Page 68 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. QUa.a.a,mluh,an~ ~uridg iutng.a iGl'ttl'f tn tql' iElIttnf ~apprning.a Amung tl1r Alumni Edited by Helen Wheeler Quite Ii. number of Alumni were seen WEBSTER LITERARY SOCIETY BROWNING First let me say that I don't want on "College Hill" this last week. Dr. phy ex '31, Evelyn Smith ex '30, "Bi'l- ly" Bay '28, Thomas Reed '29, Dorothy Nor do I want to acquire a "to crab." The weekly meeting of Webster Lit- The Freshmen had charge of the reputation for knocking. I also admit James Straughn '99, Johnny Wooden Gilligan '28, and "Rats" Bennett '28, "AI" Albright '28, Rose Conaway '26. erary Society was held in Webster Browning meeting of February 18. They freely that I might be altogether wrong, '27, Dorothy Robinson '26, "Pat" MUT' Hall, Monday evening, at 7:00 P. M. gave a most instructive and truly liter- and that this letter is entirely unjuetifl- One of the record attendances of the al'y program on "Ben Jonson." able. I write, however, from the stand- .JUNIOR SPEECH STUDENTS PRE- RIFLE TEAM IN ACTIOli VS. U. OF a short sketch of the life ot year was out and the meeting proved After point of the laity-those who do not SENT PLAY M. AND O. U. exceptionally interesting. The program Ben Jonson, which was read by Virginia know and who would like to. I fondly was as follows: Weeks, Mary Lee Shipley read several believe that I express not only my own (Continued from Page One) (Continued from Page Three) Serenade (vocal solo), Mr. Beloto; It of his poems. Then Dorothy Kephart questlonings but also those of others, as (a talk), Mr. McGowan; the Papal Sit· told a little about his dramatic works, I have gathered them in various and costumes were unusual and were quite Uniw;rr8ity of MaryZond nation, Mr. Metcalf"; Georgc Bernard and Alverta Dillon read several more of sundry conversations, and that there is striking. The cast was as follows: Marshall. 276 his poetical selections. Mary Lee Ship' Shaw, Mr. Dawson. ley, accompanied by Catherine Hobby, basis for thinking that we have a right Meln, Miss Llueton ; first virgin, Miss Frazier 272 Mr. Belote thrilled his hearers with rendered a lovely voeal solo entitled to know at least, if only for our own Seriviner; second virgin, Miss Gleich· Schorm 270 his plaintiff melodies. Truly Webstcr's "Kathleen Mavournecn." peace of mind. man; third virgin, Miss Johnson; Spiclmall (Cept.).. 270 "song-bird". Who said crow! An inter-class dehate is announced I am a senior and I notice, as others fourth virgin, Miss Raughlcy ; Vallana, Lipphnrd 263 Mr. McGowan's talk was certainly for the February 25 meeting. The de- have, that the nearer I approach to Miss Bradley; sixth virgin, Miss Ward; original. It might have been censored, bate will be between the Juniors and graduation tho more expenses I en- seventh virgiu, Miss McVey; Candida, Total 1351 80 was therefore modern. Some very Sophomores. -_-- counter. There's the Aloha fee, money Miss Bay; Zonula, Miss Merrill; an oil Georgetown match: good thoughts expressed. MeDaniel for pictures, t1l0 price of invitations, merchant, Mr. Reed; the bridegroom, Western Maryland. Hall would have onjoycd it thoroughly. the expense of a eap and gown, an eight Mr. Dawson. Mr. Metcalf's talk was a complete PI ALPHA ALPHA dollar diploma fee, and last the historic The second play, "Joint (jwnera in Sterling 267 De Haven 255 resume of the rccent papal develop- At a epeclal meeting held in Frater· and inevitable new suit! The last, Spain", was a delightful comedy sketch Simms. 254. ments. In a clear and deliberate way nity Hull on Wednesday, Fehruary 13, however, can and will-in my case at by Alice Brown. Tho scene was laid in Downer 252 he followed the devclopmcnts of the last Profeaaor G. S. 'Vilis was taken into the least-be dispensed with. These ex- a private room of an Old Ladies' Home, Lawrence 249 few weeks, supplying the necessary frnterniby as an honorary member. Pi penses are as integral to graduation as and eoncemed the trials and tribula- background. TIc succeeded in interest- Alpha Alpha takes great pleasure in they seem to be incidental. It might be tions of Miss Dyer and her several Total. 1277 ing his audience to tho nth degree, making this nenounecment, for it was said that I'm making a mountain out roommntes. The cnaraeters were es- thereby scoring a point for the Intel- through Dr. Wills' guidance that the of a mole-hill and that tueso expendi- pecially welt-developed and the humor- Georgetown UnivCTsity ligentsia of webster. fraternity was founded in 1923. Since tures are inconsequential. Well, they're ous lines plus the clever acting made Drennen 26U Mr. Dawson gave a brief summary of that date he has given it his unfailing not-to me anyhow. The eight dollar di· the sketch most entertaining. Essen Monaghan 266 the interesting life of George Bernard s,_upport. Through his efforts the ploma fee in particular seems to be tially a comcdy, the play contains a bit Coleman (Capt.) 357 Shaw, the modern socialist writer, "Black and White," predeceasor to the ratIler far·fetched, colloquially sp~aking. of disguised pathos in many of the Roach 254 234 }.[j]ene What is it for anyhow! Do diplomas WhOBCplaya are so vcry popular in this "Gold Bug," was published by the fra· come that high! If so I'd like to have lines and situations. Thc cast was as country at tIle present time. Another ternity as the college weekly newspaper. a cheaper grade. We struggle four follows: Total.. . .. 1280 point for thcInteJligentsia. years for the blamed thing and then in Mrs. Mitchell, Miss Read; Mrs. Ful· Webster is widc awake and, those Y.W.C,A. the cnd wc have to buy it! Baloney 1 Icrton, Mias Staley; Miss Dyer, Miss Aside from the rifte matches the team who so diligently remain away should Whilc I'm on the subject and at the Bell; Miss Blair, Miss Clough. enjoyed an in~eresting Sightseeing tour comc out and see and hear what they After n short devotional service in risk of making this letter too long to Especial mention should be made of through Washington under the guidance of Captain Woolley. are missing. Not a Vitaphone! the Y. W. C. A. moeting of Wednesday, print I'11 mention another item that Mr. W. G. Dawson who constructed the Febronry 13, with Frances Ward in stage settings and Miss N. V. 'Vallare, charge, Eleanor Gunby gave a report on I've oftcn thought about. It's the thir who furnished the music during the Westminster News Company ty dollar activity fee that each student IRVING LITERARY SOCIETY thc recent Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. pays every year. I am certainly hazy first play. --~- conference which was hcld on the A. R. ORNDORFF, Owner A long' postponed 'debiifc, !
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