Page 60 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. QUaaa,aUub, anll ~nrtdy 1iIninga I Five Years Ago II C!Dnlll iug iuninga :: I APR-IL 29, 1924 '--A-.-O-N-G-WI-T-H-OU-T-W-OR-D-S---T-HE-'-O-PH-'-'-T'-CA-T-E-D-A-T-T-'T-U-D~E SCIENCE CLUB BROWNING W. M. Wins at Elizabethtown The SeieJ1C6 club was uddreseed on The Browning Literary Soeiety met on On Prtday the negative teruu of W. M. A song whea the moon is shining; I nm bored by sophistication. I !HI- Thnrsday evening by Mr. William Hobbs, Monday, February ]6. The program Inter-Collegiate Debaters, Trader, Day, A snug when the sea. is enlui ; mit my wi)'lrinllSS of the blase aud the ,JI'. a member of the class Of J930. lIfr. was in cIT!Jrge of Catherine Hobby. A and Betton with EutQn as Chief of A song when the night winds whisper; materialism that masks me, my associ- Hobbs is one of the mOBt tulented memo pluy "Politeness Ineorporated ' was 'I'ranaport, and Edwards, Business Man- ..\ song when the air is balm. »tes, und society in general. In short, bore of this class, having several Ingen- presented. 'rile eharactera wnrc: :IoTr. nger, journeyed to Elizabethtown Ocl- A ecng with II smothered passion; I nm si~k of sham. Deep within tho icus iureut.ions to his credit. One of Also Prosper, Peg JIlll1liItoni };[iss Juiey lege, Pa., natures of us all there lie longings and engaged Elizabethtown, these is an uppnrutua wllieh wj]] d.raw Fruit, his see,rctUry, Elinor Ebaugh; Mrs. the affirmative team of thut and institution Like A song wilh hushed atare words; in tho heavens; passlous that it would be I:tIlcrilege to tho twinkllng four geomet rie figures, circle, ellipse, Sudden Rich, Hilda. Cohen; Sweet ill debating the question, "Resolved, reveu!. Our personalities are not mere parabola and hyperbola. Yeung Thing and her lover, Ruth Kel- I,ike the twitter of nesting birds. surface, they are tiring comple.,Iud dream in 1.ha twilight Irving Litcrary Society ht'ld ils we~k· thc stale of tIle Society !lnd Western :1IlllI)'l:ind started spring foot- the sea C. AGNEW. 1.1' meeting Monday evening }'ebruary 17. llIuch for its future. ball practice ycsterday. Prlletice will be In my boM npon After it brief business meeting two very Yours 1'err sincerely, held daily from (;.30 to 7 p. m. and nll With olily the heal-ens above me interestiug slleeehes were gi\'en. Mr, GEORGE S. WILLS. }'rcshmen and Varsity men from last And the thing thut mon call "me". 'ruckerml\lt gal-e llis opinion of tIle new tenm, Scniors excepted, will be in· I lml-e lived just loug enough to see long skirt. He gl)\'c Ii number of weighty in these daily workouta. the whole of England practically trans- nrguments in favor of Ihis new faghion PHILO The Senior eoaching class will also be formed from Puritanism to Paganism.- and stated that allhougb the new reqnired to attend these practices. 'l'hi~ G. K. Chesterton. hlld ccrtain disadvautages its good Philo heM its regular :Monrla)' coaching class is composed of college outweighed thc~e. The tulk was evening, Februar.1' ] 7th. After gen- Seniors who are planning to go into the instrueti"e and entertainiJlg. eral busiuess mccting Elil.ubeth Scott, rugh 9CllOOls us teacllers alld eoaches. "Dad" SM ELSER EVER.HAR.T Uather then gave a. talk on his onr Progmlll Cllairmau, took chnrge. 'I'hey will be instrueted nnd given prae aviation. He told 110\1' lhe structnre "Vie" Smith gun, Ull interesting intro· tice in nIl brauahes of athletic.s. ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES, BARBER AND BOBBER an ILirplaue made it fir ana how its duatory talk on the traditions con(,eruing COLD DRINKS mOl'cments werc coutrolled. ?lfr. Math· St. Valt'ntine's Day. After a vocal nUIIl At the Forks er's talk 11'1105 quite enlightening and a ber, "Because Yon're You", by '''ini THREE JUNIOR PLAYS GREETED Open Every Nite Until 11:30 promise of more npon Ule subject in frell Bush, the program eonti.uned with BY APPRECIATIVE AUDIENCE thenearfuturewMseeured fromhiUl. sketches of the great loves of tIle ages, Ilmong whom wcro ineludcd Adum 1111d (Continued _from Page 1..L--------_ Ew, Salome, ~'\rk An:fllolly Hna Cleo --Smith « ~eifsnider patra, Sil' Walter Ralcigh Rnd Queen Rainbow", WIIS a shol't poe~i(l fantasy Polo Shi[ts, Sweaten, Novelty DELTA SIGMA KAPPA and like all falltusies, carried witll it Eliznhl'tll, John Alden and Priscilla, \Vestminster, Md. .Gr,orge and Martlla Washington, and the tIl/it element of unreality. Pierrot, Goods for Students The Delts celebrated Ihe sixth birth· modern college lovers. played br Mi~s Todcl, ill ~enreh of gold, LUMBER. BUILDING SUPPLIES (1ay of the club by having dinner at Col· after Illuah suffering comes to reajj~.e lege Inn last Friday evening. Della that what he was in th~ AND COAL Siglllil Kuppa was firffi; definitely organ· Y. W. C. A. person of his Pierrette, Babylon & Lippy Company i~ed as II social club on "_februl.lrJ 14, Miss Hobby, /wd WhOUl he had neglect- SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND 1924. Ttll!! Y. W. C. A. meeting of Wcdnes *;-d 30 101lg. .:'IIis~ Douglas, tho Will 0' SHOES, HATS, UNDERWEAR GENERAL MILL WORK dny, l!'ebrury 18, was in eharge of }'ran- the ces Raleigh. :Mrs. Horne.e 'iVilliams, a pm ALPHA MU retnrncd }.fissionary fr(lm Chiull gave a most interesting talk on "Womell of ties would make such a Illuch Westminster Savings Bank Phi Alpha Muentertained a number of Ohina." Her topic. ecntered around Rev- more effe
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