Page 9 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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[~ GOl Vol. 6, No.3 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. October 11, 1928 '.rhe Elections and Appolntmenta PRES. WARD INTERVIEWS COLLEGE CALENDAR EDUCATION DEPARTMENT The following appointments and to the 19:!9 Aloha staff, the annual PLANS NEW PROGRAM assignments in the U. O. T. C. Bat of the college and yearbook of the STUDENTS OF EDUCATION FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12- tulion uru nrmounced: Class of '29, are as follows: Pcp meetiug Smith Hall 6.30 P. M. Cadet Major. Shriver, G. E. Editori&l Staff Stress Laid on Importance of Teaching Social Hours 6.30~8.00 P. M. Requirements Raised Cadet Captnin HERBERT TAYLOR STEPITENS Field Lecture, Dr. Hilton Joncs, Alumni This ye a r the Educ a tion Department (Senior) Machamer, H. A_ Faeulty Adviser Hnli, 8.15 P. Y. of Western )[aryland College has a new Cadet Adjutant Downer, S .• Jr. On Friday, September JOSEPH T.,. :MATHIAS, Jr. Ward gave a short talk to Preaideut SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13- plan and strieter requirements than ever Cadet 1st Lieutellullt, P. and T. Off. the stu Ddl tor-in-Chicf dents entered in the education euursee before tor high school observation and Koontz, H. E. Jr. DOROTHY HOOPER upon the hill. The students were not Varsity rootbnll. Western Mary- praet.lce teaching to be carried on by COMPANY A \'8. Temple U., at Philedel- land AS!II)ciateEllitor grouped together but ela9il aB it 118· phin, Pn. students in tlleir juuior and seniors Cadet Captain .... }.r~thia~,.T.L.•Tr. {mOROE E. SHRIVER sembled at the usual hour waft met by yean. The following regulations repre· Cadet 1st Lieut. Long, A .C. which arc CUAR.J.OTTE L. WHEELER the president. The talk! were eentered Soccer. Bnttlmcre Polyteebuic In sent the minimum standards to effeetive Cadet Snd Lient ... Shockloy, J<'. W. rtOWthought to be essential Athletic Editors around the themes of the importance of st.itut e at 'Vestern Maryland old obscrvnticn. and Snd in lI(ARY RUTH HOLT tIie teachillg tleld nud the grneral prep- athlictctield,2.301'.:M. "Twenty ohaervntton periods will be Cadet, Ltnut. Hughes, J. C. Commnud CHARLES E. RENSCH arationneCCBsary for the profession. Social Hours, 6.00-0.00 P.:M. required. Not fewer than ten shall be Cadet 1st Lieut. Seitz, C. Mc.D. "I am looking In the fac~s of the Write-up Editors lMdHS In the edueafional work of to devoted to gronp observation with a Cadet 2nd Lieu!. . Holland,C. SARA M. l~ltEEMAN morrow. SOllie of yon of course will )JOKDAY, OCrOBER lI';- member of the college department ot ed- Calendar Editor make it JOur lite work, others will uee Womcn ts Literary Societies, 6.30 ucation The students will, of COMPANY B EDITH KINKEAD it as a stepping stone to other pursuita P. :M. course, had some instruction aa to Cadet Captain ..... Chambers, R. C. Snap-shot Editor of life. After some effort We have Men's Litern ry Societies, 'i ,00 features {If the lesson which be shall ob- Cadet 1st Lieut. .. Simms, J. E. Business Staff placed the opportunity before you to P. M. serve ,I-ith special attention. The teeeu- Cadet. 2nd Lieut. Robertson, R. L. group conduct will discusaione W. EDWIN WARFIELD choose courses whieh will fit yon for TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16- er what ha~ been observed. The results of of Cadet lst Lieut. and 2nd in teaching and for graduate work. The Business Manager educational wtHld is orgnnized toda~' as Soccer ciubs, 7.SO JI. ii. classroom observation will be ot doubt C()lllmand Broll, A. G. HARRY A. MACHAMER nCl'er before. Til the p~8t it Wae Po! ful yallie iIi:tlessan arrangement is PGr Cadot 1st Lient. Norris, R. C. :MARY L. DARBY siblil for anyone to teach With but IiIIght WEDNESDAY, OCTOnER 17- feded which permits students to observe Cadet 2nd Lieut. Kroh, J. P. Assistant Bnsincss Maullgcrs preparation. Yet e\'en then some great Y. M. C. A. aud Y. W. C. A., 0.30 a series of recitations iii a group aceotn BAND ROY C. CHAMBERS educators arose who have carried on this P. M. panied the teacher." Advertising :Manager progresa of eduMtion in t.his democracy. groups will eonsi~t of as C:ldet "rarfield, \V.E. ROY T. ROBERTSON The State departments are now raising man)" persons as cun be easily accom· Cadet 1st Lieut. and 2nd in modated in the classrooms visited. Prob Circulation Manager tho:!standards. Instead of accepting ev PRESIDENT WARD GIVES Command H:lrp, J. A. eryonc, it is now their poliey to select ably the maximnm of students in any the b~st equipped for teaching. They THIRD SERMON OF YEAR group will be ten. There ore four ·Western Maryland SHA.ltESPEARE CLUB ANNOUNOES nre now so organized as to be able to teachers who expect to accompany the DR. EONNOTTE EN;rOYS BECENT ~.ENTATIVE DISCUSSION PLANS find out not only your academic stund· President Ward gave as his text Sun observers. Miss Ebangh plans to be with TRIP TO EUROPE ing but your personal side as well. The administration ia called upon t(l answer day evening one that he said should be those who are majoring in history, In an effort to make the monthly remembered by us for at least the next mathematics, or Latin. Science majors Dr. and )Iadam Bonnotte spent the meetings. more inter('sting and educa· questions abont the applicants in rela twenty·til·e years. It is fonnd in John will be accompanied by Miss Sara Smith. past SUmlllerin Pranee, as is their eus tional, fhe Shp.kespearc Club has ad· tion to personality, citizenship and gen· 1: 42-"1'hou art Simon, the eon of English majors will go with lIlrs: Car tom every few years. Dr. Bonnotte said opted a discussion plan to be put into eral dependabilty." Jonn: thou shalt be called Cephas, which penter, and French majors, with Mrs. that they did not go as tourists, but reo effect during th(' coming year. One per· "In your professional training )'our interpretation, 'a stone.'" The Sanders. Her~aftcr, as much as pos· turned to Fronce to visit their relatives, son will read a ahort paper to open the academic work is not the only faetor. Bible-ofl.the .....eqlliTedobtfCrvationi&to be to see ag~in familiar places, and keep of this text js f.ou.nd when diseussiollS and \'tuious others, who wTIl You nre not what your bodies aro alone ubbrc\'iated into-"Thou art; thou done in the latter half of tIle Junior up with the changes of the times. They have been notified in ad\'ance so that ~you arc what yonr minds and spirits s11111tbe." :yenr, Dnd under the direetion of the ffIl.iledJune on the S. S. Roehambeau they may be prepared to contribnte are." The three figures in this incident al- members of the faculty listed above. and enjoyed beautiful weather and something worth while, will keep the "Your professors in educ....tion here luded to by the text are Christ, the com The following are the minimum stand· sca during the entire voyage. Dr. Bon programs alive. The following topics are imbued with the most modern idem! manding figure in tllc world today, An notte remarke(l that the trip was mad!? have been suggested. Any new sugges· of ,education. To them you may bring drew, the fisherman, a plain, ordinary, (Continued 011Page TW6) doubly enjoyable by the congeniality of tions will be gladly received. your problems and be assured in help unknown, bnt gClluine man, and Sim')n all tho passengcrs on the boat. Of th!? 1. IlliteracieB and "Malaprapisnis' , and Moperation." Peter, a rude, crude, unedu~.atcd fishcr· COURSES IN EXTENSION eight hundred passengers aboard there :in Sllakespeare's plays. "You will be closely obsen'cd in the man, a mere "nobody." Andrew, after wen" III least five hundred of thcnl who 2. Friendships of men for women, 11'0, communities where you tesch. The keen· hesring of Christ through John the Bap Extension courses will be conducter1 were te....chers or students, going to men for mcn, and men and women for est observers of your work and acti()lls tist, took Simon Peter, hift brother, to this session in three centers, Westmin· }'rllnce to study the langn:lge or learn interest in the COUll' of other Ihing$of each other. wiU be those who want the best of teach· Jesus. Then came the change in Peter's ster, meeting at the College, Hagerstown try. Dr. Bonnotte was delighted to meet and Cl1mberland. 3. Variations from history in the his ers for their children. Yours will be a life. Jesus realized what was in P~ter. This is the nihlh year for the exten among the crowd three of his former tory plays. will depend upon the manncr in which He saw in his heart the longing he had sion or ont·of·houi'selasSes to be carried elaS'Smates of the Johns Hopkins Uni· 4. Stock characters, such as the doc you prepare yourself." to break away from Iii! life as a mcre ....t the Collegc. The enrolln1ent ih the versity, whom he had not seen for over "You should not expect to be placed tor, the, etc. in a large town or eity yonr first year. fisherman, and make something of him· local clas!9('Sis small, but thc service thirt.y years. He also made the acquaint· In that same way Christ sees into self. 5. Relations of dilwns and jesters to Nor will you rcceive large salarics at onr hearts, and calb to u~ to take our rendered to the few is very .....orth-while. ance of Dr. F_ P. Grllvcs, president of othercllaracterso. first. There is hardly a tcncller who liyes seriously, and Beckto improl'e them. The classes here lmve been smaller thnn the Board of Edncation of New York O. Shakespeare's children. earns his salnry the firstycnr-in rela· l'resident Ward suggested that each in either of the other centers. St:lte, and chairmun of the dclegation going to atten(\ the dedication of the 7. The boasting of Henry V compMed tion to results effected. If you go to of us should write down in a book our The eourses offered this session are: nell' Loumin I,ibrary in Belgium. Dr. with boasting of Beowulf and of Hom the poorest town and do a good job you houest opinion of ourselves as we aro, English, !Ilrs. Carpenter; History, Mr. Graves, who ".....s to muke the opening crieheroes. stand a better chance the next year thnn and then, on an opposite pagc, write Sanders; Freneh, Mrs. Sanders. All address in French at this dedication cer· classes will meet Tuesday evening, Oc· 8. Cornie element in Fhielien. if you go to a large city and do a poor down what we would like to become. A~ tober 9th at 7 o'clock. emony, found in Dr. Bonnotte, who 9. Government, Ilubit.Ii,and customs of job. Go where you are Bell!''' a final step we should conncet the two This is the sixth session for the exten helped him with the French pronuueia Verona at time of "Romeo and .Tuliet." by a prsyer, asking Christ to help us to sion work in Hagerstown, where the tion, a "friend in necd." There were 10. Tragic aceidents of "Romeo and CAMPUS LANDSCAPING IS BEGUN reach the goal we set. oours€a arc most uppreciated, judging also on the boat a party of students Juliet" composed with similar instances from the enrollment which has been from the Unh'ersity of Chicago, who in "Tess of the D'ubervilles." Some day, in whnt we hope will be the FORMER STUDENTS ARE AWARD- largest here. The classes patronized helped to make the trip merry with their 11. Brutus and Anthony as pictured not·too·distaut future, the entire outline ED SCHOLARSHIPS TO IMgely by teachers who usc the credits jllzzband. P:His was reached in time for them in ".Tulius Caesar," Plutareh, and Ro and appearance of the Hill will be al· PEABODY to raisc their teaching rank. to Beethe final examinations of the stu· man History. tered and improved. It is understood, The courses offered this seasion are: dents in law und llle(licine of the Uni· 12. Pictnres of the common people, of course, that any ffilchproject must be In a vocal contest recently held !Lt English, Professor 'iVills; History, Pro versity of Paris. 'rhe rooms Dr. and the mob. preceded by aetion taken by the Board, North Hall, Peabody Instit.ute, Balti fessor Sanders; Freneh, Mrs. Sanders, Madam Bonnotte ocenpicd, overlooked and Muthcmaties, Professor Miller. The 1Il0re,Md., two formE'r students of West and that only titr.e and much labor can 13. Origins of various stories of "The make possible the Changes proposed. ern Maryland, Mr. Eurl B. Lippy and classes meet for registration and organ the boule\'ard, where on the occasion, the Merchant of Venice." The first thing to be done is to make :lir. William Fiege, were chosen by the ization on Thursday, October 4th, 1 P. students had "full swoy," anil provided U. Shylock compared with conception of College Hill one smooth, well-kept, judges to be the winncrs of the Pea· Iol. both amusement and interest. They al~o of Jews in Elizabeth's time. terraced whole, and for the accomplish· body Scholarship. Both men were prom· A .new plan is being tried in the ex visited the Uni\'ersity City, the place 15. Persons deprived of rights by ment of this end the portion buck of inent . members of the cJass of '29, tension classes in Cumberland. The dis- where lodgings ha,'e been erected by the UllUrpers. the chapel, library, and alnmni hall is "Bns" Lippy having Bpent threc years tance is too great for regular college Freneh for all foreign students attend- ]6. Women disguised as men. to be filled in, smoothed off, and beauti· and "Bill" Fiege one year, with the t.eachers·to make the trip weekly, so the ing the university. A SUUlof two mil- 17. Shakespeare's villians. tied by grass and shrubbery. The build· class. actual teaching will be donc by local lion dollars has been given recently by 18. Tragic heroes. Their strength and ings on College Avenue will e\'entually :Mr. Lippy studies under Mr. Frank pcople who sre qualified to do college John D. Rockefeller, for the erection of weakness. be removed".und the space which thcy Bibb of Nwe York. The r;cholarship teaching. The courses will be reviewed lodgings for American students, and Dr'. 19. Compare Antony of "Julius Cae· occupy be made a continuation of the entitles each student to one year's study and supervised by the heads of the sev Bonnotte was fortunate in being able to sar," Antony and Cleopatra," and Plu campus back of MeDaniel Hall. The an the Peabody Conservatory of Music. eral college departmeuts under which witness the luying of the cornerstone for tarch. rond leading from the ard! to the tennis they arc gi,'en. this new building by the American Am· 20. Compare Cleopatra of "Antony courts will be closed and sowed in grass. If you want TliE GOLD Buo this The cour!ICSthus sponsored by the col· bassador. and Cleopatra" with the one of history, New rosds will bc laid out on the va· year, kindly scnd in your ffilbseription lege are: Dr. Bonnotte mentioned the fine and of Chaucer's "Legend of Good Wo rious parts of the campus. A new 11'0· immedi:l.tclyin order to receive the next English, Non·Dramutlc Poetry, Miss operas lie saw in Puris, and named those men." men's dormitory and a Home Economics COl)Y. Mail suhscription to Ender, ~23, ll. A. Columbia. History, of "Theia," "Rigoletta," "}o'aust" building arc to be erected on the lower Circulation Manager, TilE GOLDBUG, Europe Since 1815, Miss Simpson, 19n, nud "Tales of RoiImun" as especiuJly PROFESSOR RANCK ADDRESSES part of the campus where the profes- Western Maryland College, M. A. Columbia. Fren!lh, 5·6 and Con ,fine. He also heard the "Parisian Y.M.C.A. sors' homes now stand; this portion of Westminster, Maryland. verastion, ,!\fr. Langley, '28, University Guards," the bes.t military band in the world, and visited the public gurden;; the campus is to be cOU8ideredthe spe· of Pennsylvania. Eeonomics, Money and The Y. M. C. A. met on Wednesday cial property of the girls. The power Name Banking, :Mr.Spitzuas, ).f. A_ Columbis, where other good music is heard. Dr. evening, October 3. The meeting open· plant will be concealed ae far as possible Street. Principal of Beall High School, Frost· Bonnotte said that he was glad to leave of jazz rousie" behiud the "nightmares ed with a solo, "My Task," by George by rows of lombardy popla~s and banks City .. bnrg. Se(l()ndaryEducstion, Mr. Kopp, he hears in America; ja~z in France ,~ McGowan. Then Professor Ranck gave of shrubbery. The latter decorations M. A. Colnmbia, Principal of Allegany .confined e)ltit.~ly to the dance haJlj!'. "Prayer." (Continued on Page Two) State High School, Cumberland.
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