Page 78 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. BASKETBALL SEASON REVIEWED; lhttrr-(!J:nllrgtutr 111urtrtu SHOWS HOPEFUL PROSPECTS GO What's Nrws A REVIEW AND LIFE rectly from the foul line and the Ter· OF BOOKS, (Continued from Page Three) PLAYS the Di1ferenee? rcra" inability to count free throws re- It may seem queer that in these All literary people remember the great sulted in losses which further aggravated United States, whieh are under one gov- novel that ran through The Atlantic a. very tender aeseon. Iucligibility and Oflieial newspaper ot Western Maryland College, published on ThuI'6day during ernment, there sbould be such 11. ditfer· Monthly in 1927, and which was after' injuries also played a part to handicap wards published in book form by Little, tbe academia year by the students ot Western Maryland College, Westminster, ence in speech, euetoma, aud opinions as Brown and Company, namely "Jalu.a.," the five. The final total score for the ":Maryland. Entered DB eecend-eieee matter at the Westminster Postoffiee. there is between the northerners and the de Ill. Roche. This novel won entire season shows the opposition on the southerners. Even slang expressions and by Marc Subscription Price, '2.00 a Year styles of dancing differ. the ten thouaaud dollar prize offered by long end at 582·482. It is practically impossible to put into the publishers for the most interesting To begin its schedule W. )d. was out- novel of any kind,sort or description. MANAGING STAFF writing the different pronunciations .. Those who read the book, and they are scored by the strong Georgetown five, Then playing with a weakened 38-23. In regard to customs, there is less for· Editor-in-Chief .. . ..... Casper P. Hart, '29 mality in the south. .. It is easy to legion, were forced to agree, whatever uno-up effected by the ineligibility of Managing Editor ... .. Joseph L. Mathias, Jr., '29 become acquainted with a southerner, other opinions they might have eoneem- Broll and Machamer, W. M. bowed to ing the work, that the story is most eer The first triumph of the season Navy. Asst. Managing Editor ... . .Edwin Warfield, '29 yet all northerners are not as cold WI is tainly interesting, and in that respect over the local K. of P. followed when are oftentimes Southerners thougut. Business Manager.. . . .. Paul Bates, '31 more inclined to be superstitious than most worthy of the stupendous SUIll paid the Xmas holidays postponed play to the Asst. Business Manager ,J. Hammett Simms, '29 northerners. This is due, probably, to for it. next. year. negro mammy influence. A northerner The only objection that most people The new year started with an unsuc- Advertising Manager...... .'Marvin B. Sterling, '30 and southerner have no trouble getting had to the book was that it was far too cessful three-day invasion of Penn State Circulation Manager ... . .Roy L. Robertson, '29 along together as long SIO political quee- short. Not that "Jalna" does not fill and Bucknell. To these losses were ad- James A. Stach, '30 t.i,'lISare left alone. as many pages of print as the average ded those recci,·ed at the hands of U. of Baltirnoru and St. John '8, and the losing Asst. Circulation Managers . .. Leslie Grover, '30 Anyway, tlus is a free country and ev, novel,but that the characters are so in- streak mounted to four. Then came vic- teresting and the evonts eo full of prom { D. C. Murchison, '32 erybcdy has a right to his own opinion, ise that the normal reader was genuinely tories over Mt. St. Mary's and P. S. the difference' so-c-whatta Art Editor . . .. "Pete" Gomeak, '30 V. I. Cauldron. sorry wh'enhe had finished the last chap Forestry to illumine a dim past. Loy tee. His mind refused to forget Rcnny, ola's crack cugere. however, escaped from Sports Editor .. . ... L. G. Ekaitis, '31 little Wake, Pheasant, and the others. a hard tense game with the bacon, 34· Their lives were so rich and so eventful 30. Blue Ridge College was easily nosed REPORTORIAL STAFF Purposes that the reader wanted to follow them out, 40·28, but St. John's, Loyola, U. of Associate Editors Iurther through the years; even tile old :Maryland and Bucknell precipitated W. "The first requisite for a college pa- W. G. Eaton, '30 Margaret Martignoni, '29 pp.r is thn.t it print school news in the grandmother, who had reached her one ]'L's second roue-game streak. 'I'be U. offer to hundredth of Rsltimore ma(le it two in a row for seemed birthday, News Editors most effective way. The college paper is more possibilities for eharacteriszation. the series and Mt. St. :Mary's t.he medium of exprcsaion for student Mary Walz1, '29 Curvin M. Seitz, '29 opinion. The college paper should en Aud now tho "Jalna" lovers have the decisively avenged the defeat adminis- Edith Kinkead, '29 Roy C. Chambers, '29 tertain the students, should train news· chanco to follow their beloved Whiteoaks tered them earlier in the yea.r in the Evangeline Lathem, '29 Charles E. Rensch, '29 paper writers, and hold the interest of through the pages of another great nov· season's finale by a wide margin 39·24. the alumni. The college newspaper el, the sequel to Miss de la Roche's first Four men will be graduated before thc Reporters should advertise the college. masterpiece. The new novel is entitled next ea'mpaign rolls arouud. Broll, Virginia Merrill, '30 Roy '1'. Edwards, '31 However the greatest purpose that "Whiteoaks of Jalna," and is at pres· Machamer, Clarke, and Keen, have play· Sara Freeman, '29 Roby Day, '29 guides the collegiate editor, according to ent being published serie.lJy in The At· ed their last :lud their loss will be keenly Helen G. Dennis, '29 Alex 0 'Lear, '30 John Archer Carter, editor of "Rich Monthly. Two installments hsve felt. Broll especially is recognized for Catherine Reed, '30 Jackson W. Day, '31 mond," is to correct errors on the part appeared so far, st.arting in U!e Febru· his nigh perfect eagle·eye and the gap he Thelma Reid, '30 Paul Howard, '29 of students and faculty. ary number, and vrOlnise to be as rich leal'es will be hard to fill. Since enroll· Elizabeth Clough, '30 Clarence W. Koochogey, '32 Here aTe the purposes of the college ani! as fascinating i'lS the oTiginn.1work. ing at W. M. "Otts" has gained eonsid· Dorothy Johnson, '29 Branch Phillips, '30 newspaper as brought out in discussion ln the sequel we meet all thc old fa· erll.ble repute for his ability on the Grace Armstrong, '30 Wilmer V. Bell, '30 in the recent meeting of The Virginia miliar characters. Graudmother White court. He has led in individu81 seoring Helen Wheeler, '29 William Brown, '30 Intercollegiate Press Association. They oak is beginning to feel her age, and among \V. M.'s teams every year of his four here, he h8S twice been the best in are high enough ideals for any paper- spends much time in bed, but is as dividual point·getter in the entire State, Worthy opinion~' Model management; Correct news. i'leals that show the college journalist is strong·willed and as respected by her and he has thrice been elected as an all family as ever. R("nny still runs the fam· something more than the gin·drinking molly·coddle BOrnewise crackers would ily, and W8kefieId is still the darling of ],[aryland forward on the Sun's All· ]'farylund teams. - L I have us believe." the group. Piers and Phuasant have a Despite that loss the outlook is indeed IE. - D - 1- T - 0 - Po.. - 1 - A -Thfl Critograph. son now, and are regaining the happi very bright. With Van BUren, Smith, uess they very nearly lost hefore Eden went away. But the greatest treat in Wilker, and Welliugcr back with an ad FINIS OPEN SHELVES store for the reader is the attention giv· ded year of experience and some fast A "Monkey Trial"? en to Finch, the awkward younger broth Frosh material available, the next sehcd· . With this issue the present staff of the At various times within the present Will some small town in ArkanS1l.s cr. Finch was perhaps a bit neglected ule is quite weleome. The promising Gold Bug completes its work. It leaves scholastic year it has been discovered by make a bid for a place in futuro history in the first story, but he reigns supreme Freshmen prospects who are expected to the enjoyable task of managing t,he pa· those in charge of the library that cer by stagiug the seeond "Monkey Trial"f in the sequel. Here we have the beauty bid lwrd for bertl!s on W. 1L's next fi"e per to a- newly elected staff who gives lain books were nn.1ble to be located. The As yet the recent anti·evolution law in starved boy finding an outlet for his include Hammill, Doughty, Woolley, promise at the outset of maintaining, only logical conclusion to druw is that that baekward state has prov~ked no feelings in dr8m~tics, and venturing out Clary, and Lamb. and even exceeding, the standards .!!et there are students on the hill whose de· challenge from teachers or learncrs. Ae in the field of love and adventure. The in the past years. gree of respect for the rights of othen CQr(jingto the latest report there is a. dis· development of the ungainly Finch In leaving we have but little to say. is so low that, in consequence, books are position on the part of the tcachers to shonld prove a source of intense iuterest EVER.HAR.T At best, a, "farewell address" is a mere takeu with the intention of keeping them. ignore the law. A group of professional to all Im·ers of boys and sympathisers formality and of slight importance. The It is a case ot plain theft. Not only men, however, have intimated that they with the problems of youth. BARBER and BOBBER work that precedes is left for judgment. that, oue wonders hQWthose who take may challenge this· edict after it goes And while we tl;rO talking about prize Since the paper has been published by the books reconcile this frlet in their iuto effect on December ~ixth. They novels it might be well to n.dd that 'rhe At 'file Forks the' students, it hlU!only been fair that pUlfess to find an interesting loophole in l\tlAntie Monthly is offering another ten these columns, at times. should print namely, that thero are other stu· tile law. They contend that the ae.t pro· thousand prize for the best novel sub· criticisms V;;hichrepresented the student dents themselves who mAy be reo hibits oul.,· the teaching that "Mankind mitted before January 15, 1930. The sum point of view. M(lst (If 1hesocritieisms, quired by their instructors to lead the asceuded or desc('nded from a lower or· will be paid to the winner for the right D. S. GEHR in our opinion, have heen justified by books or part of them. A primary aim der of animnls," and this does not pro· ot serialize the nOl'el in 'rhe Atlnntic the existing conditions. In general, how· of the coll<'ge, in the opinion of many, hibit the academic discussion of it as a and to publish it in book form hy Lit· (J.i:sta1Jlished1866) ever. there were many ehancea for an ex' is to so train that they take t!nwr)', provided no :lttempt is made to Brown and Company in the United pression of opinion among the students constant regard for the rights and priv prcs('nt it as fact. und by George G. Harrap and Wholesale and Retail which did not appear in writing. It ill ileges of others. with whom they come in Company in Great Britaiu. All royal our opinion that the students have for· pontact. This undoubted b{>nefitwhich ties Hceruing from book publication will HARDWARE gotten the meaning of the phrase" pub· til(' conege best01\'s is haYing little ef· also go to the author, and the cinema lished by the students of Western Mary feet upon those who "take" books out and dramatic rights remain with him al· Phone 318 land College." Officers are elected for of the libra!")'. Valua.ble Gifts so. The sole criterion will be tIle inter Westminster,lIld. a staff only because a. centering of re· No! only Hre the students in general A gift of se,·eral v:lluable incunabula cst of the nonl. Anyone may comp<'te. sponsibility is necessary. Theoretically, injured by such conduct, but the college Il'ill be soon presented to the library of Any other novels, aside from the prize everyone who is registered as a student itself may be forced to proteet itaelf. Gettysburg Collcgo by Dr. Jeremiah H. that are considered worthy of on the hill, is a reporter for their news Some institutions hal'e introduced the Zimmennan, of Syracuse, )
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