Page 90 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 90
Pag6 Two The Gold Bug, Wutern Maryland Oollege, Westmilllter, Md. :-:. :-: lIntrr-QJ:nllr9intr llJarirty Official newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday durillg I All ,~u 14ikr lit I NrWll A REVIEW OF BOOKS, the academie year by the etudoDh of Western Maryland CoUlli'e, W8ttmlDlter, PLAYS AND LIFE Maryland. Entered as second·elan matter at the Westminster Po.tofBee, NEW POETRY Spring affects many people-even edi- tors. The editor of "Our College THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Subscription Price, 1J2.00 a Year. age creates Times," of Elizabethtol\'O College, ex- Every new poetry. In the eighteenth century Wordsworth and presses very well the effect whieh the "I like Shakespeare ; he is so 11uman," Coleridge in their Lyrical Ballads broke glad season had upon him: "All the l\1ANAGTNG STAl0 are lookcd for feeling of pity for tJds l{)nely Our soon Worthy opinion; Model management~' Correct news. from Cllaucer to Slmdburg is marked unaware of chapel asehnpel. "to bet creat.ure. to a dislike, pit.y, mingled llOWeyer somc· cllanges with with many varying monumenta, each ter clwpel conditions both in regllrd to tIling akin to udmiralion. When momen· beautiful in a different way and eaeh whomever is in charge find in regard to taril)' o.'ercome by n. scnse of his great contributing to the beauty of the whole the time COllsumed ill conducting the [E.-D-I-T-O-R-I-A road. brief serviceJ!. "Why not think defest Shyloek hils to tlle tioor lind is helped up my Antonio, wc aee him draw enough," it eontillues, "have resl)ect III this day of invention and tlle pro enough, ani! be polite cnough to become away from the merchant, give him OIlC OUR POLICY ART MUSUEMS long look of hatred and scorn, then motion of edueation it seems a pity that quiet and orderly the moment the leader 60 little attention is given to improving It will sumllloning all the pride iu his natur~, The new staff wishes to take this op- An art museum is all indicati.oll of takes his plrwe .... ' relieve turn his head aw"y and walk ]Jortunity to thank their fellow students civili~ation, like not talking when yonr classroom equipment; There lIre the him of quite a bit of cmbarraS!Illlcnt, prondly, almost lllnjc!tical1y, from chairs, for instance. Why does not cause the eJlnd w~iting for an IInS\\'I'r that does of a democracy is to be able to permit The first problem is getting an art These lines from Virgil's "Aeneid" iably displace-prejudice or distinctive not wme. The latter scene, ona of love, tbe minority to be heard. The "Gold museum and the seeond is getting things show us what the aacients of tile first expression of rnili('lll opinion lIupplant to hllppincss, and blue. moonligbt, is Bug" \l-;8he~ to be in n position to do to put into it. 'l'here 3re many people cenlury B. O. thought of Fame, or to any degree Ihe shil)1)olcths by mean$ of brought. to an by the formation of this. The "radicals" shonld be given who hold that beellnae art ill collected, uae a less poetic term, Gossip. It seems which the Illass of the student body is a triangular effed by the lo\'ers. On a chance to present !lleir views to the al! collections are art. It may prove to ha\'e been an age-old failing of the nOll'manipulated." We of Westeru tbe i'lllbankment in the background at criticism of their fel!ows. History human tongue-this tendency to eon tort 11aryl!l11(1 also wonder; and like "The teaches ns Ulat tlle radicals lind extrem exceedingly diffieult, for example, to per- aud embellish the truth until it beeomes 'rower" we have tonfidence in our stu· the center of the stage, stand Portia and ists in most CaS{8 ar(J the forerunners suade 3 patron to make a gift in cash a monstrous, nnbelievable (and yet much dent body to engender a truly sincere Rusaanio, while helow them, on the left of reform. But file staff does not wish instead of bequeathing a eomplete set beliel'ed) misrepresentation. Hnll loy!!l lo\"e for our Alma Mater. and right rcspcetil'ely, stana Nerissa to use the term "reform" in coonec· of kitchen utensils to the museum. College dormitories furnish one of the and GnJ.lian, Jenicfl. alld Lorenzo, each favorite hHllnh for this pernicious erC3 We wish to congratulate our neigll tion with Western Uaryland College. Art museums nrc nmeb like the roto· enacting a little tableau. ture, Gossip, with her "piercing eyes," bor, mne Ridgc Callcge, on the execllcnt What. they deaireto see, as future alum" grllyuresectionllin thesprelld of culture. We wonde_r how the Ames prodnction ni is a "growtll," which will be in 11IIr' They tell it with pic_tures. You may "list'lling ears," and "op'ning and well·destlrl'ed hasketball record es· will eompare with the SlwkespeHrean mOllY with the interests of the students reasonahly eonclude thllt lhe musenm mouths." If someone drops a pin in tahlished by thfir team last season. The pl~ys as being gil'en by the famous and the college. the bll!lement, everybody in the building "B. II. C. Retiector" states that "In eompan.Y of Robert Mantell which plnns has done you 11 world of go03 whell you heRrs the echo, and by the time the news the :!3 g~mes the Blue Ridge team piled reach tlle point wbere you no 10ngN reaches the third fioor, the pin lls8 be· up a total of 778 points. Three men .. to come to Ballimore very soon. We de· suppose that "ineunIlDula" means a come a thousalld pound iron bar. Let sire to see what the critics will say now "Here, mother," said Bobby, giving place for hatehing eggs. a young woman student go out walking . did nearly all the seoring .... Lichliter about Robert Mantcll, the vetertan of his mother a black-edged envelope, with 385 P. Engle with 192, and R. the Shakespeearen stage. "here is a dead latter." -Ballo. EvC7ting Sun. (Continued on Page Four) Engle scored 147."
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