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COL .TUNIOR SPEECH PLAYS BOXING VS. W. VA. U . SMITH HALL ARMORY TOMORROW 7:30 P. M. WEDNESDAY, 8 P. M. Vol. 7, No. 14 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. February 13, 1930 MORE JUNIOR PLAYS TO CELEBRATES GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY ALUMNI GATHER FOR ENTERTAIN THE COLLEGE REUNION AND BANQUET The Junior etude nts iJl Bpeeeb w-ill The Lord Baltimore liotel was the present three one·n{·t in Smith scene of U most elnbcrata affnir ou mn, tomorrow evening 7:30 -e. 1\1. Fubrunrv I, ]930. It 'J'heae make thc secoud group of Juuior to 1:;0 I'rcs("lltc{J this year. annual Midwinter Banquet the Miss is tl,c director of the playa. western ~\inryl>lnd Collegt' Aluumi As- TIll' plll~'3 will be ll-I! fnllowa: soeintiou. The WRS 1\ pnrtieul- "It lsn't Done" is a pla.v In one al·,t 'Irl~· uolahle event. year due to the b,v Carl Glick. The setting of the celebration of tho fiftidh aunivcrS'lT? is realiBtic (Iud ilie J1lfl~' il~cl£ a of Dr. iI!'cDnnicl's grnduafion from W. tns~' of comedy and romnnee. 'rhe M. C. to the cottcge in )885, aoenc is laid n t mi[luight in a remote Ilvc yenra after graduation, uo b~- corncr of aomu srnul'l town. Thc eharac- Clime;] tencherand rcmainedin t\]at ters nre. until about tell years flgo, A Poet Mr. Greve hc was torecd hocauae or iuucattu A Bualuese Man };(r. Lyons 10 disecntinua tenehlng. lie ccnt iuucd oi' A Policemnu :Mr. gulltvan and treasurer thi~ Fingcrs" is II coiucdv ill one holds. Hughes. ~'he eecue is laid No ,lllllh·crSflI·.Y could have beeu more and alLhough tho plot is 1'l"''' flght amusin~, n real idea Hude!" ()el(lljr'Hed "Billy MI(~'s" Aftn a dclicioua jncel lies its netion. 'l'her:;lo;uaeterSflrc: of si" cO!lrse~, Mr. J. Willi", Mu. Cage Mias Roop Smith, Prcshleut of the Alu]JI]\i As- .LI!.rs.PnrIlOlls Werntz sociutiol1,lIwdetlicwcJeollle.'ldd.ress,llf- Airs. Harper tor ,,·lJicli he proseutcil Mr. Clun-lcs E. 'I.rr!>. l~~ndon l'Iliss Raum 'lI,a.s The lilt· "At lhe Entl of the TIainhow" is fl. this lutcr in miniature by Jnmes P. 'Web- the serious renmr\;s ,jokes bcr. IIccne is a wiW woeHl amI U,." :'lId 1\[1'. Charles N. !\liller, 'Sl, tin1l' is un AWil evening. The cha!'- Uwn l)Jesellled the portrait of Dr. lIfe- actersnrc: Dauiel, which was unveilcd by Dr. Me· Daniel's only gr"uilchild, Oher S. 11err, Pierrot Tod{l Pi('rrrttc ~Uss Hobl,y J,'. 'L'lIis portrait WDS recently painted \rill O'I!JeWisp ;-'fissDouglfls (COlltinuoil 011 Page {) VOCATIONAL STUDIES CONTIN- "AN EVENING WITH THE STARS" UED :BY TALK ON CAMP ENTERTAINS LARGE AUDIENCE __ ~k~~$.~~~~E-'·.~U! Ou Tlmrsday evening, Februnr.y GI h, ~1l'S vocational talks Miss Durothy El- Mr. Baumgardt l'resunt~d hig lecture un derdi(,l', Iustrnetor of Public Speaking nstrOJJ(.'.I:>, in Alumni Ibll. Tn hilS tall, at the Seluin"]'),, gal'e a talk on "'l'hc entitled "An E,-!millg \\'ith tliO Successful Girls' Cnlhp Couneillor" last the speaker, of mllion·wille Thursday afterooon in the Y. W. O. A. tion, ga,e to t\J" college students au'l Room. their friends !lIe essencc of hi$ un- "A wiahboue, n fnnny bone, and a 1'ivaled eXIleriCllee. DR. WTI..LIAM R. McDANIEL back·bone, are neeessary to any suc- A~sisted by his illvaluablo views of cessful girl$' camp eonncillor;' :\[iB~ El- mnny nlltural plu.'nomena, Mr. Bt!ulll del'dice saiD, nnd then wellt on to ex- gardt introduced us to thc sl::trs as tile ihemeaaillgofthesothrcokinda kl';l' t() the universe. lie dirrcted onr POPULARITY CONTEST bont's. 'rhe wishbone stands for tl,~ llliuds from !lur !llYn illforiori!~' in th~ CHRISTIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE OALENDAR jdenl~ whidl the councillor must set for g"randeur of tlHI world about 113 to n herself and for the young PCl'SOllS over fimlr spirit of l'umilil." tlud uuderstnnd· DISCUSSED IN CHAPEL ON "ALOHA" PROGRAM whom sIlO 110S eha.rge. The f.unny·bQne ing, l'('llli1'.ing tho d~'l,~mie Jlow~r of THURSDA Y, FEBRUARY 13- givea the often·necrl~d abilit.y to bugh Sekl]Ca Club'; Scienee Lecture and kC-Cll ch(>erful when things go ",flU'S immortal intellect Iwd aoul. In Mr. II. P. GorBuch, u Westminster j{OOlnj 8:00P. M. A meeting of' the "Aloha" Staff W!lS this ll:l.lIoram/l of tlH' heal-ens, he paint- held in Mission Parlor on Februal'Y 9 wrong. And finally, the bac.kbone gives ed out the impOl'!n!l(!e of man's correct business lllUIl and editor, spoke at tllll FRIDAY, PEBRUARY 14- stf<'ngth alld courllgc to face amI e011- 1't'gnlal' Baker Chapel sendee on Sundny to drnw pInus fol' thc finishing touches interpretation of nature ~nd lifo abollt JUllior Speech Plays; Smith Hall; qUCfnllnd,·crseeircnUlst:J.nees. evenblg, .E'ebruur.y 9, Oll the subject of on the annual. The broad outlines of him. ~roreo"er, astn; and other 7:30 P.)f. .Miss Eldenliee then gave all ABC of "Business". the book hnv!'! been luid and lIluclJ !le- scientists, giving their s(:rl'ir.e for mflll- SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15- !ni.1 work has beell dono but It great the vnrious t,ype~ of work donc by tIll! kind's enligllteument, were dEipietcd as ),lr. GOI'SUCll said that not onl~- olle Var~ity Boxing; Penn State Col· deal more rmnuins to l)() done. 1'hiJ (·OUHcillors.ItfollOll's: lhearistocmeyof tlie inte]l(Jctual realm, II'ho buys alld sells is It busiucBlI per· lege; Away. stnff i~ enthnsiast,ie over its work. Nev· A-Arc1Icry, nrh find crafts. SOJ1, but the lawyer, the minister, the B-Routing, basketball, balleball. 'rIm s:rmpulhcUe listenf'rs fonni! in er h:,~ a staff bet'u moro int;:;restcil in McnogmplJer, the housewife, all carry SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16- C--Ct), campfire, campcril,ft. Mr. BllIullgnrdt not only a SUl'pll.ssing_ Ull some sort of business. Business putting out n well-hal/ulced book oud l"lQwledge 11n {l interpretation 0 f College Sunday School; Baker D-Daneing, (lr:nnntics. means morc than money i1: inl'olv~S Ch~PQlj l/:OO A. M. shown tlmt intcr{'st so well iu their II-Horsemllnship, hiking. scienee: not only n kl.'en ;'1I!ll humorous 1](·Il]·ty cooperation. 'l'he "1930 Aloha" n]l]lreciatioll of man's sliortcol1li.ngs; lo.'·ally, ilOnesty, nud n:ligiol1. Pl'ol)- B:,kol' Cllupel Service; 7:15 P. ::\1. will be from all present evi(lence ono 1f-l'Ifusic. ahly ifa~'outh \\'(>rr. askr.d whethor hon- J-JOUl'nalism (Mlll]l papt'r). \.lilt also a strong fnith in the "sOllle- MONDAY, PEBU-GARY 17- af tlj() fmest yenr books ever rcp.reseut- ell!,y is the bcst pollc~' in \.luaines.'!!, he I hing" in man's make,ull greater tlmn N-Nature lore. would say unhesitatingly, "Ycs," but Literary Societiesj G:30 and 7:00 ing the collegi.'l. It i~ tl]o jlri,-ilege of 8--Storc, swimming. lllere tnaterinl power. P.1.f. Ille student body to SUppOl't it heartily nfter I,,:n-ing beon in business for ten T-'J.'e\lJlill, track. Qrtifteen venrsa mUll wi!! finSWermQl'O Tutcr-Plutooll Bnskctballj Gym· nnd by their intt'rest make possible The sabry ptdd 10 camp l\ouneillors WEBSTER ENTERTAINS FACULTY hesitatillgly. It is an CV('r'ydll~' ocour- u:tsiUl1l 3:05 P. l\J. ]]]nny improvements. is low, ~ccording to 1.1isS Elder(li~c. ON SECOND ANNUAL OCCASION I.'nec to fi.nd an unscrupulous, dishonest TUP.SD"\Y, FEBI~UARY 18- One of tueplnns projected at tile last ~lall~' jmlior Mun6llors work the first business lllan wealthy and successful, Sodal Clubs; 7:00 P. M. meeting of tllC ~taff was a llopulllrity' ~'ear for tho experience only. The nnnunl Facnlty Night Program while the honest, hard working Inue is contcst. The willllers nro to have their Miss Elderdiec closed hrr t.alk \.ly -~--- was pn~~l'nted by \VI)\.Jster Litornry So- struggljng to llloCt e"pcuses. Dishonesty YUl'sit.y Bn~kctbnll; 8:00 Bluo }'L Ridge pictures in the book. Ballots will ap- re~ding u brief illlprcssil'c prflyer of a College; Armory, P. ciety lI[ou([ay evcning in the Litl)rary in husiness cousish not only of giving pear in thc "Gold Bng" fl1lCl each Btu !lnmp councillor. Hall. The ma.iori!y of the f3eulty r(" short weight but also in what the busi- WI:;DN}:SDAY, FEBRUA.RY 10- dent will be allowed ono vote fOI' the sponded to the i",·itat.ions issucd sev' Y. W. C. A. 6:30 P. 11;[. Sess mun docs or ~ays, or fails to do or man and the womlln whom they con- COLLEGE MUSIC STUDENTS TO AP- eml da~'B l)eforc alld were prcs\!nt for say. The merehllnt who bought de- Y. 11. O. A. 7:00 P. M. sider the most popul(Jr, the beat look PEAR rn PUBLIC RECITAL the o\·cnt. feotive goods ani! sold it cheaply with- Yarsity Bu"ing; West Virginill ing, ,he bcsh athlete, the best We\.Jster Hall hud been attractively out letting I]is Plltrons 1rylbing olsc slutJellh nrc Clarence T. Dellavcn, Webstt'rite8 proscllt and to pervndo the frirnds whom we have thought to bc attend the 1I1i{1-winter Confereuce of Ihat we enjoy here. One or the ways voice e+udent ut Westeru :Unryland, aml whole rO(>Ul II-ith a1mosl'hne th~t 1'ings lruetoideals. the Student CI]ristian Association of this utmosphere can be drawn into tIll' ('h[lrles Forlint's, ,,-ho iu ILddition to in the WelJstermetto:"I still hve". Mr. Gorsuch compared 1.11'0 men who Maryland, Dclaware, and t.he District book is through snapshots. Anronn who being' Ii student ot Western ].f.nrylulld PrempUy nt 7:15, e,-eryone having 3.1'- 11>).vOhud equal eduroution alid opportuu- of Columbia. ku sl1upshoU of persons, groups, ae- is purSuing- studies on the orgau at the rived, tIle pr(tgrn.1l1 began. President it~· bUL who have difforent gO:II~ ill life. This eonIeren<":e, to be held February ncws or anything elSe fa.miliar P('ullody Institute. The ]lJlstor of lIamp· J.Jillk cr!1\cd tho meeting- to order; amI Our t"I.l
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