Page 74 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. GOt \IlG Official newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday during the academic year by the atudenta 01' Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered 8S eeeond-claee matter at the Westminster Postoffiee. Subscription Price, ,2.00 a Year MANAGING STAFF Editor-in-Chief .. . Casper P. Hart, '29 Managing Editor .. .Joseph L. Mathias, Jr., '29 Asst. Managing Editor. . .Edwin Warfield, '29 Business Manager. . ... Paul Bates, '31 Asst. Business Manager .J. Hammett Simms, '29 Advertising Manager . . ..... Marvin B. Sterling, '30 Circulation Manager . . .. Roy L. Robertson, '29 James A. Stach, '30 Asst. Circulation Managers .. . . . .. Leslie Grover, '30 { D. C. Murchison, '32 Art Editor .. . "Pete" Gomsak, '30 Sports Editor .. . . . . . . . . .. ... . .. L. G. Ekaitis, '31 REPORTORIAL s'rAFF Associa.te Editors w, G. Eaton, '30 Margaret Mart.ignoni, '29 News Editors the Mary Walzl, '29 Curvin M. Seitz, '29 "Personally life outside I think would that be much disci- bet- of Edith Kinkead, '29 Roy C. Chambers, '29 for many who are in college than the Evangeline Lathem, '29 Charles E. Rensch, '29 induced by certain college aaso- Reporters Virginia Merrill, '30 Roy T. Edwards, '31 "It shonld not be forgotten that the institution, Sara Freeman, '29 Roby Day, '29 college is an educational with certain despised not a mere social club Helen G. Dennis, '29 Alex 0 'Lear, '30 requirements. Those who are not dis- Catherine Reed, '30 Jackson W. Day, '31 posed to makc good use of the college Thelma Reid, '30 Paul Howard, '29 would be better off elsewhere." Elizabeth Clough, '30 Clurenoe W. Koochogey, '32 These arc from an address Dorothy Johnson, '29 Branch Phillips, '3l} made by of State Charles our hands for Grace Armstrong, '30 Wilmer V. Bell, '30 Evans Hughes, at an alumni dinner at Helen Wheeler, '29 William Brown, '30 Brown Unil'ersity, from which be was Life," says the youth, "obey me! me freedom, surging, vital, graduated in 1881. They are quoted nnd boundless. Weave for me dreama of from "Tripod." Trinit.'" College Worthy opinion, Model management; Correct news. substanee, glistening, Play for me gay that I may dance and at ",Ve sec in the "Gettysburgian" that things of life tug IE-D-I-T-O-R-I- A -LI President Hoover will probably visit Get- in my Bring me ambition How the every·day fame, tysburg on July 2 or 3 of this year to serve me Hold with to my lip" with the hon- cup sights, and sounds hold us in THE BOND ISSUE ment. Yale's debaters win travel to "officially accept the North Carolina and let me drink to its ourselves! V.le may say that our Porto Rico and argue the Platt Amend· Confederate Memorial to be erected on are dull and monotonous, but once The efforts of the Carroll County Par- ment with native students in the island the battlefield here." in a while we see our surroundings with ent-Teacher Association ill the present university. A group of Eastern college "1'he monument, of bronzc on a gran- new eyes. The warm glow of a table drive for a school bond issue cannot be debating teams, who have fonned a ite base, is to be about 18 feet high, lamp, revealing a familiar face, is a thing. too highly commended. The conditions model League of Nations, will meet at showing two figures, one carrying a flag, "Oh, Life," says the man, "teach beautiful a fineness The about face it that itself we seems have had to of the county schools are certainly not 1ft. Holyoke this April and discuss the eharging up the lleights of Cemetery lesson. Make me your hnmble not noticed before. '1'he room takes on what they should be. The wonder is that Bolivia·Pnragntly dispute. All these ex- Ridge, where the North Carolina troops and lead me to your wells of the vigorous action which the situation 1l.mples plainly show that debating is not took an active part in the three days' and of wisdom. Take away e new hominess. The pictures are demands has not come sooner. an outgrown actil"ity and tlwt valuable engagements here in 1863. rankling bitterness of disappoint friends, a part the books are are all companions. ordinary How these much of us America t.oday is confronted with training is received if realism and mod- "The only words on the monument ment, and replace it with -reeonetled ten things, and how essential to our happl- problems of the utmost importance, are guides in the preparation of will be NORTH CAROLINA. Near it demess. Give me an understanding ness! hluffied voices ani! laughter come problems which require an intelligent on a bronze plate, attached to the gran heart, that I may know and sympathize to us as music singing its way into our eitizenry to meet thcm. Nor will the ite boulder, will be a brief account of with my fellow·men in their joys and in consciousness. We think of the people questions be settled in a few years for, COLLEGE AVENUE the part North Carolina played in the their sorrows. Arm me with bravery and represented by these voices, this laugh in many cases, they arc of such a nn battIe here." the faitl, to fight a good fight; let me tor, personalities as different as possible, tnre that thc next generations will be the new Science Hall knOll" that. in spite of ull of your scourg- aud each as interesting as it is differ- confronted by them. All the more rea will be complete and ready "Our College Times" of Ehzaheth- ings, you will eventnally bring me to ent. We ask ourselves euu that the present age prf discussion have been selected us. After his freshmun year, 1868, there that the sccret died with him. Phone 318 from a practical vie\\·point. Less time was an interlude in his cdueation dnring WhMe"rr the reason may hal'e been, is given to the tcdmiqn(' of public which he acccd~d to his father's wishes we the next persoll who \Vcstminster,1
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