Page 29 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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w. GOt Vol. 6, No.8 November 15, 1928 JUNIORS ENTERTAIN FROSH NATIONAL SECRETARY OF STU· PRESIDENT WARD TELLS OF SIG· W. M. REPRESENTED AT DENT Y. W. C. A. VISITS COL· COLLEGE CALENDAR NIFICANCE OF ARMISTICE AT INTERESTING PARTY LEGE SA'1'URDA Y, NOVEMBER 17- DAY STUDENT"Y" CONFERENCE Miss Alice Brown, SecrGtary of the Freshman football, -Western Mary- In Smith Hall, }.fonday, November Green and Gold Parrcta Orchestra Fur- National Students Council of the Y. l:!, Prcaident Ward addressed the stu- Interstate Group Meet at Johns Hop- V8. nish Music for the Occasion If. C. A., visited the college on Men lnnd ]2:15 Gettysburg Metucrial dents in ef kins University November 9·11 M. P. Pield day, J\{)vember 12. As a represent»- Varsity woarcm Mary VARIED PROGRAM IS RENDERED tiV€ of tltis National Council and of the land vs 2:30 P. M. DR. SHERWOOD EDDY IS LEADER 'Yorld Student Christian F,;,deration, "Shows Students Should See" and Gom- Miss Brown carne to get an idea of the )[QN]).l. Y, NOVEMBER 19- Next Meeting to be Held in February; sak's Sketches Prove Noteworthy progress of our local Y. \V. C. A., and Welllcn's Literary Societies lj:30 Probably at Western Maryland to help in establishing a closer reln P.M. Aecording to the Frosh t.hc party tion between it and these two largcr Men's Literary Societies 7:00 P. Western )faryland "1.''' Associations given in their honor by the Juniors Associations, of Wllicll it is a member. were represented at the Interstate Btu- Class on Fl'iday, November 9, was the Miss Brown lives in Seattle, Wush- TUESDAY, NOVE:LHBER 20- interested in polities. Yeater dent Conference held at the Johns Hop- best tlling in that line that has ever ington. For several years she was the Social Clubs 7:15 P. ],f. day the world eelcbrntcd one of the kins L."ni\·crsity, Baltimore, November hit the Hill. The .Tunior class modestly Plcld Seerutary of the Y. W. C. A., and lllostilll]lortantdaysof 9-ll, H128. Dr. Sherwood Eddy was tho agreed nnd the members of the faculty in lhat capacity has travelled all over WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21- President Ward then upon leader of the conference which was present lend their volcca to the general the United States. Most of her work Yaraity soccer, Western Maryland our financial relations with Europe by the Council of Student applause. There was life ill it from the was done in the states of the Midllle vs. Lafnyette at Easton, Pa. since the WH. The purpose of the Associations of Maryland, first note of the "Parrots" to the last South and in those along the Pacific Y. ].I. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. meet Unitcd Btn tes is to lelld them money Delaware, and the District of Columbia. mint on the plate. In fact the spirit Coo st. F'nr t hree years, Mlsa Brown was ings 6:30 P. 111. in the reconstruction necessary after There ,,-ere ubout :fifty registerell dele- rema ined aglow long after the last light the Student THURSDAY, KOVE1IJBlm 22- 80 disastrous a war. gates. had been dimmed. It was a real party. "Your eonfribution," continued Presi '1'he conference was welcomed to Hop· "The Green and Gold Parrots" opened Varsity aocecr, 'Weslrrn Mar.d:ond dent Ward, lito the coming generations kins by Dr. French of the faculty at \"S. Haverford at Haverford. the festivit.y with plenty of peppy pop- will be ill the intercst of peace. But the opening session in Remseu Hall. Dr. ular pieces. They had every foot in the country must not be unprepared. then made tho principle address the parlor tingling to their rythm. Tri-State Conference, at which Shcr- PROFESSOR 1. B. RANCK nruJ.(]ful as wnr is, wH has efton been of e"cning on "Problems in the Hardly had the last note died down wood Eddy was the main speaker. the Present World Situation". He brought when Misses '1'. Raughlcy, Bell, Staley, of some way his experiences In speaking of her own op· SPEAKS INBAKER CHAPEL and Strawbridge stirred sentimental and his group ha(1 inions, Miss Brown said, "I believe that strain~ with their rendition of a "Jup load since the war. the Student Y. W. C. A.'s are auese Love Song". The quartette were from being organizations Professor JnlllCS B. Ranck, Head of Dr. Sherwood Eddy has experienced fittingly costumed as coolies and demure mg a group students who arc really the Department, preached the all unusually active and varied life. A J apancsc maidens. Being vociferously working a thouglltful study of the rc- sermon in Chapel, Sunday even potitioned for an encore they sang the ligion of Jesus, and who are November 11. After trio frOlll "The Mikado", "'.rhree Lit- that experimentation is a neccsearv the Sermon on the tie Maids from School". ressor Rnnck chose !IS a text part of rval study. Furthermore, the As the Japanese vocalists shuffled Y. W. C. A. is Olll' of the fcw agencies out, eight Russian lassies entered to pre- which is making lasting and fine rela yenr righteousness shall exceed sent an intricate arrangement of Rus· tionships with students of ot.her coun· righteousness of tloe srribe and Phari· sian dance steps. They, too, were en sees. ye shall in no ease enter into the since the "-orld \Yar he has stood out tries." She went 011 to explain that ou!:mnst know how to defend tlie COUll thnsiastically applauded and forced to kingdom ef heaven." The peculiar as one of the most advanced leaders of this success is due largely to a worlll try." submit an encorc. thing obout this verse, as Professor thought and action in the field of the extension service ullder whose auspices ('\Vo want. 1.0 prote~t tho United Wilmer Bell was n(;xt ea.l1ed upon for Ranck pointed out, is tlle faet tllat social applications of the teaching of a group of students travel in Europ~ Stales from those who do not know an inprollll'tu speech and cllose to sub summer. Three Y. W. C. A. rep- Christ recognized any righteousness at how to Jive peaceably with ",ankin,L Jesus. For several years, each sum mit a review of "Shows Students Should one a college llndergrlld all in the scribes unll Pharisees, espe· Let us dedicate ourselves to peace. But See". Among tilose suggcsted were uate, arc now ell their way to Mysor~, cially when we think of the tremen Jet us not be so foolish as to think we Captain ·Woolley in "The Last Com- rlons dennnciation of them in "arions India, to attend tIle executive commit- Cf,n have peace b~' disposing with OUl' mand", Dr. Bertholf in "The Keeper of purts of the New Teslament. In one cal und religious tee meeting of the 'Vorlll's Student and navy. By dOlllg ao we would the Bees", Sergeant Rice in "Tell it to Christian Federation. This meeting sens(', hewever, tlley ,yere righteous. war. Unpreparedness will Dr. Eddy is alwoys in demand at stu' tIle Marines", Miss llarris in "The Lost Professor Ranck next spoke of the rlent eonferellces and for addresscs to Chord", Professor 'Vilis in "The Mark (Continued on Page Three) world,o£ the (ContillllOd on Page Three) student groups. His challenges wer~ of Zero", Miss Hart in "Jo'igures Don't man. 'rhe right the outstanding features of the great Lie", Professor Schofield and Beard in THE REV. 1. A. DUDLEY in the ARMISTICE DAY IS Convention in HI24 when "Partners in Crime", Professor Isanogle is found with renewed emphasiB in "So Big", Coaches Harlow and Spier ADDRESSES "Y" MEETING definite aim and desire of the FIIIINGLY CELEBRATED social implications of the in "The Lion und the Mouse", and on plant to live. 'l'his desire for self·pre- Christian religion. all·faculty east in "The Legion of the sen'ntion is the first moml '1uality. In Dr. Eddy's subsequent addresses Condemned". the animal world further moral quari Th\l tenth annh'ersary of the signing weru 011 the following ~ubjecta: "Prcs- On Wednesday, NovcmlJer 7, a joint Immediately after this review, per- tiesaredeveloped,aidedperhnps the of tl,,' .\rmiatiee was celeLrated Sun· Dar Social Problems" in which he ''Y'' meeting was held in Smith Hall because of it, "Frenchy" DeHaven dar, ,\;oyemlJvr 11, by the College in principally of the fllce prob- Rev. J. A. Dudley, pastor of the Eutaw by the "Parrots" shot "Dan )le· ~L P. church in Baltimore was the The righteonsness rd Chapel services and "Present Day Economic Prob· Grew". As usual it went over with a speaker of the evening. Before the ad· the animal world must exeede that of aparadeandmcet· "What is Christianity", and a "bang". dress George M~Go\\'an sang an oM world. \Ye expect some moral i"g the local Armory. 'rhe moru-
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