Page 7 - TheGoldBug1928-29
P. 7
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, PAGE THREE TERRORS v s . DICfiINSON \SPORTS [ [SPORTS [ Saturday, October 6 Hoffa Field SATURDAY'S OPPONENTS FOOTBALL DOPE SATURDAY'S GAME! VARSITY SOCOER NEWS The following named officials will With the opening of the 1928 foot- Although not on the schedule, Injuries Again let us be reminded of the two The varsity soccer team is rounding ball seaaou of Western at call the plays of the Dickinson-West- are one of Dick's toughest opponents. games this year: the one this Satur- into fine shape for the first game of the Hoffa Field on Saturday, Dickinson on Saturday. day with Dickinson and tho other with season to be played wit.ll Maryland tercat naturally centers around e'rn Maryland College game Satur- eonerct.c xre. State Normal at Towson on October G. Big stand. Hope to see it St. Mary November 10. Both are strength and ability of the first ri,·ul, students Batur. Under. the leadership of Captain Beau day afternoon on Hoffa: filled with yelling en played on Hoffa Field. Dickinson College. Through correspon- day. champ tho team promises the best eea- dence with the "Dickinsonian' much in- The best tackle of the week was made This Satnrday we can all be sure of Bon in soccer since ita beginning. formation concerning their squad is Referee-Herbert E. Annostrong by young Halphrin, a new addition to a pleasant afternoon if we will all Dick Willis, who has been a fine for· here available. (Tufts). come out and help the team make it ward for the last two years, has been t.heFreshman squad for one of the tack· plessant. Dickinson is not to be taken "Stinging with memories of two dis Ie berths. lightly this year, last year regardless. shif!.ed into the backfield as center astrousseasollsbutreaolved [his Umpire-James E. Keady The regrets tho departure of half-back to fill the left open to present :l winning Dickinson ,Johnny So let's all get behind the team and by Sullivan. Trice still at his old (Lehigh). help push them across as many times as the gridiron element of the coucge Johnny has been n great help in position of left half-back of which he opened the season's grind Thursday. COnclling the kickers and-passers. Ihey went across last year. A good has proven himself wortlly in the past Field Jndge-Frnnk Wilsbock start is half the game. Start the team Nearly leather-cleated candidatcs season and has improved in this sea· Callahan has been showing the squad outwit.h a deafening roar. reported to Bob Dully at Bid (Bueknell). how Nurma runs the mile. He's train son's prnettee. The right half-back po- die Field for the first workout of tl)(.\ iug for boxing. Hoffa Field will be tIle Mecca for sition is open at present but bas two season. This number inelude
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