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GOt JUNIOR SPEEOH PLAYS BALLOTS FOR NEW STAFF SMITH HALL 7:30 P. M. WILL BE OOLLECTED AT TOMORROW NIGHT CHAPEL TOMORROW Vol. 6, No. 19 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. March 15, 1929 PRES. WARD ANNOUNCES MISS KATHRINE HOOVER BROWNE PRIV- OOLLEGE OALENDAR WESTERN TO BE MARYLAND STUDENTS MISS EBAUGHREPRESENTS INAUGURAL AT ILEGED ON CLASSIFIED PROGRESS OF BOND ISSUE JlIiss Kathrine M. Browne, of the TUESDA Y, MARCH 14-- PERSONALITY W. M. AT CONVENTION Biology Department, was the only per- Boxing. Intra-team matches in S011 from western Maryland to view the \Vestern Maryland College students As chairman of the Council of the Armory 8:00 P. M. are soon to be classified not only on "'estern Maryland College was "ery inauguration of Herbert Hoover Mnn- Parent-Teacher-s Associations of Carroll FRIDAY. MARCH 15- thoir scholastic record but on tllOirller· well represented at the nnnual eonven- day a week ago, from the same posi tion of the Department of Superinten· County, President Ward made public Eleetion of 1929·30 Gold Bug traits. This new step, which the progrcaa of the drive for a $600,· tion as the government officials and is soon be inaugurated, is regarded deuce of the National Education Aeeo- 000 school bond issue in an open meet- their families. From hor cousin, Gen. staff 9:35 A.M. many members of the faculty as one eiation of the United States held in ing held last Saturday afternoon in thc eral Summerall, chief of tho army staff, Junior Bpcceh Plays, Smith Hall most important additions to the Cleveland, Ohio, February 24-·28, 1929, auditorium of the Westminster High :Miss Browne recived passes "\vhieh en- 7:30 P. M. records of students at the college. The by Miss Mary O. Ebaugh. School. Carroll county eitizens inter- titled her to a reserved place to wtt- SA1'UHDAY, MARCH 16- sudents' traits, such as leader. Tho creed of this association is "that ested in the matter fllled the hall and, ness all of the inaugural proceedings. ship cooperation alHl indns every chili) born in or adopted by this dnring the progrcss of the afternoon, :Miss Browno witnessed the swearing Women's Debates, Lebanon vat- try be recorded and kept on file. republic has by virtue of that fact the were directly acquainted with the many in of Vice-president Curtis from a ru l('~·, Smith Hall, 7:30. When t.ho is established in its right to uavc developed through edu- problems arising from th{) proposed served seat in the Senate gallery in MONDA Y, l\IARCH 18- final form, records on flle will have cation, whatever talent he may possess bond issue. company with the Summerall party. In been made by from ten to twelve per· wit.hout reference to the- quality, quan the same section of the gallery were Literary Societies. tity, or t.ype of that talent, under eon· A draft of the proposed law was read tho Hoover and Coolidge- families, Mrs. sons. 'l'lIis will gi'·e an opportunity to dit.ions favorable to such development; for the purpose of outlining specifically Dawes, Mrs. Longworth, Mrs. Kellogg, FRIDA Y, MARCH 19- fOrtIl an average idea of the students tIle main items and how ~ach would af· Social Clubs 7:15. n sldc of individual bias or nnd tlu\t ho shall have assured to him Mrs. New, and the two daughters of the opportunity to go as far as his ahtl- feet the voters, taxpayers, and school mere One of the reasons Vice·president Curtis. WEDNESDAY, MARH 20- ity nnd ambition will permit in order officials of the eounty. During the for th<) estahllshment of this nell' aye- Miss Browne witnessed the inaugura that he may live his life more abun- course of the address made by President a spe- French Club, McDaniel Hall, 7:15 tem is the fact that when dantly thnn he otherwise could." Such P. xr 'Yard, there was brought out the cvt- tion of President Hoover from not ask dent ability of the county to provide cial platform immediately to the left of is t.he statement of Prank W. Boynton, for a more up-to-date school program tl10 President's platfonn on the east President of the Department of Super- capitol steps. Another scat wae reo intendence. for its students. A tax basis of $37, opposite HON. 1.W. MILES, TRUSTEE This year the convention had as its 570,720 certainly enables Carroll ecun- served for her on the platform thesis "How can the publie schools bet· ty to provide better educational facili· the 'Vllite House, from which she wit· OFCOLLEGE,PASSES AWAY important. Up to this time any rceom- ter secure- democracy and increasingly ties than it does at present in eompari· nessed the parade. mendations along this line were based produce a higher type of eitizenf" The son to other and poorer counties. That Althougll tIle United States is a upon recolle~tions of the student the taxpayers recogni~e this condition democratic country, denying no person Joshua Weldon Miles, a graduate of progmm built around this thesis was di· into four is to be seen in the reports of those cn" the right to wateh official proc~dings the class of 1878, IUld for 43 years a istrntors. The new vided on suecessive divisions, The onch first consid· ered day's gaged in canvassing the county in ord<)-r whon a new President is inaugurated, member of tho Board of Trustees for to elimillaicmnch program dealt a better s{)rvico to prepare a petition to send to the there are very few persons who have "Western Maryland CoHege, died March (lf the old. through more careful fil\llJleing, th{) see· legislature. Three thousand 1m vo con the opportunity to witness such proceed· 4 at. the Union Memoria.! Hospital, Bal· Dr. B~rtholf, who is in charge of th<) om'! with "Articulation of the units of sented to support the passage of the is· ings in company with the officials them· timore, after an illness which had con· anotherreaSOll for the in· American Education," the third with a sue without a referendum. Without selves Miss Browne was one of the tinued were for sevcralmont.hs. llome Funoral sor· in line with the statement of discussion on the botter selection of held vices in Prineess at his doubt, in a few weeks that number will lucky few. -_-- ihe Dean of Northwestern Univllrsitr candidates for teacher training institu· be much greater. In explaining the Anne. t.hM "'fhe purpose of is to de· tions, their better training in the significanee of the referendum clause, a JESTERS PREPARE FOR Born in Somerset County, December velop personality." tllat s·ellOols, and continued training after President Ward stated that 9, 1858, )'Ir. Miles was educated in pri· the advisors will be they have begun teaching. The last DEBUT IN NEW WINDSOR er graduated frOIfl Western Maryland day was the elimax of the convention refereneo to the is not at all vate and public schools there, and lat· these to help to elimi (C;ontinued on Pag' VOTER.. Gertrude Kelbaugh April 5, Friday-Denton. Sunday evening, March 3. The subject Rev. ==-=-_c.=='-'-"== ;;- ='-'-"===-'-_ Lotus Ln nd Cyril Scott April 12, Friday-\Vest BaIto. 111. P. of the sermon was "Prayer". The Turkish Marell Beethoven CllUreh. Englar stated that, just as prayer FOR BDl'l'OR·IN·CHIEF FOR ASSOCIATE EDITOR James Roby Day April 18, Thursday-"Westminster. brougllt certain results in BibJicfll Vote For One Vote For One Deh Vieni, from Marraige of Figaro April 19, Friday-Westminster. times, it brings certain results toda~'. C. w. Margaret Ruth Caplc Mozart Efforts are being made to arrange for After citing several instauces in the w. G. EATON KOOCHOGEY FlIniaisie Rhapsodi'lue :Mana·Zucca two more ellgagem~nts in Baltimore and Bible that show when prayor was offec· Isabol May Wentz ene in Frederick. At the present time tive, he enumerated six results of this. w. H. BROWN D. C. MURCHISON The Gipsies (Duet) Brahms cording to Manager Howard, they will First., the people were :filled with tho Clara Katherino Grumbine the dates have not been fb:ed, but ac· holy spirit. Seccnd, they had more FOR SPORTS EDITOR Charlotto Bello Zepp be in a few days. courage to speak Christ's word and do D. C. LINK Vote For One his work. Third, the people became of one heart and one soul; in other words, FOH MANAGING EDITOR L. G. EKAITJS I Men Debaters Close 1929 Season they were united. Prayer made jealous· ___ VO_"_F_O,_O_no_-.----_ I __ ies, backbitings, and meanesses impos II in Encounter with Bucknell U.Here sible. A church, divided more factions, an W. V. BELL ALEX. O'LEAR into ia little that or a church than "ecclesiastical refrigerator", needs }'OR CIRCULATION MANAGER The men's Varisity Debating 1'ealll In the single eneounter with Buck· prayer to bind it together again. M. B. S1'ERLTNG Vote For Ono "brought their 1929 season to a close nell the "isitillg affirmative team F'ourth, allcwsenseandideaofsteward· witll a siugle debate with Bucknell scored a 2·.! ,·ictory. Tho judges for ship in the church grew up. }'ifth, POR BUSINESS MANAGER J. A. STACK University, l\:[ouday evening, :March 11. the debate were Professor W~l1mal1, great graee came to all tho~e who Vote For One 'l'he ten pre,·io1I8 debatcs for the month . Professor Woodward, both out·of·town prayed and filled them with a winsome· of March were with Lebanon Valley residents, and l\lr. Mauriee S. H. Unger, ness and kindliness not found any other P. L. BATES T. D. BRAUN College, :Mareh 8, and Washington Col· of 'Vestminster, superintendent of the wa? Sixth, the old conditions and stat· lege, March 1. Both of these dobates public schools of Carroll county. The us of things were almost always com· were dunl. All of the debates of the visiting team WflS composed of Messrs. pletely shaken and changod. L . .K. BUNCE L. S. GROVER season han) been confined to tho single Raker, Lare, and Evans, of Bucknell. Just as these definite results occurred question, Resolved: That the Americau In the dual debate with Lebanon Val· then, they will happen today. Prayer FOR ASSOCIATE EDITOR FOR ADVERTISING MANAGER jury system should bo abolished. West· Icy, "Western :Maryland's affirmative is still a great, vital factor in Chris· Vote For One Vote For' One ern Marylaud's affirmative team was team debated a.t Lebanon Valley Col· tian life. Because this age is so busy, 1 CATHERINE READ J. C. NEWCOMER \ composed of Messrs. \ )iurchiaon, Link, lege aud won a 2·1 decision. The nega· people often pay no attention to pray· tive team lost to the visiting affirma· er. But prayer has its place, it must I ::~ :oa~;~s!~c:~c~~s:~~ ~~;~~~v~:~~:, tive team in the debate held in Smith not be ignored, and every person should VIRGINIA MERRILL J. R. HICKEL I and Bell (leader). \ (Continued on Page Four) make it a part of his life. \
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