Page 77 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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COl INTER-COLLEGIATE PIANO REOITAL BOXING TOURNAMENT ALUMNI HALL PENN. STATE, MAR. 22-23 TOMORROW, 8:00 P. IlL Vol. 6, No. 20 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. March 21, 1929 BELGIAN PIANIST TO GIVE WOMEN'S PREPARE LITERARY ANNUAL COLLEGE CALENDAR JUNIORS GIVE OF PLAYS IN SMITH ALOHA FOR 1929 FAST SPEECH DEPART- SOCIETIES FOR MENT RECITAL IN ALUMNI HALL CLASHES FRIDAY, :MARCH 22- HALL NEARING COMPLETION The women's literary societies are Preliminaries Intercollegiate Box· '1'he Junior members of the Speech WAS HEAD OF MUSIC DEPT. HERE ing Tournament at State College, preparing for the two annual clashes to Dopnrtlnent presented three one-act MARCH 27 IS DATE SET FOR COPY take before the end of the year, P,. plays in Smith Hall on the evening of Xlr. Leon Sampaix, celebrated pianist debate and the com Piano Recital, Mr. Leon Sampiax, Friday, Mard.15. This is the second The 1929 Aloha is fast rounding into and teacher of music ,will give a reci- mencemeut, essay contest. Alumni Han, 8:00 P. M:. group of playa given by the Juniors, sucpe. All assignments of material tal in Alumni lIall on the evening oj' SATURDAY, MARCH 23- nud they deserve much credit for their have been made and all copy is to be in Friday, March 22. Mr. Bampaix, who is The debate, scheduled for tI,e evening of March 28, is to be on the following Intercollegiate Boxing Finals, admirable presentations. the hands of the editors not later than a native of Liege, Belgium, WIl.S former Resolved: "That the United 7:30 P. M. The first pla.y, "Rehearsal", by Chris- Wednesday, March 27. The printing ly the head of the musle department at should maintain a largo Sunday School Party, McDaniel topher Morley, gave a Iife-llke insight contract with the Horn Slmfer Cempany Western ~Inryland College, has been The affirmative will be upheld Hall, 7:30 P. M. into the troubles of the director who of Baltimore, states that all material connected with the Ithaca Conservatory Philomatloean by the Misses Gallion, .MONDAY, MARCH 25- tries to coach school dramatics. Miss must be in their poeaesaion on or be- of Mnsic at Ithaca, New York, and is Raughlcy Merrill, and Scrivener, with Miss Hus Men's and Wonlen's Literary So· Frances took the part of the fore April 15, if the delivery clause, at present teaching and giving concerts ton as alternate. The negative will be ciet.ies, 6:45 director, Miss Stayton was the proper- which promises the delivery of tbis in New York City. upheld for Browning by the Misses 'l'UESDA Y, ?-.rARCH 26- ty man, and the Misses \V~lliams, Leo- year's book on ,Tune 1, is to be guar- ITis musical training was begun in Hrunllton, Donglas, and Thelma Reid, nnrd, Lutz, and Armstrong represented anteed. Europe, and, in the course of his edu- with Miss Dillon ne alternate. Social Clubs, 7:15. the players. '1'hi8 volume- of the Aloha is being eation ,recei"ed pri~es for musical WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2i- The seeond play, "Three Lepera of looked forward to with eagerness be, achievement from the University of The essayists for the con- Y. M. C. A. Inatalla.tion of officers. Buk-el-Ga tab", by Colin C. Clements, cnuae of the various new departures test, to held June, have been an Leige, and the University of Brussels. Y. W. C. A. was an excellent portrayal of the dif \\'lliclo have been ineorporated in its nounccd hy both ecctcuee. The essays Although tI,e piano is his preferred in- }'IUDA Y, MARCI1 29- ferent attltudcs which different types make-up. An art theme whiCh is in atrument, 'Mr. Snmpnix has studied the are to be iu the lmuds of the rcepec- Spring Vacation begins 12:00 of men take toward life after they have close harmony with the whole idea of violin quit e extensively. Live presidents by 'March ]6. The sen P. M. been mude outeaats because of the "The Aloha" has been very carefully Before his professorship at Western iora of each society will hear the pre- loathsome disease, leprosy. Mr. wee- prepared to illuminate its pages in col- .Maryland, hc tuught at tile Peabody lims in Smith ITan at an early date, and ley Dlly, as Fouad, reprcsentd the phil- ors. Tbc art theme idea is very new Conservatory of Music ill Baltimore. It will choose two and an alter- DR. EDWARD HAYES Mr. as Dub, nate from each Grover, the man here, the staff has given this theme his on the hill that fate in of to consideration "The of the musieal Philomathian's preliminary ecntee PREACHES IN CHAPEL gret.j accepts Mr. his Newcomer, and refuses Aehmed, re quite a bit a uniformity of design order and to a' and Illaintain as world, was presented bv the Music De tante are tile Mlssca Bishop, Bush, Gain, the young man whose disease has cost logical sequence in its treatment. The pnr tm enf and the college orchestra. Charles, E. Clough, Collison, Crowther, him love and happiness, and whose rest- theme idea is used by the better schools Crozier, Ellsworth, Gallion, Hollins, (Continued on Page Four) less thought~ will give 'lrim no peace. in the production of their annuals and Holliday, Huston, Marian Humphries, nemospuerc was re- Mary Humphries, 71[. Johnson, Mace, The of the scene (Continued on Page Four) DISCUSS SHAKESPEARE'S Merrill, Moore, H. Myers, Ndson, Pros· the sermon was found in Philip]Jians mnrkahly sustained throughout the and en representation. The cost.uming tire Read, Riggen, especially effective. r count ASSOCIATES AT MEETING P. Rll.ughley, Raum, Timmons, 'Wallace, 3:8and for lO-"and excellency of all the t.hings know- bnt The were }llay, "Mechanical Jane", WESTERN MARYLAND IS 'I'hcmpson, loss the Scri,'cner, Smith. V. Williams, ledge of Christ Jesus Illy Lord:-that ]1,1. K Blll'ber, was a comedy. Mis~ REPRESENTED AT "Y" MEET Rrowning's preliulinary contestants The Shakespeare Club held its regu r nwy know him, and the power of l,is and Miss Tabitha Robins, two are the Misses Armstrong, A. Bell, B. l[lr monthly meeting in 'McDaniel Hall r(lsurrection, and the fe-Ilowship of his old lll/tids represented by Miss Rontson Brittingham, Douglas, Ebaugh, Eckard, Western Maryland was represented ill Parlor on iVednesday evening, March sufferings." ~nd Miss Lesher, tried to soh'c their the jOillt Y. ]1,1. C. A .and Y. W. C. A. 13. Aft"r the business was dispensed F. Gilbert, Hamilton, M. O. Herring, Along with the man)' kinds of know scr"'tnt problem by purchasing a mech· Conference, which was held in Balti· witll, the progralll, lIn;"" was lleYot"ll lIf. Hoffm8.n, He~ht, P. Kain, we uequire ill this w(lrld, 'TC must ~nienl maid who was guaranteed to per- mOre on March If and 3. This annual -- to a discussion of several of Shakes- E. Mathcr, V. Reed, 'f. Reid, another kind of knowledge, form all household dnties. Miss iVentz, conference is a result of a countrywide peare's assoeiates, was given. Three K. Roop, Ryau, :M. L. Ship· gester by Dr. Hayes, namely, the :IS 1Ilechanicrtl J!l.1lC, sent the audience stud(lnt congress held in Milwaukee in Weeks. very interesting papers were read on iillnl knowledge so nccessary to a into gales of laughter her unexpect- 1926. It was felt by those delegates, Richard Burbage, the popular actor of rounded, fully-developed life. W'c must cd behavior, and who attended from Maryland, Dela- Eli~abeth's day, on the Earl of SQuth· seek to know Christ iJutter. There ers much tronb] .. and eonccrn. ware, and VirgInia, that an annual ampton, Shakespeare's patron, and on W. MD. APPROPRIATION are, of ('ourge, diffel'ent ways in which 'rhe three plays constituted a plea~ meeting by those three state!! would Ben Jonson. the most famous of Shakes- '\'e can know a person. 'Ve can know lUlt e"ening's entert.ainillent, for which hclp to keep alive the sple.ndid coopera- peare's contemporary playwrights, by INCREASED BY STATE persons historically, i. e. be merely the stndent body and facnlty is grateful tive spirit evinced in the Milwaukee Miss Merrill, Mr. B. H. Philips, and aware of who they are; we call blOW to the players and to the coach, ~liss nlC(lting. Miss ]I,[artignoni, respectively. pcrson~ well enough to be on speaking Esther Smith. MAKES TOTAL OF $42,700 Twenty student.s of the Tri-9tate area Eaeh of these papers gave a sketch terms "'tih themj or",e can know them delegation, who made the western trip of the life of the charaeter about which in a business way. No one of these, to WOMEN'SCLUBPRESIDENT in 1926, gathered in Baltimore for a re- it was written, and then described the By an aet of thc Maryland Legisla- is sufficient when it comes nnion. They came from widely seat" ture the annual Ilppropriation for intimate relation that tImt person bore Jesus \Ve must know Him in a Western College will be in ADDRESSES STUDENT BODY tered nreas of Maryland, Delaware, Vir- to the great dramatist, William Shakes- nouch ",ore intimate- fashion. creased for the next two fiscal I!'inia and Pennsylvania. Everyone of peare. Richard Burbage, perhaps the Dr. advised tI,"t each person tIl(' ,·ight. colleges which sent delegatu mest popular of the Elizabethan adors, years. the rollcge m:lkes will a total of from $-12,700 the ask the l]uestion-"Do I know IS NATIVE OF CARROLL COUNTY two years hefore was represented, name· receive which worked in close association with Shakes- Then lIe aug ly Johll$ Hopkins, University of Mary· State of ]l,Jar;<,land. This incre-ase is :J peare, caught the spirit of the great which this jllli· Mrs. J'. )'. Sipple, President of the land, Unil'ersity of Delaware, Hood, hudgetre- characters ercated by that niaster, and mate Christ could be General 1-'ederntion of iVomen's Clubs, Goucher, Western Maryland, Blne made them appear as real, live, human tested. First, i~ the test of obedience. addresseat sorro\\' in the death of his dience. Alumni "Y" AS80eiation, will be enougll it an impetus toward becoming true art. allotment for Washington CoHege to friend Arthur Henry Hallum, ~nd wrote Mrs. Sipple ga"e a brief review of interested to l~nd their suppert te help The Earl of Sonthampton, that ricll, and that of St. John's to $70, the poem "Tn Memoriam". The third her orgnni~ution, its aims and its meth back such an organization. gallant, fun·loving noblenlUn, by his testistlmtoflove-"het.h:ltlo,·ethnot, ods. This association isan internntion· Of the original thirty·five delegates patronage of the young Shakespeare, That the present administration of al organi>:ation representing three mil- who went to Milwaukee, only six are Inrgely made possible the dramatist's the state gO"ernment has helped West- lions of women in every state of the in their former positions. They are tbe success. It is knOWli that Shakespeare ern Maryland cannot be denied. Tho to United States and twenty-six foreign two Y. M. C. A. secretaries, three stu· dedicated his two famous poems, "Ven- splendid support which the colleg(l has countries. By virtue of her office, Mrs. dl'nts still undergraduates, and a pre· ns and Adonis", and "The Rape of Ln- receivcd is ren:!'aled in these figur(ls: m t.hedesirefor is the leader of the moat power- fessor. 'rhe remainder of the group (Continued on Page Four) (Continued Ol~ Page Four) and regulating orgalli~ed group of womcn of the h~"e (·ntered upon new and different to ~ sN:olld::ol'~ present da~' (Continued on Page Four) Ex·president Coolidge is reported to Co-ed Debaters Defeat Lebanon Valley R.ESULTS OF THE "GOLD BUG" hnve J.'ederation thut th(l of potential power of is PRES. WARD AND DEAN SCHO- said Clubs Women's tllis STAFF ELECTIONS S('cond only to the power of the nation· FIELD MAKE SOUTHERN TRIP The co·ed negative debating team won (2) The present jury system is grossly al gOl'ernlllent itself. a nn(lnimous decision over Lebanon There are better sys- Editor·in·Chief-William G. Eaton The first Women's Clubs in America President A. N. 'Yard accompanied hy Valley, Saturday, March 16th, at Leban- Managing Editor-Wilmer V. Bell about 1835 in Oregon Professor S. B. Schofield returned Mon- on Valley Collegc. Western Maryland of Associate Editors-Virginia C. Mer· alllong wives of missionaries tbere. dav from a business trip through Vir· was represented by Miss V. Reed, Mrs. can jury s~'stem is one of the most fun rill, Clarence W. Koochogey. 'l'he first dub iu Maryland started on gi~ia and North Carolina. Practi(lally Rice, ~nd lonss F. RaughleYj L(lbanon damental of demoeratic institutions. Sperts Editor-Alex O'Lear )la~' 185i as the Sandy Springs Mutual the samc route wne taken a8 in a pre- Valley by the Misscs }'Iuth, Hylnnd, (2) The American jury system is funda- Business Manager-·Paul L. Bates Tmpl'o\'elllent Association. This club vious trip made in November by Pretti· nnd Brinser. The debate was judged by mentalJy sound,. efficient, and meritor- Ad"ertising Manager-Joseph C has never failed to haye its monthly dent Ward, accompanied by Deans Seho· Mias. Bortz, of the Lebanon High ions. (3) No effective substitute has Newcomer meeting up to the presnt time. In 1889 field and hanogle, when he attended School, Rev. Liebegott, and Rev. Hoff· been offered, therefore it should be Editor-Catherine E. Read the General Federation of Women's the Southern Educational Conference man, both of Lebanon. improved and not abolished. :Manager - James A. Clubs was born and has sincc grown held at the State University, Chapel The subject for debate was: "Re-- Due to an unexpected engagement on Stack mighty in its infiuence, never spectacu· Hill, N.' C. The trip was strictly bu~i- solved, that the American jury system the part of the negative Lebanon Val- lar, for general welfare, art apprecia- nesa but the party found time to viait The new staff will nsume chnrge should be abolished." The main con Icy team, tim debate that was scheduled and publish the first issne (Vol 6, tion, improved ideals, and asso(liated Duke University, High Point Cellege, tentions of the affirmative Were: to take place at 'Vestern Maryland on movementa. both located in North Carolina, and Vir· No. 21) after spring vacation. The present jury spstem is the same evening was cancelled. (Continued on Page. Four) ginia Military IUtitute.
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