Page 8 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. f the meeting, Dot Roberta. sang a when Indian prineesses, Dutch girls, pir- "Jimmy" several times upon the Hill Maryland. He spent the summer at the pose of the mceting was to get ac· \'ery amusing song entitled "Whyf-Oh ates, and colonial dames gaily mixed to- thiiifali. University of Pennsylvania. quainted with the Freshmen gir'Is who Just Because". Eleanor Gunby and gether in the general hilarity of a good arc taking Home Economics. The new .Maude Heath gave two splendid read time. Miss Poist, as a gypsy, won the girls lenrned from tho president and ings after which Miss Hart, the society first prize for an original costume. Mi~s DR. WARD HOLDS HELPFUL CON· FRESHMEN INAUGURATED INTO CLASSES other old members a little of what the faculty advisor, gave a short talk. "Thc Shipley, as a fair Nippon maid, won FERENCES WITH ORGANIZA· COLLEGIATE FELLOWSHIP STUDENT AND club is for and of what it does during Waitress Dance" dono in typical wait- second prize. Miss E,-a Dryden, who TIONS (Continued from Page One) the year. After this the members, old ress costume was a clever number given furnished the music for the evening, was and new, enjoyed a few games and club by Dotty Wheelor, Beth Howard, Alma also awarded a prize. Aftcr raiding (Continued from Page One) Freshmen will attend all pep meet· Bongs. Taylor, and Gladys Miles. Philo took the punch bowl and gorging themselvea ings. The new officers for this year are: in a llllmber of new members at the With sandwiches, the freshmen returned course selected has been presented with Freshmen must of their own. volition kuow- Dorothy Hooper. .. President close of the meeting. to £heir rooms rejoicing in the the idea of offering the broad bets nee- keep the campus clean. Eleanor Gunby .... vtee-Prcsldunt ledge that there are a few other persons eaeary for an understanding of life and Freshmen mu!ri; learn all inscriptions on the Hill beside the lordly sopho- secondly, to hclp the individual student Betty Cain . . Secretary in underS'tanding his or her eapaeities on Lewis Hall. themselves Clara Conway Tr<)asurer BROWNING an(] likes in order to decide upon a lifo Freshmen must acquaint _~_ .. _.. _.. _. Reporter with the prineiples of the honor pledge tinder the new presidency of Helen vocation. and the student council. SENIOR CLASS MEETING Meeting the junior-senior group later Smith. Browning put on a very unique Freshmen must at any time be ready Y.W.C.A. President ·Ward conveyed to them much program on Monday night. The main The Senior class held a meeting on to Assist the athletic department. feature of the evening was a play en- of the same idea-that earnest endeavor Freshmen must carry matches at all A long line of girls, each of whem Friday, September twenty-cigllth, for on their part decided now their success titled "The Dolle Bhcppc". The scene times for convenience of uppemleeemea. wore a white dress and carried an un- the purpose of outlining the work to be or failure in grand ate work. Grades, was in the show rOOIH of a French doll Freshmen day students must carry lighted candle, filed into Baker Chapel done in connection with the publication said Presidcni wa-d, are to be stand thcir hooks in market baskets. laat Wednuday night for the annual shop where Madame French (Mary ()f the "Aloha" for 1929. "Joe" Ma ardized. By !lwt is meant a C from Fur violations of any of these rules candle lighting ceremony. The chapel Catherine Street), brought her daughter thias, explained the plans that Western Maryland means a C no matter Freshmen must run errands for the up· was beautifully deeorated in laurel. The (Isabelle Douglass). Here dolls of ha,'e carried out. The en whether at Yale or Johns Hopkins. This perclassmen and be subject to any other only ligllts used during the entire. ser- every description aud prieo were dis- graving has been given to the process is necessary since it has Often punishment deemed necessary by the vice were candles. played to the little girl but she liked Canton Engraving Company, of Danton, been the case that an A student in some rules committee. none of them except tho litti<) infant After the singing of the college hymn Ohio; and the printing contract to college might absolutely fail when at- It is recommended that all Ereshmen Md. "Lead on, 0 King Eternal," Dorothy doll (Viva Reed). After this very di Horn Shafer Co., of Baltimore, aa., tempting higher work. Therefore, when clip the above rules and post them in Rober-ts, the "Y" president, read the verting performauee several new m<)m· Sereck S. Wilson, of Westminster, a student from Western Maryland pre- their room. recognition service which was respond- bers joined the societf. has been engaged to do all the photo sents his grades to a graduate school of in ed to by Gladys Miles of the Senior At a short me<)ting of Browning last graphing. A schedule for the individual his choice, the authorities will know prefer- Westminster News Company week, the officers for thc next term senior pictures is under preparation. a general way his abilities and Class and by Mary McComas of tht: Fresllman Class. As the candle of each wore elected and they are as follows: New views have been tsken of the cam· ences. "Graduate schools now arc rec· A. R. ORNDORFF, Owner pus and the faculty pictures are to be ognizing our grades," added President girl was lighted from th<) big candle President Helen Smith WE HANDLE THE held by tho president representing tho Vice president Aunetta Yat<)s new also. The "Aloha" is being plan· Ward, "and we hope in the near future BALTIMORE SUN Spirit of Truth and Light, Winifred Sene!"ry Hannah Hoeht ned around a pirate theme, which fits in to completely meet all their reqnire- Bush accompanied by Miss Harris, very well with the word "Aloha" it ments. Even now Johns Hopkins ac· Treasurer. Amanda Bell self. It is the aim of the class of '29 cepts onr students with the required sang the "Y" hymn entitled "Follow the King's Pharmacy Chaplain Thelma E. Reid to put out a better snnu~l than has grades in their graduate school of medi· Gleam." The newly pledged and re· ever before been published in the history cine, one of the most exclu'l'e bodies THE REXALL STORE ple"dg<)d members of "Y" tllen left the of the College. The Senior class officers of that kind in the country." chapel carrying lighted candles, indio WEBSTER for th<) year are as follows: Some days later the president met the 55 E. Main St., Westminster, Md. eating that they lind been taken with· President Roy Chambers lilerary societies, the football team and in the "Circle of Light." The weekly meeting of the Websier Viee President Roberta. Rowe ,arious other extra·curricular organiza Literary Soeicty was held Monday eyen· Secretary Gladys Miles tions on the Hill m an endeavor to drive IRVING ing, Sept.ember N at 7 P. M .., in Web. Treasurer Richard Norris home the above ideas and how they were Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr ster Hall. The mecting was opened by related t()each group's activities. Irving Literary Society had a very brief but inspiring prayer by the 80· The Ne\\·est and Best Clothing and interesting and worthwhile me<)ting at ciety Chaplain, Mr. Lyons. The "Beau DELTA SIGMA KAPPA SAflUEL COHEN Furnishings Irving Hall Monday night. The meet· Gus" of Parlor, Mr. Beolte, gave a short 45 E. Main St. takes Delta ing was called to order by President speech on Parlor prospects for the pres· announcing Sigma th~t Kappa !>Jllrgaret pleasure in Tel. 21-J Goods for young men O. War· Niss James Stacll, aftor which Wesley Day, ent year. 'Vorthy facts wero expound· Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing was Chaplain, lead in pray<)r. Mr. Roby ed by that stage veteran, Mr. H. O. ncr on Saturday informally pledged to the 29. TIub The best presser in town. 10 per c~nt off to college students September evening, Day then ontertained the Bociety with Smith followed this with a bit of Bur Speeial Rates to College Students a piano solo. A committee formed of lesqne Comedy. The chicf literary pre· Messrs. Mathias, Sterling aud R. Day sentation of t.ho program comprised a was appointed by the president to de· sp<)eeh on Sehool Spirit giv<)n by Mr. A Few Of The Big Ones I termine Irying'S expenditures from the B. II. Phillips. The speaker as PiI· Student $50 given by the college. Mr. Marvin grim, described his s<)oking after real lIIIInr [ll N I'1V n I. Have Photographed Sterling gave an appropriate impromptu college spirit and his ultimate 8UCC<)SS. "That We All Know" ~peech discussing Irving plans for a suc· Short impromtus were offered by Mr. '--------_! cessful year. Professors Schofield and NeueOlllber on Football Prosp<)cts and Robert E. Lee: Is Hi.s Military GeniUIJ Needs Schaeffer were present and gave illumi· Mr. Luce, who supplemented statements Fact or Fiction? ROOSEVELT nating talks on the benefits they had re· made hy "Beau" Belote. Foll()wing the This question appeared in the October cdved from the literary societies and regular program business was .taken IIJl. number for 1928 of Current History. TAFT tIle prospects of future benefits to memo A new program committee was appoint· Captain Elbridge Colby of the U. S. WILSON bers who werc willing to pl.unge in and. ed by tho President. Those appointed Army ascribes the C()nfederate leader's HARDING TOILET ARTICLES work. A very promising student in the were 1iessrs. Eaton, Neucomber and failure to his wcakness of charaeter. He BRYAN person of John llichel was received iu· Smith. Five new members were ac contends that there hilS actually been a GILLETTE SICK ROOM REQUISITES cepted into the society, namely: Mes· to the 80ciety. Irving has a small but legend built up around Lee, making him HITOHOOOK srs. Dennis, Link; Etzlu, Amos and highly efficient membership, and it appear to the people as nothing less than IT. JOHNSON KODAK SUPPLIES most lleartily welcomes all those seek Noble. Wcbster is proud to acc<)pt these a mythological character, thus thrusting WEEKS ing a rcal opportunity for development new members and Mfers an invitation aside any consideration of the fea9ibil· J. B. PAYNE STATIONERY inself·expression. to all other men 011 the Hill. of some of his crroncous acts. The F. ROOSEVEL'r fault wtih General Lec, Captain Sect. BAKER SODAS AND ICE CREAM RESOLUTION TAKEN BY SUNDAY Y.M. C. A. Colby was his inability to domin- McADOO SCHOOL ate and his subordinates. ilis IIUGHES WHITMAN'S CHOCOLATES "too kindly consideration for incompe II.IIOOVER The Y. hl. C. A. room Isst week WIIS tcnt officers" was his downfall. Whereas: Miss Margaret Robins()n the scene of a very spirited meeting. COX Mr. Douglas S. Freeman of the Son OOUNT VON BERNSTORFF SPORTING GOODS has resigned her position as Dean of A good company of old and new men thern Historical Society writes his ar· Women of Western Maryland College, entered into th) service with enthusiasm, BALFOUR which Mfice she honored for many years, eepecinlly in the singing of the fsmiliar ticles entitled "Lee's Achievements in BEATTY Agency for Handicaps." and has thus severed her relationship tunes. Dr. Bertholf spoke on three im· Spite of Tr<)mendous fundamentally agei· Iu UARCONI was 1860, the South with the Sunday School. portant values of life; hard work, good cultural, did not cOmm~nd seas, lacked Mme. SCITUMAN·l-lE]NK UNITED CIGARS AND Resolved: That in the departure of compsnion", and sincere worship. Hard fuuds, and had no trained officers. When MARY PICKFORD Miss Robinson from a<)tive work on work is a cure·all. If one has debts an Longstreet disobeyed Lee at Gettysburg, ALICE LONGWORTH CIGARETTES College Hill and from the teaching Ilpplication of hsrd work will ease the who was there to replace him' It was The VANDERBILTS force of the W. M. C. Sunday School, situation; if grades Rre low, work will eircumstance not wcakuess that csused The BELl\'IONTS we have suffered til(l loss of one of our make them better; worry will cease tu Lee to fail many Umes. Put the "hard U. R. NEXT most loyal and devoted friends; and a bother if hard work is begun; and fur· boiled" general in Lee's position and thermore, the best known sure cure for teacher, who by her faithful service Bee which man handles the situation Bonsack's a henrt broken by unfaithfulness is hsrd and charming personality had exempli· beetter. Character means as much as Wilson Studio fied the dignity of her officc. She work. Companionship is also a vital military genius. Years henee, history proved that the position of Sunday factor in the making of a life; many a will have to judge whether or not Lee School teacher is one of the finest op man with great potentialities hS9 been was a great General. The ev<)nt is too WESTMINSTER, MD. "THE COLLEGE snoP" portunilies for doing helpful deeds and made useless by the influence of p()orly recent for us to make any rigid state· chosen companions. On the other hand, extending the influence of Christian ment. many mediocre men have been made teaching, and faith, and eminently succ€!lsful through association Resolved: That we shall greatly miss with worthy friends. Finally, an hon Truly wise you are not unless your AFTER THE SHOW }lrr preB~nce; shall think of her of ton; est worship is an essential element in wisdom be constantly changing from nnd thankfully remember what she has the making of a noble character. your childhood on ttl your death. The aone for us; and shall pray for the more this w()rd means to you, the more The "Y" has arranged an interesting Koontz Confeclaurant Father's blessing upon hcr for 1111 her beauty and dcpth it conve)'s, the wiser schedule of speakers, discussions, and future years of s<)rviee on earth. outdo()r "hikc" meetings for the ycar. must you become; and each step that Resolved: That a copy of these reso· There is an enthusiasm this year sur· une takcs towards wisdom reveals to lutions be filed by the secretary, a copy passing that of tile f<)w years and the soul ever-widening space, that wis MAIN OPPOSITE BOND forwarded to Miss Robinson and a eopy the cabinet expects to accomplish a cor dom never shall traverse. printed in the college paper, respondingly greater amount of work, -Maeterlinck.
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