Page 54 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Ilfnl'il'tu G IArnunb tIll' (!IUtnpUS I 11nter -(!In l11'giuh> A REVIEW OF BOOKS, NI'UlS PLAYS AND LIFE SPEAKING OF SPEED It seems that several anonymous phone calls wero received on the Hill last Fri· d~y evening. One of the calls waa to Des .MoinCII,Iowa-Th(lse who believe THE PROPHET Captain Wnrd and bringa her buck into this jazz age is speedy, and that the I happened to be sitting in the club Ofl!eiul newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday during the headlines again. It seemed nt first world is much faster today thnn ever be room reading Kahlil Gibran's latest I.he academic year by the students of Wcstern Maryland oouege, Westminster, that the call Clime from the Baltimore f{Jre, had better loek into the report book, "The Prophet," when scrnecnc Maryland. Entered as second-class matter at the Westminster Poatefliee. fire department but later developments gi"en the American Association for tile glanced at the cover and rather con' Subscription Price, $2,00 a Year made it appear more liKe a tete-a-tete. Advuneement of Science here by Dr. J_ temptuoual~' remarked: "One books, {Jf those depreseiug philoscplucal huh! "Sophie" Lynch also received II eall but S. Plaskett, director of the Dominion BO{Jkslike that always lenve a bad taste MANAGING STAFF becnnie indig-nant and ended the matter Astrophysical Observatory nt Victor-ia, in my month." That is exactly what EDI'I'OIt-TN-CnJEF_ .. William G. Eaton, '30 by saying, "I'm hanging up!" B. C . this old "The Prophet" is not. It is puuoscpn- According to Dr. Plaskett, :run may hang Be careful "Sophie" :MANAGINGE01'l'Ofi_ .Wilmer V_ Bell, '30 too long. planet has for billiens of years been trav- ieal in that it reveals the thoughts ef the Assr. MaNAGING EOt'l'OR. .. weldon G. Dawson, '30 eling at a speed of 711,000 miles an prophet "Almustafa, tho ehoeeu and the BUSINt;;SS 'MA.c"AGER.. .Paul L. Bates, '31 All GOLDBUll reporters arc warned hour, and, mereover, the earth hal'! been beloved", but lna prophecies are most AOVERTtSlNG l\L"NAGEIl .. .. Joe C. Newcomer, '31 not to molest "Freachy" Daflaven. It traveling four ways at once all along. opt.imist!c and persuasive, and at the eame time practical. S{Jmeenohas called This 711,000 mile an hour speed ill seems that he is a busy man and re C!RCUI,A:rION l\IANIIGEfi. ... James A. Stach, '30 porters are somewhat annoying to a man the rotation about a huge massive een "The Prophet" his Bible and with cer- Josiah D. Stillwagon, JI'., '32 (If his temperament. ter not only of visible stars but of every- tain limitations the aeleet.ion is well ASS'l'. CTRCUI,A'l'IONlIlA."I'AGERS. . Joseph '1', Addison, '32 thing for many hillions of miles beyond made. { Publicity for Western Maryland 001- 'Wayne VV_Moore, '32 leg!)! Dr. Ward claims that there is no them. Kahlil Gibran, the author, is a Syrian the It is Ole formation {Jf stars SPORTS EDITOR _ . _.Alex. O'Leait, '30 better place for an umbitions y{Jung mau shape of an immense flattened in ball, by birth but hna received hls educstion in bot.h his lunne-Iand and Amer-ica. He REPORTORIAL sr AFF aspirillg to mn.t.timony than a cooed col- whirling with their center in the direc- is fitted uy eireumstance to ad as an in- ASSQClA'l'EEDl'rOTlS lege. Wanted: An assistant to the tion of the eonstelllltioll SagitariuEI, a terpreter of both the Bast and the ",Vest Virginifl C_ :Merrill, '30 C. Vl. Koockogey, '32 Registrar to take care {Jf ineoming en- acuter se distant that its light takeEl lind his works p{Jsaessjust enough of the trnnee perroiss-i{Jns. aheut 47,000 years to reach theeartll. mysticism of the former lind lit the same COpy EOl'l'OHS 'fhe four simultaneous motions Wllieh time enough of the prncticnbility of the Cnthel'ine E. Refld, '30 W. C. Rein, '31 The Jester Glee Club is at it again. the earlh is going threugh eonstantly latter. :Many a male lung is being oxerted to The plot of the book is {Jf little eonse- capacity to make II goed showing. The Ufo.: REPORTERS The daily rotati{Jn (Jll its axis, about quence. The real -sig:niflcance of the Gnlce Armstrong, '30 TIllny O. Smith, '30 Jester trip is a promisiog event. Many 28,OOOmilesiu2Jll{Jurs. work lies in its inelush-eness of i1Ubjcet Elizabeth Clough, '30 John L. Wlltl!in:>, '30 of the warbling aspirants have nlready The yearly trip llrOUll()the sun at II matter, its depth of meaning and its Al'vnlene Hitchens, '30 Roy 'J'. Edwill'ds, '31 met defeat, and many more are doomed. speed of approximately 18'h miles a sec beRuty and sincerity of expression. It Evelyn 1\'Tather, '30 Howilrd A. Bolton, '32 The required quota iij {Jnlr ubout six- ond. is a. bO{Jkyon should not enly rend but habcl Douglas, '31 Chllrlcs n.. Etzlcr, '32 teen. A "rnndom motion" in Wl1ich tIll) possess, fer with repeated re.'ldings comes 'l'helma Heid, '31 Stanford J. Hoff, '32 A wnrning liaS been is.'luodto the Glee earth is m{Jvingnlong with the SUIlin It 3 fuller nnderEllnnding_ Evelyn Collison, '31 Duncan C, l\lurcilisoll, '32 jflurney apparently not in the direct path The following nre II few of the state· 'Villi.fred Bush, '32 SHmuel G. 'l'owmlcnd, Jr., '32 Songsters! All vocalizing must be re of tho great whirl. mcnta which the Prophet imparts to llis Mary Lee :::ihipley, '32 Catherine W. Cockburn, '31 duced to n minimum to alll)w all }"s to AntI the high ~pecd spin of the entire fellow men. P.-mder over them a while. be he~lrd. Who ure t.he F's. Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. "Fu" Wnrner is out practice teaeh· llenr·hy sectio1l of tho universe_ Love one another, bllt make not a hond This whirl is so vMt tJlllt Dr_ Plas· kett cstjmates it takes ubout 30,000,000 A -LI ing. Here's hoping he (loesn'!. try any yenrs for one retation about the center. of love: Let it rather be a mo,";ng sea between on his pupils amI mysterious aeth'ities \E-D-I-T-O-R-I- dumbfound them. He might rig Ullsome the shores {Jfyonr soul. mechanic!!l doviee for discipline Dr some A REVELATION mechanieal adaptation of the.Morrisen It is ",lHlnyou give yourself that you Oongratulations The presellt generation of students at Western Mary- Unit. Cleveland, Ohio.-ThG aq'rage Amer- truly give, land can only rather snperficially realize and under- ican, whose everyday conversatien some- "WO{Jda"Van :Metre has porfected his For tIle law tha't de!i"ered you into my stund the real significance of the golden anuiversary of Dr. William R. lungllage masterpiece. He has written times seems ('.onfined te a few stable as hand shall deliver me into a mightier bromides, really knewEI four times l\IeDanicl. The Alumni Banquet, the gift portrait, the speeches and a letter in German and eluilllB it is S{J many words ~s Shakespeare used. hand. messages of congratulations and remembrance, althougIl most expres- eOl'reethe ean't translate it. The ereater of "RnmJet" was the siYe, were n~t _~oillPletelY indicative of t~~ rea~ m~aning •.of the e~ent. Webster ~_ adopted the si~'e'-:":::£='h;;"--;,"'","',._Id"";,eg"''''''''_'"'-''!'l'''",l P l,''"",,_'' .. W*"'',,,d,,,''..h".'---";.;:A;:;",,,I;;'Ci";;;" ':;;J'"'it;'iJi~";;i':..i;:c'd::":;;d..;;';;;"_kO_,"_'_ -'r..j_-e:r-Il!l:a-t,l'el,~~~-d-tTIe gU:amsL eXjJlanadun W'e"""'1i.m"t Green n11(lGoW Parrets. Ti,;o parrots H8NI 15,OOfl. ..!flltl uv"uge Alnt'litan save when there is urge, search the innermost make-up of the man himself as be looks back over uro at the present tirne guarding either ~:~~:y 6~fO~~es~~\,::~:yes;~r \~;!::s~: Ani! all urge is blind B!n'e when there :~;:.~:~~'~e O:e:~jl~V~~C~;lltl~~II::':l~S~;I~~~;:l~ ~:~l::::~~e~lU:st~C~::~:i ~i::,;fb!~~nr:!~~~:~ a:~;':'~l~~r;~a~ ~I~e~ He hUSll't a speaking acquaintance is .~:~w~~~g::lOWledgeis I'ain save when with him as a friend and teacher during those yeal'S. Ilis activities been cleaned up. :~:g:;~:~ ~:11~lb~:~'i~::e~':r~Cq!~ll;;~,~:I: th~~diSnll is empty snve when there at the present time nfford a rather inadequate ~'elatiollship with the All proapedive bridge partners of Shakespeare kncw his intimately. isleve; stude-nts, but this relationship is marked only with respect and admira- "Bob" Etzler are offered the initial "Jnst take a dietieIl:uy, run down a And when ,I'ouwork with love you bind tion. ,Ve may not know him as well as those who called him "Billie score of 100 poillts as a further induce· few pngcs nt rnll(lem under each Ictter yourself to ono another and to God. ],[r,c" but we do Imow him well enough to sincerely extend to him ment to pIny opp{JElitehim. ;:utl~:~:lg~~~~~,II:~~dse~r~o;u:::.yr;~:rndt~ Would that yeu C{Juldmeet the sun our heartiest cOllgratulations Oil the event of his Golden Anniversary. Miss RoutS{)nwas receutly in need of 1)'. "You will be surprised. nn(l the wind with more of your skin und a murad, that is, if she smokes. Tn '''J'he ll\'erage person knows II great le2Sef your raimeut. speerh class the other day sho uneon mnlly mere 1I'0rdsthan he i.s given credit A 'l'he lecture given in .Alumni HaH last Thursday even· sciously mnde the statemeat that twenty for. lie may not be able to spell them P{Jr Jhe breath of life is in the sun· Reprimand ing by Ur. Banmglll'dt was probably olle of. the great- .speech studeuts in a claBEIof ninety Dr eyeu \lse them iu ~ seutence, but they light nnd the lmud of life is iu the wind. fh·c did not speuk ao well fer the Speech convey mellning to him. est intellectual treats which 'Vestel'll Maryland has So the wicked and the wcn.kenllllet fall Department. Rer explanation, however, "It is n 1i1istnken n{Jt.ionto ussume ever enjoyed. The subject of the lecture was in itself most unusual was satisfactory. thnt tho numbor of wonls a man uses lower than the lowest whicl, is iu you and the manner in which it was treated proved: l\1I', Baumgardt to be gauges his intelligence, So the faet that alll'O. "GIlS'" Belote left the Hill yesterday probably Olle of the grcatest astronomical authorities of the present morning for his practice teaching at Bel Americans amy know fmu limes asmuny The mnrdered is not un-aceountnble dny, in fnct he has lecttll'ed before t.he National Geographic Society Air. Someone claims he had an alarm words us SllUkcspctlrc used is net e"Pee for hia eWTlmnrder. _ iall:r signifi_~_"t_"'~' many times. But the way in whieh he was treated certainly gives a clock in his grip. We can guess his And the robbed is D{Jtblameless in be- name to "'estern ilIaryland morc than uncomplimentary. Only a few weakness. AN AOTIVE COUNOIL ing robbed. students \yere responsible for this disgraceful conduct during t.he lec- 'l'he rightebus is not inllocent of tllC The Basketball Squud asks for jnst a Swarthmore, Pa.-Twu upperclassmen hue, but to l\I1'. Baumgardt and other visitors it was \\TesteI'll l\lal'Y- little morc patience. The)' claim they were temp{Jraril_y ~uspenaed and 50 deeds ef the wicked. And the whit",·!Janded is not. elelln in land-and it will be \Vestern l\IIll'ylaud to which they refer wheu they are going to win It game yet. They made others wercdeprived of their right to cut the doings of the felon. spcak of it. 'l'bose who succnmbed to sllch ellildish prallks should n good showing Tuesda.y night.. clnsse!lby the faculty at Swnrthlllor!!.col· have considered th:is. And' the length to whicll these childish pranks Students of t.he Botany Department tege as a result of u hazing purty for And since rou are II breath in God's frcshmcnhe·rereeently. were resorted to ca-n be pnrt.ially explnined when most of the students arc "cry muc], interestc(i as to fhe rea- College ruleEl adopted by the Men's spherc, und a. leaf ill GOll's forest, rou son why Olleof their members, Mi!lSMary themselves were disgusted and some even left to avoid embarassmel1t. ",Varrcn.,is taking the C{Jurse. She seems Sturlcnt Go\'ernmcn~ ASIIoeiation pro- too sheuld reason and mm'c in Some say that the offenders evidently didn't think. Let IlS hope to be interested in something clse beside~ hibit the nse of physical force in lJa?ing. paasion. not! But is ,Ye's-terD l\laryland the place for those persons whose Spiroguas and the other Thalophytes. Say not, "I huve f{JUlIdthe truth," b1'ains lie dormant most of the time' :Ilr. Cisscl is t.he only one who holds the A LIBERAL BEQUEST but rather, "I have found a truth." to thiEl mystery and he refuses to PhillldelplIia-Under the terms of a the ~eeret. bequest upheld here reecolly Dartmouth It' he must know the ebh of your tide, A Dear i\[r. Editor: Someone referred to Shaw's latest eollege will have a sum estimated at bo· let him knoll' the fiood also. Letter Bill and J are still dlscllssing various affairs on play which is to be presonted in Balti- t\\'cen $1,500,000 and $2.,000,000 at its the BilL Sometimes we agree but most of the time we more next week as "Apple Sauce". The disposal 150 years from now for the And io much of your talking, thinking don't and each of us takes Ollr stalld on either side of tIle room a1](1 present name, however, is "The Apple founding of fellewships and professer· is half murdered. hUl'ls "erbal brick-bats at the other. Very few "goings on" escape Cart", but very likely when the ill-dis- shipEl. II Dsrt- When Asa Wilson Waters, posed criticafinisll with it there will be our notice bnt of conrse it wonldn't be advisahle to tell yOll what we quite a bit of apple sauce lying around. mouth alumnus died in November 1927, But you who are strong and swift, see thinl;: a bout them all. he left $J,500 ef his estate to be held in that yon do not limp' bef{Jre the lame, It ~cem;; that certain recellt affairs are tainted with scandal and I It has been intimated that a dirt.v trust to be in~e$ted .and reinvested for deemiug it kindness. claim tlmt something is very apt to come from it aU, bnt Bill, on the ne~.k was the cause for a eertain Senior a period of a century and n hul£,at the g{JIltleman wearing a piecadily collar in other hand, maintains that in a short while everything will he settled end of which time the accumnlated sum Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in the Diniag Hall It·cantly. should go to his alma mater a mirror. exactly as it has always been in the past, what.evel' he means. Bill is But you are eternity and you arc the "Barney" Spier was unconsciously so confoulldadly mysterions. walking around the dining· room at the SUCOESS mirror. I suppose yOll have something in the paper tllis week about tho Alumni Banquet wIlen a waitress hand· Madisen, Wis.-President Glenn Frank conduct in Alumni Hall at the last leetul'e. I'm not exactly a moralist ed him a tray of dishes. A's of tllc Unin~l'sity of Wi9C{Jnsia,has an- Your fear of death is but the tremb· anel I'm 110t exactly stl'uck on star gazing-except und'er different cir- job has its advantages, Barney. There nouneed plans for abandoning the Ex- ling of the shepherd when 116sbnds be· eumstances, but I lwve my own ~pinioll of the ones who made an the lire the tips, you kn(;w. perimental College established llere three for the king whose hand is to balaid np- on him in henor. racket. Bm didn't go. He says these l'equired hore him. It m.ight be advisable for all "water· years ago by Dr. Alexunder Yeikeljohn, The room's getting cold nne! the old candle is flickering, so will lovers" to carry a ~ellapsi.ble cup into Illld extending the plan to the eatire uni· the Diaing Hall t.hese days when the I'eraity. The experiment, Dr_ Frank said, How can {Jnebe indeed near uniess be close. Yours truly, JUL glasses are 60 very f7'\V ~nd far between. has heeD tremendously succeS5ful, befnd
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