Page 79 - TheGoldBug1928-29
P. 79
The Gold Bug, Western Marylo.nd Oollege, Westminater, !tid. PAGE THREE \SPORTS 1 BasKetball Boxing \SPORTS I· INTRA-TEAM MATCHES FRESHMAN RECORD FOR SEASON BOX I N G DO P E BASKETBALL SEASON REVIEWED; INTERCOLLEGIATES BECKON HAVE BASKETEERS BRn..LIANT SHOWS HOPEFUL PROSPECTS SHOW SNAPPY ACTION Coach Bill Pelton '8 Freshman basket. Intra- team bouts were a complete euc- Basketball activity, with the exception WESTERN MD. BOXERS eers have eompleted a successful season cess. Action plenty from the first fight to of the many tournaments now being eon- Whee! Did you all see the Intra-team on the court. They won a total of nine College boxers from eight Eastern in· bouts' For friendly matches they were of the twelve games played. St. the last. dueted throughout the country, is over stitutions will meet next week-end in the turns Dennis scored the only knockout of the some scraps! The 600 speetctore were Mary's Preps, St. John's Junior Mt. Var enning. and interest inquisitively recorda to the new gymnasium of the Pennsylvania team's season's varions eatab- sure treated to some action in all of the sity, and State Normal were the threo The Fox-Hart match was the best of Hahed. We eall to the front especially State College for the sixth annual cham- bouts. There were ten fights and they teams who upset the tram work of the the evening. the figures concerning W. M. C.'s quin- pionship tournament of the Intercollegi- were all good ones. The exhibition was Frosh. However, each of these games Qnite a crowd at the Armory. tet. ate Boxing Association. a benefit affair, tha proceeds from wnich were hard-fought and were lost only by All seemed very pleased with all the Western Maryland, Navy, Penn State, will be used to defray the expenses of close margins. bouts. The books show W. M. competing in Georgetown, Massachusetts Institute of the now convalescent Terror star, Greasy Each of the above teams were defeat- The reserves extended the varsity on cighteen games, five of which were won Technology, Syracuse, Pennsylvania and Neal, WIIO is slowly recovering from an ed in return games. The strong Delmar one occasion. and the remaining thirteen lost. That New York University will compete for inieeted foot gotten last football season Club of Hanover and Maryland School more thau percentage is faT from a winning one, the title, beginning with the preliminary The biggest bouts of the year next Fri· in the Temple game. for the Deaf also went down before the day and Saturday. not at all impressive, and represents the round Friday night. The semi-final round most dtsaetroua campaign experienced at There was plenty of action in all the Freahment. The Inter-Collegiatee l this institution in recent years. Thl' will be split up into morning and after- fights, only one of them failing to go Those who will probably receive letters Come on, Terrors, bring home the ba- noon sessions and the finals and third the three rounds; that the bout between for their work this season are N. Wool eon! right side of the ledger scores but one place bouts will be held Saturday night. Dennis and Day. Rcserves clashed, var- Icy, Doughty and Bryan, forwards; victory of any significance in basketball The same teams competed last year, sity and reserves clashed and regulars Hammill and G. Lamb, centers; Baker RIFLE TEAM RANKS THIRD ranks of this section. That victory over Navy winning by the slight margin of Mt. St. Mary's, though standing alone in dashed. And they elashed l (Captain); Clary, and Jones, guards. its class, was a fruitful one and Indl- one point over Penn State. Westem Tuckerman and Etzler opened hostili· "Bill" Pelton is to be congratulated IN CORPS AREA MATCHES ~ates strength and basketball ability in Maryland's showing of last year wnsn't tics in the 115 pound class. Ehler got on his suceeesful mentorsbip. a club that finished behind for the year. so bad eonsidering it being the Terrors' the decieton, but only after Tuckerman There were other like examples of power first year in boxing cireles. This year had extended him plenty. Etzler had Western Maryland completed its in the games last as well. Oftentimes the Terrol!! will present a team to rank quite a. bit of reach on Tuck, but he VARSITY BASKETBALL schedule of rifle matches last week when it occurred that W. M. outscored oppon- with tile best ef them. kept boring in, giving Eta plenty of it took third place in a. telegraphic meet ents in one half while being over·out There will be only two defending trouble. Individnalscoring: between all the R. O. T. C. rifle squads scored in the other, losing the games. of champions. Williams of the Nav! will Then occurred the only knockout of G. G. F.·M. T. of the colleges of the Third Corps Area. eouree. But sneh results are again in- defend the lightweight crown, and Wolff the evening. The Dennis-Day affair. The BroH l5 46 42-27 119 By virtue of this placement, the college dicative of the dormant' skill somewhere of P~nn State will be the defending first round was a corker. There were Van Buren 18 41 48·22 104 will have the privilege of entering the within the forces of the Green and Gold champion in the middleweight elaee. National Finals contest to be held within no preliminaries, both went out to win Smith 36 31-19 outfit. To be more specific, six contests The stiffest competition is expected to by a knockout and the crowd abandoning 91 a few weeks. This poet-eeeson match were so played and those eettoe include come in the 135 pound and the 145 all restraint, forgot the silence rule and Machamer 14 20 23 8 48 will be held among those college teams the most formidable opposition encoun pound classes. In these ereeeee are UBted were in an uproar the entire round. In Wellinger 13 18 39·11 47 23 which placed in the matches of their reo tered not exeeptlng Navy, Loyola, and as probable entries such stars as Wil spective areas. Marvin Sterling, who has the second round Dennis caught Day Welker 11 9 15- 5 Bucknell. Hams of Navy; Fish of Georgetown; flush on the jaw as he was coming in Engle 9 7· 6 18 ~::u;::~!i~~e :e::~S~~::I~r::g~a::o~= A number of games were settled di Captain Bolanos and Jameson of M. I. and scored his knockont. Havens 8· 3 11 thia match by two points to a representa (Continued on Two) T.; Captain Winorsky of Penn; Crosby and Pinsky of of Western Maryland; Lawrence und Hastings fought the Clarke 10 '·1 7 tive of the Carnegic Tech team. For this New York University. next battle and there was real figllting. O'Leair 2· 1 placement he will receive a medal to be Maryland wns handicapped by the loss new trophy has been offered this A Both Gwunghard rights and lefts to both awarded during the annual spring inspec of the $~rvices of Simms, one of the best year by the E\'cning Sun and the Sun, of the body and jaw, but didn't seem to be Keen 3· tion held by Colonel Deems. DeHaven shot~ on the squad. beeome tho official hurt wheu one of them landed. Law- Gomsak o· alRo high in this contest. The National C1Jampionship matches Baltimore, which will prize for the winning team each year. It rence earned the d~cision after three tor· Pelton o· 0 last shoulder-to-shonlder match of will not be a shoulder·to·shoulder mateh, must be won five times by one team to rid rounds. Lawrence o 0 0 the season was held with Gettysburg Col· but beeanse of the distance between the obtain permanent possession. Gold med. FI~teT, the regular 125 pounder, found ------- lege on March 11. The locals were again competing teams, will be carried on by als will be presented to first place win. ~ tough one in Bowers. Bowers extended Totals 189 232-10* 482 defeated by a few pointg. Western mail or telegraph. ners and silver ones te second place men. him the whole three rounds, Flater tak- ing a close derision at the end of the third. Crosby also ran into a tough one in the person of Don Woolley. Both boys' fight the sama style and Don matched most of Dong's leads, giving him plenty of trouble /Ill three rounds. Doug was gi,-cn the dccision. The light-heavies now entered the scene and those big fellows hit hard and plenty. Weisbeck and McClellan went all first, Weisbeek getting the decision after three rounds of punch and grunt, llaving scored two knoekdowns, one each in theseeondandtllird. Wallaee and Engle proved that the big fellows aren't slow. This was four rounds of hit and gct away and it was a mas terfnl exhibition, the judges awarding I/. draw at the conclusion of the fourth round, neither boy having the slightest advantage. Then came the rcal scrap of the e\'en· ing. Fox and llart fought four torrid rounds. Both were groggy at timea dur- ing the bout from hard rights and lefts, there was no let np on the hitting for they gtood toe to toe at times, and just slugged away. This bout could have easily been called a draw also, neither having a lnrge enough advantage over the other to merit the decision. The feature bouts of the evening were next in order. KJepae and Ekaitis fought the first. Klepac is the regular 175 pounder and Ekaitis fights in the 160. This was an interesting fight fro-m to finish, with some nne boxing and lots of hard hitting. The bout was called a draw at the end of the third round and a fourt.h was not called. Downer and Pincura. put on the other featnre. 'l'he big fellows went right af· 1\& wsitOt"lo Normandy ever considered his it, the Inn without Madame is "like Ttta'. baD ter caeh other from the start, Downer tour complete until be had made the pilgrimage without the harp!" getting the decsiion by "irtue fa his bet· to Mont St. Michel aod the Inn of the Famous The making of a great cigarette, too, is a tercondition. Omeiet-:ChezMadamePoulard,I'Incomparable, secret to be guarded. The artistry lies in hMI1 (Continued on Page Four) la FameuseOmelette. the tobaccos are blended-and from our own The Madame is since gone, but not until private formula comes the rich fruity flavorthat VARSITY BASKETBALL SCORES just before she died did she reveal the secret you get in your Chesterfield. of her famous omelets. No doubt hundreds Sufficeit to say that our blend can't In copt_ w. ],f. C., 23; Georgetown U., 3S. W.:ill. C., 27; Nm')', 49. have tried-and struggled in vain-to we the -nor for mildnesswith flavorcaDyou duplicate *W. :ill. C., 36·47; K. of P., 12·30. precious information. but as a writer has put the rare Chesterfieldgoodness. W. J.f. C., 19; Penn State, 46. *W. 1J. C., 33·26; Bucknell, 51·34. • W'. M. C., 16·26; U. of Baltimore, 26-29• ..w. M. C., 20·19; St. John's, 43-26. ~W. M. C., 26·24; Mt. St. Mary's, 21-39. CI-I ESTERFI ELD W. M. C., 21; P. S. Foreatry, 11. "W. M. C., 30-32; Loyola, 34-33. W. M. C., 40; Blue Ridge College, 28. W. M. C., 17; U. of Maryland, 32. MILD enough for anybody .. and yet •. THEY SATISFY Totals, W. M. C., 482; opponents, 582. *Two games played.
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