Page 75 - TheGoldBug1928-29
P. 75
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE \SPORTSi BasKetball Boxing iSPORTS I Terror Boxers Score Sixth Victory of BOXING DOPE VARSITY DEFEATED BY MOUNT w. M. LACROSSE TEAM ST. MARY'S Season in Win from Temple University Crosby completed the season without PLANS INITIAL SEASON a defeat. In the fiual game of the season played Inter-team bouts this Thursday. on March 2, at Emmitsburg, the varsity ·Western Maryland's boxers scored The boys w'ho have worked this aea- bnsketcers 39·24., COACH MARDEN OPTIMISTIC TERRORS LOSE TO BALTIMORE went down to defeat their sixth dual-meet triumph of the son to make a gnod varsity team will Beason by defeating Temple University UNIVERSITY HERE 29·26. show the varsity how good they really at tlle hands of the Mt. St. Mary's The Terrors have taken another great last Thursday, 5-2, at the Armory. This court players. The game completed tIle str-ide in athletics. This spring they will was the sixth win in eight meets and The basketball team lost another Last fight before the'legtatee. college basketball careers of "Otte" have a lacrosse team, and will play some the last of the season for the Terror close game to Baltimore University in Come on Subs, your elmnee to show Broil and Mose Machamer, two men, of the best teams in the East, including boxers, Penn State and tho Navy box- a return engagement with the Red and hew good you are! who have been outstanding stars at the Penn State, Lafayette and University of ers being the only two teams to defeat White at the 104th Reg. Armory on Western Maryland institution for the Maryland. the Terrors during the past season. February 28; 29·26. .As a result the past four years. 'l'emplc started out with a rush, by University five has bagged both of the BOXERS IMPRESS NAVY By winning, St. Mary's avenged the JOllllllY Marden, one of the best lao winning the first two bouts on the pro- home and home series, having defeated That t.he Western Maryland boxers defeat administered them ea-rlier in the crosse been players secured produced coach in Maryland, team. has to the gram, the 115 pound class and the 125. the Terrors on the Westminster Armory favorable impressed tho Naval .Acad- season by tho Green and Gold on the Coach Marden is eery optimistic about Doug Crosby Western Maryland's un- court earlier in the season. emy by their clean, hard fighting, is the coming season. He maintains defeated ace, started the Terror rally This loss can quite justly be attri- evident in the following letter received local Armory floor. Saturday's victory althongh this is our first season at by winning his fight. From then on buted to W. M's. poor throwing from by Captain "Dick" Norris from Licub.> was more decisive, however, the smooth game, we SIIOUld win a large percentage, the Tenors were not to he denied, tak the gratis stripe. They outre eked the Commander O. O. Kessing, the graduate working mounts playing all angles of and possibly all of our games. The ing the next live bouts. Baltimoreans from the field by dropping munager of athletics at the academy. the court and passing and shooting ac- brand of lacrosse, lie says, by Cuden, Temple captain, t.ook the first eleven buckets as against nine for the curately. The game was also unusually coliegesoutsideof:Maryland corn- bout of the evening by n technical victors bnt when fouls were attempted Pebruary :!5, 19Z9. {~leanly played. pare with t hat played here in this State. knockout over Reed. This bout came those same baskets were full of water. 11r. Dick Norris, We play a far superior game, and the Boxing Team, The vict.ors immediately took a firm as a surprise, as Reed has looked very In thirteen tries tIle Green and Gold Maryland College, hold on the tustle in the first period conch looks for some very good results good since he took over the 115 ponnd registered but four counters while the while the Terrors were getting located. against the out-of-State teams, eapeelal- class vacated when Callahan left school winners on the other hand counted Westminster, Maryland. ly. at tIl() end of the first semester. Cuden eleven times in eighteen gifts. 1r~'dear Norris: In this session W. M. was disasterously For those who do not know, lacrosse is gave a good exhibition of the value (If '1'he game w~s hardfought, very fast, I did not even get a chance to get to outacored Z4·5 and that huge ndvantngo, an old Indian game. TIle early pioneers expericnee in the ring. 'l'he referee and personal contact happened too fre· your dreaeiug room Saturday evening "nough to wi" nny game, was mnin- found the Indians playing a sort of half taiucd. stopped the- fight in the second round, quently aa evidenced by the total of after tho fights to eongra tulate you and Baskets by Van vurcn and gam{', half battle, when they struck out although Reed was on l,is feet the whole thir-ty-one foul tlnows awarded to both your team on their e:xeellent showing. Smith and a foul by Wellinger were tIle across tho great western plains across tillle. quints. The score was tight through The scor-e doesn't mean a thing, iu Ioeore bost enorts. the Mississippi. The Indiana used a sort Flater lost to Allen, inan extra round, most of the playing time and what opinion, errors in officiating were Although outscoring the mountaineers of net made of lrather thongs stretched after a good fight. Both the boys used margin separated the teams during t.o your team, but above every- 19-15 in the lust twenty W. M. on a wooden frame, in which they a good left jab to advantage in all thing, all of us were impressed with the never lhrcat.ened dangerously to take caught, carried and threw a small weed- various stages of the game was slight. sport.manship three rounds. The Speirmen jumped to an early lead and the fighting spirit ef tl,e engagement. It was all improved en ball. The playing field was the en- Crosby lllet a strong, rugged, hard- by virtue of baskets by Smith and Van your team. W. M. five in the last hnlf, bnt Mt. St. lire countryside within. the tribe's bound- hitting fighter in Demas, but outelassed I am writing to Dick Harlow to ask :Hary's strong defense and continued aries and the number of players was in· Buren and a foul by Mose before Silver him to hold a date for us next year; him by never giving him a good chance eff('ctive oll'ense were not to bedcnied d('finite. often a puir of braves chalked a foul for tho o]lpOBition. This we shall always be glad to meet. n team to sl'oot over his best punches. This 5-1 advantage was short·lived, how· liko yours. Broll and VanBuren starred for W. )'C grew very in contesting eaell oth was the eight straight win for Crosby ever, as the lawyer~ soon got together Hoping to Bee you again at the Inter· The latter racked five goals whieh, with er's right to take H shot at the goal, and in eight meets, his long rallge hitting ('ffeetively enough to go to rest with a laerosse sticks w~re diseHrded for toma· and spe~d again gaining him an easy eollegiates and with my best regards, n totaled the best ~core for the hawks. five point. lead at 15-10. As the last 20· I am, Sincerely yours, cleven. McCarrigan and Hem- dellision. The settlers of Cnnadll. next took up minutes got underway Baltimore U. O. O. Kessing, ler with 12 and 9 points shone for the Coallh Harlow sprang a hard hitter on lidded a few points to their lead before Lieut, Commander, U. S. N. mountaineers. the sport, modifying it to a great ex· tIle fans in the person of Fex, who Graduate Manage-r Athletics. So ends the season. (Continued on Page Four) took the of Captain Norris who (Continued on Page Four) had llUrt thumb in the Navy meet. This was the first fight for Fox and he made it an auspicious one by scoring a ledwical kuockuut. uver Thompson. Lacking Norris' cleverness and speed, Fox continually forced the fighting and l,ad the Temple man covering up most "W·th most honorable of the fight, then flooring him in the seeond round when the Temple coach tl,rew in t.he tewel. approvol" Campbell and Ekaitis had a good fight until the second round, when a strong left hook caught Campbell :flush en the jaw, knocking him e'ompletely out. There wasn't mueh to choose between the fighters before tlie knocRout punch landed. Klepac defeated Murphy, the Temple ace, in three close rounds. Murphy had tIle a{h'antage in reach but Klepac worked in close and easily had the best of it. There was a great deal of long range hitting with honors about even. The Downer .~nd('rson figllt was full of hard hitting and artion, Downer's left bobbing Anderson's head back re· peat.edly. Anderson scored a knock down in the second round with a hard right, but Downer offset this with his left jab, and right·crosses enough to gain the decision. Snmmaries: 115 peund class: Cnden, Temple, de- (Continued on Page Four) OO·EDS END BASKETBALL SEASON VS. LEBANON VALLEY COLLEGE The "coed" basketball team lost their last game of the season when it bowed before the representatives of Lebanon Valley College, in Yingling gymnasium on ·Wednesday, l~ebruary 28. The locals started off badly and were well behind ~en the Most Honorable Tourist enters a offered - and about eight times out of ten at the close of the opening half. The Japanese shop. experienced travelers tell us, there'd be a sale on the spot! score was then 20-9. In the last half, he is instandy struck by the elegant bareness At least tbat's what the sales figures indicate the offense worked mere of the shelves. The astute Eastern merchant - over six million smokers keep asking for and, as a result, the score became more even. The visitors were discloses his wares one piece at a time. working Chesterfield and the salesmen all know it. foreeil to extend themse-h'es and they down from the choicest to an eventual sale. And no wonder, you smokers. You who finally managed to win the game 27·23. If our local tobacco shops were conducted have tried 'em know there's no need to Jell The team takes this opportunity to on the Japanese system. we venture to predict Chesterfields - that mild different flavor just cordially th~nk Miss Millard and Cap- that Chesterfield would be the fust cigarette puts itself over. tain Wheeler for their management and coaehing given in the past season. Lebanon Valley. Western :i[d. Yingt R. F. :Mitchell Draper S. F. Brady Cti ESTERFI ELD Miler L C. Thornburg Miller J. S. C. Coekran Rupp R. G. Wheeler Cockran L.G. Rnssell MILD enough for anybody •• and yel. .THEY SATISFY Substitutes; W. M.-Johnson for Thornburg, Thornburg f~r Cockran; Ebaugh for Mitchell .
   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80