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COl VARSITY BOXING ALUMNI BANQUET MANHATTAN UNIVERSITY LORD BALTIMORE HOTEL AT WESTMINSTER FEBRUARY 6, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 8, AT 6:30P.M. Vol. 6, No. 14 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. January 24, 1929 SPEECH DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A. HOLDS DISCUSSION ON COLLEGE CALENDAR DEFINITE ARRANGEMENTS MADE ANNUAL ALUMNIBANQUET FOR Y. M. O. A. PARLEY THE MODERN EDUCATIONAL GIVES EVENING RECITAL SYSTEM SUNDAY, JANUARY 27- "Finding One's Self in the Modern TO BE HELD IN FEBRUARY The Y. M. C. A. mceting Wednesday, Dr. W. F. xrencwen, Bishop of World" will be the theme of the annual Illness Causes Shortened Program January 16, was in the form of a dis· the ....Voshington district of the Mid-Winter Interstate Student Confer- Lord Baltimore Hotel Scene of Reunion cussicn ..... V. G. Eaton was tliO leader Methodist Episcopal church, will ence which will be held at Western The Speech Department gave its first and the theme of the discussion was the preach in Baker Chapel 3:00 P. M. Maryland Colloge }'riday,.Saturday and The Alumni Banquet, always a glly recital of the new year on Pri day even- question "Docs the modern educntionu l MONDAY, JANUARY 28- Sunday, February 8, 9, and 10. affair, promises to he especially invito Added to the affection- ing this year. ing, Jannary 18. Because of the illness system help us to think or even allow Women's Literary Societies 6:30 The conference will follow the corn- ate greetings of classmates, room mates, of three of the participants, the pro- us to think!" This question arose P. ~.f. mission type. By this is meant that and school mates; to the usual wonder- gram waa cut in half, nevertheless, it from a speech by Dr. Meiklejohn in :Uen's Literary Societies 7:00 each student that enrolls for the con- ful food which has made Maryland proved to be very entertaining and whioh he said that the Americau cot- P. M. fcrcnce will designate which commis- welt-balanced. The rending a consisted lege is a luxury and produces men and sion he or she will go in. The eom- famous the world over; to the reawak- of one-act plays, and were presented as women who aro not only action lazy, TUESDAY, JANUARY 29- mission subjects are vital once and will ened school Bpirit breaking into many to from forma of expression follows: but thought lazy. Sodal Clubs 7:15 P. M. be led by cnpable leaders. tears; will be the attendance hilar-ity of Gov- Enter Dora, Exit Dad Freeman Tildcn The discussion brought out the opin- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30--- The commissions and thcir leaders are Miss Taylor ion of the students that most courses Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. mect- as follows: "Personality Development," ernor Albert C. Ritchie, our capable Hearts Enduring John Erskine might allow fI. student to think but ings 6:30 P. M. led by William E. Kroll, who is known state executive, and the novelty of the Miss Noble that few of them inspired practical to many students whom he served as a Calvert Ball Room, of the newest hotel The Silver Lining Constance thonght or helped to form and express THURSDAY, JANUARY 31- game at national staff officer of theY. M. C. A. in America, the Lord Baltimore. Basketball-Preliminary will be held at eix- This banquet Miss Lesher Mackay that thought. This is due no doubt to 7:15; Varsity ve. Penn State Por- in charge of Middle Atlantic work uu- thirt.y in the evening of February 8, Tho first selection, read by Miss the poespectlvc with which a student estry School at 8:30 P. M. til last spring. He is now preaching in demanded 1929. being Tickets are lor, was a humorous skit in attends classes, the idea that it is up New Jersey. "Vocational Guidance," from all parts of the count.ry and the father sees the political machinery to the profcssorto "educate" Ihestu ~ONDAY, FEBRUARY 4-- Leader Miss Leona Bookwald, who is fonllnittee expects an unusually large whi('h has been operating for anum· dent. But on the ether hand there is Women's Literary Societies 6:30 at present Supervisor of Vocational and number of alumni, friends, and stu- ber of years completely overturned and no doubt much blame to be attached to P. M. Educational Guidance for the Balti- dents to be on hand. Special pains reorganized through the efforts of his the educatioual iustitutions and their Men's Literary Societies 7:00 P. more Public Schools. Miss Bcokwald's daughter, Dora, and the other women a.tbachets for allowing such a viewpoint U. traiuing is of the best and expcrtcnee have been taken to make it attractive voters of the town. Dora's lover is to exist. It does exist. It has cxist- TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5-- nbroad. She has been a Business Worn· to old grads and young grads and grads elected to the position which her fath- ed for many years. It is time for a Social Clubs 7:15 P. M. an's Secretary of the Y. W. C. A. and everywhere. The committee headed by J. Lester er has held for fifteen years, and eucnge. Voeatioual Bceretnry for Gcueher Col Weibrauch, '25, whom all remember as "Dad", amazed, indignant, but withal It was charge(l that many courses are WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6- lege. "Educational Process." Led by an especially efficient executive and the hnlf-admiring, looks after hie daughter so cut and dried that the appearance of Y. :\1. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. meet- Dr. Robert Bacon. Dr. Bacon, after editor of the Aloha of that year, uae as she and l'er fiance go out to meet original thought would disrupt thc ings7:30. four successful years as .'\ssistant Dean selected the Lord Baltimore Hotel to the erOl\"d which is clamoring for a eonrso and no doubt gain the lasting Boxing-Manhattan University VB of Harvard University, came last fall add to the novelty. This in itself is speeell, and e;;;:claims: "And she wanted emnity of the professor whose own West.ern Maryland at 8:00 P. M. to lake the Deanship of St. John's Col· a feat for the ballroom of this hotel is me to teach ber something about polio Japse of thinking has been thus dis- l('ge, Annapolis, made vacant by the in incessant demand. Thoy llave whis ties!" played. It was agreed that science resignation of Dr. Asgard. Dean Ba· pered into the ears of chefs and bead· Miss Noblc's selection, "Hearts En- courses do more to develop logical re- TEMPERA.NCE IS SUBJECT con's experience and training insure waiters with a prodigonsly good menu during", was the tragic story of the Bult·producing thought since they OF ADDRESS IN CHAPEL ~timulating leadership for this group. as a resultant. They have selected Middle Ages in which a man comes back teach students to assemble and use ma· "Sciencc and Religion." Leader, Dr. speakers wh0ge comments do not need after tt'n years to find l,ia conntry des· terial systematically. The respousibili Jolm R. Hart: "Jack" Hart is known endless flowery phrases to make tlJem olate !ind deserted, and the only sur· ties of extra curricular activities wore Miss Juanita Jones is Speaker to thousands of students ns a "Y" sec- worUm·hile. They have "argued, v;,'or of the plague a broken, disfig- credited with causing tho student to d~ retary from the University of Pennsy\ threatened and cajoled" until the price ured old woman whom ]'e docs not independent thinking but it is to be Miss Juanita Jones, National Field vani". He is an alumnus of Penn and bocomes far les9 than reasollable. Not recognize as the swoctheart he has come doubted if they are not more or less Secretary of the W. C. T. U., spoko in has been grnnted his Ph. D. from that least they have secured a popular or· back to claim. as "cut and dried" as the curriculum. Baker ChApel Sunday evening, January University. He has been a leadillg fig- chestrll to sound sweet rhythm until "The Silver Lining", rcad by lIliss New type tests were- condemned as 20, on law enforcement of prohibition. liro in the development of the Middle midnight. Lesher, was the story of a girl back in thought-preventing. It was said that )[iss Jones opened ller address by Atlantic student work. "International Those interested in the future welfare the' days of Ben Jonson, who, iu de· memory rather thnn thought was quotiug a stntement made by ]\fiss An· Relations." Lcd by Bishop Paul Joncs. of our college want a large crowd in fianco of all the accepted rules for the thereiu placed at a premium, but this lla Gordon, presideut of tho W. C. T. U., Bishop ,lones was gra(luated from Yale order to give Governor Ritohie an idea behavior of youlig ladies, wroto a novel idea was refuted with the stat~lllent at the time of the Golden Jubilee Con- nnd the Episcopal Seminary, Cam· of the uumber and worth of his con· aud had it aeeellted. Her nncle, discov, lhat lllany new tcsls called for vrntion of that organization, in Chicago bridge, Mass. He became well·known stituents who are asking him to treat ering tIl() fact, WIISdreadfully shocked the thinking to prior to the inlfl2·1: as the Bishop of Utah nnd since 1920 their nlma mater as it deserves. and indignant. A radical change in his examination period itself. "The W. C. T. U. is golden with the Ims been Secretary of the Fellowship Few are the alumni to whom this attitnde took place, however, when he Spontaneous agreement greeted the rising, not with tIle setting snn; in the of Reconciliation. Bishop Jones is a double appeal of altruism and gala en· learned that she had roceived two hun claim that there was more renl heart- half century ahead comes a greater font.ribllting editor of "The World To· t.ertainment will not be effective, and dred pounds for it; in fact, he even felt thinking a'l(l tllought provoking task, to be orowncd with greater morrow" and long has had a keen sym- is no possible doubt that tIle af· went so far as to say she might write material in mauy discussions in "bicker glory." pathy for students and their intereats. fair will be tlle "best ever". another whenevcr she was so inclined! sessious" tl,an ill most classrooms. Miss Jones then €;;;:plained that nl· The main addresses will be deliveretl Between tho readings lIliss Jones, in· Realizing that most "hicker sessions" though the nrst great victory, the pas- by Dr. Hnrt. His subject for the opell- FAMOUS LECTURER TO VISIT structor in voice, sang three 8(lngs-- [
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