Page 27 - TheGoldBug1928-29
P. 27
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, PAGE THREE TERRORS'vs. MT. ST. MARY'S COLLEGE iSPORTSi iSPORTSi Saturday, November 10 Hoffa Field Western Maryland Terrors Swamp WESTERN MD. SOCCER TEAM FOOTBALL DOPE TERRORS AND MOUNTAINEERS BLANKS NORMAL, 5·0 RENEW ATHLETIC RELA- Loyola in Decisive Victory, 69 - 0 Second in a row. TIONS SATURDAY Highest score in 10 yeara in the State. (Continued from Page One) Greasy ran wild. An avalanche of dark green jerseys On the next playa bud pass struck onc with SOHle fine interference, Mountaineer eleven. Although the 'l'er season and Loyola picked itself out frem uu- of the Loyola players and Clark pickell the big thrill. rors nave had the a better ele"ens arc than bitter the two Mountaineers der a 69·0 score. Fer the first tiuie up the bali and aided by fine interfcr fought the entire game. ri"a]s, and a gamc is in order for this year Dick Harlow's offeusive real- once, especially by Wellluger, ran 30 suffered a "Charley Horse." nlumnl and inhabitants of the ly got under way and what was thouglLt yards for a touchdown. Clark fttiled with a very "Hill." The following is Mount Saint to be a hard game turned out to be a on the extra point. That ended tho the crowd ront. The score was one of the largest scoring in the third quarter. rolled up in 10 years by a state tcnm. Ou the first of the fiua l qunrtur, Greasy made his first appearance ill Greasy ,,'ent for :W Baltimore this year and treated the La",rellce made a fine run of ynrda in a longtimc. spectators to some vcry spcctular run' ill a cut back .for a touchdown. Olnrk Frosh got II rcst. Will piny George town later in the season. ning. ITe thc line to shrcds and added the extra point. tore off for long gains, bringing )likc Palm was a visitor last week. the fans to their feet mnuy tirues. Almost all of the subs got ill tho Shorty Long furnished the treat of the game. game Saturdrry. dny in runuing back a kiek·off 8::: yards Another rivnl. for:J. touchdown. OPPONENT SCORES OF LAST Due lost lind one won to Slate rivals. Throngl!out the entire game these were nnabk to push through for a Chance to get on the win side this Sat- SATURDAY two backs ripped through the Loyola defense. Moving behind a hard cberg remarked that the students havc At Hnrrisburg-DickinSOll, 0; Gettys 'ri,e Green and Gold bootcrs ki,'ked off ing line and a fine blocking iuterfer and went down the ficld to remain a dan ShOll'llthe Lest school spiritthis)'car of bnrg,27. anee they galloped along to point after "n,\' he lms becn here. Continue. .-\t Readiug-c-Temple, 7; Schuylkill, point scoring between them six of the ten tonchdowue scored. The game showed the Harlow attack iug some fine running. JUNIOR-FRESHMAN FIELD·BALL near its peak, striking at every point GAME of the line and taking to tho air with Loyoln success. The Loyola line was nevcr ('lark L. E. Alminde 'l'ltc }'rcshmcn won the Prcsh permitted to get set, as power plays Wilker L. 'r. Healy mcu-d unior gAme with a score smashed off tackle, cut backs to the in- Van Buren L. G. Intiere of ~-l. The game ,,-as well by side, bucks to center and to the weak· ?lIaehamer C. McConnick both itt times it the WHO HAVE SCORED TERROR nod occasional reverses and shifts Weisbeck R. G. Mosser result be a tie. POINTS them pnzzled. o' R.. T. Bunting (Capt.) 'l'on~hdO\\,!IS Try·for-point '1"Js. The Loyola attack was llever givcn a Bates R. K Curtis The line-up was as follows; 1 31 chance to start, The Terror line stopped Ekaitis Q. B. Macken Prcshmeu Juniors Xeal 21 Long every attempt to gain through them and Gomsnk L. H. Cannon Weaver L. H. B. Clark U Loyola's lonc two first downs came as ]'\('1)1 (Capt.) R.. H Connally 1..1. Ekaitis 6 results of passes. '\'ellinger )'. B. Monahuu C. Cllitehell Bates Lyal Clark gave as fillc an cxhlbtflon Score by pcrioda: GOlllsak 1 of place-kicking as has been seen in thc R. I. Russell 1,n'\Tence 1 statc. Clark put seven straight botwecn \\"esternMd. 14 28 14 13~69 IInmphnys, Koehinske the uprights and after missing tiu: Loyola 0 0 0 0- 0 )tary R. W. TfiornburgTl eighth, came back and made his eight The Terrors will meet a mnch Fontaine R. H. "!I[acc Total .. 14 ]:l 96 Substitutions: Western Mar~'lana- h':lm on KOI'ember ]0 when out of nine. Shorty Long accounted for !,:,'nns C. H. Read Long for lo thc lhe oUler point. Timmons R F. Hollins Bush J_,_ F. Tnompson D. S. GEHR "Mose" :Machamcr in place L. W. of tho injured H:l.vens an exeel· Batcs, Usinger for Downer, G. lIarry Rill lent game at, what was to him, a new O'Lear, Ora\'~tz for Lawrenre, Cham W iUlllllg (Established 1866) position in eollege football. "Mose" l,ers for Ekaitis, Smith for Clnrk, The seore by games for the season is' had played that at but for Chambers; LO,"ola-Smith Won Wholesale .and Retail nenr before in Hc onl\' for Hildd for Intiere, Fiullcrt Tllc line up is as follows: HARDWARE one or two bad passes the cntire game. for McCormick, Kane for Mackel!. N'ormnl Western :Md. The Terrors elected to punt and let Touchilowns; Gomsak, Nenl (3), LOJlg Goldstein G. Howard Phone 318 Loyola have tI,e ball the first few min· for point: Clark, 8 out of 9 (by p13co Bal'io\\' L..E' Smith utes of the game. Th!;n lhe attack got kick, Long lout of 1 (by place kick). :1\('8S R.P. Hl!stings -Westminster, fIld undcr way. Greasy started (3), Clark, Lawrenre, Koehinski. Tries Rtull (Capt.) L.lL Trice 3:l through the J~eferee--S~hmi(1, Bucknell; umpire- l'ercgo~' (' F. Willis buck, taking the Ott.erbein. nead lin ...sman-Wils Huff n.ll. SILVERWAR,E "\VATCHEf' 18 yar<1 line. Loyola was Bucknell. 'l'im(1 of qnarters-15 O. L. IIelland Conaway Motor Co. fiye yards and a rcverse a first T.L. Benson down on the S yard line, an off tackle C.F. Be~llchamp A. H. Fetting Company Daily Coaches to and from Gettysburg play made a eonple of yards and then (Capt.) Emmitsburg, Taneytown, 'Vestminster Gomsack made a touchdown in a buel; FRESHMAN FOOTBALL Stckle I.R. MANUFACTURING JEWELERS and Baltimore. between tackle and guard. Clark made O.R Noble 314 Charles St., Nerth the ~xtro point. The second touchdown The game with GcorgetowH Dni"ersily Snbstitutcs -Noruwl-Jansol\ for BIll Ealtimore, Maryland , Srlledules posted in College TInlls, Posl clune when Greasy ran 40 yards on nn }'r{1!hmen, srh ...dnled for last Snturday, tOll; 'Western for Offic~ Hn(l Dean's Omee. off· tackle play. It was one of Greasy's has bern mon'dup to the morn in;:: of the Truuda, Trunda for Bryn" for fin,'st runs. He shook off threc would· lOth. This game, which will be pla)'ed Krller. Goals-Beauchamp Hart. CLASS PlNS CLASS RrNGS Phone 267 or 173 be tacklers to Rcore. Clnrk again made Ht is probably t.hc hardest Hefere~Weigle. Time of quartcrs- the extra point. This ended the seor· Terrors will £nee t.his ~O millutes. illgin Ihefirst qnarter. aggregatioll J8·0, and the Score by quarters: EVERHART In ti,e second quarter Grcasy again them T.W. Mather « Sons seore
   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32