Page 94 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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Page~Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. :-: :-: Oflieial newspaper of Western Maryland College, pvbliehed on Thursday during the academic year by the students of Western Maryland College, WestminBter, ~~::.::~.~J I,,~,_u:~~~tJI,A_:_!_::,_:_;_~_o;_t_L_oO_K_S_' _j Maryland. Entered IlS eeecnd-claea matter at the Westminster Postoffiee. Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year. near future lose the right to broad- a symphony, based on Coleridge's ROBERT MANTELL AS MACBETH cast oyer her small watt. It has "Anotent Mariner," has recently been been rumored that the new runio produced by Dr. E. J. Stringham of "what do you think of Robert commtealon plans to e_liminate from Denver, Colorado. Tile symphony is Mantell as Macbeill?" )[ANAGTNG STAl!'F divided Into three main parts. First, "Why, I think his acting was very the air all small radio stations nev- Editor-in-Chief. .Casper P. Hart, '29 ing power of [i00 watts or less, des- there is an introduction, representing good, considering the length of time Managing Editor .. .Joscph 1.1.Mathias, Jr., '29 pite the fact that Oongress Is fighting the sounds of the activities of the t.hat he bas been on the stage. I be- wedding feast lleve, though, that I have liked him are interrupted them. The stations to maintain men- wbtof Asst. Managing Editor. .. Edwin warfield, '29 aced are W. J. B, U., of Bucknell, by a "forboding motif" supposed to as Macbeth better than I should Business Manager .. .Earl B. Lippy, '29 witb a 100 watt power station, and represent the Ancient Mariner, stop- uave killed him in the role of Ram- Asst. Business Manager .. .J. Hammett Simms, '29 W. P. S. C. of gtate College, with ping one of the wedding guests to let." a power of 500 watts . tell him uta sad story. The movement 'I'hfs exchange of remarks was Advertising Manager. .. Mal'yill B. Sterling, '30 of 111esea is imitated, in the second ever-heard as the crowd was leaving Circulation Manager. ... Hoy L. Robertson, '29 Elizabethtown College bas recent- part, by the use of stringed tnetru- Ford'S Theatre on Friday evening at- mente. or Shakes- seeing a presentatiou In the midst ter of the roll and James s: Shieh, -so ly been recognteed by the State motion of the sea, the brass matru- peare's famous tragedy. "Macbeth," Asst. Circula.tion Managers. . 'l'homns Braun, ';~O Board of Law Examiners of Penneyl- mente give out (he song of the san- given by the Mantell-Hamper Com- varna as one of the colleges which { Leslie Grovel', '30 assumes a certain degree of respon- ors, which comes to a cumax when pany, Robert Mantell, often called the Shakespearean Art Editor. .."Pete" Gomsak, '00 sibility in regard to its graduate the Ancient Mariner shoots the alba- the veteran of remarkable for an '['he remainder of the poem is tress. stage, Is indeed student's ability to enter law work. Sports Editor .. . ... L. G. Ekaitis, '31 Tbe college was recommended by represented in part three, beginning actor of his age. In the rate of Mac- this Board on February 10, and was part with the honors of "a painted beth he combines the resoluteness of REPORTORIAL S'rAFF ship upon a painted ocean," and end- an ambitious thane with the pathettc approved by the Supreme Court of News Editors Pennsylvania the latter part of ing with tile more agreeable strains shrinking of a kinder nature from Oscar L . Morr-is, '29 Margaret Mm-tignoni, '29 March. of the seraph band. Throughout this the bloody deeds necessary for the fulf\lhnent of his lIigb ambition. on can of imagine that he part, also Associate Editors It has been announced that Colum- be hears the songs of the sailors. Througuuut Mantell's "Macbeth" of master- Margaret Voorhis, '29 Curvin 1\1. Seitz. '29 bia University expects to make a we feel the predominance less of the ful determination, with Edith Kinkead, '29 Hoy C. Chambers. '29 sweeping raise in teacher's salaries Attention, candy lovers! You who vaectuauna attitude that is made out- Evangeline Lathon, '29 'V. G. Eaton, ':30 In keeping with its policy of protect- wish to reduce, tbatta! Do you find standing in eome portrayals of "Mac- Reporters ng " the dignity and freedom of the it hard to do without your, shall we beth." with all of this, we feel that academic career." Virginia 1\Ierrill, '30 Howard E. Kocnte, '29 Or. Nicholas Murray Butler, presi- say, darly sweets? VVl,latwould you his later remorse for the murders of think of a plan by which you would is genuine, and Duncan and Banquo Sara Freeman. '29 Hoby Day, '29 dent of the university, says tllat the eat candy to get thin? Well, tlIat is we pity him in his moments of alter- :Mary "ralzl, '29 C. l!l. Fun'!;:, '29 !lew schdule calls for a minimum exactly what Dr. Burgess Gordon Is nating fear and self-assuranc~ just Catherine. Reed, '30 'Walter J. Gl'oswitlJ, '31 salary of $7,500 a year for full pro- adVOi:;ating.'l'hls doctor claims that 'l'helma Reid, '30 Panl Howard, '29 fessors, instead of the present $6,000 the craving of fat persons for sugar before the final battle. Although some of the parts indis- are rather El.izabetl1 Clough, '30 N. A. Pcnllewcll, '3] salary; $5,000 for associate profes- foods are ]lrobably misdirected. He tinct, and (a little overdrawn) (per- Dorothy Johnson, '29 Braneh Phillips. '3fl sors, instead of $4,500: and $3,600 in the lIody, that the fat-formlng haps) Mantell's portroyal is on the Grace Armstrong, '30 Wilmel' V. Ben, '30 for [lssistant professor, in place of Is probably a sign of sugar deficiency whole good. His age, howel'er, keeps Helen "l'heeler, '29 WilEnm Bl'o"'n, '30 $2,400. thought that he would try the ex- him from coming up to the standara periment of giving a numller of stout wbich he probably reached wben he Worthy opinion; Model mal1agement; Correct news. Gene Tunney, world's heavyweight people small doses of dextrose candy was a younger man. His voice is still champion, spoke before an English between meals, and then giving them very good and clear, but a more agile class at Yale University on April 23. plenty of fats and prot.iena at meals. llerson could better interpret the ac- '['he students of the class received His experiment worked In most of Ove character of Macheth. E-D-I-T-O-R-I- A -L\ Tunney with enthusiasm. Gene's talk the ca!lCStrle(l. One person even lost L~{]y l\1acb:;th is played with sln- was primarily concerned -with edu- as mucb as twenty-three poulJ(ls in cercly and I':.rtistic touch by Gene- cation. The "cbamp" told how he abont three weel.s. But wait, fat per- SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS INDIVIDUALISM himself e1ljoyed reading good liter- son. begin eating destrose candy in ..-i::"e Haillpc~·. The most tbe attractive about her Is thing note ature, es.pecially: Shakespeare's order to reduce. There is juat a College manners and Ideas are so of h~lman feeling that keeps l'ecu.1'· Among the social institutions of slandarulzed tilat tlIe average college works, Il.l1d relal~d tbe incident of little "if" attached to tl11s reudc- ring. Her assumed cruelty seems the day that receive the brunt of man is too busy going Jliaces and his first acquaintance wllile he was ing. process. You will lose weight only a mask hiding bel' really kind public criticism the college stands as doing tilings to worry ahout being in the army with this great dramatic by this method, If you walk at he::lrt. Miss Harper's portrayal of the a slIl)ljng mark. In practicaJly every individual. He wears what the crowd wTlter. He concluded llis talk by say- least twelve blocks each morning sleep-walkillg scene is especially ef· paper we pick up tblll'e is seen some wears, eats what the cTowd eats, ing that "knowledge Is a fine thing and e~ch afternoon, eating most of fective. uew indlclmeents against higher ed- drinks and thinks with the crowd. to have, and tbe finest way to get it the candy wbile this exercising. One JolIn Alex~nder plays Macduff cation. The nuiversiy is yariously Since the crown loafs at a cel'tain is to get it you~self." pel'son upon whom Dr. Gordon was with characteristic vigour and annl- described as the SC!3-neof a four year soda fountain yells itself lloarse at experimenting did not take the prop- maLion. He is particularly forceful, loaf, coon skin coats, and higb-pow- atnletic r.ontests, and rushes off every A uew plan in En~lish instruction er exercise, aud as II result, that IJ001' and at the same time finely discrmi· ered nlDtor cars. Ami the worst of week end in an attempt to find dlvel'- is being tried at Randolph-Macon, individual js still classed ns a "heavy !laUng. The porter, Mr. Le Roj Ope· it is tbat sucb conunents come from sion in tIle life of the uearest metro· amI is expected to be successful. It weigh.t." Do you prefer to eat dex- el'ti. is amuslug with his oft repeated men and women of some lUark in the polis, he POOl'nonentity that he Is, is a plan to grant the privilege of trose candy, and exerCise, do as you "Knockl Knock! Knock's!" world and who obviously belffive does likewise. For it Llere Ie any· optional attendance at the English wish to WltllOUt candy entirely, in One thing that detracts greatly they know something of the condl· thing the ordinal'Y collegian wiH not class to those students receiving high order to grow thin? Suit yourself! from the play IE; the mechanical ap· tion of affairs. !.LOit is to let himself aPIJear dlffer- graae and to those sllOwing excep- Remember. howeyer, illa.t there is an pearal1.Ce. actions, and exits of the The latest denuncintion comes from eutorodd. tional jl)lereBi in the course. Tbe "if" in both cases. minor chnracters. BangTIo's ghost at MI'. Bernard Shaw. He claims tbat Now the realiY1 deplorable thing stuaents will be eXpected to do re- the banquet scene moves as if he college Is "intellecually and morally about this slayish conformity Is its senrcll work in place of the old rou· had never felt tlIe stah of the mur- runious" and tlIat certain courses dullness. It hardly seems possible Une work. Almost every Sophomore ma.ln- derSis award. Abrupt !Lctions and should be viewed wita a paSSive ~I~~h Wj~h t~l:a:~~~re~\ell~~gWa~~u:~ This plan, whicll Is being tried out tains t.hat EnglislI History Is a very speeches divest the witch scena of resistance. He suggests as an escape at Randolph-Macon in only one difficult ISubjeei-idenUfylng men some of its wiardness. '['he dwelling that the student suould read what be spent, the modern college man course. llas been adopted in other and dates. dates and men. English scene, Instead of beiug the grand c1l- he llkes and talk over the results cal! find nothing better than a third coUeges In every lIranch. The one kings have been a source of worry lil.RX, hecomes somewhat absurd. with some club formed for that pur· rate movie. If he did but lise his college that has excelled In carrying more than one night before examina· Neither Macbeth nor Macduff show pose. 'I'he latter plan is admirable gray matter and assert a little in- out this plan to perfection is Swarth· tion time. It is comparitively easy alarm or fighting spirits. There is a and would undoubtedly lead to some del)elldence ile could surely flud to lmow what the Prince of Wales g611t!e tapping of sword tillS, follow- is now doing since the big races are beneficial results. as an escape from SU.c.lla comm,on' A straw vote, which was taken at on. but how his ancestors lived Is ed by a hasty stabbing of Macbeth, place. !f he would only try to be an wbo drops slowly to the fiool'. Bnt WIlYCOlileto college If we are something stimulating and enjoyable the question tbat perplexes \lS. Well, The scenel'y and costUUling are ef- to read just wbat we lika and to put individual, his life might not lIe as Gettysb.ul'g College for the nominees here is a formuJa that some one has [ectively arranged to produce the de- election, of the coming presidential a minimum of work on courses we drab. and colo1'less, and ulll'omanUc resulted in an O"e!'whelming ma- been kind enough to make and lend sired atmosphere. distaste. The required course of as it now is. jority for the Republlqans. Of the to the poor history students. Now TlIe final impression that one takes stndy has been planned by educators total 283 votes cast, the Republican they may learn at least a few or away is that the play has beell well who know that the material is neces· "OLD GLORY" AND "DOLLAR DAY" ]larty j'eceived 281 votes; and of the kings. and at the same time gain acted in a conventional Shakespear- san' tor a true and broad under- these Hooyer received the greatest a view of their characters. ean mannw, with slight Individual standing of life. It is generally true It has been said by Olll' friends nllmller. Dawes and each 're- George I was vile interpretation by tile various char- that dry conrses comprise that across the Atlantic that the Ameri- ceiyed 45 and 47 Yotes respectlvely. George II was viler acters. knowledge which the student wonld can flag Is the sign of tbe dollar and This electiou was sponsored by the No one ever heard any good of not attempt to learn on his own vo- that a dollar murk on a field of white Pre-Legal Union. George III King's Pharmacy lition. One of the prime purposes of WOuld serve our Ilurposes just as But, praise God, with George IV the college is to present prolJJems and well as our preseut colors. 1\1ost A club that has been recently Georges ended. The Rexall Store quesUolls which the or(linary person honest citizens have replied t,hat formed by stucents at Randolph- Now with us we haVe George V 01'- does not go into during his reading suclI comments were caused by pure Macon Colege, and which will prob· Mary the four-firths." f,!i E. M~in St., W~g!nlj"slcr, ~Id condi- jealous}, and that our natural hours. And if the college were to ably l)e more value than any other making to money allow sHch subject matters to pass tion le1lds itself Eurollean condition orgaulzation on the campus is tile Prosperity Methods! Compliments of tlIe just as hy unmastered, society would cer- seems to be conducive to a little "\\r.altsr Hines International Relation ulinly lose thereby. neighhorly war now and then to add Clull." In this organization there dis- Is for student SplClldid opportunity Mr. Shaw's cenceptlon of an ideal to ille zest of !lfe. Yet tbe act. of cu~sion of internallonal events. as WHY PAY MORE' Bonsack's college would be interesting to study. displaying tha American fiag on well as natioual aud foreign affairs. Geuls' suits clenned and pressed .$1.00 .35 Gents' suits pressed If be were to allow free student ac- "Dollar Day" as practiced by some The members will certainly profit by Rnicilers cleaned and prcssed .-'50 tivity in choice of courses ther~ or 0111' clUes mllst be admitted as tlIe discussions, and wlll, in turn, be Ladies' coats 1l1enncdand pressed 1.25 Shipley's proof to some would be sure to result unbalanced lending It is llIe impression Europe',s better equipped to prevent sound Lndiea' one·pieco dresses cleaned 1.25 nnd pressed. . .... common f'laim. learning. A student would go deelJ reasoning in debates and programs 24-HOUR 8ERVICE-2! Into chemistry and biology and lose to many that our flag was to be ex- wbich demond such discussion. ALBERT" ABE" TOZZI AT THE FOURS or only 011 national state hibited tne fined values of ]jfe which could holidays or Oll days making the birth College R.epresent.ntive of be given him through literature. On of some worthy dUzen. But in the RAVE YOUR SHOES REP AIRED AT U. W. MILLER, Oleaner and Dyer the other hand a student might read llght of this present practice of our THE COLLEGE SHOP Hersll Ave. For Things to Please Westminster, Md. the literary masterpieces to eJl!.clu- enterprising bUSiness men, they are SPECIAL PRICES FOR STUDENTS Esta.b.1906 siva and be Jgnorant of the physical forced to broaden their conception basis of the society in whicb he a.s to the uses and d,u.ties of the na- c. KROOP j\LVLN T. AT~BRIGHT,Laville IIall Your Palate lives. tional colors, 25 E. Main St, Representative
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