Page 72 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, MRS. KIM, A NATIVE OF KOREA, FACULTY IS ENTERTAINED BY VISITS THE CAMPUS WEBSTER SOOIETY aUngg,QIIuh, nUll ~otidy moiugg IInrlll News (Continued from Page One) (Continued from Page One) schools for girls ill Korea at that time, The new Nationalistic Government (If so the energetic little girl disguised which made the book, although fiction, sound eo true and moving that it must mVING LITERARY SOCIETY Y. W. O. A. China is facing the first test of its dur- herself as a boy and attended school read like a personal experience of ability that has as yet confronted it. with the opposite sex. This arrange- Irving Literary soeiety had its regular ment involved a great many difficulties, reality. is a rebellion under the leadership Thill meeting Monday night at 7:15. The Korea., the Switzerland of the Orient, (If Chang Tsung-Chang, a former bandit but before she left the school Mrs. Kim The critics report was the usual thing program consisted of the following: was the land to which the "Y" girls, chief. He haa some twenty thousand could fight, and climb trees, and be- and needs little comment. Ode to 1I. womnn=-Mr. De Haven. under the guidance of Mrs. Kim, Trav- troops under him and has seized the longed to a boys' eeerct fraternity. The meeting closed with the rendi- Current Events--Mr. Rebert. eling Secretary of the Student Volunteer Shantung railways, greatly hampering After she had left school and bad tion of Webster's Song, which rang out Open Discussion. Association, journeyed last Wednesday the moving of troops against him by the graduated from college, Mrs. Kim faced like the peal of tower bells bursting Question: Is the new schedule for night. Nationalistic Government. forth in all their glory to announce the morning chapel a wise one' Mrs. Kim, in vivid and picturesque one of the greatest problems of her dawn of a new and glorious day-a new In the discussion, most of those pres- language, spoke about her Korea as she Chang's base of operations is in Dai- life. Her mother tried to force her to era for Webster. ent took part and the advantages and it, telling of its beauty of nature, ren, a concession of Japan, situated obey the ancient custom of marrying a. After the meeting the .faculty gueeta disadvantages of the new plan were sees across the Gulf of Chihli from Shantung. man chosen for her by her family. She loitcrd in the hall and expressed their aired freely. The general opinion seemed of its towns and its cities. She eon- This fact seems to have given rise to refused, and proceeded to find herself appreciation to Webster's members :for to be that those who are too indifferent trasted the customs of her people with the probably not unbaaed belief (If the a friend and have dates with him in the program as presented. Not only to attend chapel at the present time will our American customs and throughout Nationalistic Government that there are the American fashion. She was cstru- were they pleased with the program not change their attitude toward it upon her whole talk made the plea for the Japanese aids back of Chang. The ul eiacd by society and expelled by her and its significance, but with the fact the changing of the schedule, but be- girls to get closer to God and so help terior motive attributed to Japan is thaf college alumni association, but she en- tl,at it has opened up an unprecedented cause it offers town students an oppor- free Korea from the bondage (If old and in the event of the overthrow of China's dured all this for the sake of breaking rcla tion between the faculty and a Lit· tunity to attend it is by no means with- backward ideas and ways. new government Japan would gain a. down an old custom. erary Soeiety on the Hill. They ex· foothold in Shantung, perhaps lending (JUt advantages. to permanent occupation (If that pro- While she was still a young girl, Mrs. pressed the trope that it would continue. After the discussion a business meet- Kim tried to organize a movement for ing took place in which Mr. Eugene W.W. vince. tIle liberation of Korean women, but Lamb was elected treasurer, Mr. Roby It will be interesting to note the out- was seized and put in jail for eight MEN DEBATERS LOSE TO E-TOWN Day, the past president, having received W. W. takes great pleasure in .an- come of this struggle. Ruman aympa- months. It was while she was in pris- IN DUAL MEET thy naturally seems to gravitate to the the officeof Sergoant·at·Arms. nouncing that Miss Henrietta Elizabeth underdog, and China, in the eyes of the on that she first began to read the Bible (Continued from Page One) Scott has been received into full memo witb care, and made her decision to do- BROWNING world, has been just that. Great, awk· vote all her energies to the spread of berabtp. ward, lumbering China being continual- History at Lebanon Valley College, Dr. Resolved, "That Western Maryland W. W. entertained at bridge in honor ly imposed upon by some more fortunate the- Gospel in her native land. After P. M. Harbold, Professor of Education College should have a model school to nation. she was released from prison, she mar- at Franklin and Marshall College, and supplement the edueational departmentj?" of Miss "Pat" Murpby, ex-'31, ried ono of her countrymen who shared' Dr. 1. F. Sewerling, Professor of Mathe- was the question for a debate between Wednesday evening, February 20, her liberal views. matics at Millersville State Teachers' the Juniors and the Sophomores on Mon- The Reparations convention now be- After Mrs. Kim had been married for College. The affirmative side was ren- day evening, February !l5. DELTA SIGMA KAPPA ing held in Paris is making little or no several years and had become the moth- dered a unanimous decision. The affirmative side of the question progress, which, according to the minds er of two little girls, Iris and Lotus, was npheld by the Juniors, namely, of the laity at least, is not at ail unus- she met a missionary who urged her to Westminster News Company Russell Bay, Thelma McVey and Am~n· Delta Sigma Kappa announces that ual. The main difficulty at present go to America. Torn between a desire da Bell; and the negative side was up- Mary Elinor Myers has been. accepted seems to be that neither side wishes to to obtain an American education and a A. R. ORNDORFF, Owner held by the Sophomore team which was into full membership in tho club. be first to propose the total sum that natural grief at the prospect of leav- WE HANDLE THE composed of Isabelle Douglas, TheJma Germany is to pay as reparations. Ger ing her husband and daughters, Mrs. BALTIMORE SUN Reid and Catherine Hobby. Miss Ellen Gurcelon and Miss Virgin· many claims that since she has present- Kim finally decided in favor of the The judges' decision was rendered ill.Merrill entertained the club at tea (In ed a detailed account of her eeonomic former, and arrived at San. Franeisco two to one in favor of the negative side. Thursday afternoon, February 21. status, the Allies should be the ouea to in the steerage. She has been in this MEN FOR SUMMER WORK fix the amount. On the other hand the country a little over a. year, has stud- Again Fuller Br ush Co. is aceepting Allies believe that if Germany desires a ied in Georgia, and is traveling for a limited number of College men for LOYOLA DEFEATS TERRORS BY WESTERN MARYLAND IS DEFEAT· reduction of the annuities she pays un- foreign missions. In a few months she work during summer vacation. Nattcn- ally advertised, guaranteed and trade- NARROW MARGIN, 33-32 ED BY NAVY BOXING TEAM, 5-2 der tho Dawes she herself must expects to return to Korea and spend mark lino; careful personal training, reo (Continued from Page Three) provide tho basis negotiations. Pass her life helping to carry the word of utrlcted territory. Earnings last year (Continued from Page Three) ing the buck is a privilege of the mighty. Christ to her people. averaged $1.35 per hour for College men. Minimum guaranteed earnings of defeated Flater, W. M., in three rounds, $250.00 for nine weeks. Work given of the basket in three attempts amount- men accepted by April 15. Write at ed to one more f(ljnt than W. Md. was by decision. "Dad" SMELSER EVERHART once for details. able to garner and that advantage gave IS5 pound class: Crosby, W. M., de- FULI,ER BRUSH CO. - Loyola the ball game. His floor game feated Foley, Navy, in three ronnds, by ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES, BARBER and BOBBER 303 Star Building Washington, D. C. was also extremely remarkable. decision. COLD DRINKS An interview will be arranged. 145 pound class: Hall, Navy, defeat- It was Bob Van Buren who pulled the ed Norris, W. M., in four rounds, by At The Forks game out of the fire for W. M. in the decision. Open every night until 11 :30 p. m. regular playing time. Bob turned in 160 pound class: Ricketts, Navy, de- Conaway Motor Co. one (If his best exhibitions this Beason feated Ekaitis, W. M., in four rounds, King's Pharmacy and was altogether responsible for twice by decision. D. S. GEHR Daily Coaclles to and from Gettysburg, tieing the score at the end. There were 175 pound elass: Swan, Navy, defeat· THE RBXALL S'l'ORE a very few moments to be played and ed Klepac, W. M., in four rounds, by (Established 1866) Emmitsburg, Taneytown, Westminster Loyola led by 2 points, when followed decision. 55 E. Main St., Westminster, Md. and Baltimore. two of the beet plays of the tussle. Van Unlimited class: Chapple, Navy, de- Wholesale and Retail Schedules posted in College Halls, Post recehed the ball, dribbled half·way feated Dawner, W. 1.1., in four rounds, HARDWARE around Rogera, and being guarded from by decision_. -- Officeand Dean's Office. one side threw the ball with his free T. W. Mather & Sons Phone 267 or 173 hand from the side of foul line to loop CAPTAIN NORRIS HURT Phone 318 the most spectacular basket of tlie Westminster, Md. Captain Richard Norris of the Terror svening. boxing team, broke a .finger on his left Westminster's Leading Store Wellinger, W. M.'s bouncing star, had hand at the Nl!.vy bouts Saturday, and Somebody, Somewhere, Wante Your another good evening against the Ever- will pr{Jbably be unable to fight the re green. He was all over the floor, inter· mainder of the season. Smith & Reifsnider cepting and breaking up many Loyola Captain Norris and Midshipman Hall Over 38 YeaJ's of Square Dealing Photograph offensive attempts and turning in the of the Naval Academy put on the fea- Westminster, Md. highest SC(llefor the Green and Gold. ture bout in the meet at McDonough Otts Broil, WllOwas disqualified with Hall. The first three rounds were full Lumber, Building Supplies and Coal four personals, was playing a great of action from bell to bell, the judges Westminster Savings Bank The Wilson Studio game and his removal 1'1'8..'3 the team's calling for an extra round. Dickey and Sash, Doors, Blinds and General Mill loss as he is always a dangerous point· Hall had engaged in a free Bwinging Capital $50,000.00 getter. Curtis was also disqualified. bout and the fourth was a duplicate (If Work Dudley, Liston and Twardowicz were the other three. Hall caugllt Norris Surplus "Earned" 350,000.00 outstanding for Loyola. This trio reg· with a right near the end of the round Roofing Materials istered 31 of tIle SS points scored by and scored a knockdown to win the F. THOS. BABYLON, President. Distinctive Printing their team. figllt. Dickey had probably hurt his MIL'fON P. MYERS, Vico Pres. Inabality to shoot fouls was probably hand before this llllppened, but didn't Babylon & Lippy Company JACOB H. HANDLEY, 'rrcasurer. the chief cause of MaryJand's defeat. showit by a grinace or any other method PERSONAL STATIONERY While scoring one more basket than Loy- Norris, after a slow start, had FI.JORSHEIM SHOES Security Savings Serviee ola W. M. scored but six times in fifo rounded into fine shape and had becomo STETSON HATS ANNOUNCEMENTS teen. attempts from the charity strip one of Coach Harlow's consistent win- NAME CARDS PROGRAMS and Loyola dropped in nine of :fifteen ners. He lost the first two by close de- SILVERWARE WATCHES MENUS throws. cisions, then w(ln f(lur straight against NOTES Line-up and summaries: excellent opponcnts and lost this last one International made-to-measure By We.stcrn Maryl6nd by a very closo decision. A. H. Fetting Company T. T..F. T. Dickey's losses were to V. M. I., Suits "WESTERN MARYLAND" BroIl, I. f .. 1 2.0 2 Georgetown and Navy. He defeated his MANU!'AOTURING JEWELERS PRINTERS Clarke,]. f .. 0.0 0 Penn, Penn State, New York University S14 Charles St., North Engle, I. f ... 2-1 1 and Manhattan opponents. Back to Wellinger, r. f .. 2-1 11 On Your Way Baltimore, Maryland Times Printing Co. Machamer, c.. 4-2 6 Have Your Shoes Repaired at the Van Buren, r. g .. 21 College Shop The Hill Stop in for CLASS PINS CLASS RINGS Westminster, Md. Smith, I. g .. 31 Chas. Kroop Totals IS 15·6 32 25 E. Main St. CIGARETS, W. E. WARFIELD, College Rep. Loyola SANDWICHES, Fresh Fruit Strawberry Sundae T. T.·F. T. , Twardowicz, I. f .. 3·' Sharrer. Gorsuch & Starr SODA Dudley, r. f .. '3 Topped With Whipped Cream - I 5 Cents Curtis, 0 ••.. ,., 'l'ile Newest and Best Clothing and 0·0 Liston, r. g., c . 14 lctieri, r. g . 0·0 0 Furnishings GRIFFIN'S GOODIE SHOPPE Rogers, I. g . 0·0 0 Humbert's Goods for young men CANDY TOBACCO Totals.. . ... 12 15-9 33 SODA Referee: Day. 10 per cent off to college students At The Forks
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