Page 70 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryla.nd College, Westminster, Md. 111aril'ty GOt 1\ liP . "If we h'd~:'~~ the "Y whi,h A REVIEW OF BOOKS, Ali inu 1!Jikr lit =e= I PLAYS AND LIFE '11'1 A POETIC INSPIRATION all college students seem to use as an at Western would What happpen excuse for something which they cannot Maryland College if a serious fire broke Reading poetry is similar to revealing out! As the situation is at present the pictures of a brightly colored pic- Official newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday during ~~e~in~t~sc~;o::e t~a;c:::~~~S!~hi:~! there would probably be a stampede, reo ture book. I found it so years ago when ~:r;t:::.mi~~:::db;s t~:o:~_!~::: :~t:;s!~r~h~;~~~:~n~:~le;:~t:::~inster, follow nine o'clock on Monday, Wednes- aulting in blocked stairways aud door I was "in the grades" and the teacher day, and Friday are the most noticeable ways which would prevent the escape of requested that each pupil seleet a poem Subscription Price, $2.00 a Yea.r waste. It is very easy to spend that many who would otherwise get out of to memorize. I remember surrounding period in leisure, gossiping with one's- the buildiugs safely. Fire drills are held, myself with all the available material in room-mate over an unmade bed-after in the girls' dormitories at least, but my home and making myself eomfcrt- MANAGING STAFF all 11 student must haec some recreation they are infrequent and not adequate. able in a chair to follow the roads . . .... Casper P. Hart, '2~ and yet there is one provided at that Nearly everyone eonsidcra a firedrill to thoughts. I began with Managing Editor . .. Joseph L. Mathias, Jr., '29 hour which is far more profitable. To be a joke. Why' Let us look into the Garden of Verse," the very few students WIIO do not attend question of firedrills as they now exist followed with the "Golden Series," but Asst. Managing Editor. . .Edwin Warfield, '29 meeting at thattimc there is no question and we shall discover the reason. soon I had forgotten I was reading Business Manager . .......... Paul Bates, '31 of its value. Every person needs to get As a firedrill is arranged at present for the pages moved with living page, every verse, Every Asst. Business Manager ... J. Hammett Simms, '29 away from the rush and bustle of college everyone kuows about wheu it will oc- sometimes even a line, presented a pte- life and be alone for a few minutes. One Advertising Mana.ger .. . Marvin B. Sterling, '30 need not lift one's thoughts to religious cur. One may not know the exact day, hue, at times so vividly I wondered if or night rather, when the firedrill is to heights but the absolute relaxation and it were not actually there. Oirculation Manager.................. .Roy L. Robertson, '29 take place, but one is informed that quiet necessarily benefit all. It is not a. I remember one picture, which waa James A. Stach, '30 bad way to start the day to spend 11 few within a certain period, say a month, flashed up by means of words, appealed Asst. Circulation Managers .. Leslie Grover, '30 minutes in careful thought and prepara· there will be several firedrills. Natural- strongly to me. The name, tho author, { ly after having heard this announcement D. C. Murchison, '32 tion. Whether one is a member of the one is not much surprised to hear the the precise wording is now lost to my Art Editor .... . ,. Pete" Gomsak, '30 Society of Friends makes little differ· fire gong ring. Besides, all firedrflls are memory, but the picture remains, un- dimmed by time and other experience. ence in ability to appreciate meeting. It Sports Editor ... .................. L. G. Ekaitis, '31 Is a good habit to which all can form held at about the same hour, between It is this. A huge white stair ease in and greatly profit by. 10 P. M. and 11 P. M. Of course no the hall of an old colonial home. A big REPORTORIAL STAFF -Swarthmore Phoenix. sane person greatly desires to be roused window-seat, cozy with cushions against from bed at 3 A. M. for a firedrill, but News Editors on the other hand no sane person wishes a huge window of colored glass panes. boy, visiting grandmother, A little W. G. Eaton, '30 Margaret :Martignoni, '29 to be kept in a burning building because climbs to the window, presses his nose Now that the old question of whether Associate Editors we are or are not "collegiate" baa of a panic, when panic could have been against the pane and watches the apat- prevented by orderly drills given at un- Mary Walzl, '29 Curvin 1\1. Seilz, '29 ceased to be of interest, when students stated times. Also, in the fir edrills at tering of rain outside. His childish fancy presents a philosophy of life. The Edith Kinkead, '29 Roy C. Chambers, '29 everywhere the particular follies and ex present, no one goes outside of the yellow pane m~kes a glad bright world, Evangeline Lathem, '29 Charles E. Rensch, '29 trevagances that first suggested that building where the drill is being held. and spreads happiness and sunshine as stupid character, the "student" of the No wraps are put on in preparation for Reporters comic magazines and the vaudeville going out because it is a well known fact far as can be seen ; the blue pane makes a dark, cold world, dreary and droopy Virginia Merrill, '30 Roy T. Edwards, '31 stage, we hear a belated echo of the that when everyone reaches a central nnd sad. Four little lines seem tho en- Sara Freeman, '29 Roby Day, '29 controversy in the form of a queetton- meeting place, a rather inaccurate cheek tiro thought. Helen G. Dennis, '29 Alex O'Lear, '30 naire sent by Dean Henry Grattan Doyle up of attendance will end the drill. A seeJllilupsidedoWll, Catherine Reed, '30 Jackson W. Day, '31 of George Washington .University to fire might start any place in the build- nice 11 bit 'l'helma Reid, '30 Paul Howard, '29 four hundred deans of American eol- ing, and, althongh such is not likely, a not the world that ta Elizabeth Clough, '30 Clarence W. Koochogey, '32 leges. In this questionnaire, among oth- fire might even begin in the room where wrong, er questions, Denn Doyle asks, "Is neat- Dorothy Johnsou, '29 Branch Phillips, '30 na evidenced by clean everyone assembled for the drill. If this It's the way we look at it." Grace Armstrong, '30 Wilmer V. Bell, '30 ness in apperance were the case, instead of going out of These lines have ever since been an tn- shaving, well shined shoes, starched linen, Helen Wheeler, '29 William Brown, '30 appropriate neckties of neat appentancc, danger the people in the building would spirat.ion to me. When everything has be walking into it. Arrangement should and well-pressed suits of clothing, typi- be made so that nothing of the sort wrong, and I stand at a window, Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. cal of your student body' Or, in the could possibly happen. discouraged and depressed, these main, does the psyehologtcal attitude of It seems to the writer that tbe object lines before me and I look out to your student body approve of slouchy of a firedrill should be to clear the build- see some new beauty which sends me on and cureless habits of dress and conduct ing of all occupants as quickly, quietly, uplifted and reassured. IE-D-I-T-O-R-I-A-LI or neat habits of dress and courteous with as little confusion as possible; and manners s" that a firedrill should be conducted in A SOHEDULE SOME PEOPLE To this and other similar questions tbe such a business·like way that a person, AMONG MY SOUVENIRS hopeful replies have already begun to unless he bappened to see the fire, would Preparation was the tbeme of Major Some people on this college campus pour in from the deana, most of whom have little possibility of knowing wheth I let my hand fall caressingly down Ganoe's ledure to the students last are to be pitied because they do not say that the present gencration of stu- er there was a fire or not. This is cer the walnut door of the old corner cup Thursday in Smith Hall. Undoubtedly seem to have any reverence or rCllpect dents is a big improvement over all past tainly not the situation. at Western board. I felt a sense of friendliness to· ward it-from its aristOcratic contour to that was the greatest contributive factor for anytlling. What a lLttrrOwworld ones in these mattcrs. Weare grateful Maryland at present. The blame can its hand-hewn nails which symboli:wd in the early life of Washington toward these people live in! Imagine being so for such 1'eassuring information. But not r<'st on a single person or groups of the generations behind it. And now it we wonder whether there is anyone ex· self-centered tbat one cannot find any· his later success. It is a truism to say thing wortbwhile in life aside from mere eept the deans in question to whom it is persons, because the firedriU should be was mine. a matter of vital ooncern to ",very board· that the same applies to everyone. The material existence and BUJ'foundingsI information. To us it seems the height ing student and to every boarding memo Many hnd been placed within 'days at Horton are-indispensable to any· Some people even ignore tbe most com· of absurdity that :1nyone in contact with ber of the faculty. Western Maryland its doors by whose ideas of living one who would "make bis life .a true mon decencies of material surroundings, students should W:'istethe time to make should have better firedrills for the sake are now so remote that it seems tbat poem." Genius is only a superficial and such as are included in the meaning of such idle inquiries, or to auswer tbem. of all concerned; beeall6e, although no thlly belonged to another world. Per· ineomplete explanation of the influence the word "eourtClly." One would think -Tril1ity CoUegc Tripod. one is e~pecting a fire, accidents of this llOop skirts tip-toed to hide the photo· Washington had on the early political that a group of college students should kind are not unusual, and it is best to graph of great·greatgrandfather way history of the republic. Application be able to control tbemselves sufficiently be well prepared. back in tho corner. Often mother had finisbes the story. to be quiet, at least, during an address, Graduates of Engineering colleges There should be a cooperative com· told me how she used to steal the cook· ies from the Slime old corner cupboard It is the policy of many American especially one delivered by a prominent generally receive a higher salary than mittee of faculty }lnd students to discuss when she visited great-grandmother. To· magazines today to publish short biog man in a place of worship (supposedly the professors who taught them," Pres- the present situation and try to work within the uow antique doors, are J'aphies of prominent men in tbe indus for worship.) This was far from true ident Clw.rles S. Howe, of Case Scbool out the moat efficient means of having my trial, political and professional world. last Sunday night in Baker Chapel. Any of Applied Science says in an article, firedrills. Student fire captains should I turned the rusty key and the door One artielerecently quoted one such man one who failed to listen to, or who "College Teaelling as a Profession," be elected with greater care than at pres· creaked open, sending out a mellow odor who said, "Genius is nine-tenths hard scorned the message of the speaker last which appears in the December issue o!' ent, since so much of the success of a of aged wood. The conglalllorate mass work." Sunday evening is very small, and has tne Case Alumni. firedri]] dcpcnds on them. As the situ· of trinket.s and papers WIlS a meaning· failed to discover the true meaning of If Major Ganoe had had the time he The median of teachers in en· ation stands now, the fire captains are less heap for It moment, but I began to would probably have amplified on the life. gineering colleges $4,200, wbile the elected at the beginning of the year, ev lIandle each one individually. I took subject of preparation. To students in median salary of engineering graduates eryone seeming to think that the posi· ~ach souvenir in my fingers, brushed the college the theme was especially appro· THAT TRIP TO EUROPE the article states. Some teacb· tion is a joke. Therefore the fire cap· dust carefully from it and recalled to priate, since the conventional excuse for ers an. income from extra profes· tains take it as such, and make very mind the circumstances wIlieh made me four years at school is that of prepara· As tbe various pamphlets advertise, a sional work bringing the median incomo little serious effort to haye efficient fiJ'e· the possessor. Sometimes a smile spread tion for the active life of citizenship. It trip to Europe now seems "the thing to of the professors up to $5,700. drills. The students will never take fire· over my face, sometimes a frown, for all is generally recognized that preparation do." Certainly never before- were the "The professor can never expect to drills seriously as long as the student my memories could not be pleasant. But involves something more than good in cbanees so favorable for an inexpensive, be wealthy, he barely makes enough to fire captains treat them as unimportant. each brought to mind an incident of my tentions. It demands a careful appor yet comfortable trip abroad. Those who livo deeeutly and to educate his children. Tho fire captains should see that no one life. I picked up a few wooden beads, tionment of time in order to eliminate bave gone have told how astonishingly He rarely has enough left for his old age "cuts" firedrills, as sometimes happens some red. some blue, some green. How undue waste, and to make every work cheap it is to see the landmarks of Eu· unless he lias been so fortunate as to now, because a disregard of the fire trivial to the intruding eye of the hour one of positive benefit. One does ropean capitals at a nominal cost. The inherit some property," Dr. Howe g()ug might have serious consequences in stranger! To me each meant :an earn· not have to go ·far afield, however, to search for culture and mental broaden writes. case of a real fire. The fire captains est duty in my camp·fire organization see how this aphoism is unrecognized. To ing is the usual motive of the traveler, Conditions, however, are improving, should also see that students wear coats which, represented by a bead, caused me most students a mental schedule of the although some would confCllSan interest the artiele continues. During the last 20 and shoes, if it is winter, and should to feel I had been duly rewarded. Here day's or week's work is considered un· in seeing "this gigantic race from years salaries for Case faculty members see that everyone goes out of the build- was a letter from my fiN;t sweet·beart. necessary. They would ratber follow the which we have degenerated." Waiving holding the rank of professor have in ing. As at preseut, the occupants of Autographs, diaries, favors, things so in· moment's need and kave other matters most of the flowery promises of the creased from a maximum of $2,500 to .'1. certain floors should have certain stair· significant to outsiders, but so full of to take care of tbemselves. The result steamsbip companies, a EUropean trip maximum of $6,000. (1. P.) ways to go down, and a regular order of meaning to me. Trifles are the tbings ing malproportionment of time b re adds much to the general education of walking, in silence. Silence is important that go to make up life, after all. fleeted in tbe degree of success in school the college graduate. However, even for so tbat the captains can be distinctly work. It has grown to tie a custom, the undergraduate there rue many allur· On the Jump heard in case it is necessary to give though of somewhat doubtful value, to ing offers to travel with a group of the "Gayley is wbat you might call an commands. A Versatile Bov1Ile present to college fresbmen in English sarno age and interests. World tours adroit man." Most of tho students in Western Mary- The following ad from the Yorkshire courses, certain aecepted principles on have been successfully completed whieh "Decidedly. His sins never find bim land College take tbe attitude that a Post reminds one of the want ad for "a how to study, or how to get the most out gave standard crcdit toward degrees. out and his creditors never find him firedrill is a nuisance which comes exact· strong horse to do the work of a coun· of college. Most of these texts will say Thus travel aud study were combined in in." - Boston Transcript. ly when one is sleepiest or when one i~ try minister": that a schedule of the day's work is con one pleasant whole. The "floating uni· working hardest. This attitude should "],fan wanted for gardening, also to ducive to suecess. versity" has now advanccd another step be abolished. In a situatiou of life and take charge of a cow who can sing in Of course there is the extremist who and is offering summer tours with paral- systematic study may be combined to the death where time counts, as is often the the choir nnd blow the organ."-Tbe would so plan every minute and tTy to lel study equal to the credits of a sum great advantage oc each. The students case in fire, the success of eseape or fail· Congregationalist. follow it so closely that life is just one mer school. "The plan provides a sum see more than when traveling independ· ure to escape depends up'ln tbe quick frenzied rush after another in order to mer school in Europe similar in every es· ently or on mere aightseeing tours, and cooperation of a group. This quick co· run on schedule. It is a case again of a sential to those in American uulversi at the same time the study of such sub· of the group can oly be at the best means of practising coopera· happy medium, one where work is tics," says Dr. Lough, O1'iginator of the as Economies, History or French is through practise in cooperation tion which can be used to good advant· planned ahead of time- and minor in.frae· idea. "Previous tours and cruises have by direct contact with tbe prob· 'Without excitement. Frequent, unex· age in case of a fire in one of the dor· tious are allowed should necessity arise. demonstrated tbat extensive travel and lems." pected and well-directed firedrills are mitories.
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