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PAUl": FOUl{ The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. I Five Years A;] (!llann. (!lInh,null ~o.rtrty motngn lIln.p.prntngn Among t4r Alum . Elizabeth Clough, '30 Jllnuary 22, '24. WEBSTER IRVING LITERARY SOCIETY Mt'ssrs. Editors: "Johnny" Hughes '29, has been Kent Roberts Greenfield, '11, ro( chosen advisor for the student pnblica· a Sterling Peltowship .from Yale The "spirit that conquers the Hill" Irving's seeond meeting of the year As a member o.f tllC college community tion at Hyattsville-High school. versity and a Grant-in-Aid from th So- relations prevailed Itt Webster last Monday even- was of even greater turereet than the who has and not White official I should like with to the ex- Harry A. Hovermill, '29, accepted Black iu~. october 7, when pteaident "Harry" first. Drmnatlcs, hobo reminiscences, press a thought or two in connection with a position to teach chemistry, biology abled him to spend Douncil,Wh~.. " en- past eial Solen" R".""h the rand summ ~l1lith opened the weekly meeting o.f that a medley of popular songs sung to the the first issue. and general acience at Rising Sun High the first term of this year in Italy mak- Society. The Chaplain gave a short in tUlle of a banjo, and inspiring address ing a study in rue history of that eoun- voeufiun, which was followed by the es by two alnmni made the program an The eppeerance o.f this paper is an cn· school. reen- rrading o.f the minutes of secretary Ray ontstanding one. couraging event in the college life .. Some of the faculty have renelved in try (jnring the 19th century. :Mr. dissemi nor. "Charlie" Porbnea gave ono o.f his At seven o'clock Monday evening Pres The College needs a means of of the eel- vitarious to the t wenby-fif th wedding an- field has been teaching European tory exeellcnt "P;ano Prefaces" which put ident Hickel called the meeting to order, nating news weea ..... As a record niversary nf Mr. and Mra. Ernest T. Me- at Yale during the past nine year and papers everyone iuto a receptive mood for what /!ud it was opened by prayer by Chaplain lege from to week the value .. will Nut t. Mr. McNutt was graduated from has been devoting himself partiQ. arly was to follow, and which resulted in two Day. have II permanent historic W. M. 1898. to the history of the Risorgimentfo, the encores. B. II. Phillips then gave a A dramatic presentation of "The Kill More than anything, however, the eotlege Miss Margaret E. Wilson of Havre de of national awakening '~d .Uni. of atu- shorttaikinwhichhestresseQthe\'ital ing of Dan ~fcGrcw" by "Frenchy" De nec(ls nn organ for th(' expression Grace, n gradunte of Western :Mnryland in Hall', a subjeet on II iell he importance of "lI1other" iu everyone's Haven and "Jap" WeiSbeek. (lent opinion It should, therefore, Olllege in '28, and Re,'. Ferry Lee gil"cS a eourse in the Yale adnate life, especially in the Iinsof college men "Hobo Reminiscences" was the sub have an orgnn of .free expression. Gibbs, a graduate of the Westminster school. He has published severalJar!Jcles and women. Tllcn "Doey" Rein read ject of an interesting talk by Wesley Professor G. S. W. Theological SemiII1lry, were mnrried Sep· alii! re'l"iews on the subject in 1mericli1l the "intcrcepted lind eonfidential" love Day. (Excerpts fr-om a Jetter printed in tlle tember 18, in the M. E. church, Aber· and ltahan journals. The latesb of these letter of a globe·trottcr under the appro With voice and banjo~'Billl'" Mather first issue of the Blnek and White.) deen, lId. II'as "Fllse.ism Interpreted," a keview of priate title of "Speak·easy." "Ito" gave a series of highly entertaining pop· ?Inssolini's "My Autobiograp'lY" and Miss Dorothy Sapp, '29, was married Eaton sketclled briefly the history o.f ularsongs. H. Nclson Gay's "Strenuous Italy", in to Louis Weideuhan of Baltim()rc, Au Webster and gave a few hints as to the "Lochinvar" was the 'Htle of a poem Western Maryland started wrestling, the January number of the Yale ~eview. .future of the Socicty in a. short talk en read to the .1ssembJage by .xcr. Karper. making a fine showing at, gust 31, ) 929. The groom was a for· Originnlly attrtlcted to the snbject by titled "What Webster Has Done." The A short business sesaion .followeli in W. Va., whero 2500 fllII1l witnessed the mer teacher in theSykes\"illeHighachooi. Mllzzini, the great, little known proph()t progmm wus concluded by the reading which Presideut Hickle appointed sel'" matoh. Announcement has i)een mado of tho of two poems in the Italio·American dia· eral (lommitteo8. marriage of }fiss Catllerine Hering Mil of modern nationalism and Italianbnity, leet by "Joe" Kcwcomer. To cap it all, Two alumni were present, Mr. Eaton ler to Mr. Francis Donnld Shrh·er. Miss Mr. Greenfield has huilt up a library of ewry Websterite joined lustily in mak· of '2"-, and Mr. Green of '14. Both"is- Leroy Byham wa3 elected football :I.1l111'r attended Preparatory sehool at the snbject at Yale, whic.h is now one ing Websler Hall ring to the "Webster ilors ga"e intcresting addresses telling cal)t~in at annual "feed" in the Oll· Western :Maryland and her mother is a of the fullest in the country, and hopes Anthem." of the goorl times they had when the lege Tell. Room, Sillin and Byham were gradnate o.f the college in the class of LO ereate at Yalc a ccnter for studies in Alter the conclusion of the program a Literary Soc.ieties were the chief extra· presented wilh gold footballs for beiug '92. the history of moderu It-aly. short business meeting was held. Nr. curricular acti\"itieson the Hill. selected on the AU·State Team. Grover lI"as elected sergeant at arms and B. H. Phillips was eleelcd reporter to EVERHART Coffman's Staiionery the Gold Bug. But the most pleasing BROWNING President's Ward's campnign was GI'ellt of the whole evening was the elec growing rapidly. The c.hief item in the BARBER AND BOBBER Times Building tion to membersnip in the society of The Browning Literary Society held great campaign to raise oue million, one GREETING CARDS Mes~rs. J. O'Leair, )Iurray, Ruth, Town il-l! first meeting on l.iollday, September hnudred thousand dollars for W. M. C. At the Forks shend, George, Clapp, S. Bryan and 31. Au interesting program consisting was, then, to raise the first five hunelred Werner. of a pantomime entitled "The Fickle thousand, the amount to be expended J. D. Katz Pro.fessor" and several musical selec· thus: King's Pharmacy PHILO tions entertnined a large andience of new Boys' Dormitory, $125,000. Fo, aud olel girls. At this first meeting Miss Gymnasium, 75,000. The Rexall Store GOOD SHOE REPAIRING On )1onday e'l"ening, the Philomathean Jane Veasey was welcomed into the So" Literary Society held its regular meet· ciety by the old members. Girls Dormitor~' and Dining Hall 125,000 55 E. Main St., Westminster, Md. Dyeing a Specialty ing. A.fter the usual preliminaries, tIle On :Monday, Oetober 7, a playlet W:lS Science Hall, 100,000. Junior girls took charge of the program. presented by .Misses Ruth Kelbaugh, Is· Boys' Dnrmitory, 125,000. "Dad" SMELSER They presented, in dramatization, "Book abel Douglas, Vi,'a Reed, and Margllret J.GPENNEYCo. ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES, Reviews of All the Ages," beginning Hamilton, a.fter which refreshments with Nursery Rhymes and eOllc.lndillg were ser'l"ed. Several new mcmbers, Western ],farylandwas represented at Polo Shirts, Sweaters, Novelty COLD DRINKS ,,·ith "All Quiet on the Western Front." ~fisses Ann Johnson, Geneva Burklco the World Convention on international Goods for Students Opcn Every NitI' Until 11 :30 Needless to say, books of all types were and Blanche Hnrd were added to the problems, held at Indianapolis, by Miss portrayed-.from "Elsie Dinsmore" to Elizabeth Ward. Mr. Frank W. Grip· "Bad flitl". Eaeh .Tnnior memb~r of'th....ot..these_meet.ingsJHIU"'.neen...mIL .. pp~.ugl'U!.,"-l!U.&llil"'JJ.f:l!. . u. W. Miller Philo took part. attended and the Browning spirit is at At the conclusion of the program the its height. There is every indication Cleaner and Dyer invitation to joiu was extended to new that the coming year will be both profit· Due to a delay or loss of targets in Westminster, Md. Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr members, after wbicl1 refreshments were able and plea~urablc to B. L. S. and its mailing, the rifle match between U. of sen·ed. R. M. REED, Rep. members. Penn alld \V. 11:. was llostponed until a Goods for Young Men At the meeting o.f Philo held on Tues Eledioll of officers in B. L. S. took later date. day afternoon, tht' following efiieera were place /It the first meeting. The new offi· Westminster Savings Bank eleetedforthefirstterm: eeuarc: 10 per cent Off for College Students Presidenl, T.Jucile Proskey. President, Evelyn Mather. The Green Terror Fast Five defeated Vicc-President, Hannah Mace. Vice President, Amanda Bcll. St. Andrews with a score o.f 35·18. Capital $50,000_00 Rt'Cording Secretary, Elsie Ehsworth. Secretary, Viva Reed. Surplus uEarned" $400,000.00 Corrcspouding Secretary, JJOuise Wernh. Treasnrer, Thelma Reid. Treasurer, Elizabeth Clough. Navy Plebes Force.d to Extend to F. Thos. Babylon, Pres. Chaplain, Sara Robinson. Defeat Little Terrors SHAKESPEARE CLUB Milton P. Myers, Vice Pres. (Continued from Page 3) Jacob H. Handley, Treas. Somebody, Somewhere, wants your Y.W.C.A. The Shakesp!!areau Club held its first own territory the collegians smushod meeting of the year on Weducsday e.veu SECURITY ·SAVINGS·SERVICE 'f.he meeting o.f the Y. W. C. A. held their way to a score. This march was Photograph ing, October !I. The program centered October 2 was nddressed by Miss Wool featured by some excellent running of around the study of witchcraft as por· colt, the new member of the Jnnior the ends by Brewhaker, Maryland's sig· rlass. Miss 'Voolcott's subject w~s "The trnyed iu Sllakespeare '8 plays. Mr: nal caller. He broke away a number o.f The Wilson Studio King in f1is Glory." She revealed to Branche Phillips reall a paper dealing times for first down gains to pnt the her listeners how in our el'ery day sur· with this subject, after which several ball in scoring position. Brown then roundings, the glory of the Lord is mani· members of the club preseutcd the witch tossed a ncat pass to Brewbaker who fest. )fany peoplc fail to see the won· scene from lfaebeth. Those who took wentOl'er.forW.M.'sonlyseore. d()r of his power nntil their eyes are part in the scene were: The playing of Brewbaker was onto opened by some unusual happening. Macbeth, :'Itr. Eaton. standing throughont the entire game, The dey-otional program was in charge The Witches: J,J.jas Raughley, Miss Hus· while Brown again punted well. On the of Miss Frances Rnughley. The meet ton, 1iis8 Read and :ilfiss Douglas. linG Hunter's offensive work stood out. ---- ing closed with 11 solo "The Per.feet The Apparition, Miss Hobby. He Wile also a tower of strength on the Day" by Miss hl. L. Nelson. defense. DELTA SIGMA KAPPA Lineup: W.W. :xIiss Jnlia Williams and Miss Ruth Navy Plebes West. Md. Freshmen W. W. Cluh hiked to Maple Inn .for Davis entertained the DeltH at tea on Babylon & Lippy Company Mandarich L. E. Kleinmau breakinst Satnrday morning, October 5. Thursday afternoon, October 3. L.:r. Ingle O',Lear Reedy L. G. L." SHOES, HATS, UNDERWEAR Pray C. Hopler INTERCEPTED Jim Mooney, captain, tackle and pnnt· er of tne Georgetown eleven sure enn Danebower R. G. Hunter Foltow the Students to (Continued .from Page 3) kick a ball. One of ilis punts SaturdllY Welch R. T. Wendtland City Barber Shop TO IMPROVE HIS VOCABU· traveled seventy yards. His poor kicks Happel R. E. Callaghan LARY Georgetown has failed to scoreiu the last though only sailing n mere fifty are sky 58 E. Main St. fil'e yean. high Rnd they lm.·e snow on them when Campbell Q. B. Brewba.ker Send his collars and shirts to us Jonea L. H. Brown REAL SERVICE they come down. If yon don't- believe it and he'll sing "Home, Sweet In a short address in chapel the other ask Wellinger who ncarly fell asleep Samuels R.H. Albrecht Home.." He will feel sure that this Starch is his bosom friend. morning Dr. Ward distinctly emphasized waiting: for a couple of them to come Denny F. B. Kopp laundry properly - where needed. used that, part o.f the brain in a football nni down. Plebes ........... , 0 6 6-18 Smith ~ Reifsnider fOlm. ...... 6-6 Neckbands will fie comfortably. Real Fresh 0 0 0 family service at economical rates . "It takes brains to play football." BEAT ST. THO:MAS! Westminster, Md. We agree. Substitution: W. M.-Crowthers, Has· scI. "How come the Freshmen got a. team LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES Tuxedo Laundry this year," we ask you, Dr. Ward. Bill Pelton, 'l"arsity end, who was in· jured in the opener against Baltimore 'sPECIAL AND COAL 199 E. Main St. University has been out for -practices Reading or Desk Lamps Call for and Deliver Paul Bates wbo playg, a lot o.f end get.s this week. Whether he will be able to Special Price $1.98 SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND credit for the only score registered. Paul play against St. Thomas is doubtful the J. Stoner Geiman GENERAL MILL WORK but also has credit eoming for his uucanny it is hoped that he will be ready for Cleaning ~d Pressing $1.00 ability to get the Illan with the ball. Temple game on the 19th. 77 W. Main St.
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