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COl R. O. T. O. INSPEOTION FRENOH PLAYS BY COLONEL DEEMS . ALUMNI HALL MONDAY, MAY 7 FRIDAY, 8 P. M. Vol. 5, No. 24 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. May 3,1928 LOYOLA MAN CHOSEN IN SHAKESPEARE WRITER'S CELEBRATES COLLEGE CALENDAR W. M. O. REPRESENTED OONFERENCE SHER- STATE HOME ECONOMICS AT CLUE THE GREAT BIRTH- FOREST WOOD STATE ELIMINATION MEET ASSOCIATION MEETS HERE The Shakespeare Club held an FRIDAY, MA"'l (- The Y. M. and Y. W. Christian As- the were represented LAMBERTSON IS ALTERNATE open meeting in McDaniel Hall par- Social Hour-a 6.30-9.30 P. M. sociations Cabinet Trainiug at Confer- NEW OFFICERS ELECTED 'I'r-l-State lor on Monday evening, April 23, In Varsity Tennis: Virginia Forest Friday Johns Hopkins and University of Mary- commemoration ot Shakespeare's Polytechnic at \V,estminster ence held at Sherwood April 29. Delegates from many clubs of High 4.00 P. M. April 27 to Bunday, land also Represented in Oratorical three hundred and sixty-fourth Schools and Colleges in State Event Bere birthday. It Is the custom of the Miss Dorothy G. Roberts, president, Present ctuu to hold such a meeting eacb SATURDAY, MAY 5- and tour of her cabinet, the Misses The annual Inter-collegiate Ora- year in his honor, and to furnish a Varsit.-y rsasebalt, Gettysburg Anne Bby, Elizabeth Clough, Ruth The. Maryland state Home Eco- College at Westminster torrcai Contest for the state of program consisting of a variety of Baltimore 3.30. U. Staley and Eleanor Gunby represent- nomics Association held a convention Maryland was held in Smith Hall, number-s, Including readings and V:arsit-y 'Penula, ed the Y. W. C. A. J. Ro-by Day and at 'Western Mnryland College on Sat- Saturday evening, April 28. The dramatizations of his plays. at Westminster 3.30. Paul L. Howard were the Y. M. dele- urday, April 21. Delegates were schools represented and their con- The first number on the program MONDAY, MAY 7- gates. present from many different clubs of testants were: Loyola. Mr. Wasilit- was the reading of an ortgfnal paper, woman's Ltternry Societies At the faculty conference held at the various high schools and COl- sky; University of Maryland, Mr. "l\Iy Impressions or Hamlet," by the same place and eame time Pro- leges in the state. Dr. Ward opened Woods; John Hopkins. Mr. Gardner; Dorothy Grimm. was followed 6.30 P. M. fessor James B. Ranck was the only the session with a speech of wel- western Maryland, Ml·. Lambertson. by a rtramattaatton of the "Garden Men's Literary 'Sootettea 7.15 Western Maryland faeul ty member come, whlell was followed by a Dean Miller acted as chairman. The scene" from "The Merchant of veu- P. M. present. greeting from Mae Mills, president judges were Rev. Miles McCormIck, Ice." Both the costuming and the The conference proved to be very of the Home Economics club on the Mr. Mellor Clerk of the ce- acting were very good. Tbe music TUESDAY, MAY 8- stmttar to last year's in weather re- Hill. A regular business meeting of cun Court. and Mr. Shipley, lawyer. for the scene was plnyed by ,A.lee Social Clubs 7.30 P. !l-L spects according to the report of the state association was held in All are from wastmtuater. Benuetj, The characters were WEDNESDAY, MAY 9- tbe ex-cabinet which enjoyed the Smith Hall, at which the following The contest this year served as a follows: Y. I'll. anti Y. W. C. A. meet- beautiful scenery of Sherwood forest new officers were elected; State Preliminary for selecting a re- Jessica-Helen Dennis ings at 6.30 P. I'll. and the Severn River thru the rain- President-Rowena M. Holdren, presentative for the Regional Inter- Lorenzo-Charlotte "Wheeler drops. The last day, however, thrill- western Md. College. collegiate Contest to be held at Portia-Virginia Holland Varsity Tennis at Dettysburg ed the conference with the joy of Vice President-Edna M. Engle, Bucknell University, May 13. The Nerissa-l\Iaude Lesher College. again feeling the warm sun and Asst. sunervtsor, Baltimore City. national contest wlll be held in Los Basaanto-c-Paul Lambertson Music Recitsl. Smith Hall knowing that "God's In His Heaven, Secretary-Elizabeth Amery, State Angeles, Ca!., June 21. The autnecte nrauanao-ccaaper Hart at 4.00 P. M. all's right witb the world." supervisor of Home Economics Edu- for the orations are limited to BOrne Antonio--Granville Eaton Worship services and morning cation. phase or the Constitution. Mae Mills gave a reading IITomthe watch meetings were led by Pat Mal- Treasurer -Gertru<$e. Richards, Mr. Wasil!fsky chose as his sub- play, "Romeo and Juliet," wblch in of N. Y. C. Special 'technique Baltimore, Maryland. at the ball, and their reattza , DR.H.L.E1.DERDICEGIVES ject, "Tbe Constitution." In a very told of the first meeting of the two groups under the leaderahtp of "Y" At the same time, a meeting of the forceful manner he pointed out that rovers secretaries were held as follows: delegates of the different school the Constitution is the mainstay of tion that their love was futile be- mONO TALKTO SENIORS Presidents, Finance, SOCial action, clubs was held in the Home Econom- American Democracy. "It is power- cause ot the enmity between their' Conferences, Religious meetings. ics laboratory, and achieved the ful, but still it is not [nvener-able." families. Prot. George S. Wills gave Western Maryland was represent- formation of a Students' Clnbs Or- In neglecting national franchise and a t.rJ!;: on the life of Shakespeare, in Ideals and service was Theme ed In each gronp and thus we have ganization. The eiecuc» of cmcere other democratic principles which which he described clearly the Eng- have been given the American peo- land of that day, and the conditions ple, a foundation is being weakened dl1ring the reign of Queen Elizabeth which will ultimately result in II which, perhaps, so greatly influenced shatter-ed Constitution and Demo- Shakespeare. cracy. The American people have certain innate rights and duties. A neglect to understand tJlem and in- JESTERS PLEASE LARGE good for man in tills lite?" This diITerence to them will lead to nation- question brought forth otuer perti- al calamity." The speaker ended his AUDIENCES ON SHORE nent questions such as ",what shall I (Continllcd all Fage Four) oration with a direct appeal to the do wilh my life?" and where sball I SECOND ANNUAL PRESENTATION nation at large. "\Ve shaJl not fail!" find my goal of haPlliness?" Mr. Woods spoke on "George SEVENTH ANNUAL TOUR Dr. Elderdlce enumerated tbe \'ive "Le Voya.:;ede Monsienr Perrlcholl" and PROFESSOR. BE'RTHOLF ADMIT· Washington and the ConstltuUon." ideals given by the antbor of Eccles- TED TO pm BETA KAPPA He reviewed tbe peridous beginning Stevensville, Laurel, Salisbury, a.nd iastes. First, is the Ideal of cultUre. "Un Ocrcle de Fe=es" Will SOCIETY of our nation. days of storm "which Crisfield Welcome Local Organi- Tllis is a very admirable Ideal, but it Be Given seemed every moment ready to zation is not sufficient; tbe head should not Bwamp tIle ship of state." ·Washlng· be cultivated at the eXl)enSe Of th~ "La Cercle Francais" will be pre· A ray of news from the Baltimore Mary- ton proved a sturdy pilot. and at last The Western Maryland College heart. The second Ideal, carnality. sented In Alulllni Hall. on the evening Sun reflects upon \Vestern the Bio- Tbe head of land College. the formation ot the Constltntion laid Jesters made their seventh annual is the lowest one and drags man or May 4. two plays In French. This logical Department at this college, the firm foundation of OUI" present tl'ill to t.he Eastern Shore during the down to the status ot the brute. It i~ is the second annnal presentation of Professor Lloyd Millard Bertholf, Bucknell University, May 18. The week of April 15. The troupe, which expressed well In this phrase of Frenc.ll plays by this organization. who, at present, is on a four year Democracy. George Wasllington was started from College Hill on Tuesday Epicurean philosophy, "Eat, drink "Le Circle FraDlJaiS" had its begin- leave of absenoe, doing extension a leader in it all. "We may thank morning in a large bus of the Blue and be merry, for tomorrow ye may ning three years ago; it was planned work toward his D., at Johns Providence for Washington. the p!lot Ridge Transportation Company, gave die." The third ideal, commerce, has to stimulate interest among the stu- Fiopkins University, Pb.. has recently or the newly launched ship. In re- four performances to large crowds. for Its keynote wealth. Bnt this dents in the- speaking of French. been elected, with twenty-eight other spect for him we must hold sacred The TUesday evening performan'ce wealth does not satisfy, It can bring These plays are being coached by stndents and faculty members, into thia most pricecless heritage." was given at Stevensville, Kent Is- only a false happiness. Compromise, Dr. Bonnotte, Miss Snader and Mise the Phi Beta Kappa Society-an honor The subject of Mr. Gardiners ora- land, to an audience numbering more tbe fO\lrth Ideal, Is revealed In those Atwood. tion was ".Tohn Marshall and the than three hUlldred Lsnrel, Dela- people wbo have no one definite aim, TIle plays to be presented are: "Le which one of Professor Bertholf's Constltulion." Throughout the speech wsre, was Lhe second stop. Thursday but wbo dTIiftwith the Ude, and go Voyage de Monsieur Perrichon," by abllities and accomplishments was destined to attain. he pointed Ollt Mr. :\1nrshall's servic- night found the "dispensers of college thrOU'gh life III a "happy-go-lucky E. Labiche, aad "Un Circle de fem- es in behalf of the document; first, joy" at Salisbury, Maryland, where manner." The last idesl, that at mes." For some years past Pir;ofessor in drawing it up, then its ratification the;' were accorded a very hearty rellglous character, Ie the only true, (ContilluCll on Page Fonr) Bertholf has been a member of the and finally the greatest sen'lce, that welcome by friends and alumni of satisfying on.e. The whole duty of faculty at Western Maryland College, of strengtllening tile Constitntion in the college. DUring their stay at llfe is to "Fear God and keep bis during which time he gained dis- Ills decisions made as Chief Justice Salisbury, the members of the Jesters commands;" no other Ideals will MAY·DAY CELEBRATION IS tinction for himself, as a popular of the Supreme Court from 1801 to (Continued on Page Four) form character or lead to tbe bigh- professor of Biology, whos~ labora- 1836. The Constitution before that est perfectlon. Wllile Hvlng to learn SCHEDULED FOR MAY 17 tory, we might say, was industrious- time hud merely stood as a written one must learn to live. This can be ly bnzzillg.-For, along witll his Col- Bertholf per· lege work, Professor document. but Marshall's interpreta- OOLONEL DEEMS TO INSPECT done only by following and !lving up Although the Pageant of Carroll tions !lIade it supreme. He establish- STUDENT BATTALION, MAY 7 to tbe teachings of Christ. has hecn postponed until next fall, [mmed original experimental work with hees, and has become nationally ed great principles which remain to- The third sermon delivered on the last tew weeks of the present nay great monuments to his memory. COlonel Clarence Deems, Jr., Staff Aprli 29, took up the subject of "My college year will not be deVOid of kuown in that field. Officer of Third Corps Area, Head- colorful and dramatic events; for a (Contiuued all "Page Four) Life" from the standpoint of ser- quarters and Officer in Cbarge of R. vice. This service was expressed in May-Day celebration is scheduled for ANNUAL PHILO_BROWNING DE- O. T. C. Affairs, will inspect the local the text from the Gospel of Matthew Thursday, May 17, and on aile night BATE SCHEDULED TONIGHT ENGLISH OLASS PRESENTS PLAY R. O. T. C. nnit all May 7. This in_ -"\Vhosoever will be chief emong during Commencement Week the In- IN REOITATION ROOM spection Is for the purpose of deter- yDll, let bim be your servant." Dr. dian play, "Hiawatha," will be given The annllal debate between the mining tbe rallkings of tile various R. Elderdlce nrged each one to seek at- by the Speech Department. two women's literary socieUes is The students In Dr. Wills' con- O. T. C. units wUbin Ule corps area. (Contiaucd on Page Four) Plans for the May-Day celebration, scheduled for Thursday, May third, temporary drama course round II The WaT Department Board bas which will start at raUl!"o'clock on in Smith Hall. The question. for de- pleasallt Sllrprise awaiting thelll given over all inspections for the the afternoon mentioned. call for a bate is: when they reported for class on Sat- current year to the corps area, be- JUNIORS ELEOT OFFICIALS FOR Queen of May who will be elected by "Resolved That the exercise ot urday morning. A dl"Rmatization of cause of the attitude of some of the 1929 ALOHA the student body, for twelve attend- legislative authoritY in the control of "Thursday Evening," by Christopher schools to the Inspection a-nd the ants ror the Queen, for four group the speclfie contest of courses offer- MOI'ely, supplanted the usual class- difficulty of finding an inspection At a Junior ClaBs meeting held re- dances In each of which twelve young ed in edncational institutions is con- room recitation. The production was board acquainted with R. O. T. C. af- cently, the two principal officers of ladies will take part, and for a play. trary to public welfare." Philo has coached by Miss Seona Kolb. Tbe fairs. Therefore there will be no the Aloha Staff for next year were After the completion of tbe celebra- the affirmative side of the question cast was as follows: aunllal Federal inspection this year. f1lled.. tion. supper will be served on the and the Misses l'I1al'garet Voorhis "..ordon Johns-Dorothy Gilligan Tho b~ttalioT\, under the tutelage of Joseph L. Mathias, Jr., wa.s elected campus. Victoria Smith and Mary Catherine , ......, 1;L-1I1argaret Voorun; Captain H. D. Wooley and Lieuten- Editor·ln-chief, and Warfield, All of the principal parts In the Warfield with Miss Dorotby Roberts Mrs. SbetIield-Edlth Kinkead ant E. O. Waters, is rapidly becom- Business Manager. Indian play wll he taken by seniors as alternate, are tlle debaters. Up- Mrs. Johns-Katherine Johnso!). ing aile of the most efficient units Aocordlng to custom, Mr. Matll1as In the Speech Department. An In- holding the negative side for Ekrown- The play was well presented, and that the college has yet known. The and Mr. Warfield will appoint- sertion of Indian Bongs, chants, and ing are the MiBses Anna Eby, V·iva jJ'l"oveda valuable supplement to the Instructors are to be commended ferr ments to the other positions on the dances has been made with a view to Ried, and Virginia Holland with Miss customary class work. their fine work. start. creating additional atmosphere. Dorothy GriwUl as alternate.
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