Page 92 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 92
Page Four The Gold BlI&', WIItent. 1laql& Coo .. ,,. lid. Class, Club, and Society Doings A SPEOIAL GIFT OVER PRODUCTION Jrregerdleee of the beneflta of higher Dear Friends: education to the individual and the state, i~umur PHI ALPHA MU CELEBRATION IN HONOR OF WII are short $17,500 in the campaign. "the public now pays tQOlarge a share SHAKESPEARE'S BIRTHDAY The Rockefeller Fouudatjon has extend· of the cost of higher education and the Phi .Alpha Mn wishes to announce ed the time limit until July 1, 1928, with recipient pays tQOEttie," General=Ed- The Soviet has now forbidden the .im- that the Misses Clara Virginia Conaway Thll Qffi~ers and members of the the suggestion that aubscripttona cover- ward Orten tQld the winter graduating portatdeu of razor blades into Russia. and Edna Josephine Nordwall have been Shakespeare Club invite tbe entire eta- ing this shortage shall be secured at class Qf Ohio State University. We hear tJlat an enterprising Britiah received into full lIlembership in the dent body and faculty !;Q join with them "There is acme danger," he said, fi:nn has sent a shipload of garden shears dub. in honoring William Shakespeare on his Of the shortage above stated,$7,500 is "of over-saturatjon of our population instead. -London Opinion. birthday, Monday, April twenty-third. praetleally sure to come in. This reeves with people of the 'white eouer ' class. The meeting will be held in McDaniel $10,000 to be gotten if we are to (lorn There has been some evidence of over- A Japanese schoolboy was told to POETS' CLUB Hall at eight o'clock. A program eon- ptete the Rockefeller contract. crowding in several lines already-no- write a short composition on the cat. Af si!1t.ingof readings, dramatizations, and tably law and medicine. ter deep thought he handed this in: The PQI;ts' Club will meet Thursday special musical numbers is being pte· Therefore, I make this last appeal to "Tlle cat is a. little cattle. when evening, April 19, at 8 o'clock at the pared. EverYQna is moat eerdially in- our friends. We need $10,000 to meet "The claim will probably be Bet up first she sees a rat she Illuminates her llome of Knthertue Doyle. The pro- vited. the shortage. A friend has agreed to in both these eases that it is a matter of eye." gram will be on Ellznbeth Barret give the last thousand dollars. I will faulty distributfon, net an actual sur- Browning and Robert Browning. All agree to assume another thousand. This plusage. It will be sbown that in many Before entering the dining room we members of the club are requested to OF INTEREST TO MEMBERS OF leave.!!,then, $8,000 to be gotten from country distrietfl the old practitioner is should take 5,000 deep breatns ; wind up bring sonnets on Mr. and Mrs. Brown- THE SHAKESPEARE CLUB somewhere. And I agree to go this gone and no new man comes in to take a week's fllst; watch a lion eat; pray mg. mueb further. I will agree personally his place, lind that more service is need- for strength; prnet.iee holds on knives The trcnsurer of the Shakespeare Club to bQrro'W the remaiuing $8,000 it ed and less is available. But the fllct wishes to announce Ihat dues fer memo friends of the college will make ecndt- rmnnins that rhe cities nnd towns are and forks; swear off talklng ; read berahip in the national society are now tiQnal aubscr.iptiona to cover this amount. full of struggling lawyers and doctors, "Oliver Twilltj" cut auothcr sweet BROWNING tooth; and resolve never to be a quitter. payable. In aeacrdnuce with the rule The College cannot borrow, for that and the difficulty of getting a 'stsrt any' passe(l at the last meeting, the names of 'WouldconlJi;itute a debt. By the terms where in tueee professions without intiu 'l'he new officer!!for Browning for the ence or money is admittedly vcry An old soldier wl10 fought at Gettys. l!l~t term of the y~Hr were elected last all membe.rawho do not pay by the first of the Rockefeller contract we must be $6' burg says that durillg the thickcat of tha Monday night. The honor Qf president week in May will be dropped from the entirely out of debt to see Ire any part \'ere. JJ fight he was impressed by a a.ign post· fell to :Mi8s Gertrude Ranck. The club rQIl. The dues arc tWQ dollars a of their gift. But an individual may '£0 remedy this ovor-proou~tion of ed on :t tree and reading: "No shooting other officers are as follows: year; onedollnrforloeal nnd one dollar borrow, and I am willing to be that in· graduates, lln(l to increase the quality of on these premise!! und6l' penalty Qf the for natiolHu dues. All dues may be paid di\'idulll if the friends of the College tll(~Qutput, General Orton favors fewer law." -The PaIm Journal. Vice prcsident .Anna Ely to Niss Catherine l~eatl. will back .me in the way indicated. college grnduates. He blame5 the quan· Secretary Edwina Kraus This is my to secure the tity on t.he elise with which low·cost A. woman sat at a public meeting be· Treasurer Helen Wlleeler PHILO $8,000 needed in cQnditional subscrip edneation may be had in state universi· tween R bishop !lnd a rabbi. 'l'hinking tions by May 1, 1928. These subecrip- ties. Reduction in the number of stu· to appear clever, she said to the. rabbi: tions are nQt to be paid unless the fnll dents WQuid not only eliminate O\'CI'· La.t M.'ludc-to·MeaSIll·e Suits Security Savings SCI~ice rpiechlll'lictcr. WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE ENDOWMENT CAMPAIGN Gossip sifts truth so thoroughly that nil of the tine partielos are blown away The Blue Ridge Transportation Company The Last Subscription a CQnditional SubSCription and only the floarse residne iB left. Go!!'· sip bears, moreOI'er, thc reputatiQn of We are Specialists on doing all hsrm and no good. But does SPECIAL TRIPS that make persons stop to think twice Anywhere Any Time $ .. . 1928 before they spollk once' No, indeed! And if they do stop to think, it is Qnly For lntonnation phone WESTMINSTER 389 or WESTMINSTER 52 1 hereby subscribe $ to the We!!tern hlll.tyland Col to im'ent somc additional piece Qr start· lege Hl25 Endowment Campaign, wit.h th~ understanding that my SUbscription ling infmmation. A hundred years shllIJ not be payable unleSs the entire shortage of $11,;)00 shall be secured in a!! much pleasure and ereating as much LUNCH WITH US TODAYl from nQWFriend Gossip will be giving good pledge!!; and with the further understsnding that the payment (If this disturbance as she does at the preseut subseription sllllJl not bll called for until the College Omce shall send me word time. Hot Soup! to the effect lhllt the payment of tllir
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