke dropped up to leading W. 'lIL C. by 11 points tit half Speaking of the Intercollegiatc reo take Virginia Uni"crsity OI'Ct by 1.1 6 1 Cll)ss standing: close mflrgin. time. The home bOYII staged a. grant The Green Terrors won the next two minds Punch-Drunk that every oue of us score. 7000 tuxedos and cnllling gowns Games Games Gamee comeback in the final period nud scored bouts, but these ]Joints only brought their ought to run up to Philadelphia f9r the turned out for tile match I Won Lost 'l'Ied 11 points to [he daitors 9. Lei! by the week-cud to support the Terror team. total to three. 1. SENLORS brilliant playing of Woolley' and Well· Epstein, of State, nnd Crosby, of West· Bumming should be good by then (the Remember "the days of old when Senior A .• o Inger, the W. M. C. quintet took 011 U ern Maryland, intercollegiate chmnpiona, bouts are subeduted for March 21st and knights were bold t ' Chivulty seems to Senior .B .. o ~ diffrr~llt aspect. They were plllyillg the \'I'on their bouts bnndily. Two of the 221ld) and nearly everyone of liS know be comillg back into favor . .At a recent Scnior 0.... type of basketball which they are capable bouts were decide{l b~' lechuiMI knock" of some hcspitnble "brothers" or "sis· indoor polo matc.11 in the HOth Field AI' of but which only showed for a outs. Not one of thesevcn 1lJateheswent ters" in the dear old "City of Brother· tillery Armory at Pikes"ilJe, II. Cuptain 2. .TUNIORS little wllile up tllis game. nnel':trllronnd. ly Love" 'who will put up witlt u~ for E"uns lYas watching the gllme from the Junior A •. 'fhe hlt. St. A[ary's five was led by two dllYs. gllllery in tI,e company of one of this Junior B .. Lions Score Two Kayoes L~'nrh who scored 10 points for his team. season's debutantes. Hill companion 3. SOPHo~rOR.ES It wus quite n surprise to the boys from Stoops, 125·pouuder, nnd 145 Should you be unensy aa to the kind romplninccl of being cold, so the offl.eer the neighboring school and they were ex· ponnd~r, for State, registered the of entertainment you filld Ilt the bOIJh,- made a. bargoin that lie would enter the A .. tremely fortnnate ill coming out of the outs. Stoops nllislH,d 11is mnll in the just. ask so~eonewho went to last year's game and make Ilt least three goal,;, if B .. tilt the yictor. second round, the re.fcreestoppiug the edition of the Inlercollegiate at Penn the young lady would wear Ids overcoat C ... bont nfter Hnstings, the visitor, hlld State. for the remainder of the time. We don't 4. P1{ESJD1..AN A noticeable fault of the home boys c!.\ugM onto the ropes twice to save him- know whether the yOllng Indy kept her FreahnulIl A was their apparent inability to make foul self fr01ll falling. Did yOIl know that \Vestern :Maryll\nd part 01' tho or not, but Captain Freshnwn B ... shots. With more practice along this Lewis scored his secolld strnight knock· llUd n. wrestling team this yeart Last Emns entered game :md scored 10 lille we hope the team will take Blue out by senrling Borchers} of the visitors, Sunday's 'Baltimore SU1~carried the foi· gOllls in the remaining period. FreslmlUil C.. Ridge ol'cr on Tnesdlly night. down for a eount of nine in the third lowiug seore: Freshman D. 'fheline·up: roun(l. The referee then h.~Ued the bout W'RESTLING ,\Ve're rather in doubt as to whet.her Score of games up to date: W. )[,3-25 M.T. ST. MARY'S-28 1.0 prevent n possible injury. 'fhe rouud Penn State, 46; W. Maryland, 13. allyt]lillg gOod IIns COllle out of (or gone Senior A) 21; l~rcshJlll\n A, 4. Bilker f. . Lynch 11a.t1. only 20 seconds more to go. And now you tell one! iuto) this column, bnt since we're just Senirlr B, 24; Prcsilman B, 6. Wool1e.l' f. E. Rysc.avage In defeating tIll' l75·pound champion· sprouting our wing·feathers, suggestion!! Senior C, 30; Freshman C, 12. H.ammill McCall (capt.) Klepac, State's 80phomore ;
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