Page 55 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 55
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, PAGE TIDlEE \SPORTS I BASt\ETBALL BOXING \SPORTS I BOXERS BATTER N. Y. U. RIFLE TEAM DEFEATED IN FIRS'!' ANNAPOLIS JOHNNIES OU'!' JUMP MT. ST. MARY'S FIVE MATOH OF SEASON I Punch· Drunk Says: I TERROR BASKETEERS IN ANOTHER VICTORY The Rifle 'I'enrn wall defeated in its Anuapolia, Fr-h. a-Thongh given a bet- TRIPS TERROR QUINTET first match of the season which was held The recent Intercollegiate Boxing meet ter nrgumeut than most expected, St. The Terror Boxers won their fourth at the University of Maryland OIl 'J<'eb- with N. Y. U. at Carlin's, while John's College won a 3:1·to-25 decision Westminster, xre. Feb, II-Mount St. rntereoll~giate mret of the season by de runl'_;-6, The score was eotmnendnble over the Westel'n Maryland ?asket-bull Mury ts Oonege quintet was gi\'en one of feating New York University, 5-2, at when the fact the gnllety was joynble to the studenta who team here tonight. The Johnnies were its worst scares of the season Tuesday thnt Carlin's in Baltimoro on February 8th. strcngc to the men from the "Hill" and was a flascoas rar as Bult iuioru pug frma. some,dlat slugg;lIh in the first period and evening before slipping awny with a 28- 'rhe. Violets were stN)ng in CI'ery class, had!l ,'erl' decided effect upon the score were concerned. These ar(lent followers left the floor ill it 10-to-10 deadlock with ~(j [lecision over Western Maryland at the only bout of the el-enrng which was is considered. 'I'he team is now firing a of the ring were rather aurprlsed the Terrors, who are known to have a the local armory, not close being that of Tell Klcpne ill match for championship of the 'l'hlrd to find anv attempt had been made somewhat weak bnsket-ball Leum The Emmifsbutg dribblers showed the light-hell")' weight divislon. Corps Area and i~ also entered in the to make boxing a dignified sport. How· At the start of the second half, how- fiashea of bril.liant. form iu the first half pro- the crowd was of gratifying T],e crowd numbering from 800 to National RifiG Aseoetutlon toumnment for the first .Intereclleglnte box- guard, opened a Jusll and umdo tuc 1ll0litof their chauees to 1,000 persona, whicb looked on while which is now taklug place. which lias CI'"rbeen held in that city, his 12 points within a pull away to a 19-8 aih-alltage fit the Western Maryland wits winning by 5 to 'l'he scor-esof the five high men on the enn the rowdiest or tnc faus sbow few minutes' span and gave the John- half, Exccptioufil foul shooting, which 2, wall a trp.i(11l1loenl gathering of eor- tomn in the U_ of 11. matth are: Hd that there is a possibility of their be· n working urargin. accounted for 10 out of the 11 lege sports followers. It \1'I1Swell for St. John'a ehances that shots, snved the visitors the Standing Kneeling Pronc Total ing educatea to dign.ified and sporsbnnll' Sailing along with a 10-point Dlnrgin Bouts Halted Once Braun 73 84 97 25,1 likeeoudnet. with olll~' eight minntes to play, MOll11t Here. and th~rll ,,"as a boUcd shirL Sterling 78 82 253 SL Mary's quint attempted 1.0 stall_ front, the flash of n gny but the Lnwrence 76 81 flo 25:! But the Terrors eontinued fighting and bleachers were replete who Willey 74 :!50 list. There is wmething broke through to smear the follow collegbte fig"htsund other sports. 78 98 of this yonng tor tourt. The fights lI"erehalted once when lhe DeH:!l'cn 64 00 93 the spectators and a poss1bleehnncefor their fint audienlle made SOOlenoise. Another makes his bout one of the best or was responsible, hut sllI'eral eon· I-ictory, Terrors made a remarkable time at the end of the 175-pound class 1256 oftheeard, tri\Jnted a basket or two. Withill the re uphill fight with Woolley and Wel- which went an extra round, the U. of M. 1340 mniniug time St. John's tallied]O linger Icnc1ing offensi,'e, they eut expressed its diuati$faetion with Punch-Drull.k has noticed that man)' lli! against We!lteTll?lfarylalld's± stow down the I'isitors'margin to a slim tllres boohs when the de<'i~ionwas awarded to GIRLS' INTER-OLASS BASKETBALL of even the most interested student· ~\\'ay the \·iclory. po;nts til. the final wilisUe. the Western Maryland fighter. Inter- follow~rs of hoxing, ou In a preliminl1ry gMne lhe SI. Jolm's to register ou penalty allots collegiate boxing was !lew to !lIlInyBal- SOHEDULE OU'!'LINED the l'ngue~t notions as to tho import Junior VMaity trimllled the Western eost :'.laryland UICdecision, as tilllor~ans, who were not.-nwnre that the the TntercoHegiMe rules. For in~tance Maryland Freshm611,2,1 to 22, tIl(' fOllr chances missed out of nine at audience must remain quiet. Tbe extensil-e class prnetiees having t.he judging of the bouts hilS tome in for the 15·foot line wonld ha'-e given the been l'erysnceessfHl in the past fell' ST. JOIIN'S Some of the boys eould not uuder- a lot of amateur comment. The rules G. Terrors il single-point l'erd1tl. $tnnd what A.lex,0 'Lear, the Joe Hum weeks, a rather complete sehedllle has $tntt' thnt fwO judges shall preside at )'lcCartee, f ... T. o All', ST. "IIIARY'S been arrnngcd fer the Van($. phries for tho. night, meant when he in- rendering dec;sions on each Hoff, f .. G. F. T. trodnccd the fighters o! the first b\lut as Girls' :Ithlctic.s undrr the guidunce of of e'lch fight. The max· Baira, c. a 10 Mr. Flater and Mr_ Marmel. This also Miss Parker have made a big stride to imum score f{lf a single bout is twenty Wolanski, e_.. L~'nch, f. 0·0 o E. Ryscavage, f. was nell'proeedure, but the "boys"reek· the l'hysical$ts goal- and if a llghter should, by any 1- 2 3 ~IcCfdl, e. 2-2 oned itmuat bea part of the rules, and "Athletics for !lIt" Under the present rench that total before the end 4· ~ 13 J-. R~-"ea~~ge,g. 44 let it go at that, e,-cry girl h11S~ll oppor of the theeontestisllecessarily Connell, g. 0-1 sho so ill any game The best light on the program was the while taking care of the nneven ana referee is required to Tot(J.1S....... 12 8-10 32 JUliowaki, g. first one and the best fighter was C!l.P- indil'idlwl, illcrenses slop the fight. Of these twenty points, taiu Klepac, of Western Mar~-land,c1osc- foul'lcen count for the offense, four for 'VESTBRK MD. Totals 10-11 11'pressed, howCl'er, by the Violot lend- in college athletics and generalship, and two for .uggrcssi\'eness. G. F. er, Ed. Pinsker. for a "biggcr and better" ~lore of this anon. Wu-olley,f Q- 0 10 WESTERN 1L\RYLAND something that is very much f... 0-0 4 G, F. T. Ba.ntams in Fine Bout far!l.S girls' athleties are concerned. Baker, f. 0-1 Flater, of Westcrn .Maryland, and The schedule: On Saturday the Terror leathHr-push- g.. 1· 1 3 WOolley, f. 2- 3 )0 Mnrmel, Of N. y, U., who appeared in WednClldny,Feb. 12 ers tral'el to Penn State. for what prom g. :!- 4_ 6 Hammill, c. 0- 1 the opening bont, knew wl,at it was all 3.15-Senior B '-a Sophomore B is~a tOo he one of the haraest meeh of Bngle, g. 2-2 about, and they went at it hammer and 4,aO-Freshmll.n D \'s FrCllhman B the ",-,aSOlLThe hope and will of TOlills...... 10 5· 9 25 Wc\linger, g. )·3 tongs from the first gong to1IieJ.!t~ ------ ----tl1~~iui'H:nl'u~reshmanA W<"Stern:\1nryland.. 10 15-25 Store by hnhes: lllinmer 115-ponllder_ Both little fellows 7,~5--Senior C l'S FreshmUII C Puneh-Drunk D_Otesthat tile Hill is Mmllit SI. Mary'S ]9 9-28 were familiar with the nses of :l left ,,-at-ching the basketball te.1m with in- Refcrce--Switzcr_ Time of hnh-cs-20 "'Vesterl! ::\fHrylalld 17-25 halld, but they luid their-plan of bnttle _Monda~',}'ob. 17 creasing interest. The lrrek of experience minuil's. l{cfe]"ee-:'.l~llton along different lines. ~:OO-,Tunior V 1"5Sophomore B of the Tsther green material is being 7_00-Jullior A vs Sophomore A rapidly overeome and the Terror cagers Flater, the jnbber Ilith a good straight seem to he getting back: into the stride EVERHART right, led oftener and landed with a WednesdaJ, "j<'eb.19 of former Western 1I[nryl1llldbasketb~n Babylon & Lippy Company greater regularity. t.he hooker :::.15-Senlor C I-SSOJihomoreC tealllS. More power lo 'em! with an effectil-e right eros~, as hard, 4.00--------Junior,,\ vs Fr€shmon A BARBER AND BOBBER but did le~s dllnwge. Time and again 7.0O-FrC8hmnn C I'S Freshman D SHOES, HATS, UNDERWEAR Flaler snapped .Uarmel's head baek witll It seems to PUllllh-Drunk about At ehe Forks !lInt Icftjab,witb the result that lhe 'L'hursdHy,Feb, 20 time for unother CO-I'd game. New Yorkt'r always WIISslowed up and 7.0O---SeniorA I'S Sophomore A The last contest with St.ra;yer's was an weary toward the end of 11ronnd, 7A5--Sellior B 1-8l"reslullan B enjo~'uble lJaUle and indicated 1m in- Westminster Savings Bank illtercst in ~ports by the girls. Showed They Liked Game MondllY, February 2-1_ co-cds! Capital $50,000,00 Judged by college boxing standllrds, 4.00-Senior B YS Jnnior B Surplus "Earned" $400,000.00 KlepM and Pinske)', riml atller-pushers. Watch Penn F. Thos. Babylon, Pres_ fighting men of the two-fisted, Wednesdlly, February 26 Slate I type. 'rhey like Ow game nnd 3.l5-Julljor B \'s F"eahnu:m B Milton P. Myers, Vice Pres_ it. 4.aO-Freshman A Sopholllore A GIRLS BOW TO GALLAUDET Jacob H. Handley, Trens, Had their opponents been :lble to trilde VB FAST SEX'!'E'!' punches with them on fairly even terms l.aO-Freshman D ,-s Sophomore C SECURITY -SAVINGS_SERVICE real fightiug would hnl"e oecurred. As it Thursday, Februar;y 27 The girls' Varsity lost a "ery llIose wa~, hOll'e,'er, Haslinga., a willing, rug' 7.0a-SopholllOreB YS Fr!'Shm:ln 13 aud exeitil1g game lnst Snlllr(]ay to Gnl- ged WI;$tern :'.laryland featherweight, 7A5--Souior C \'s Freshlllun D lnudet College by tho seore of 39·33. UI_} was outdllssed by Pinskey, while }Jas· untilthelnstqunrterthcWesternllIary- SILVERWARE WATCHES s~ri althongh nnything but :l push-over, Olftciallleferees: la"dite,. were lendiug their oPI)ononts by Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr coulrln't stnnd toe in toe with KJepae Pilrker, l1itchell, Russell, Thornburgh, fi,·e points -or more but the la.~t quarter wl,en the latter ollcned nre, ::\l(,~'c,Read, Cockbnrn, prored fatal for them and suceessful for A. H. Fetting Co. Pinsker got credit for the only knoek- the Gllllauclet plnyers. Goods for Young Men out, II t~hn;cal k:lYO rcgistered when The girls ,,-ere more or I€ss handicap- MANUFACTURING JEWET~ERS Referec Jared stopped the une,-cn strng· ]lense of Pineur;! in a slow heal-yweigllt ped by the strange fioor nud strange 3H Charlce St., North gle in the second round with Hastings bout. playing conditiOns but showed np ad- \0 per cent Off for Coltege Students unhurt but lJeatcn,aud Klepacsllored the Summary: mi"ably after they had gotten nCllnstom- only llleun knockdown of tile el·cning. ed to the fioQr----esp['{lially:'.lurphy and CLASS PINS CLASS RINGS 115·ponlld Class },'I.1Ier, Western NaD·l~nd, won decision ol-er :'.Iarmel in Russell, who stellilT games at their positioIls, The line-up: As frequently happens, the bout be- threeronnds, tween lhe cleverest boxers on the card 1:!5-pound Class: Pil1skc~', N, Y. U" G ..\ LT.A UDET WESTERN :MD. D. S. GEHR was one of the tllmGst. SlomolVitz, the scored tcehnical knockout oycr Ha!!l:ings. Burello r:f_ :'.lurphy Somebody, Somewhere, wants your Violet lightweight, a skillful Beesley 1. f, Ebangh leather-pusher, hardly n glove on Class: Crosby, Western }.Ioulsd")!' rrhornhurgb (Established 1866) Doug Crosby, exccpt in the clinches. On won decision over Siomoll'itz Martino Cockburn Photograph the other hnn
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