Page 86 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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\ \ Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland Oollege, Westminlter, Md. :-: .-. lInter-QJ:nlleginte 1\s inu j!jike lit I lIInrie1y Oflieial newspaper of Western Maryland College, publlehed on Thnrsd.ay during News A REVIEW OF BOOKS, the eeademle year by the etndenh of Western Maryland Oollege, WeBtminster, PLAYS AND LIFE Maryland. Entered ee Beeond·elan watter at the Westminster Pu,tni!l.ce. WOMAN'S PRIVILEGE THOUGHTS IN CLASS ON A s'uNNY 8ubBCrlption Price, $2.00 a Year. SPRING DAY WHY OOLLEGES? "When women take over all the hab- its and praetieee of men they are bound My, but it is warm 1 Mueh too "\Vloat do colleges give that cannot to lose a great deal of the charm. they "nice" a duy for etasses, and I cer- be obtained withont colleges' Only MANAGING STAFF strive so hard to procure;' thinks one tainly do hope the professor wou tt eall 'college life,' altd it is vcry quest.ion- university professor according to an nr on me, for I don't know a thing. There able whether thnt is worth four years of Editor·in·Ohief ... . J. Paul Lambertson, '28 ticle in TlI~ E'merald, of the University is a bird out on the biggest. bough of retirement from gainful or creative em- Ma.naging Editor .. ..... Hubert K. Johnson, '28 of Oregon. the maple tree-s-wish I were a bird, ployment. Hard headed men are be- far Asst. Managing Editor. . Samuel H. Bryant, '28 Another believes that "As right to as then I could fly to the steeple of Baker ginning to say that it is not. The "Wells may prove to be right. Chapel and perch and uo one wonld Business Ma.nager. Earl B. Lippy, '29 right goes girls have as much think of looking there for me. That "general culture' college may pass aWIlY hut why does anyone !/lllol,e as boys, Student Govern- Ass't Business Manager .. . .W. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 wlInt the right!" would be fun-maybe a special inspection in time, tl10ngh 60 out of every 1,000 of ment woul
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