Page 28 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. OJla.a.a,OJlub, aUll ~oddy,iotug.a i!iapprutug.a Amoug tl1r Alumut Edited by Helen Wheeler Another compliment uae been paid PHI ALPHA MU PHILO to the wisdom and sagacity of Amert· i\fr. and Mrs. J. V. Butter anuouucc Mary Dryden '28 is teaching at An- can finaucia.l experts, or another sop the birth of a daughter, Julia F. But- uapofis, Maryland. She visited in Ox- Phi Alpha Mu wishes to announce Tbe Freshmen girls- of Philo provid- has been thrown to satisfy American ler. Mrs. Butler was Madge Wim brow, ford, :Maryland, this last week-end. that the following girls have been ed the society with a most enjoyable vanity-it is one or the other. To nc '20. Marion Hurley, prep school, ':!6, was pledged to the club: program on Monday evening. Wini cuee world leaders and international Mrs. lunTried to J. H. Bprngius, September Alice Fisher Holland, Bessie Jett fred Bush sang a solo entitled "Only a statesmen of such would be O. L. Morris (nee Irene ~~ at La Plata, Maryland. Cain, Mildred Elizabeth Baum, Viva Rose," and Sara Rohinson gave an in probably erroneous super- Mnrtinc) ex-'29 visit ed her father in Mary Reed, Margaret Elizabeth Ham- teresting reading. A pantomine, called fluous. The thought merely occurs. Baltimore this last week·end. She is Herbert Nichols J~7 visited on West- ilton, Amanda Katherine Bell. "The Reveries of a Married Man," was On behalf of Germany and the Allied li"iug in Salsbury, Md. ern Shore this last week-end and was giverr as a cloging-number. Governments a request will probably be seen du the Hill on his way back to sent to the United States in the next Ohartes D. Moylan '17, Baltimore at- ];:astcr]1 Shore. SHAKESPEARE CLUB debated on the Presidential week or ten days asking that our gov- W. W. CLUB ernment appoint sevcral of our finan- before the weekly assembly !\[is~ ].Jary E. Spicer, 0::.::-'29,was The Shakespeare Club will meet on of Hopkins undergraduates. He marrie{l to Mr. Nelson Cannon, gradu- Wednesday evening, November 14-, at cial experts to convene with the experts ate of the University of Delaware, No- The faculty, students and friends defended the Democratic point of "jew. eight O'clock, in :McDaniel Hall. A dill' or the other governments interested to 3, are cordially invited to an informal tea fix the amount of Germany's total repa vember 1!)28, at :?:OO in the after- enssion will be conducted of the var-ia- in the club room, Saturday, November Among the alumni seen at the Loy- Her matron of honor was Mr s. tions from history in the more impor rations. This is the most definite step ola game tlds last Saturday were Mr 11 ex·'26. ~1jss Sue Bromley, 10, frOlll (i to i o'clock. tnken in the last ten years towards set- tant of the history plays. Everyone is and Mrs. Bender, Mr s, Moylan, '21, Mr. the organ. The sonse \V. W. takes great pleasure in an- invited to be present. tling the reparations question. S. Par- T. Hnekett, lill.therine nouncing that Isabel Douglas, Anna Moylan '17, Mrs. V. E. Barnes '21, ker Gilbert., agent-general for repara May Gallion, Helen Harry. Catherine tiona, has conferred ,,-ith M. Pcnca r c, K. Harrison, Dr. B. Chase '23, Lemon Todd. '~(j, of F('(leralsburg, was pres- DELTA SIGMA KAPPA Long '23, Dr. weescue ':?3, L. D. Kin· ent at the wedding. TI,e couple plans Hobby, Murgar-et Hoffman, Victoria hl. Pclnenre has conferred with German Smith, Dorothye Todd, and Dorothy embeeeedore, German ambassadors have sey '24, Ballard \Vard '26, who is on 10 their honoymoon touring Delta Sigma Kappa takes pleasure in' Wlieeler have been formally pledged to from New W. Weich ·Mabel D. C., Harpers Ferry and announcing that Miss Eleanor Babylon, the elub. conferred with Allied representatives, Bay '28, Al ure going to New York. Miss Ruth Davis, Miss Evangeline confcrence I'QS been piled IlpOIl con· Lusby '28,.r. Owens, Their home will be in \Vilmington, The W. W. Club enjoyed a breakfast and, ten ycn.rsufter the World Lathem, 1e that these and as· 25 E. Main St .. "Little Boy Blue Bird," accompanied on the Smith·Hoover question. Exeel· will be settled, W. E. WARFIELD, College Rep. by Mr. Forlines at the piano. Due lent urguments were brought up on nlld that there will be 1\0 more than the was given Mr. Belote by the both sides, although t.he deeisien of the usual deby ill getting results. Mr. Newcomer gave a reading, judges went to Hoover as the best man lnto the mind uninitiated in the mys· Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr "'rhe Hammer," which was especially for President. teries of internationul politics there well received hy the membera prescnt .. Tlie program featured two unexpect· tOllles a wonder that confusion ha~ natioll. As an impromptu mllgieal selection, cd impromptu speeches: Mr. Hickel tel~lpernment were the clashes between The ::-.1elVcstund Best Clothing and been perlllit.t.ed to content with chaos Mr. Forlines played "A Romance". The gave a splendid talk on the seemingly for a decade before a definite (1) step Communists and non·Communists. Th~ l<'urnisiJings question for debate for tI,e evening was prosaic subject, "Advantages and diij. has been taken in the matter of Ger· Commnnists came prcpnred on e"ery Resolved·: Moving picturrs are detri advantages of being a waiter in the man reparations. If Germany does owe of the eonfercnee. They had on mental to the general welfare of our dining room." Mr. Murchison was t.hen money to the Allied 1)ower6, and thi~ tipuf the tongue the exact text of Goods for young men nation. Mr. Dennis upheld the affirma asked to tell his impressions of Mary· ~eems to be self·evidcnt under the inter- the gospel according to St. Uarx and St. tive und the negut.ive sW'e waa thrown land as compare(l with l,is home state, 1",1.ional code, how much interest has L.;nin with refercnee to all the qnestions 10 per cent off to college students open to the general discussion. Worthy Louisiann. With this as a snbject he been lost to the powers in all these of peace, and refused to depllrt one arguments were presented for both gave u very interesting and informa- year~t Gormany hus saved herself the jot from the or the spir!t of thnt sides. In tIle business meeting that tivetalk. momeutary coat of defeat. And if rep- rel'elation. Babylon & Lippy Company followed, "Mr. Hastings ,ras accepted The annual Irving·Webster debate aratiolls were mude retro·active with Some progress was made, despite the into membership. On the advise of a takes place December 5. With this in jnt~re3t neither Germany nor any other difficulties. A resolution ~njoiuing abo fneulty adviser a sergeant· ut·arms was eonsiderntion, the President appointed ualion could comply with the dellland~. solute "non"'iQlenee"was defeated . .An I"LOUSHEl.M SHOES elected in the person of Mr. H. O. two committees; one t.o deeide whether other proclniming solidaritr with op We kuo\\" that the matter is not so S'fETSON ITA'l'S Smith. President Howard also appoint· Jrvingwill take the affirmati\"e or nega- simpho. Stupendons diflieulties, war·in pressed nationalities aud with the work· cd a ~ommittee composed of Messrs. ti-"lie side of the subject proposed by t.he flamed hatred, racial alltipthy, greedi· ing eJ~SS('S was accepted.-New Student. Bell, Newcomer and Eaton to select the Webster Society; the other to nomin· ness, red lape, jealousy~lI11 these have question for the Inter-Society debate ate candidates for the Irving Debating ]1,,1(1.., Ille job bigger, and have created International made-to-measure to be held next month. 'I'eam in the inter·society contest. dela;\, aft..,r And yet, in an ad· Suits "aneed and world, one must Somebody, Somewhere, Wants YOllr think that tl",re sheuld have been in· LEARNING THROUGH LABOR What this unique method of studying trodueed, somehow, sometime, and American indnstry at first hand mellns Students who lubored in America's in· to those who participate is revealed by somewhere, an ameliorating ngeney Photograph dustri~s during the summer will meet in Arthur P. Clow, Dartmouth, '29: "Ita whieh would have smoothed and Distinctive Printing· Chicago to digest Ilnd compare their ex educational ~ontribution is impor"ant. It soothed matters to an earlier conclns- eursiuns into the life of labor. One con is a practi~al course in L.e realitirs of The Wilson Studio -- ference is to be held at Earlham College, life and hns net been limited in its PERSONAL STATIONERY lUehmond, Jndiana, on October 19; an seo{l(!. Psychology beeomes related to Whitewashing May Appear as Insult to ANNOUNCEMENTS other at Brookwood Labor College, at certain cases to be studied. Sociology, Mussolini NAME CARDS Katonah, )
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