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GOt BOXING MEN'S DEBATE W. M. VS. TEMPLE WASHINGTON COLLEGE WED., MAR. 6-ARMORY rB.IDAY, 7:30 P. M. Vol. 6, No. 18 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. February28, 1929 TWO STUDENTS SERIOUSLY MRS. KIM, A NATIVE or KOREA, COLLEGE CALENDAR DEPARTMENTS or SPEECH AND MAJOR WM. A. GANOE MUSIC GIVE RECITAL VISITS THE CAMPUS HURT IN AUTO ACCIDENT :Mrs. Kim, a native of Korea and a FRIDAY, MARCH 1- A recital by the departments of mu- ADDRESSESSTUDENT BODY traveling secretary for the Foreign Mie- Men's Varsity Debate with Wash- sic end speech was given in Smith Hall TROLLEY STRIKES CAR IN BALTO. elonary Society, visited the campus on ington College, Smith Hall 7:30. ou the afternoon of Thursday, Feb- TELLS OF YOUTH or WASHINGTON Fehruary 20 and 21, speaking before SATURDAY, MARCH 2- ruary 21. This program was as fol- Henry Caple, of Westminster, and the Student Volunteer Group and the Boxing, Westeru Maryland vs. lows: Major William A. Ganoe, present Winston Willey, of Meredith, N. H., Y. W. C. A. Catholic Universi~y at weebmg- Reverie (piano), Debussy-Margaret execufive offieer and head of the His- both freshmen at Western Maryland, Mrs. Kim has had a very faseinating tou. Oleta Warner; In tho Boat (voice), tory Seetiou of the Army, War College were seriously injured as a result of a life, the Bort that most people dream Basketball, Western Maryland vs. Grieg-Mary Eleanor Reese; Sonota in of Washingtou, D. C., was a visitor on street-car striking their automobile in about but never experience. She was Mt. St. Marys at Emmitsburg. C Major (first movemcnt-p ian 0 ) , the Hill for a short time last week. Baltimore last Saturday, February 23. ~orn in Seoul, the largest city of her Mozart-Virginia White Holland; Du During his brief stay he was enter- Caple is now confined to the Maryland native land. When she was very young MONDAY, MARCH 4- Blat Wie Schon (voice), Weidt-George tained by Captain II_ D. Woolley. University Hospital, suffering from a her father died and her mother became Literary Societies at 0:45. Elwood McGowan; Marche Mignoune Thursday moruing he delivered alec· fractured pelvis bone. Though Willey a Christian. Although Mrs. Kim was TUESDAY, MARCH 5--.- (piano), Poldini-Mary Edna Myers; ture to the student-body in Smith Hall, sustained a broken jaw, his injury per- brought up in a home that had received Social Clubs 7:15 P. M. Marriage of Roses (voice), Franck- mitted his removal to Westminster, the word of Christ, she was bound down WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6- Winifred Scott Bush; Valse in E Minor choosing as his subject George Wash- where he is now recovering. Floyd by a great many of the old eustoms Boxing, Western Maryland vs. (piano), Chopin-Evangeline Lathem; ington, in commemoration of our first Doughty, the other occupant of the au- that had swayed her country for cen- Temple Uuiversity at Westmin- Sapphic Ode (voice), Brahms-Mar- President's birth-day, whieh was eele- tomobile, escaped with minor bruises. turies. For instance, there were ster Armory, 8:00 P. M. garet Lee Nelson; "Fourteen" (a read- brated last week. The three men were passing through (Continued on Page Four) Y. M. C. A..and Y. oW.C. A. meet- ing), Alice Geratenberg-c-Helen Scott Major Ganoe, although II. young man, Baltimore at 3:00 o'clock on their way ings, 6:45 P. M. Smith. lIas led a very active life, and one to Annapolis to atteud the boring Cezelc Francais, McDaniel Hall which has created for him a widely- between evening matches held that and the Naval .e.e- MR. ITO IS SPEAKER FACULTY IS ENTERTAINED known reputation. His early home was Western Maryland 7,J5 P M. in Williamsport, Pa., and from there he ademy. It was at the junction of Bush AT Y. M. C0· MEETING D'=R=.J=OH=N=C.=BR=OO=M=FIE=LD=' BY WEBSTER SOCIETY attendcd Dickinson College where he and Ridgely streets that the accident was a class-mate of Dr. L. S. Bare, oceured. A high board fence so ob- structed the view on the right from Chrutianity In J... n rs SnbJ~t SPEAKS IN BAKER CHAPEL Special Program Rendered prominent Westminster physician. La· Caple, who was driving, that a fast- ter lie was graduated from West Point, moving trolley car was very near upon The Y_ M. C. A. enjoyed one of the Webster Literary Society entertained and for a time was stationed there as them before its presence was noticed. most interesting lectures of the present Dr. John Calvin Broomfield, presi- the faculty at its weekly meetiug held a captain in the regular army. Major The ear was hit fair in the middle and year in its last meeting on Wednesday, dent of tho General Conference of the Monday evening, February 25 in Web· Ganoe is a well-known author of both thrown over 25 feet, but luckily it was February 20. Mr. Ito, a well-known fig· Methodist Protestant Church, preacllcd stor Hall. The program, a regular week- complete books and short stories, his not overturned. Doughty was uuhurt, uro around the campus, and a student ill Baker Chapel, Sunday e-vening, Feb- ly program somewhat lengthened, was plots being selected usually from army but Caple and Willey were rushed to the at the Westminster Theological Sem- ruary 24. At the opening of his ser- presented to a capacity audience, some life. He is thc author of the History Maryland University Hospital for im- inary was the speaker of the evening. mon, Dr. Broomfield announced that the of the regular members of the U. S. Army, one of the few texts mediate treatmeut. The extent of He expressed his purpcee to picture greatest need of all people was to know standing to accommodate the visiting dealing with the complete development Caple'S injuries was not at first known conditions in Japan, so that one could Christ better, because only then can guests fronl the faculty, who so gra- of our national army. but later an :<·ray picture confirmed the understand better the status Qf Chris- they appreciate him more fully and ciously responded to invitations issued The Major proved his ability as a opinions of the doctors that a frac- tianity there. love him more deeply. early last weck. Several of the Faculty speaker by his lecture in Smith Hall be- tured hip had been sustained. The He prefaced his address with a few his -text, Dr. Broomfield chose acknowledged the invitations but due to fore the student assembly. Taking as As doctors diagnosed Willey'S condition as remarks as to his linguistic difficulties. Isaiah 9:6-"Unto us a child is born, other urgent bueincsa were unable to lris subject the well worn topic of sUght bruises and a broken tooth. It seems, he said, as if Americans unto us a son is given: and the govern- accept. George Wasllington, he succeeded in Donghty and Willey then proceeded to speak on the outside of their mouths ment shall be upon his shoulders: and Mr. Grover's prayer was applicable treating it in such a manner as to-- Annapolis after spending some' hours whereas .Japaneee speak inside. He has his name shall be celled Wonderful, to the occasion in both its sincerity and create a new interest and a new ideal wit-.h Caple. At Annapolis Coach Har- made remarkable progress in the little Counsellor, the mighty God, the ever- expression. in the life of the Father of our Coun- low sent Willey to he further e:
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