Page 95 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 95
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, Page Th,;!'~ iSPORTS\ SPRING FOOTBALL ENDS iSPORTS-1 DIAMOND D'UST TERRORS LOSE TO LOYOLA SPRING FOOTBALL CLOSES WITH DICKINSON DEFEATS W. M. C, IN BATTING AVERAGES UNUSUAL SUCCESS TENNIS MATCH - "April showers bring May flowers" Loyola came from behind to win In G. f>..B. R. H. C. P. and here is hoping tb,e month just the ninth inning of the Western- Spring football will be concluded A defeat at the hands of Dickinson Lawrence 2 8 1 .125 past has filled Its' IrrJ,gular contract Maryland-Loyola baseball game at this week. In general the work and opened the tennis season of Western Cook 1.000 to Met.her- Earth and will allow our Batttmor-e, Wednesday, April 25. The resnlts have been very pleasing. Marylaod College, Wednesday, April Keene .500 baseball team to make tbeir debut to final score was 6·5. There was spirited competition for ~ the college students. Four home With one out in the first. Neal all places and some of the boya who - The Dickinson team, which had Ualnger .333 games have beeu postponed because walked. Keen tripled and Greasy were reasonably sure of their places benefited by the experience gained In Long ,333 of inclement weather and only two scored. Joe died on third as Usinger are wondering a little. For the big- two former matches. made a clean Smltll A. ,285 road games bave been played so far and EII!s fanned. Loyola was retir- gest result of spring football was the sweep, losing only one set. Lack or Wetabeck .250 this season. This Friday the squad ed one, two, three. work of the former non-contenders. previous match-play and even of 01'- Ellis .142 wlJl play on the old athletic field 'The big Terror Inning was the Some of them, by their work, have diuary practice because of the weetu- .125 one o.t the best teams in college cir- second. Arter Harry amtui had loft- become very bright prospects, and it er was the undoing of our fellows Team Aver. cles. This game will come as a fitting ed to Healy, Gomsak was safe on will not be surprising it they are who were in no condition to cope 2 63 7 Hi .238 Introdnction of our players to the Kane's error. AI Smith singled, .ran heard from next tall. with their adversaries. High winds during the tennis caused the match students. Oil one of the bright days weteuecx then sent Pete and Al over A.mong the ends, the work of Paul to be rather hectic, the play on both J. Stoner Geiman that permitted our tossers to go upoa the rubber with a two bagger. Law- Bates stood out. Ray M'Lea also the practice field, I gleaned the tel- rence singled and Jap swelled the showed couetderabte, Improvement. sides being below par. RADIOLA, FRESHMAN, ZENITH, lo~ing {acts thru the dust ot the total to four. Neal's single sent Thus far. Bates and Pelton have been The Penn. Military College ma.tch AND KOLSTER RADIOS diamond. Lawrence over the platter atier the holdlng down the end positions. scheduled for Saturday, April 28, was 77 W. Main St. Coach Spier and Muahourn are In latter had pilfered second and third. 'Wilker of last year's Freshman cancelled because of the weather. WESTMINSTER, MD. c1>arge of the squad and keep the Keen grounded out and ustaaer filed team has heen doing liigh grade work There are two home matches the boys hustling, stopping now and then to Enright to end the inning. The and is striving with, 'O'Lear, Macha- latter part of this week. Virginia to correct "Some fault of an aeplrlng Jesuits got a man on second and mer and KollOnt tor the varsity poet- Polytechnic Institute is played Fri- EVERHART Frlsh and pehrlg-by Iudivtdual at· third in their half but Ellis kept lion. day, Mny 4, and Untversttv of Balti- tentlon. them away from the plate. At the gnard positions; Downer has more on Saturday, May 5. As this Is The College Along fir'st base are four gentle- 'The Loyola hnrler showed a re- been moved from tackle to guard and the first opportunity the local tennis BARBER and BOBBER men playing catch, gradually In- markable come back In the third la furnishing plenty of competition fans have had to see their team in creasing their speed. Ellis has start- frame setting all three men down on for vanuuran, Roach and Tilhman. match-play, a large gallery Is ex- "Around the corn~r." ed moat games and has turned In strikes. Loyola's half was three up, Welsbeck Is being tried at center pected. creditable performances in ea~h. He three down. along with Havens, Gloler, Gross- The score ot the Dickinson match Westminster Stahonery Store should have It good season tbts ye.~r Neal's single was the only Terror with and Bush. is below: as his fast bali has the "zip" which threat in the fourth. And Loyola tor In the backfield, except for inex- Fil'st Singles Evgelbach 6 6 BILLY D[1'llAN, Pro~. was lacking last year. ween not the third Innng out of four was 1'2- perience, there Is as much strength Bryant 2 1 WOl'I,fng in the box. "Chungo" cov- tired one, two, three. as last year. The most notable im- Second Singles Arbegast 6 6 Grectlug Oards for all occasions orts 'around 2m\ base. Keen singled in the fifth stanza provement has been in the work, of Reed , 0 Thrh bringS' us to Joe Keen-for but died on the Initial sack at H. Willinger. He Is still a utne green, Third Singles Borodsky 6 , , Joe has been at second base this Smith fauned and Gomsak and A. but he wlll be a serious contender Shriver 8 4 1 Dr. A. J. Morrell yeaT aud has handled one haH the Smith flied out. Loyola was still for one of the hackf!eld poSlt!Onil in Fourth Single Green 6 , chan'!es of the infield faultlessly. unable to touch the ofterlnga or Ellis the fall. Woolley's work has been Woodward 1 3 CHIROPRACTOR W1len this Weather permits we may and were set down in order, promising. First Doubles Sel" Joe in the box in many of our reo The locals loaded the bases In the Gomsack's wQrk. along with that of Ellgelbach and Arbegast 6 6 !!O K ~!~:,:175 malning games. fifth but could not register. W.fth one Neal's and Ml1ler's. has been very BrYRllt and Shrivel' 4 2 Cook and Kinhal't complete 'th!'! down. Al Smith got his second hit good. They Jlave, with Willinger, hUl'ling stall'.', Cook had done relief ,Veisbeck was a strike out victim, but been lhe most outstanding in the Second Doublles 6 6 Green and BOl'odsky work so till' but ",..ill be used over the Lawrence loaded th sacks as he got running back positions. Reed and 'Woodward 3 2 ~~ea~~~:,~~~~~~hGI~'i~!~~\ full route In'· the near fu,ture. Ris a Jif'l on Kane's error. Neal fanned At the bucking back positions. the fast ball atllJi. retains its hop and y;e to stop iJ;1erally. In their half of. competition has been very keen. ,'lith J?urnishings look for "Dan" to come th:ru later. the fifth. the Baltlmorians came to no especially outstanding p'layer. Mike had m.ounted a mule whic Goods for young men ) "Walt" J{lnhart, our elongated life. Scapp was sate on an error. Chambers,, Ekaltls, Evans was kicking its legs rather freely. 10 per eCllt off 10 college sludent~- sO\lthpaw has stepped to the front Kane, Enright, and Tanton singled and Kochinskl ha~ 'b'etln-trylng to The O1ule tinally got its hoot taught in splendid shape. With his natu'l'al in snccession, Scapp and Kane count- gain this poslton. In the sUnup when. in his excite· cnrve, and a 'wonderful improvement ing HeaJy flied out, bnt Monahan was The work of Stoch this spring has Westminster Savings Bank in llis control Walt has nothing to safe on a fielder'! choice. Child been very good and he probably will meut. Mike remarked: "Well, begora If you're goill' to git on, I'll git ofi'.'· look forwaril to but a successful siugled and Enright and Tanton scor- be shifted to the Hne. $50,000.00 season. ed. E11Is then checked the rally hy 'Weinstock, last year',fj tackle will ,Velsbeck will handle the position forcing BUIlD to ground out to first. be missed II. great deal. It will be a When Slll'plus "Enrncd" 300,000.00 behind the plate and we look tor In the seventh the Terrors were tough job for Coach Harlow to rill ~JARY PICKFORD Wanted a Goorl "Jap" to continue his good work of retired In order. Loyola loaded the his shoes. The absence of McManns PHOTOGRAPH }'. TIlOS. BABYLON, President. last season and to keep up the pep bases on an error and tWOslngl~s but and Chambers will be felt In the )l!1.'!'ON 1'. .\ll·EI?S, Vice Pr~.'1. in this Inneld. Ellis tlgbtened up and forced the backfield also. She sent for J.·\GOB II. l!ANDLEY, 'rrrusurer. First base this year Is in the hands next two to pop up Dies. 'The men who have been out thus Sereck S. Wilson of a freshman, Clarke having been Serllrity moved to the outfield to add strength ScapD again retired ihe Wester'll far: there. Uslnger, the resent guardian Marylaud team one, two, three In the Bates. Brown, Bush, Clark, Cham- Delia"cllB, Downer, of the Initial sack has displayed good eighth inning. Keen took liP the bers, Kohaut, Evans, Fox, Gomsak, D. S. GEHR torm this tar and if being a. contor- mound assignment and the Green was Ellis, Ekaitis, Koontz Confectaurant tionist means anything we don't see retired in rapid order. Grosswitil, Gi,'lcr, RlIyens, Klepncz, Wholesale and Retail Hardware, how many aTe going to get by 'The Terrors again threatened to Koschinskl. Long, Lawrence, ]',filler, George. score in the nlntb. With two out, Machamer, Neal, Norris, Newcomer, Building Materials, Cutlery, H. O. Smth has heen In the short Dan Cook went to bElt for Neal. Twar- O'LeRr, Oravet>:, Pelton, Roach Ammunition, Pninta, Oils, stop position. Harry pOBseses a dim: who succeeded Deapp walked. Smith, Tillman, Vau Burell, Weis· Stoves, TIunges, Furnaces, throwing arm above the average and Dan and Joe Keen got his third hlt beck. Wilker, Willinger, Uslnger, TrOll and Steel Products CIGARS, CIGARETTES, CANDY, can sure show form In taking the of the afternoon. Both men died as McLea, Penlliwcl1, St,llell, Woolley hot ones ott the ground. HilTry Uslnger watched three good ones go and McGowan. (Eslflblished ]866) should continue to Improve with the bye. Keen fanned Childress to start SODA, SUNDAES, SANDWICHES experience gained In each game. the last of the ninth. Twardicz was S'horty Long, '29, has been con- Westminster, Md. "Sborty" Long needs no Introduc~ walked. stole second and scored on fined to his home in Baltimore with lion to the student. "Shorty" Is llOW an error. Kane ,singled, went to sec- blood poisoning in his toot. His con- at home with blood poisoning In the ond 011 an error aud Marker stole dition was rather serious tor a. time Babylon & Lippy Company T. W. MATHER & SONS foot-but Is rapidly recovel'ing. We third and crossed the plate with the but he is now ou the road to health. look with aSSUl'ance in having winning on a balk. His legion of friends among the stn- Westminster's Leading Store "Shorty" soon back as third base- The score: dent body and facaIty join in the wish t.bat Shorty wH\ he back on the !<'LORS]!Rfl\l SHOES "Pete Gomsak is really covering 1Vestern :Maryland Hill shortly. ground t.his year. He has so far Ab. R. H. O. A. E. STETSON HATS played in nearly every position In La,.wrellce. cf. 5 1 1 0 1 0 ARMY SHOES the infield. But "Pete" can hanule Neal, If. 3 1 3 0 0 Last Friday Harry Lawrence was 5 himself well and Is proving to b~ a Keen, 2b..p. 4. ° 0 2 0 0 operated on In a Baltimore hospital great valne to the coaches by his Usinger, lb. 0 8 0 2. for appendicitis. Prompt medical !lIICr>",llI.l!l:I! ~!:ldc·to·!lrellsure Suila The sboes au!hori>:edfor the R. O. T. C. ahllity to take care of anYOlle of Ellis, P. 2b. 4 0 1 2 6 1 attention saved Harry from further tllree or foul' positions. H. 3 1 ° 0 2 3 2 complications. He Is now reCOVering 0 Harry is a member of The Blue Ridge Transportation Company 'The outfield is led by Neal. Gomsak, 3b. 4 2 1 rapidly and we look for his presence "Greasy" can still snare them in and H. Smith, ss. 3 0 0 2 with us soon. with the bat Is a constant threat to Weisbeck. c. 1 0 1 1 the class of '3!. We are Specialists on opposing pitchers. "Greasy" caught Cook, It 0 ° 0 0 ========== SPECIAL TRIPS in the first game of the year and One out, when wInning run A nywhere A ny Time turned in a neat piece of work. Total 38 5 8 25 13 7 scored. 4. Lyal Clark and "AI" Smtth are the For information phone WESTJ\.UNSTER 389 or WESTMINSTER 52 two remaining veterans of the out- Loyola W.M.140000000-5 field. Both have done consistent Ab. R. H. 0.. Loyola ° 0 0 0 ° 4 ° 0 2--6 good work in their positions. We A.El look for a couple of broken winnows Kane, as. 5 2 3 1 2 2 Summary: LUNCH WITH US TODAYl in the seminary by one or two ot Enright, 2b. 4 1 2 1 1 0 Three base hit-Keen; Two base their ~olid blows In the home gamO;! Lambou. lb. : ~! : ~~~!~~eW.e;:b:~e. ~~~=;dIC:,ase;:;~~:~ Hot Soup! Healy, rr. next Friday. Manahan. ct. Harry La.wrence bas showed re!!l Child,H. 4 0 0 1 0 hits-Scapp, Usinger, H. Smith, Hot Toasted Sandwiches! ability In the center tield both ham~s Blllln,3b. ! ~~~~1 ~r~;k FJ~:~;~~~;ai~e~O~;b~=::dl:~ but Is now !n Baltimore recoverinJ!,' Childress. c· 0 ° from an attack of appendicitis. Scapp. p. 4 1 13 ° Balls ott Scapp; off Twardlcz; otl' Among the remaining aspIrants fo}' Twardiez, p. 2 1 0 Ellis 1; olt Keen 1. Balk-Keen. Griffin's Goodie Shoppe a varsity birtb are Reed. Flater, IIml o 1 0 0 "iV'inning pitcher-Twardicz; Losing Charlie {lummers. These men pitcher-Keen. Umpire -Brockman. 59 WEST MAIN STREET making the regulars hustle. 'Total 34. 6 7 27 6 3 Time ot game 2 hoUl'll.
   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100