Page 58 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 58
PAOg'1'WO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, lIIaril'1\! GOt UG )Ir. Moylan succeeded very well in lIuter-(!l:ollegiate A REVIEW AND OF LITE News BOOKS, PLA YS LETTER OF INTEREST keeping the attention of tho student body in Baker Chapel except for n few of the Surely Gettaem Teachers Agency, THE NEW YORK STAGE young Indies-but as Dr. Ward said, Dubberly, New York. Theee of us who arc interested iR the Official newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on 'l'huraday during "Whnt can we expect!" Dear Sirs:- theatre often bemOIUIthe fact that we the acndemie year by the students of Western Maryland Co!lege, Westminster, Having finished four years under the arC s() far removed frOlll New York and Maryland. Entered as second-elaea matter at the 'Westminster Pcetotllee. Bunce has developed II pej-cbnlogy of famoua Dr. Dleanliver, I feel ae if lean Brollllway. It is a diaadvautage, but if rc,-crsed temperatures. When it is ex- Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year tremely cold he maintains that it ia stand auything. I maj(lred in English we are optimistic and patient we eau warm. His psychology has-served him and History, so I am sure yon can get find an advanL1ge, too. Did you ever MANAGING S'fAFF wen reeently but he sleeps witb more me a job as Instructor of science some- step to consider New York as a great place. I can teach anything if you let experiment stage' Scores of plays are thnn a uheet over him. E[)ITOIt-rN-C~F .. .. William G. Eaton, '30 me use the :Morrigon Pian. The subject started there but only t.he fittest survive. Etzler and Kooekogey wore- hosts to ]l.fANAGING EDITOR •.. . Wilmer V. Bell, '30 two over-night guests recently. Exact- doesn't matter. And surl'ival means sooner or later a Wllile on tour we usually find road tour. I have received my letter in Praet.iee ASS'l'. ],:IAN AGING EDITOR .. "Weldon G. Dawson, '30 ly where Illey put them is fl' secret, but 'reaching, and I must say I oazned it. opportunity to see them-and we know BUSINESS Jl.iA.NACmR •. . .Paul L. Bates, '31 we are expecUng n "Lodging" sign on Miss Bmssod coached me, and she sur,€,ly for the most p..1rt what we are seeing. ADVER'.rISINQ :MANAGER. .Joe C. Newcomer, '31 their door in the ncar future. ean Iay the wood on thosc kids. 1'hehits of New York today will be our CmCUI...A'rION TlTANAGER .. . .James A. Stach, '30 Believe me I'll have order in my ne::k-th-ft:"_';'iscl!"'(,]Y~llushand appears on w('el" hl a preaehel' we expeqL religious doctl'ine; in an OI'l;ltOI' we .J. D. B( the only hope. of Edu· are .his means of gaining votes. Any· the seene. You 'would bc ixtremely in- expect elocution; In a lJllsinC$S )uau we expcet pl'ofessjQnalism; but fation 6. BQ~yergdoes ama)';ingly well on6 at '~Dad;' Smclser's lI(lndsy night a tei-ested to know- h(lw things turn out- you sure, ·than will \'oudl- for this. Gh'e "Puss" am renlly -better, I wben we find all of these things combined in a more 01' less degress in until the diaeusaion eenters around un- \'o-te nnd -colle<'t a · long as imagine; simply ean't tou~h Olle person we find something ll]]usl.lal and-a talk werth listening to. l
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