Page 85 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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COl INTERFRATERNITY SPRING VACATION DANCE MARCH 30 TO TOMORROW NIGHT APRIL 9 Vol. 5, No. 22 March 29, 1928. "Food in Relation to Health" THE W. M.-ARMY FOOTBALL Dr. J. L. Green Delivers GOLD BUG STAFF ELECTED Speecb Department Seniors Explained to Home Ec Club GAME PUBLISHED IN PARIS Address in Baker Chapel FOR YEAR 1928-29 Present One Act Plays LES NOUVELLES SPORTIVES Edltor-in-Cluef " ... C. P. Hart On uous communique do westnnn- The Rev. Johu L, Green, a graduate Eight seniors of the Department of At ll; meeting of the Home Economics ster (::\1ARYLAND) que re 11 No- of Western ],[aryland College and of Managing Editor J. L. Mathins dub in the foods laboratory on Wednes- vembre dernier, jour de ltaun.iversaire the Westminster Theological Seminary, News Editor .... " 0. L. Morris Speech gave readings of pl3ya in Smith day night, March 28, ~[r. W. S. Hor- de l'Armistiee, une grande pnrtie de preaebed in Baker ellapel, Sunday even- NewS' Editor .. Margaret Martignoni Hall, Tuesday, Mareh 27. ton of thl' Wear-Ever Aluminum Dom- foot-ball euf lieu [( Baltimore entre ing, :March 25, His text WIIS, "If any Miss LIS a result of the DEBATERS LOSE TO BUCKNELL speeches by thc incoming officers, each of TEST Dreams" was read by Miss Hull. staging of the play, "Neigllbors," by whom, in addition to expressing apprec- .Madison Sparrow, a negro who loves his Zona Gale, which was presented by hte iation for the proffer of assiatance, At the reguhu meeting of \Vebster music ahoye e"el'),thing else, yields to Speech Department just after the The Western Maryland debaters who pledger1 his loyal efforts in the execu- Literary Society ou :Monday evening, tbe tempt.ation of theft whieb ho jUtrti' Christmas holidays, Permission w journeyed to Lewisburg, Pa., Tuesday, tion of the task eQDlm.ittedto him. )-[arch 26, it W/lS determined that the fies by his dreams, An old negro of a prodnee this play is gin!n with the nn· ?I.!:uch 27, lost their eneount"r witb Preliminary Society Oratorieal Contest dominant persQIJality discovers the dersta.nding that eitlH)f a royalty will Bucknell by a two to olle vote of the would be held April 16. The following th('ft but deals leniently with him, fore· be paid or a tree will be planted in the judges. The queffiion for debate was, TREASURE HUNT AND BUFFET Illell will eompete in that contest for ing Madison to cam a lil'ing for his community, The department chose the "Resolvcd, that the direct primary as a SUPPER ENJOYED BY J. G. C. the honor of representing their society lI'ife and son. Madison agrees, but can- latter altemati\'e. method of nominating atate 3nd nation· next Junc: Bell, Belote, Ca.ilahnll, Daw' not undcrstan!1 a world that keeps him The eeremon~' was a. ,-ery beautiful son, 1<'lnter,T~yolls,NewCQlIlcr,Phillips, from his Oll'n pursnit of happiucs$, one. MisHRnth Sehlinke Bang "Trl.'es" al officillls, should be abandoned." The Junior girllJ who recently becnme l~eed, R. J.L'lTk,Smith H. "11y Lady's Lace," a Dutch pla.y Fl., by Joree Kilmer, )[r. Barnes and Mr. Western Mar;\,lalld, which espoused the membl.'rs of J. G. C. gave a treasure B. 'Varner, and E~tQIl. 0., by Edwra(l linobloc:k, \Vnsread by Miss Meredith planted the tree. The Miases negan\'(\ of the question, was represent, hunt and buffet supper for ihesenior \Vilsou. A domineering fath*!r, who Mills, Kolb, and Held, and 1I1r. Lamb· ed by Uessr8. Sterling, )1:athias and m~U1ber8of the organizatiQn on March Tho attendnnce contest which has been wouM marry his mQtherless girl fo a artaon read tlnee poems. All of the Johnson. 22, just one month they had been in progress for several weeks has end- Frenehified Dutch flop, 6ee~ enactcd be, ed, and it is possible that the losers will persons present repeated the following 'I'he main contentions Qf the Bueknell called. The seniors nBsembled at five pro\-ide tbe winning side with some light fore him a little Beene planned by his lines: "}.[ny the Lord of the heavens team were as f()lIows: (1) the direct thirty Thursday evening, and were gIven refreshments at the nl':.:t meeting, (The daughter, which proves that the fop aud the enrth, tbe God of the tree sen· primar~' plaees too heavy a burden np their first clue in the treasure hunt. wherewitlwl for the social time will not is a fortulle,!!Cekl.'r. The little Antje is tinels who watch and guard over ns in on the indil"idual I'oterj (2) thl.'direet There wns ILmad rush thrQugh the halla COlliefrolll the activities fee). This noll' happy that she has escaped the their beauty and !!treugUl, grant us an primary places a premium on wealth; d the dormitory as' clue after clue was results of her flLther's misjudgment, abiding lore of theae his holy folk and discovered. The Mis&'s "Tommy" conte.~thas helped imme3surably to boost Miss Warda read '''rhe Kingdom of a lasting desire to keep His world ever (3) the direct primary break~ dowll party Massey and "Betty" Davis :finally the attendance at Webster and thus to the Future" fronl Maeterlinck's "The beautifuL" The ceremony ended with responsibility. The points whieh the fQundthetreasurelliddenintlJeraftera llut more life in the meetings. Blue Bird," Two little children the ~inging of "America the Beauti- negath-o emph:uized were: (1) tlle di, of the dark room. One girl reeeived a From all reports, the \Vebster society visit that part of Hea,en where the fu!." reet primary is right in theory beeause Western )fary13nd pin, the other a com, is determined to gain another victory souls of all the little unborn babies it places the responsihility npon the in oyer Irving in June. Webster has won play, or work on future inventions. di,.jdual voters; (2). the direet primary pact. in the lalJt two Oratori~al Contests. Philomathenn Literary Socicty takes They Bee the futnre philor:rophers snd pleasnre in announcing eonte&tants for is practicable ILnd its main faulta are After the treasure hunt everyone judges and doctors, and in,'entors, Tbey the inter'society Qrlltorical contest in beiug eliminated by such methods astlJe gathered in the "Y" room for supper. Percy~Did you fill your date last see Mr. Time marshalling the soule of June. 'fh.;y are: Virgiuia Merrill, Mil short ballot; (3) the affirmative has The menu consisted of shrimp salad, night' thos*! whose ti)lle has arrived. A lover dred R:mIll, Marga.ret Martignoni (al· sdvanced no 3dequate substitute for the hot rolllf, eoffee, potsto chips, pickles, Simmons-I bope so. She ate eyery' (Continued on Page Fonr) ternate.) direct primary. and frozen pinea.pple. thing in sight.
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