Page 87 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 87
The Gold Bug, Wutern Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page Th,.u, I SPORTS I W. M. Sharpshooters Win Honors I SPORTS I RIFLE TEAM VISITS GEORGE- Sophs Win Girls' Basketball Tournament TERROR'S BASEBALL SQUAD HAVE INDIVIDUAL SCORE IN GETTYS- TOWN DAILY WORKOUTS BURG MATOH Thl3 rifle team of western )faryland FRESHMEN TAKE SEOOND PLACE The Western Maryland College dia The individual scoring of the team milt Georgetown University in a shoul- mond squad took advantage of tIle good that defeated Gett.ysbnrg in a. shoulder. der-to-ahoulder match Saturday, ::Mareh weather which prevailed and began to-shoulder match fired Thur1i'dny,March 24. .Although meeting with defeat the The final game Qf the girls inter-class The season's record: workouts to determine the nine men 15, was as follows: men had one of the most enjoyable trip~ basketball tournament. was played on .Preshmen 14 Sophomores 26 who are to represent the Terrors !;.t, of the season. The teem left immedia Wednesday, March 21, between the Junints 18 Seniors against Dartmouth, April 10. WESTERN MARYLAND~H tely after breakfast, Capt. ,Voolley and seniors and the freshmen. This game Freshmen Juniors 9~'!' Sergeant James MHhbllrn, Qf tho R. Lieut. ,Vaters furnishing the trensporte- decided which class would take the hen- Freshmen 24 Juniors 6 O. T. C. staff will coach the team this Sterling ~~,:jl',~t;~ tion, and ar-rived at Georgetown in time era of aecoud place. The first quarter 11 year, As a uueleus tor this years team Lusby 99 86 70 255 fQr a few uf the men to firo before found bnth teams evenly matched and Sophomores 16 Beniure the coaeu has the following from last Reed 80 83 254 lunch. There were some, therefore, anded with the seniors two points Sophomores 33 Juniors year's team: Oatchers-c-weiabeck and Summers 94 81 72 253 who llad to shoot after lunch. This took ahead. But beginning with the soc-ond Freshmen 21 Seniors Havens, pitchers-Keen, COQk, Ellia, Lawrence 90 85 69 244 ao milch time that when they had finiah- quarter, uie freshmen picked up stead- and Kinhart.j infielders-Clark, Long, ed it was too late to enter the Nation- ily, and wen by the final score 21-9_ Totals-Fresl1men, 59; sophomores, Totals 465 421 318 1264 al matches being fired at George Wash- 75; jnn.iors, 29j seniors, 42. and Gomeak ; ontfielders-Neal and Ingtou University. However, judging En eh class showed fine spirit in get- "AI" Smith. GETTYSBURG- !Tom the SCQfethat Western Maryland ting up its team and playing the games. Other men aspiriug for berths 011 Shlly P. K. S. Total made at Georgetown it is doubtful that The whola season has been vcry credi- the tea mare: Outfleldera-c-Lnwrence, 04 88 86 268 they would have placed above fourth 131' table. Tl!e sopbomoroa got first ptuce, Final Standing Girls' Inter-class Willinger, Smith, H. 0., McGowan, Beel 97 88 65 250 fifth. winning all of the three games played, Tournament Summers, and Bay;, Hoffman 93 96 85 70 24.8 Richter 246 66 'I'his left the jatter part of the after- and the freshmen, who won two games, Kadel 94 79 12' 245 lHlOII free to sightseeing. Some of the took second place. W. L. Pct. ~:~::g~ol~~~~ef~Il~II~i:;::~u;~:el~:::: men t-ook in shows and tours. Capt. Sophomores 1.000 ers-c-Fox and Knox. Totals 414 424 359 1257 Wooley took the remainder on n. sight- The lineup for tho fr esumnn-eenier Freshmen .667 The battery candidates have been out seeing trip, visiting mall)' objects of in- Seniors _333 for about two weeks limbering up their terest and scenic beauty. After dinner game: Jnniors .000 Hrms in the gymnasinm. The total num- "You aTCnear a breakdown_ What's at Georgetown Capt. Wooley conducted Senion Freshmen ber of candidates out for the team is your bU8in~ss'" another tour of the city until about eigbt catchers, fOllr; pitchers, sevell; infield- "I'm II jazz music instruetor." o'dock when tliose to whom a. dance wall Barnes R. F. Holland ers, seven; out.fielders, eight; a total of "YOll need a rest and a ellange of oc- appealing took in that form of amuse- Young L. F. Noek Doctor (examining life insurance pros- twenty·six men. eupation_ Get yourself a nice quiet jQb ment while the others visited Keith '8. Hntehins Davis peet)-Do yon ever talk in your sleepf A captain tQ take the place of Maury inllboilerfactory." The hospitality and good will that J. C. Prospeet-No, bnt I often talk in McMains, who left school last fall, has GeQrgetown accorded the visiting team Hamme S. C. Hecht other people'9 sleep. not yet. been chQsen. The e.Icction will EVERHART was apprec.inled by 6\'er)"Qne. Gilligan R. G. Tnll Doctor-But how can that beT probably take l)laee in the neu.r futnre. DeHaven Bed Standing Shot at Med Prospellt-I'm 11- college professor. J. Briscoe Sites is manager of the team. The College AlthQugh the rifle tealll of George- Jones L_ G. Raum town University defeated the Green and BARBER and BOBBER .As t'he relVllrd for shQoting lligh in Gold sharpshoQters, one of their num· Subs: SeniQrs-Bennett for Gilligan, Marian-What is that white powder l)otll of the shoulder·te-shoulder meets "Around the cQrner_" ber distinguished himself. He is Clar- Gilligan for Hammej Freshmen-Cain onyoufshoulderf wit.h Gettysburg College and GeorgetoWll ence T_ DeHaven, better known to the for Holland. University Marvin Sterling reeeivB J. Stoner Geiman will other residents of the "Hill" !lit J'o('--Oh-er-my dear, it'a only bil- a prize frQm the loeal R. O. T_ C_ head- "FrenciIY·" liardehalk. quarters_ The natnre of the gif,t has RADIOLA, FRESHMAN, ZENITH, After the shouldcr-to·shoulder matc.h Score by quarters: Marian-Well it's the first time I not been made knewD_ Sterling shQt AND KOLS,:rER RADIOS was over, a spll(cialinvitation match was Freshmen 4 ~ 6 9-21 eyer heanl Qf Usillg seented billiard 266 points in the Gllorgetown match and 77W.MainSt. arranged. This match was for the high SeniOf8 2-9 eh.alkl 258 in the Gettysburg match. WESTMINSTER, MD. est seore in the stunding position. "Frencby" entered the eontest and shot a score of 86 out of a PQssible 100. He nosed out Cahill of Georgetown by one point. He is nQWthe possessor of (In import- ed leathH tie holder which was offered (IS lhe pri2'e for the mateh_ lat The match fired was II tbrl'll position I)ue--prone, kneeling, and standing, the pos~ibl!lscore being 300. The individuel seoring of the men was !IS folloW!f:- Georgetown ALASKA CHINA P. K.. 8. Total Cahill 92 92 85 269 Corbett 9i 90 75 262 / Morgun 99 88 75 262 Colman 99 89 51 245 ~ Milne 97 89. 50 236 Totals 484 448 342 1274 TJ-I ~ SUN N£VJ;R. S£TS 01\1 Western Marylaud P. K. S. TQtal Sterling 95 87 84 266 1:1-1 ~ST~R.FI ~LD~S PV PU L~R.ITY ! Lusby 92 S4_ 79 255 Summers 94 88 69 Lawrence 99 89 54 2'12 '/ ~f!lthias 90 74 235 Totals 410 432 367 1249 Shipley's Popular in all four AT THE FOHKS corners of the earth! For Things to Please CHESTERFIELD'S good Your Palate taste has won the good will of the world. Thereishardly Prosperity Methods! a country in either hemi- sphere where Chesterfield will not be found a leading WHY PAY MORE' Gents' suits cleaned and pressed_ .$1.00 seller among American Gents' suits pressed __ .35 cigarettes. Knickers cleaned and pressed ...• .50 Ladies' coMs eleaned and pressed 1.25 Ladies' one-piece dresses cleaned and pressed .. _ 1.25 24-HOUR SERVICE-24 ALBERT ".ABE" TOZZI College Representative Qf U. W. Mll.LER, Cleaner and Dyer Rersh Ave. Westminster, Md. Estab.1906 SOUTH AMERI(;A ALVIN T. ALBRIGHT, Levine Hall Representative
   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92