Page 61 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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AVOID SPRING FEVER SPRING ELECTIONS ARE NOW-ENJOY IT OOMING LATER TIflNK ABOUT THE.M Vol. 7, No.16 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. February 27, 1930 BROWNING AND PHILO COLLEGE Y. M. C. A. REPRESENTED COLLEGE CALENDAR COMPETITION POR FORENSIC HON· EDUCATION CONVENTION ORS WELL UNDER WAY AT TRI-STATE CONFERENCE PREPARE FOR DEBATE Western Maryland College was rep- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21- March 25 is the closing date for en· ATTRACTS THE FACULTY Vnrait.y Basketball; resented by :Mr. J. westev Day at ti,e Universit.y; Awa.y. Georgetown tr-ies in the Sixth Nnticnnl Intereolle- TO BE FIRST OF TWO ANNUAL giat e Oratorical Ocnrcet on the Consti- SESSION IS BEING HELD AT i\lid·wiuter Conference of the students CONTESTS BETWEEN SOCIETIES Christinn Associations of Maryland, PRlDAY, FEBRUARY 28- tution, already 81 colleges and uulvcr- ATLANTIC CITY AUDITORIUM Delaware, and the District of Colum- Varsity Debate] Gettysburg- Col- aiti es from 29 states have written to P. 'l'be Browning and the Philomnthean bia, hold February 19·21. lege; Awny. Caspar Harvey, national director, Lib- Several mcmbers of the faculty nt- literary soelctiea are beginning to make 'Phe conference was a most aucccssful SATUUDAY, MARCH 1- erty, Mo. Northwost.ern Univcrsit.y, tended various sessions of the N. E. A. pr cpnrul.ions for their twc annual eon- Innovation from the usual cut nud dried Varsity Boxing; University of Evanston, Ill., national winner in 1925, Convent.ion which is being held at A!;.- tests with encu other, the inter-society student eonfercllCe, for it was held on Penn; Away. was the first school to enter the 1930 lantie City, stllfting last Saturday, Feb- debate nnd the inter·society essay COil' bear-d the palatial steamer, the "City eonte~t. rnary ZZ, and whieh willconpnllO uutil test held na purt o£.tlte Commencement of Norfolk", veith several sessions at SUNDAY, }'fAROll 2- April 15 is the closing date for each 1.110 latter part of this woek, ending Week exercises. t.he Hnuiptou Institute in Virginia. Oollege Bundny School; Baker school to seleetiis representative, the February 28. Professor A. :M.Isanogle, As yet, tllU question for the debate, Chupel; 9:00 A.lIL distinction of being the first orator 10 neeo11lpani~dby his wife, left for 1.1,e wl,idl will taku plnce eoou nfter the re- Friday afternoon the delegates from Baker Chapel Servtea; 7:15 P. M. win his local contest goes to F. B. Far r, convention the latter part of last wcck turn from the spring vacation, line not the vn rioua colleges in tIm tri-state ~IONDAY, lfARCH 3- A. and M. College of -Bouth Oarcuua, and returned to the Rill vastnrday. ills at Vier 19 in Bnltimore, arrived been jtc:finitoly deeideil upon by ne nreu Literary Soclutles ; 6:30 aud 6:45 Clemson. trip made it possible for him to attend two societies. 'I'hcrc have reeently been and had soon acclimated themseh'es to P. M:. The eompel.d.lon for the greatest fur- meat of the scssions. Other members of n "l]]]lber of prnltruiua ry debates with- life aboard suip. 'I'bc weather was clear Varsit~, Bnaketball: Mt. St. :Mary'R eusic honor 01'1111to college ~tndellts ill tho faculty who !lavc attended various und mild, and the delegatee soon had ill Mell society nt its rcgular meetings renewed old acquaintalleeahips, and College; Away. America foreshadows bringing together sessions nIe ::UissSara Smith, Miss Ed· on :Monda.I'evenings. The :final selec· TUESDAY, MARCH 4- this year the largest group of collegeI' lUI '1'aIJeton, Professor L. U. Bertholf, tioll of U'OBCwho will participato in kid gatl.ered in happy groups to watell Social Clnb~ 7:00 P. M. Hlidunil'ersitiesinlwyprojcetofth'l /1I1dProfes~ol' C. L. Schaeffer. Lhe inter-society debnte will be an· the sun Bet or to watch the eity of Bn!· Poets Club; 8:00 P. 1t1.; McDaniel kin(l ill the history of American highe1j The convention is being S]lonsored by lI(1uJlcedill theucll.rfuture. tilllore fade into the dusk. Hall Parlor. education, nceording to the announce- the Departmcnt of Superintendcnce, OJ. Both societies I'rtl well repres~lljed Groups Organized mCllt made this week at thu national branch of theN. E. A. The sessions of on the womeu's inter-colleginte debut- After dinner the conference groupo \'IEDNESDAY, MARCH 5- A total of $51)00ill] U'(l COllvention are being l.eld in tlie Y. W. C. A.; 6:30 P. M. immense lIew Municipal Auditorium, the V. M. C. A.; 7:00 P. M. awnrdcd, nud the willner, who lnrgest uuditorium of its kind in the :ll:~!~~~:;-fi,_!r,::; ~:~~s~i~:;s~sr~{::;!:;~ ~-:~~'no;:~~~~~dCI~~S~I:I;O~:::'d~:I~~,~ will bocome the uational intercollegiate {or 1930, will orator liumilton, ).li.;;sThelmll l~I'id, i\liss Viva Mid-winter "Y" conferOIH'.Oon the Rill a prize of $1500. Second plncil bl) world. InsLyear was the leader of a group dis "CHRISTIAN OPTIMISM" The elnboratu program of eut.crtn.m- ~f:er~:~:!~~h~;~:;; ~I:~:~;:s;h:~~d L~!!;~ will gil'o a prize of $1000, SClllingdown ment that had been plnnned l)y tbe ruy Society h~s given t.hree: Miss -Vie- ~u::!~:gF~~:~~:o::BoP::I:~:,:it~:S'~ n~I~:·: IS THEME Of SERMON to $400 forse\'enth place. guiding spirits of the Department of ~~~!;.~:,{~t~~u}~;al~::~ ber of students on the Hill, was the The national director is sending tiLis Snperintendcncl) has been greatly {lll' hanced by the favorable weatller ana Mr. F. Mnrray Bensou, a Baltimore weck to 90~ colleges and nnivcrsities an Raughley, now llresident of Philoma- ~:~:.~. o~h: ~;~~p g::up"~~il~'~~~al: law,Ycl'and a graduate of the elaBs of nrgont to mnke their entries the settiug that has bcen chosen. the main features of the weeks thellll, is mnnager of the women's inter- Hud StaJl(l~r(ls in the Modern World" 1917, spoke 01]"Christian Optimism" at carlyeven the schools may wait until progra,m wa~ tile oxhibitors bllllljuet ~~lll:~i~~:;s:e~:~I~~!r!e~\:::~t~~n~:es w~s ably directed by Mr. Wcllingto-'I the regular Buker! service on April 15 to choose !.hcir contestants. which has come to be one of the out· represented their respective society in Tinl«H', l.ntereollcgiote Secretary of Snnday e,'elling, }'ebruary 23. The nation·wide illtllrest iu this eon· standing events of the meetiug. It was ~\lr. Benson told the story of tbe test is ~cen from the distribution of the the annnal debnte last ,Yellr,it will bq_ New York City. 35 winning national finalists dnr- held Tuesday Ilveinug, li'ebruary 25, lit lleces~ary to reefuit this yonr's reprcsen After the groups llad ouf1illed their tweh'e Israclites who were sent to spy the Hotet Cllc.lsea, a few blocks from tativ(l from entirely new material. prospective actjvitics for tlo" confer out the l)romised Land. He pointed tivo years among 3Z schools the Auditorium. The lL11nualpresentll- states. -~~p~.m-~~~ ~~";:I~~~~:~~~lle~I~\~!:~:!~;ie:":~:rcdJle;;~~I;: ~~:n;tl~~~~t at~~;~~~:~n::t t~~e:= in ti"" ul t.he AmeriClI1l B,lncurioll fte- - ward was Ulnde at this hanquet. Thi~ ~r~lin~i::ry··s::~tc~~:n~: 'for ~rm~nil~g boat; to watlll! the starljt w~tors of favorable reports, and tbat of tbe OOLLEGE SENIOR ADDRESSES all':ud is given to tbe edueator who, in has been posted for tll'O weeks, and tM ~~I::IL~;:~:n:r:~:' oOrrtt: ;:~e b~~d~: ~~ ;:l~~v:n:!lel::o t':~~'e~p~m!::9 t;:~er;r::l~ the jUdgment of the board of directors, llfla cont.ributed in a mcritoriousway to ;i;~loO~,::t~:~~nbelil~~ld,,~:s~:~Sc~~d6.c~;:; thc luxurious lounge, or 1'crr.hnnce to ised Land. These lllen bad as a baBis Prancis A. Belote, '30, while practice the advfillce of pnblic education ill the this wcek, and the prcliminary contest go to bed. ~1~cn~~:~:es:]l:::~i~:"ot~,:~:!.I-;~:id~so~~i~;:tcne\ting at Bclair High School last U. S. The toashnaster for the event wss Ray S. Erlandson, presidcnt of the ~1;::llc.tak;h:r:e~a~l~~~:::t;~~t~~.t,~::e~: Th:::: :~r:~dd ::i~l:o~~:7 Com. thoy had a vision of Canaan, not as it ~~:~~'a:~i)~:~~~~c:!e~I~;rcos::~~~):~o::s~:: Associated Exhibitors and a deliglltt'ul theBe cssay contests, tho fint one lmv- fort, Va., about six o'clock Saturday was~:t~~I~a:,itl:l~g!~~i:;c~~n:~r. dent at Western Maryland OoUege dnr- musicnl flavor wu given the affair by tho singing of Richnrd Orooks, a tenor ~\7il!)I::I~h:~: 1~~v~8~~t:r~;~:'i::;cs:l:,~ lHorni·ng,and by seven o'clock the dele· tainties. It mcans success in spite of ~I:; ;·:~~:~~/~~::~o ~:'d~:leO:ea:d!r~:::~ of w~ll-known ability. sharcd 110norsequally in these cont.ests. gates were on their way in n special obatacles, nud has as its beginning faith oratorical contest hcld in a Belair Anuthcr event of ill1po;tancc, outsidu of the regular sessions nt. the '\\lditor' :,~:w~;:::!s l':~d b~:'\l:l~~:~~~::; ~:~:::~~. ~:.:~e~e::o ~~~le;:I~l~t~~,~~::i.tu~~e~l~e ~'~dO:I~~i::c:V~:d~~d,:n\~il:t:sF~:;::~ ~~::~I o~n~~~~'::~i:I:'.SPieeSof the Negro i\l111was the School Masters Rotary one times. It remains for this year to ::,~~edW~:ys:v~~V:~iO~~~ I;:::~~~\:tO~~ :;(!:;rf:\:il!'ur!7:~~!: :~s:8cl~::;a:~lr~r;~ Mr. Belote rceeiv(l(\ the call to Belair Lun<)l,eon hcld toduy at noou at Hotel brcllk the existing tie. which the Confercnce groups held t.heir Christian opt.imism. Faith in otllOrs is High School rather suddenly and re- Chelsea, undcr the arrangement or It is boped tlwt grC1Ltinterest will be morning sp,ssion. At eleven o'clock a as important in optimism as f~ith in lieved on8 of the regnhlr tcne.hl'rs who President F. D. Boynton, IthicII, N. Y. shown in both of t,hcse contests, and tour of the Institute was maue, direct. ourselves. was forced to rellluin in the llospitnl The Atlnntic City Rotary Club mct at that the societies will derive even more cd br t.he local Y. M. O. A. leaders. Cl,ristilill optimism is largely u mnt. for a fe\\' flays, and at the sUlUetime the same t.illle und the following men than the usual benefits from them. 'I'h(' Insiitute choir thcn gave the Con. ter of vi~ion, of point of view, and of he rceeil'ed crcdit for his refJuired pr:lc, for :fivomiuutes caell: Presi(lent iercnce a taste of beautiful negro hur. high Millage. We sbould let 110 one tiec t.euehing. Wllile in Belnir 110reo Cody; United Statcs Commia- mony, direeted by :Mr. Krebb. Mr. ernlllp our ideals because those people mained with Hnnllllet Simms, '29, who sioncr of Ellneation, ·William J. Cooper; POPULAR SPEECH TEACHE.R NOW Knibb with forty members of his who rise in life are those wbo sec far. In the present limo is teaclLing History Dr. A. E. "\Yinship, Editor, Jonfllltl of STUDYING DRAMATICS ehoir, will make an extended tonr Thinking victory does not invite defent. and English at Belair. Mr. Simms, ·Education, the Honorable l"runk P. through Europc next summer, singing The world has no more room for pess;. along with another teacher and tho elli· Groves, New York State Commission of lliss Esther Smith, former iJlstructo,· the slime negro 611iritul)ls that thrilled mists. 1'h~re are too many sneh here tOI' of the Belair Times, was /jsked to Education; the Honorable l?rancis P. in the Speeeh Dopartment at West.ern their student visitors Satnrday morn now. What the wor1d needs is peopl\) ,judge nn oratorical contest at one of Blair, lllillois Commissioner of Educa- Maryland, is at the present time con mg. who smile in the face of difficuJtie8, the local llegro elmrches, lI"hieh had tion, nnd the Honorable E. W. Buttcr· tiuning her dramatic study in New .Lnncheon was sen-ed at the I'lstitnt,c who say, "I \lall and I will." been rtrrnnged by the lI~gro county su· worth, New Hampshire, Commissioner York City. Sinee leavi11g the Hill last nt 12:30, thon t.he Interest Groups mct perintendont of educutioll. 1\[r. Simll1s of Education. .renr Niss Slllitll hll.d remained n.t Iter till three o'clock. The rest of the af. prcvailed upon Mr: Belote to !IUend the On Tuesday evening under the aus· home in G~orgia, until about one mouth pices of the committec of New J{'rsey ago when sl,o d()fillitely lllade Illnns 10 ::r~l:o:: :~~CSyl~vfi~l~:t ~~~s:l~ef~~II:~:~:~ PI~C:=~R;:TpOE::~D:IVE :~::~:~~ with him, and the lattcr con· seh(lOloffidnls there W(lS11pageant pre- study in New York. While in Georgia gates joined a special sightseeing bus 'fhe contest was an important affair sented clititled, ''Recreative Living", shc uuderwent II. successful eyc treat- party to Wi!liall1sburg, which Roekefcl. Miss Violet Rerhman, an instructor in the negro settlement and the ellllreh whieh depicted thc dcvelopmcut of lei- ment. Burn tim~s throngh the ages, tho impor- Miss Smith is studying at Columbiu ler is restoring to its colonial appear- ~:g;,ll~\'i~";~:e D:p;;::~enr~c~:altJ:t :~~ ~~:~nfi~lel~e:~\.::~n:i:~·~I~h:\~;d!~;~;~~:~: tance of leisure on mo(lernlife, thepos- Univenity and nt the Amerienn Aca· nuco, und YorktlJwn, whero Cornwllllis Peabody Conacrvatory of ·Music on dred. lb. Belote und the three jUllgcs sihilities of leisure Rnd t.he t.raining for dC'my. Her work nt Columbia i1!cludes 8urreu(iere{1 Engl~lld's best claims to Monday nfternoou, ?lfareh 3, at 4 wore the only white persolls present. leisnrc to be given by the schools a ceurse in stagccraft and rnquires nco Imlf a continent. o'eloek. This will be the Forty.Third l'v,enty-six contcstants were sclleduled Another interesting fenture of the tual smmery designing and construc' SOCial Activities Peabod.v Students' Rueital of the- sea- lind the speeehes v~ried in type from conyention has been the varions radio tion. III another course she is study- SOl1of 1929.1930. 1'he afternoon pro. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address to Pntriek broadcRsts which have been C/lrrying ing undcr Louise Gifford, a well-known TIle socinl aelivit.ies of tho confer- gralll will be a9 follows: llenr.v's ficry plea for freedom. Many somc of !.he high points of the com-cn- actress nnd one time a$sociated wjtb el)ce were climaxed Saturday evening diverse personulities were represented tion to those who have beon unahle to the Tlleatre Guild School. This eonrse Oll the boat witb a Student MOVOl11ellt Baell·Busoni Chora.!: "Nnn Romin among the contestants. The judges, attend. Last 't'uesdny the radio pro- Der Heiden Heiland" is actual work in dramatics. Her courses Dinner. After dinner specches, sell- L. vou Beethoven Sonata op. 5~ upon retiring, reaehed a disagreemnt of gra.m fcatured an interesting session at the American ACllaemyure along the sone-d with wit and lillmor, 11l1foldcdto Tempo dLmenuetto Allegro opinion alld were forClld 10 rem!!.inout held by the depart.ment of elliB8raom s~me liues. the delegates the significance of' thll Nocturne in F milloT o\'cranhonr. tt.mchers. 'J.'hisa.fternoon the broadcast While on Ule Rill Miss Smith ilis· Christian Student :'fovement, whiell has F. Chopin Wbile waiting for the decision the i.ncluded t.hc National High School Or- op.l0 played a remarl
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