Page 88 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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Page l'ou'r The Gold Bug, W.tern Maryland College, WertIllimter, lid. Class, Club, and Society Doings DELTA SIGMA KAPPA SPEECH DEPARTMENT SENIORS --neIte. Sigma Kappa entertained the PRESENT ONE ACT PLAYS faculty a.t a tea on Wednesday after- noon, Mnrch 21, in honor of Mrs. George (Continued from Page One) Stockton Wills. On Saturday aft(!rnoon the Delta were ent.nrtained informally at Gray is parted from his lass, nnd a future Gables at tea by Mra. George Stockton warrior of justice is sent to earth where Willa. it's mother is waiting for it at the gate. "'.rhe Unseen Host," a war story by DELTA PI ALPHA Percival Wild, was read by Mr. Lam bettaun. A vouug boy, who is fatally Delta Pi Alplla held its annlw.l elec- tion of offmers last night, March 28. longs to join his regiment. A The following men were elected to of- sceptic miracles hears from tho sur- fice: geon the boy's !:Ita.temcutof a time when Raymond R. Roby, Preaidcut ; Weldon his regimeut was Bared by a host of G. Dawson, vtee-Prcetdcnt.; Branch H. augels. Suddenly they hear the tramp Phillips, Secretary; J. Wesley Day, of pnsaing soldiers, and a light passes 'l'rensurer. through the room. A muu from the The retiring officers are: E. C. wood- street tells the sceptic tilat he saw the ward, Prealdcnt ; H. N. Nicklas, Vice- !Joy at the heud of the regiment, Go. President; Roby Day, Secretary; and jug in the next room, they find the boy 'Weldon Dawecu, Treasurer. !lead,scnrcelyfiv6minutes. FROM THE EXCHANGE AS BEAUTY DOES RUSSIA PREFERRED HAVE YOUR SHOES REPAIRED' AT Oklahoma Agricultural and Meehnnt "Liberty! It does 1I0t exist here. Real ~nrial Nl'W!l Compliments of THE COLLEGE SHOP cal College almost went with nut a queen discuBsionoisnbjeet,sisprobihite{l,llot SPECIAL PRICES FOR STUDENTS for ·St. Patrtek'a ds.y becauee a stu- legally, but by tim rear whie)l profes- Bonsack's dent or students failed to rea.lize that sors hoxe of their superiors. Studies, ''Pat'' Proskey wsa vtetted by her c. KROOP ballots cast for queens of beauty are. as therefore, are all abstract." family Sunday. 25 E. Main St. sacred as ballots cast for prcaidenta. Tilis is what Piuclios Wechter, a Rus- Mre. Barnes has been visiting her Offieials of the engineering society, sian st'udying at Ohio State University, BOIlduring the past week, King's Pharmacy Westminster StatIOnery Store which wanted a queen for the (lelebra· thinl\s of Aruerleuu edueatjon. Em· tion of Ireland's holiday, burned the pbatica.lly, he prefers the universities of Frances 'Ward went home Tuesday be- The Rexa.U Store ballots, and then ordered a new veto Russia, at least to tl,e one All\erican cnnseoftheillncssofhcrfather. BILLY DITl"IIAN, Pro-r, under faculty supervision. institution he knows. :Minnie Strawbridge has gone home 55 E. Main sr., Westminster, Md. Greeting Carda .for all eeeesrcee Tho University of Utah une been vet- "Iu Russia," he tolil an inter viewer, toO recover from a reeent Tllneae. ing for a beauty too, bnt not without "tIU.'TCis absolute a.endemicfreedom anil Betty Davis wont to Baltimora this protest from the dean of women, lIliss I beliove thflt Russinn students have 1. Il"e(lk·ellrlto !l me(licul fraternity dance. D. S. GEHR Dr. A. J. Morrell Lucy M. Van Cott, had Hevcr!)1things better knowledge of world problems to 9ay ullOut such contests and the con- limn t\.c average Americnn college peo- ],fiss Eba ugh gavo a dinner Tuesday CHIROPRACTOR testants: ple. Then, too, in Illy country the-yonth night i1\hOllorof Miss Robinson's birth· Wholesale and Retail Hardware, "Such a method is undignified for an got~ out in publia life alld works for day. 1JO E. Main St. Phone 175 institntion of learuing which should the ameliornliOIl of the COllllllonmall, Professor and lI"Irs.Ranck entertaiued Uuildillg Materials, Outlery, ktve the highest ideals in tIle state, for while tlJe Amerieau youth is far re- tho. S('nior "History class last 1'hursda)' Amllllln.ition,Paints, Oils, the University of Utah henus the pub- moved from actua.lity." evelling. Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr lic school sYlitem nnd mere or leB!!sets While he (loe$II't approve of his OWII Iron and Steel Products all exaulplo for the high school stn- eeulltry's lack of sports, neither (loes Mrs .Wills was home dllring tile past 'l'he Newest nnd Best Clothing snd dent~ (lfUta}. 'Vechter approve of All\cri~al1emphasis. "",,ek. Rer daughter !Llsospellt her va- (Established 1866) J.'nrllisilings "ltis not putting thc right ideals be· "Dnrillg the .football senson thc stu- calionhCl"e. WolltminMer, :Md. Goods for )'oullg men fore tho student body. Beauty is not deut sllonds Frida~' getting ready for 'l'he "Onions" lllld Vall Lathem hiked 10 per cont off to college studonts an c'vidonce of mentality or strength of the llig game. Saturday he goes to the ta lhe reservoir for II picnic Saturday character. contest, Sunday, Mondny, ,and Tues(lay aftorlloon. Babylon & Lippy Company Weslminsler Savings Bank "It is the duty nf {'ycry girl to appear lie still talks and thinks about it. '.rhat as nicely as poasllible, but girls who leaves two dars for school work." Charlotte Wheeler spcnt tile wcek-end spend nil their time specializillg on their But the critic, who is planniug lo at. the homo of her parents in Chevy Capital $50,000.00 Clulse,Md. appearallce llrC frequently only an ad· teach history, is undc<;ided whether he l~LORSI:lEIl\l SHOES Surplus "Ellrned" aoo,ooo.o~ vertisement for drug stores. will returu to l~ussilt, er \llrow in his Virginia ].terrill went to Baltimore "Plucking the eyebrows mak(ls tM lot. with American education, sueh as last Satnrday to visit her roolllmate, STE'l'SON HATS .P. THOS. BABYLON, President, face look like putty. " itis. -Tho Ne1\"Stuitcut Rnth Sartorius. .MILTON P. MYERS, Vice Pres. -The New Studont 'i\fany of tile girls ha.\·!)slarled hikiog YALE PREFERENCES JACOn II. HANDLEY, Treasurer. again so they will ha'-c enough miles IT'S ALL IN THE STATE OF MIND New Hn\"clI, Conn. (By New Stu- to get their letters. Iuternational ]\fade·to·Measure SuIts Security Sel~ee dent Scrviee)-Scniors in Yale College, Ruth Sartoriua went 1.0 lhe UlIIon If you thinlt you arc beaten, you aro; uteordiug to prafenmees indicted in the Jlle.moriat Hospital, 'l'uesd.J.Y,for an ap- If you think you dare not, you (lon't; IHlnUllltIll$
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