Page 56 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. press not what. Gleams :l brncerot 'I'he eveuiug's progmm took as ita points of being nu inmate t1lere. :Mr. bel' sholl have cue VOLe. Only clubs af frost. center Kipling. Each hall in thc girls' Truud.le gave us to uu derstaud that the ~rr mind reaches out cue dormit.orieseolltributed unuml)er 1.0 the infu-mary is not as terrible a place as e,onstitutionB will have repre- And thought his iu line. Her shimmering arms she flings up) inthccollneil. pulls As a entertainment. Tho program wa a as it is thought to be. Some of tfie And from afar The council :\'il1 mu.kc plans for thrt The is a trivial one, Steals II shy st'lT follows: points of the New York rushing season ne,;t year; will seek to But as fi~her uses the minnow for }'or her pale ijhining brow. The Elephant's Child (a reading)- Western Maryland boxing meet were curry It forward bait Mildred J'clmaon giveu by Mr. E. Lamb. President De au movement toward So the amull thought catehea :I She laughs, as a thou5and small belle, On tIle Road to Mandalay (vocal solo)- Haven eallcd upon Ur. D. C. :lIfurchisou certain aims which each club is look- fish comes wtnrt-swung, ing toward, alld will seek to promote 'l'hen like u huge sound; M. Lee Nelson for an extemporaneoua speech on til!) tIm best interests of all clubs aud tlH1 So a larger thougllt sttrs the w"ters of In n~w.founrl Tho Light thnt Failed (dramati?l1- Honor System. Some interesting sid~ college as a_ whole. It is not intondcd my brain. She IIn~J JlI\lghs again. tion)- Glori::!. Thornburg lighh on the subject were given llY Mr. thnt the council will exercise any lIU But as t1lefish, too heavy for the fislHlr Elizahet.h Clough MurehiSOl1 and otliers added by tIm man, She blows 111e Il chance snoll'flalte kiss Virgillia Menill President. Tho program committee thority over an." matter persoHal to an)' -.~9CapeB before he e~ll be ~aptu!'e(j, l"rom finger·tips 'l'ommy Atkins (dramlltiz>\tion)- nnnOlmeed an illteresting progranl for dub. - So my great thought is gone RQ ('.0(11 :1IIy lips :Mariett~ Mill& n~xt week, including a. debate upon oue Before I can think it. Cnt~h it. It melts llll'lly. 8ally!lrills of the most vital questions of contelll' Another Club Makes Formal It ;s too for mc. z.~ Rebecca Holla'''] porar.Y American life. Announcement And goes into the dink water CaroHu Eplle~ Gmnma Beta Chi, the oldest ()rganiz· Into the unknown decI)S of my lJIiull 1'116 Vampire (dramathmtion)- BROWNING LITERARY SOCIETY aLion of its kind on the hill, wishes to '30. THE FLIGHT OF THE CROWS Nellie Runkles make its formal announcement with this Edith Byrne The Browning Literary Soeiet.\' met issue of the Black and WJlite. Its pur· I wish T were (l wild animal. OIl, to (TOW$ nre flriug, firing, flying nett.y 1Ifntth.cws 10. pose is to CO-(lp~rnte lI'ith the rest of the on Monday, F~b!'uar.r The pro Across the ~nnset's dying glow; The Recessionfll (trio)- student \)cdy, (llld .,11 orgulli?atimIS, fOT graUl was in commcmomtion of LiB llonr~el., en'ing, cl')'ing Minnie Strn.-wbridgc eoln. An intere~tillg account of Lin· !li~ further::mce of a wider interest in n11 Ollward go. Ruth Staley raIn's life wus by Betty Brcngl(>, forms of college life. The offir..;rs and Edna Nordwnll accompanied acted out by l1Jelilher~ arc a~ follows: President, Sh(lll- bobbing Vice Preaident, Jones; Secre- "Ellen Garcchm and Peg HamiltOll . .E,·e· SHAKESPEARE CLUB lyll piano solo. Tile pro Treasur~r, Trice; Chal1" throb· gmm with t.he reading of two Devilbiss, nurley, Jordan, Mc· The ShakespeaTe Club met in MeD,,,,· poems, "Lincoln", illld "A ll'armcr WllO Ogburn, Price, D., R~ynolds, iel Hnll Parlor Wcdnes(lay night, T~b· RC'lIlmnbersJ,incoln". 0., l~eynoli1s, R., Taylor, Vessey, WiJ· limns, J. D., Woolford. Cries llmt f]ut)\'pr, l}u.1l'er, qnavcr ruary 12. A most i:ntcrestiug program A ShOTt business meeting followed flying was given. Mrs. Jonkills read a lJaper ill which the BrowniHg-Pl,ilomathean DOII'1I from that tl'e wrl\'et, erows; wll.\'~r, wnn~r. T!\C'ught.a on Shukespearean Songs. Amanda orntorieal cOlltcat wos explained to the WEBSTER ENTERTAINS FACULTY Borne CII every wind that blows. Bull, Catl'erino Hubby, Richard Weag· Freshman girls. ON SECOND ANNUAL OCCASION ley, alld Mitrgnret Lee Nelsoll, snng sey ~\,len ~re ne,er. eral of Shnl,('spcllre'$ song$. Elizaheth _\ll lha\ Uwy could l)~, Olough read a paper ou "Dallees of Y. W. C. A. (ContiIlIled from Page 1) BUI fly frs sat. loudly proclaiming thcir dialect were given by "Joe" Newe01l1' The purpose of the Conferonce is to the ~tU(lcnt the l)road outlook on INTER·CLUB COUNCIL vnriou8 wares. After the round of tho er. As something rliiJ'erellt, sometl,illg market had been completed, tho Snl- showing another of the nWlly pllHses of that he came to college to obtain. At the last meoting of the Girls' In- tnn im·ited the guests to come to his litcrar.\· alld cultured activit.y iu whit}1 Vital f]uestiolls that the student must ter·Club Couueil, tho follO\~il\g girls hnr()Ul, wllere they lI'ere elltertninNl by the Webster Society engages in, ausII'ur for himself will be i1iseussed in stndent groups, le::ldby able leaders "'ho werceleeted as officers: Prcsi(1ent,Lu. his dallcers, singers, an(l players. SlaTes ".Toe's" renrlings were a complete suc- He:llth, nt I(i~hn1oll(l, VII. cile Proskey; vice-president, Alice llus- serv~d the compallywith oriental foods. cess. 1")\'0 fncetI the Mme questiou$ and ijym- to- ton; seerotary, Christina Hogan. Tlwt Webster is modernly RS well as pathiz," thesc with tIle student Tim attitude· Dr. )Jary JonC$ l!'ishcr, '00, was the wnrd thl'ee ALPHA GAMMA TAU culturisticnlly inclined in its activities est, gronps which this (;Ollieroll(l.e guest of D~an Stover over the week·end. W.W. allel interest.s was well illustrated by the She is a former Biology instruct~r of Ule The Alplln Gaillma Tau Frntenlity selections of modern dan~.o music ren- will b!ltlivided will heon "Personal and College and has nlso taught in Porto The retiring officCl"s of tllO W. W. wishes to Dunounee a Ge.neral Gl.'orge dered by Webster's Melody :Makers, Social Stnndnrds", "Religious Perplex· Rico, ?lI:lIlrid, and at Cornell Uui,·erllity. Club entcrt~ined the other club mom Dauce to be given fit the Oper.a House, lIlessrs. Bolton and :McGowan. This it.ios", !lurl "Building a HOllie". Dr. Fishn holds bolh an :\1. 1\. uml Ph. bers at College Inn, Tuesday evelling Fridny eveuing, Febru:try ~1, from nino- saxap1lOue·banjo duet ,:vns It treat. The ship will leave tho Baltinlore pier D. from Cornell. At present site is on l,fter diuner. thirty until one·thirty. Tho high light of the program WM ot si; o'clock evenbig, F(1)rl1ar.v the editorial st.aff of the Ab· nOI\' at hand. It was the presentation Dinner will served nlwanl the Stl'lIcts in Plliladelphia, whle!! finnn ofa comic illtcrpretotion oia romalltic af:;~a:::~:(~~U;"i~tul~~~:~l f;~;~; l.iy the Ro~kefeller I'oundlltiOIi. C(;d ALUMNI GATHER FOR REUNION CHRISTIAN BUSINESS DISCUSSED {!ream acted by tho Webster Players. ~l AND BANQUET TIle titlo 01' this littlc skit WfIB "Mel_ the delegates will have outside lerdrammer", ~nd "mellodl'ammer" it uccommodatiens. "Dad" SMELSER (Contiuued from Page 1) \\'/19 iudee(1; bubbling over with life, for the college by William Wirtz, a (Continued from Page 1) fun, aud joy, it. put everyone in a mer· Snl.urday, breakfast nnd lunell will ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES, well·known urtist. that he gains wealth but loses the love ry mood and in tllEl best of spirits. he sCTved nt th~ Hampton institute ill COLD DRINKS· Governor Ritchie reapollded to his in· nsd respect of others. A scconcl mall With the re~djng of tlle critic's r",· Virgil';!!, tho discussion groups will Open Every Nite Until 11:30 traduction with a few warda of eon· decides O,at he wants life to give him port by 1I[r. Newcomer, the progr:lln meet th(lre, amI opportunitywilJ bel'ro· poillts trips nearby gratulatiou. DUrillg tho evenillg many lmppiuess; so lIe tries to li"e according itself CAme to nn.end. vided for Saturday to eveniug lllerC will of in- be terest. telegrams Qnd messages of felieitation to the. Golden Rule. At tIle (lnd of hIe President Ward, upon request., gave a J.CPENNEYCO l\'~ro received from Wcstern 1Ir;r."land life tllis mnn docs not possess much sllOrt, iuspiring tnlk on behnlf of t1le a Studellt Movement Dinner aboard the alumlli iu different parts of thc globe. wctllth but. ho has tile love and cstC(lm faculty in appreciation of the even:ing's ~hip on its return trip. 'I'he tOnstlllaS' Polo Shirts, Sweaters, Novelty Dr. lIleDnniel was also presented by of his neighbors. Honesty in business clltertalllment by the society. ter for tile bauquet will be :Ur. J. 'Y. Dr. Elderdlcc with a book of teswuou- pay$ ill freedOm of e.ollsei.enf.c, in the But th('re was rot another event of a Day. Goods fol' Students ials, COllsistillg of letters from his for· • esteem of one's fellow man, and fillUlIy more sel'ious nature plauned to show Sunday morning the discussion groups meT students and frionils. it will I'a~' its Inrgest di\'idend when that Webster is not HIl culture and fun will hnvc. their film 1 meeting', and Bish- Coa~h Uarlow s.I,01<.e hriefly of aLh- life on earth is over. makiug, but Hl$o practical and serious op Panl Joues will speak at the mOl'niug letics at Western .hlal'.\·lalld, and intro- in its undertakings. This last event worship sen·ice. Alter Ihis the cou· Smith & Reifsnider dneedthemembersofil,cfootball t(mu. "'as a short bU5incas meeting at whieh f('rClice adjourns find lhe deleg:ltc~ !llovies were shown of the S1. Johu's SIlYs COllg!'essman Dickill~on, of Messr~. G. Baker and .Jones were re· lea~'c the ship. Westminster, Md. and ?llaryland games. Iowa: "A I}lllUter seC'lion 01' Iowa land ceived into the ~oeiety as Illembers; Voeal scleeotions during the evening !lnd it is with pleasure that VVebster The expenses of the eonfcrenee ha.v~ will produte corn ollough to provitIe nl- LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES wer(' pres('lIt('(l by :i'l1rs. Loubo Schuth· mnkcs this ~nnounemeut. been cut. t.o the limit to cHabl£) atnti('nts l:ollOJ enongh to l
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