Page 76 - TheGoldBug1928-29
P. 76
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PRESIDENT WARD ANNOUNCES STUDENTS HEAR INAUGURATION PROGRESS OF BOND ISSUE (!llunn, aIIuh, UUll %intir1yintugn lilldh Nl'WIl (Continued :from Page One) R. Through the courtesy of Mr. George J. of representative Grumbine, Stonor Geiman, the college was enabled times in accordance with practical jus· to hear President Hoover's inaugural nee. One is surprised at the frankness of "People have learned that not address on March 4. A Radiola "62" FRENCH CLUB Y.W.C.A. the Italian Government. Recently it is- all worthwhile bills get through when was temporarily installed on the plat- sued a report made by an investigating they must undergo referendum. Are form in Smith Hall, and the entire Tho French Club held its regular meet- The Y. W. C. A. members, at the meet- committee on the Polar aircraft disaster we to wait until everyone is educated proceedings were received, from ten A. ing in McDaniel Hall parlor on the eve- ing of March 6, learned more about the Over a year ago. .....t the time the news- in order to get similar measures M. to four P. "M. Reception was excel- ning of March 6. Mias Dorothy Grim Negro of the United States. Virginia papers were full of the affair. The atr- through the legislature!" He stated lent; in view of the rather damp con- was in charge of the program. Merrill gave a moat interesting talk on ship Italin was wrecked, and lives were that the more fur·sighted eitizens must ditions on the steps, the stu- "How the Negro Reveals Himself in His lost in an attempt to reach the North not be unnecessarily hampered in ini Miss Dorothy Todd opened the pro- Music," and read a number of Negro dents who via the radio gram by reading one of La. Fcntaiuets spirituals. lIIargaret Lee N olson sang Pole by air. The unusual feature of the tiating programs of education. probably felt more fortunate than tllose fables. Dr. Bonnette gave a short an old spiritual ealled "Go Down report by the investigating committee is At the conclusion of his address, who hud journeyed to Washington to sketch of the eharaeters in Victor Hugo's "Moses." This was followed by a short tho fact that it censures General Um President Ward appointed a committee- witness the ceremony at first hand. drama "Hernani," as It preface- to the berto Nobile severely, and blames a large to receive the repliea sent by the Demo- President Hoover's inaugural ad- sketch of the life of Paul Lawrence dramatization of the first act of thfl part of the disaster on him. It was cratic and Republican State Central dress was of genuine interest to the Dunbar, Ihe great Negro poet, read by was til' a play. The characters in the dramatiza- found that the accident due Committees. student ,as woll as to every oth- Helen Smith. Then Elizabeth Clough tion were as follows: Joaefa, VirgiDia panicky crew, poorly chosen for such a er cittacu. The new Prast- told something of BookerT. Washington Holland; Don Carlos, Margaret Marti- nnd hia eurecr. venture, and without trust in their lead- MEN DEBATERS CLOSE 1929 SEA- dent has an apparently inexhaustible gnoni; Hermani, Elise Hobbs; Dona Sol, Because W. M. C. is just far enough er. The committee also says that "bad SON IN ENCOUNTER WITH tbut is termuesceu t of Roose- Helen Dennis j Don Ruy Gomez de Silva, below the "Mason and Dixon Line" to airmauship"" alS(l plrtyed its part. Al· BUCKNELL U. HERE by an ability to ccnaid- Dorothy Grim. Miss Mary Webber be in the South, the girls greatly appreci- together it has drawn a plain picture of er matters carefully that is rcminea- Broughton conducted a French game, ated the program. mismanagement and contradictory ord cent of Lincoln. The chief deduction and Miss Catherine Reed taught the dub (Continued from Page One) 1.0 be gained from his speech was that two new French songs. Contrary to the usual manner in his administration will be ,above all Y.M. C.A. treating affairs of this kind, the censure Hall. The judges for he debate were else, ~n active one. of General Nobile has been unspar-ing. Hev. Shroyer, a member of the faculty On February 27 tho Y. M. C. A. held 1fusually the men chiefly eoncerned in a:f- of Wostminster Theological Seminary Have Your Shoes Repaired at the BROWNING its regular meeting with Dr. Elderdiee fairs of tllis sort are lauded for their and Rev. Hayes, pastor of the local College Shop from the Seminary as the speaker. Dr. bravery, and their incompetence and Centenary M. E. Church. "St. Pat" visited Browning Literary Elderdice can be depended on to give a arc overlooked. Situations The first debate of the month, held Chas. Kroop worthwhile address and on this occasion Society on Monday, March 11; all the such as make thrilling stories for with Washington College, resulted in a 25 E. Main St. hia talk was beth educational and inspir members were very glad to meet him. the newspapers, and are in most cases victory for both Western Maryland W. E. WARFIELD, College Rep. ing. On Wednesday, :MUTch 6 Professor After being introduced to the gentleman, oycrworked. One thinks that the world teams. The- negative team travelled Shroyer, also from the Seminary, gave they joined in playing games with him, must appreciate the report made by the and won a unanimous decision over thc address. Professor Shroyer's keen in order to celebrate his coming birth- Italian Government, noeause of its their while the affirmative Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr him day. At the end of the party very delle- insight and experience enables valuable to truthfulness, accuracy, and its evident team Smith Ball winning ious refreshments were served. After a give a talk that is especially to sincerity in trying to prevent such oe· over the Shoremen's negative team by "pep" meeting held for the coming young people. He picked out qualities currencea again. a 2-1 decision. '1'he judges for the home 'f'!re Newest lind Best Clothing and were Browning-Philo debate, everyone left in in other character that to us. worthwhile debnte wer-e Mr. Anderson, Mr. Moody, The apeak- high spirts. and would be of value Furnishings era that the "Y" will entertain the rest Speaking of figures, one im- bof.h Baltimore attorneys, and Mr. 1. S. of the year are worth hearing, so despite F'erdinand Hoff, Westminster attorney. The vlait- Goods for young men this spring weather plan to attend the agines that Foch ing leam from Wasltington College was PHILO meetings. _ eompels symp:J.thy from the whole composed of "Messrs. Hiekman, Tomlin· world. The stirring figure he made as son, {lnc} Bennett. 10 !)CL' cent off to college students The Sophomores entertained Philo Commander-in·Chief of the Allied Arm· DELTA SIGMA KAPPA with a St. Patrick '8 Day program on ies in the World War heightcns the Monday evening, March ll. Miss Hoberta Rowe and Miss Margur in his present condition. He 'l'he regular night Baker Babylon & Lippy Company been "cry ill for some time now. Chapel ~erviee was Oil the even entertained W3rren et tlu~ dub at tea Anna May Gallian read an interesting ing of :March 10, by the substitution of from four to six o'tryland, defeated Murphy. Temple, in Security Service ANNOUNCEMENTS ing in this movement, which 3-) three rounds, decision. NAME CARDS plans the fact that our play Decker, r. g. 0-0 Unlimited Downer Western PROGRAMS is much higher than elsewhere. Diel, r. g. defeated Anderson, Temple, WATCHES MENUS Klien, I. g.. rounds, by decision. SILVERWARE DepoJa, l. g. NOTES LETTER TO THE EDITOR RefHcc: Ritchie, Yale. Judges: By U. S. A., and :!\ferrill, Balt.i· A. H. Fetting Company Where wrre onr debating managers' Totals ~f. C. A. "WESTERN MARYLAND" Last Friday the Western ].[aryl.1nd de· MANUFACTURING JEWELERS PRINTERS bating tl!.11ll had as their guests the de baters from Lebanon Valley College .. 314 Charles St., North }<'riday eveniug the Lebanon Valley boys A H. OR.NDORFF, Owner On Your Way Back to Baltimore, Maryland Times Printing Co. were wandering ~round in Westminster, WE HANDLE THE apparently lost. One of the athletic BALTIMORE SUN The Hill Stop in for Westminster, Md. managers took them ol'er Hnd entertaiued CLASS PINS CI,ASS RINGS them until time for the meet. Western MEN :FOR SUMMER WORK Maryland always meets her athletic CIGARETS, Again Fuller Brush Co. is accepting teams and takes care of thcm and lhere a limited number of College men for is no good reason why any other team work during summer vacation. Nation· SANDWICHES, Fresh Fruit Strawberry Sundae visiting Western :ilaryland should not be ally advertised, guaranteed and trade- taken care cf in tIle proper manner. marl, line; careful personal training, reo SODA Topped With Whipped Cream -- I 5 Cents What is the good of ha\'ing managers if stricted territory. Earnings last year per $1.35 they are uot doing their part in the en· avet8ged )linimum guaranteed hour for earnings College of men. tertainment of visiting teams' $250.00 for nille weeks. "\Vork given This does not tend to foster good spir men accepted by April 15. Write at GRIFFIN'S GOODIE SHOPPE it between us and other colleges, a visit once for details. Humbert's ing team from another college should be FULLER BRUSH CO. TOBACCO 303 Star well taken care of whether an athletic, Waahi!!g_t~_n, Building J;}•. C. SODA CANDY debating or sewing team. . At-The Forks . An interview will be arranged.
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