Page 52 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryla.nd College, Westminster, Md. O1hul9.O1lub.nnll g,ortdy loingn II Social Gossip I ]l{npprningn Among tqr Alumni Elizabeth Clougb, '30 Dear Dotty:- Y. M. C. A. STUDENT VOLUNTEER The engagement of 11 iss Kathleen ),[rs. Finlay, formerly Uiss Yirginin A sigh of relief-and heaps of time to Todd, '::6, of Federalsburg, l1d., to Cur Pittman, '26, were married Saturday, do something besides ~tudy. Exnms, nre "1'" was the subject of a by At the Student Volunteer meeting in ti~ W. Clark, of Rochester, N. Y., has been JnlHlIlry 4, to William Pound Finlay, of "Tap" Wcisbeck n.t t.he Y. III. C. A. meet- Pretty Parlor yesterday afternoon finally over and honestly it's great jnst announced. Two summers ago when )lills Piedmont, CIII.Mrs. Finlay belonged to to be ahle to sit by my wludow and write ing last night.. Mr. Weisbeek's talk, about forty people listened to au in· you everything that nus happened since 'I'odd was nttending the University of the W. W. club at Western )farylnnd. which was pithy nud practical, showed ap+tn tdeual talk by Rov. Osterlink, Ln- the crisis has been passed. Dijon, France, she Inrt Mr. Clark, who For the last two years she hns been the necessity of intelligent dietr-ibutdon theran preacher from BaJtimore. "Christ was nlso a summer student at the Uni- tcnehiug school at Silver Spring, Md. of time I)y the college student. Those is Ali", was the subject of Rev. Oster- The ending of exams was 11signal that vcraitj-. )fr. Clark has studied at Culum- )Jr. :b'inlny is a graduate of Blu Ulli<"er· people whose Hme is limited are t,lle link's address. He showed how Ghrist celebrating wns tc start. That signrll l)ia UniYersity, nnd now is a student at sity of Montana. They will}i,'e in Cali· ones \'1'110 accomplish the most, while was opposed altkc to frenzied fanati- was received gladly by the "eds ' an[l 1 the University of Penasylvnnia. Miss fornln. co-eds those whose time is limitless never do cism and to deadening ritunlism of his of "the HilI", and perhaps 1'odd belonged to the Delta Sigma Knp- Announcement has been modo of the get au~'thing done. "Tile same applies t.lmc and brought in their stead a Ye- add that tho faculty breathed a pa club ut Western Mn ryland college :tnjl marriage of Dr. Gardner ".arnH, '25, to uionev," said Mr. Weisl)eek. "The boy ligion of constant power, also assuring easier, and did they celebrate' WfiS president of the woman '8 Student son of Dr. and 1[rs. L. F. W/truer to ~1isa who comes to college on t.wo hundred to the Christian pellee of mind, happi- Well-jnstlisten! asaceint.ion. Oourate Parks of Baltimore, Maryland. doi'lars a year earned during vneation ness, and a better future life. He You remember that I told YOIl how government Dr. Warner is an interne nt tlle Uni· will see to it thnt every dollar nnd pointed out that college lile is full o( "~rr attmetil'e Coll~ge Inn is, and Ilo\V Announcement hns been made of the "ersi!"y of )(firylnnd :'ifedicnl school. every minutegcta Id.1ll somewhere, while opportunities to show our allegiance to the whole atmosllhereof the pIneo seems marriage at Halifax, N. C., l:!st Novem' tile I)oy with nil the mon!\y he wallt$ Christ by into action ills prin- to "ilfl"e a party! Have a pnrty!" ber of 11:iss Lorlynlle Elise Taylor, '26, E"clyn Prichard, (,x· '30, lins beenmnr· )'[ias answered it by entertaining ri('d tresting d(:bate wns given at the Treasnrcr Anna )1ae Gallion time. YOII see, there is an acensional ~~~ie;;.~r~~~ru~;~. ~~·n~~~ ~~::~~;~ ~:;;:::~lt~~~e:!~-4~(~.~.~~~Ie~~~:~""""!2i'~":a:!';~':!!!:ll~'*~~J:!!U~l:.,r;~·iO¥'t"":'=\n~~"'''I~ar~~:~'~'"'°l:"'~"'~:·+(~----"~.."()"a"d:;"'""S=:;;;-~,"E"L~.S~E"R~"-':::~==::::::====~=::""";::'" wns: "Resoh'edj that e..hain stores lire Inter.eIu~ Council R(.'prrsentnti\'~8, down the parlQr. Dut, then, I aek you d~trimental to the bcst llltercsts of the Luelle Proske)' and Elsie Ebsworth who \\'ouldn't be on time for a Blnek und ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES, United States. The ncgnth'e side of the The Club girls and pledges hel{l a "get White Dall(le1 The orehestra WHS COLD DRINKS que;:;tion was arj!;ued by I~abeUe Duuglas, together" Wedncsda)' nigllt, at the State iOIl~! And when they Peg Hnmilt(ln and Hannah Hecht. Those 'I'he~tre Imd lllter (1t's. Yon," I thought the {loncers Open Every Nite Until 11:30 on ~he 3ffirlnati,'c side were E"elyn were going t.o do the Pied Piper stunt. Kaufm:m, Cathepinc Bnumgnrlner and It really isn't neeessar:r t.o say that .Alice Hollund. 'rhe judges nwnrded the Y. W. O. A. everybody hnd a gOod tUlle, but I mean J.C.PENNEY CO, decision to the negative side. The prcs· we actnlllly did. Polo Shirts, Sweaters. Novelty :~I~l:~;~;~~e~~~:l~:~ ~;;edD;::l~~rl!a~: of T~::b~~~~~ ~f ,~~: ~'e W. \tl~:~~~~Sntnrday mOl'ning s~~~~~' :~;~ !~I'/:~ and C. Of classes! take more inter~st in debating. as related ta pl'a.ycr. )Ioore ~'~:r:sesoY~~,,;te~~n)~:~ Goods fol' Students :~:~k~li:n;~~:I~il:: ~~:~r~:t :I~~~:~o:,·:~ ~~:n~li~;lt~:~::~I.,gT~:~e IRVING Westminster Savings Bank ~~I::Oil~~~:d '~~~~~Sstsoar;,gt:ldd~;t ~;~~i:: were loyallJ' attended. Tllere w('re Smith & Reifsnider In'iug Literary Society held its first Brinsfield, "The legend of the Shep. knock outs, ~,~~:e:.;:: ',:,~:P~;;:'::c~~'tC::~ meeting of the set'fln!l semester in Irdllg herds". The progrnlll was in charge of Westminster, Md. Capital ~50,OOO.OO Ifnll, :'i1ondny, February 3. 'I'he meet Blanche Hnrd. Monda.l'· Surplus "Earned" ~400,OOO.OO ing was called to order by President De SUlljlay everyone wellt ta eJmrth; Snn LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES IfllI'en and the society led in prayer (lay aight, after College Tnn F. Thos. Babylon, Pres. the ehaplnin. After !I discnssion of DELTA SIGMA KAl'PA needell sO"unl pllrlors. Pro· AND COAL Milton P. Myers, Vice Pres. ness n sllort program Wlt8 ren(lered. Mr. fes90r Bertholf gn\·(1' a parly for the Sun SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND J. ~lurchison g:n'e .~n outline of recent Delta Sigllln Kappll wishes to nn· day School teachers and oftieers. Jacob H. Handley, Treas. UH'uts of impurtnnce. Ur. CisseI gayc llouuce that .Mi~s "Mary E. HUlllllhrey9 "Ga.1' Deceiyers" were mlldc merry by GENERAL MILL WORK SECURITY.SAVINGS.SERVICE H11 entertnining talk on "Snow." Fm-t has been pledged to the club. a "thnnk you" purty from the "De· of the program prepllred was deferred MJss Mnriel Bishop, !I[jss Ella Weir, rei\'ed". Litter tIm\. night, pO$sibJy in IIntil lle:d meeting in order to enallIe and Miss Louies Crozier elltertaincd the the wee haur~ of a college morniug, m~ny members of the society to attend the Dclh at tea iu the club·room on Thurs· feeds werc gil·on. Sunday is "isitors' SILVERWARE WATCHES meeting of tllr debllting tounei!. d'lY dternaon, Fcbruary 6. day and the visitors como heavy la{lo;on. "Ginna" Sterling was hostess to one of Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr the feeda and for olle time the gllcsh VARIETY ORATORIOAL CONTEST PLANS ARE had henps to eat. A. H. Fetting Co. ANNOUNCED Birt.hdllyS hnppen, too, ()ll the "Hill." MANUFACTURING JEWELERS voods for Young Men (Continued frOl\l Page 2) Everybody is happy, when writil>g this p)ny? It i~ difficult to S:I.I' (Contiuued from Pnge 1) "'Weedie" \Vernt~ !ins [l. Be 3I! Charlca St., North 10 per cent Off for College Students off hand, but onc mny be sure tlmt it '1'ho Constitution and American Eeo· ean~e niter oelebrating all day, the room· was a satire on some pllase of modern llJltle, "Vic" Smith, gi"es Weedie tile nomic Policics soeiet.y. Probably lie menns to say that best snrprise pUTty at night. The CLASS PINS CL.<\SS nINGS Constitutional Incentives to Illdivid- tile gutter-rat is mlle11 happier tlian the ualIllintive W:lS ufter 1Q:00, but we were as dnchess lind a lot more sincere. Or he as miee. Proctor Pr[)8key say to might be saying that you and I nre Constitutiosal Gilaranteos to All society boulJ(l creatures, afraid to ex .• AmeriCan Citizens 1 !llmost .forgor-"l'he Four Horse· D. S. GEHR crt our own individunlity--or more like· Tlw Constitntiou and International men" cclebrnted, too. :Mr. Scott Hall Somebody, Somewhere, wants your Iy nfraid of the ridicule if we do. Or Affairs \\,118 host nt a Ilridge part.y at College (Established 1866) maybe we might consider the play in a American Youth and the COllstitution Inn. J wonder wlw was high scorer' broad sense and say that it is a good )1)'t T have to run to elass. The bell Photograph The Constitution alld its Ponnders Wholesale and Retail JiCarty I;Jught nt society in general. tnllg fully;) minlltes ago. You Imo\\' I '1.
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