Page 51 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 51
========"":"========,,,,,;TI~1.e Go1l1Bug,WesternMar:r1and College,Westminster,Md. PAGE THREE \SPORTS \ BASH.E.TBAl,L BOXING \SPORTS i TERROR ~lITfMEN WIN MATCH WITH U. OF M_ (lPENS CO-EDS KJ~EP IN TRIM WITH DARTMOUTH SENDS LETTER OF INTER-CLASS TOUltN AMENT APPRECIATION 'l'EA M SEASON FOR RIFLE THIRD MATCH EASILY PR,:"'-CTmE GAMES TnE GOI.n uoo OPENS WITH JUNIOR-SEN- IOR CLASH The ae,tivitiy of the rifle tearm this A praetite. game between II mixeil ,"ar· the folluwing takes pleasure the in print letter .from Boxing "Dick" liarlo,,"s ernck mitt sling- season starts touight with II sb ouldcr aity and ct.aea team was played iu the of Dartmouth College. Any uom- '1.'0 the Seniors and Juniors went the class HIS, beaded by fhcir two inter-colkgiate to shoulder match at the Univcr( ity of gym lust oyer 3.aturday, Gold. the The Green game enaify was win ur- ment on the letter would be snperflnous, honor of Jcague opening season the of. '30. nillg the ba sketbaf+ the champions, Ted Klepac and Doug eros- Maryland. The r-ifle team has h~lllg up -mnged in place of the one scheduled by since it speaks for itself. The important The elass of 'SO was to the oeen- fine recorda in the past and the wealth by, out-boxed Ole VirgilliaPolyte{'lmie F'rederi aksburg, who eoutd 110t fill their lessen for we students on the Hill is the sian nud emergcd on long end of a In&litnte team in 11 dual boxing meet at of material and keen eompeti'tion for eontrflr,t b('(,ause of tho poor weather CO!)- f:\(;tthat courtesies to visitors,ltndto 9·8 score. The game "Was fast and well- the local ArnlOry last Srlturdlly, Pabru- the selection of this year's team a.:lIord's ditions. Altliough the game was rather visiting teams in partteular, are really played thrqughnut, tlie defenses of both foul'uonts to three. Ir wne fbc cppor tuuity for an optimistic prO"J.1heey. onc·s·Jded, it ga"e the girls a appreciated. The score and the winn('! teams being nlmost impregnable. second showing here 311{1 their The team is made up of members -of the chnr.ce to discover just what CQuld may be quickly forgotten, bnt the im- At ure beginning the .luulora jnmped third eons(leuti,-c detor)' in dual eorupe- R. O. T. C. unit coached by Capta in R. and could not do without their regular pressions whieh a visiting leam receives tition this yeur. D. Woolley aud Sergeant James 'Mash- eo mblnations. ure lasting OIl1'S and {In them, in the into the lead, but the Seniors forged to Saturday's meet \\"H~ very closely eon- burn. 'I'he coaches had much ex- sportsmanship sense, rests the reputatfcn the f1'Ol1t when Smith, their sterlin:_:- een- tested, V. P. I. to e;u'hange pertence in rifle competitions and also 'l'hls Saturday the girls go to Wash- of the College. tcrsnnk one from the middle of the iloor, verdicts in !hefirst to enter in eoa.ching marksmen. ington to play Gnllaudet. Best 0' luck, "\Ve may not han~_,at present, ulnboratc jnstbefore lhehali ended. III the see· girls! ond half the Senior,s were never headed. the unlimited Class wilh lIn Hell brenk at The lllen making the trip to tI,e Uni· dormitories in which to entcrtnin our 3-3. There were two knockouts and fh-o De· The line-uJl for last Saturdny's gnme: guests, but courtesy and good-will. cost Gomsak W.1S high scor('r for the Seniors, versity of Maryland arc:, while McGowan and B~tes stood out for decisions with one extra-round event. It nil nothing to exercise nnd pny big divi Haven, Lawrence, ',Ville~', Bowman, the Juniors. rCllluinc(l for "'l'iny" pincura, W. 1I1..'s Green Gold dend!! in the end, both to our eollcge Braun, Hoif, Bell. Rickards R.F. Ebaugh big h{'ln-.\"weight to break the deadlock and to ourselves. Let's kC!.lp up the SENIORS by outpointing and .outpunehing Chnp :11aee L.F. Hamilton tradition! F. G. T. o. man of V.l'.]. MILITARY UNIT ENTERS UPON Thornburg Humphreys Dr.rtllWlltil Go/lqgq AOllcti(J Coulleil OLeair, f. 'rhe feature bout~ were in tlie light- ITS BASKETBALL TOURNA- Cockey S. C. Cockbllln HIIlll)VBr,lI'ew Hompshire G01l1sak, f. weight and middle-weight clnsscs in MENT Todd ll. G. Davis Januar.\" 20, 1930. Smith, c. R.F. and E.kpae, "\V. M. sbrs Russell Harry ],fr. Richard C. Harlow, B. Phillips, g. Ol·cr JOIiCS lmd West Final score, 27·7. SulJslitutions: Director of Athlcties, Weisbcek, g. o In aceordanee with its poliey of win- -'--'-9 Green-Crowther £01' Coek('y. Gold- Western Marylan{] College, ter trl1ining the R. O. T. C. unit will Cnin for Hamilton. WPstll1illster, Md. JUNIORS begin next Monday a basketb8Jl elimi- DCllr )[r. Horlow- F. G. T. \)et- nation tournameJlt between U,e sever 1 wmlt to Ol31ik you on behalf of U,e MeGowan, f. and faster hitting, al of the organization. The of tltis will eontcst for tho chnmpion. DlIl"tmoulh Boxing Tenm as w('ll as on nein, f. Icchni.f]ue, however, earned him iheilll- for the first series is as fol· ship {If the unill. mine for the eare you took in nrranging Dar,.f· cigioo. Crosby pilci! a big lend ill the Iowa: Tel)fuary 10, 1st Pl!ltoon Co. A These games have lJO~n eolQrful, 111l1"d- for our eOllHllliellce Itt our mect with yon Bates, c. first ulUlld :md managed to Hlnililaia vs. 2nd Platoon Co. Aj l!'ebruary 17, Usingcr, g. thiltadY:lutage. 1st PIn toon Co. B vs. 2nd Platoon Co. ~;::l;:~ ~:n~:e~i:i:;:;s i;cnt:.,e past and :l~: past ~~:~;;~:l~;y ~.e:~~t~::!;:. nppreei- Neweomer, g. Ted J\Jepne put up one flf the best B; February 24, Band vs_ Hendqunr- r that we sh:lll be nble to meet Kohout, g. boxillg exhibitions seen. ill the IIrlllory in 'I.'he fact that they are to lJe hold at your again next .yen,. at Hanover. htuulil.r -outpointing West of V. P. I. 3:05 iu t.he afternoon should nttraet Sil1ccrel~- .yours, Rcfen'e--Frank Clary willing Wr. >lnd emmectec1 to end the bont. The other km,}(·k-Qut on the. prog-rrom was stored hy Slorl, nf V. P. 1. in the 175-pouud class. ,Vith OLeair, his op- ]lonent appenring to hal'c :1 slight eilge in two rounds Slork led in close for a punch f'Xehallge, caugllt OLeair off bal ,111,.11 and lallcied with 11 right llalld blow tl'at bout (lfter about a miuute of boxing in the third round. In the ollipr bOUlS Hnst.ings, a UPW·]ull(1losta(leeisioll to }'owIH of V. P. I. in l~S-poU1HI elass. Fowler, with Illore expcrienee behind him led most of the wily aud look all tl,O rounds exccpt the last wilh a fair mar gin. In ihe J-t3-lb. c1!.1ss Borehers Ioun
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