Page 89 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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COl COLLEGE PLAYERS JESTERS LEAVB P'!tESENT mA WATHA ON SHORE TRIP ON APRIL 22 TUESDAY Vol. 5, No. 23 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. April 19, 1928 HOME ECONOMICS ASSO- CO-ED DEBATERS GUESTS W. M. C. CO-EDS HOLD FmsT COLLEGE CALENDAR STATE CIATION TO MEET HEltE COLLEGE JESTERS MAKE DEBATE OF AMERICAN UNIVERSITY The tirst woman's inter-collegiate de- }'RlDAY, APRIL IIp- The spripg meettng- of the Maryland DEBUT AT NEW WINDSOR bate at Western Maryland College ~J."lH State Home Economics Assoeiation will The affirmathTe Girl's Debating team held in Smith Hsll, Thursday evening, Soeiul Hours 6:30-9:00 P. M. be hehl in Smith hull, Bnturuuy, April "College Tawn" Played of Weeteru Maryland Oollege journeyed April 19, with a team representing SATURDAY, APRn;. 21- 21. The morning seseiou will be gtveu to American UI.iversity at Washington, Ameriean University, ""ash i n g ton. State Hallle Eecnomios Aesoeta- over to. business. The farmatiou of a Tho Jesters made their first appaar· D.O., on Thursday, April 12, for their D. C. The Question for debate wna: tion meetings in, Smith Hall, 9:00 State Student Club Organizntion of all anee on Friday eveniug, April 13, in first debate of the year. The questiQn "Resolved: That American prl vate iu A. M. and 3:00 P. M. the local high schaol aud-eollcge elubs the Blue Rldgu Del.lege auditarium, at fQr debate was "Resolved: That Ameri- vestments in foreign eountrl es should Varsity baseball: Mt. St. Mary's in Maeylaud will be one of the main New Windsar,:Md. can private investments in fcrctgu not be gtven military proteteiou by the at Westminster, 3:00 P. M. problems attempted. The program was opened by tho Glee eountrtes should be given military pre United States government." The affir- Varsity tennis at. U. o.f Maryland. Miss Elizabeth Amery, the State Suo Club of fLft.eenvoices as followa: First tecttou by tho United States go.vern· mative Bide af the question was upheld pervisor, \Viii be the luncheon speaker. tenors-To 'V. Recd" H. B. Callahan, merit." Western Maryland upheld the for Amcrienn University by the Misses MONDAY, A~R~ 23- .. Hor subject is "Creative Homo Econom- K W. Lyons; secqnd tenors--:--T. L. Uffirlllllti,O represented by tl.e Misses I"ivingstolle, Magee and He:lth. The Women's LIterary Soeietiee, 6:30 iCB." In the afternoon the prlneipal Mathias, Jr., C. L. G.oodhand, W. R. 'Margaret Mart.ignoni, Fraueea Raugh- negatb.-e aide was upheld by the Misses P. M. speaker will uc Mrs. Lillian Gilbreth, Weagly, J. L. watklns, first bUSE!-- l(!y, and Dorothy Gilligan. Tho nega- Bhonkley, :Miles, and Shreiner from Meu's J"itctary Becdefles, 7:15 P. who will talk on 1'rratigue and Indus- G. MeGewnn, E. B. Lippy, W. D. Phil- tive WIl9 upheld by the Misses Hattie Western Maryland. Prof. G. S. Wills M. try in the Home." Mrs. Gilbreth is a lips, -J. A. Btaeh ; accoud bass-C. T. Teachout, Ethclwynue Hlne, and Jane was chairman of the debate. Thll judges Varsity baseball nt Blue Ridge ....ery notcd efficieney engineer and DeHaven, W. E. Warfield, E. E. Brown; LytIe. Mrs. Pnnl Kaufmnu, af Allleri· were Mr. E. G. HciS9Cllbrittand, of Get- promises to be most interestiug. Also. J. W. Day; pisnist--J. R. Day. ean Ulliyersity, IlTesided, and the de tysburg Oollege, Miss Pilat, of Hood OQllege, 3:00 P. :M:. at the aft.ernaon sessiQn the Home They sang two apening nuulbers: bate was jnd~ed by D~. DeWitt O. College, lind Mr. G. C. AdnersOll, QfBal- 'rUESDAY, APRIL 24- Eeonomics Clnb of Clifton Park Righ "Dreaming Alene in the Twilight," by Crais~kt, professo.r ef English at timore. sehool will present a. playlet. The girls lioore, and "Deep River" by Bllrleigl,. Geerge Washingto.n University. The mam eentelltions of the affirma· Soeinl Clubs, 7:30 P. M. af the Western Maryland Home Eco- "Jap" Weisbeck and ''Liudy'' Linden· Tlu) mnin eontentions of tile affirma- tive sid(l were as fQllows: (1) the U. S. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25- nomies Club will Berye tea to. all the gnrg introduced a humorous nete in tive were (1) imperialism is uot justi- gavernment by tIle Hague Canference Y. M. a1l{1Y. W. O. A. meetings guests. the sllOw, feutnring "Martan" und fiable, (2) Unite dState~ is imperial· and tile Pan American Conference of at 6:30 P. 111. "Rerton." istie, and (3) military interventian re- 1910 has morally and legally obligated Varsity tClmis witl! Dickinsen at DR. ELDERDIOE TO ADDRESS The Ijuartettc--Callahsll, WenglYl sults in ill-will. The negative eontend itself to peaeefullyprateet private far· Carlisle, Pa. SENIORS Lippy, and Dellayell-anng "The S~nd ed (1) the United Stntea is nan-imperi- eigll investments, (:!) SUbstitution of Yursit.y basclJaJl II'itll Loyala at mali," by D. PrQtherQe. alistic, and (2) military interventiou eco.nomiepressure as a prote.etive means Baltimore. Fixst Sermon on "Personality" Rhythmio syneopntiou was furnished benefits the eeuntries invalyed. Beth is preferable to lllilitnry foree, and (3) &idesaf the question wore well pre~el,,' eeonomic pressure wonld prove as effi- Dr. llugh Latimer Elderdi~e, presi- by Ihc Green and Gald :Parrots: "Ken" 'oss detriment.'ll and questionable in its REV. LITTLE ADDRESSES ed aud debated. The debaters shewed cient as military foree and wonld be dent of the 'Vestminster 'l'heologioal Brawll, trnmpot; "Jee" Baumgartner, nllloh skill in their l)resentation and Seminary, will preach the series of ser- hanjo; "Frenl'.hy" DeTIa\-en, drums; "Jap" Weisbeek, piano; "Ned" Shriver Cefenae. The decision was awardetl to ap]llication. STUDENTS IN SMITH HALL mons this year to. the senior elass. The and "Ed" WHfield, saxaplJOlles. "Bus" The main contentions fer the nega· ti',f)negative. tive side WGreas follows: (1) military subject :for tim sermons is expressed ill Lipp~', aeoOlll]llluied by tho Parrots, Professor and ],(rs. Ranek c.lmp~roil~d l)roteeUon af property invested in for- two wards "~fy Life," an{l the purpase sang the ,oeal refrain "Girl of My the debaters on their trip. eign eountries is legitimate under in- Part of Centennial Program ef them is to make an apI)eal to ench Dream~, I Lovc You." LipllY again ternational law and it is absolutely one to seek after that exalted leader· ~Ilng "Allah Be With Us," from A. W necessary, for nil concerned, that the 011 Friday night, April 13, the Rev. ship which distinguislles 111an from Fmder'B "A Laver in Damascus," ae- dUU!~tllres.' ~£!.13,!£s af the ma- companied ~. Weagly nt tllo piano. SENIO~~m;:~::R~:t=··-+>s~h;r~!~l~t~e;f ~::t~a~:~:IS\~V:~:_~:a~~1~~~~I~~~.dr~::~ ~it{l:t~~;:! jor Bubject will be personality,, A "speech" by His Exeellency tlH~ ments constit.ute a deeidllil eeonomie aid cxeeutiv(l secretary of the BOllrd of serviee, iufluence, au!l immortality, and Alaballl:lo Ambassadar "Doey" Rein, The investure seniee for th!! CIMSof to tIle eouutries en which they are in- Young People's Work of the :Methodist ~lIch will be developed in a sepamte with multifnrjous, month· breaking, 1928 took 1)lace Tuesday meming, Ap· vested, thl'llll far more t.lmn Protestant Church. The subject of his palysyllahie prafundities, e:...ercisc(l onT ril,1\1•. The prll-chapel S6rv.rc lI'a~ hehl our Anlllriean investors, (3) the adap- talk was the Centeimial Convention of The that ~ermOlI of tile series illtcrpretath-e abilities. The first jllIrt in Smltft' Rall wbere Dean )filler in tion of- a poliey af Ollr leaders and young peaple to. be heM in preached an April 15 took up liie from Qj' tho progmm ""\S e1ased with till'Oe vested the men and Dean RolJins(1l!ill- 11Iilitat~'pro.tectian WQuldplace the U. HalllpdcI\ Methodist Protestant cllUrch the stal1.1point of l)ersOl.~lity. Dr. El- Glee Club mIllIbers: "Absent"":"'by :Met- ~-(!stodthe wemen. Dean :MiHer speak. B. m a dangerous situation, mnking ller in Bnltimnrc from May 10 to May 15, derdiecquatedtlleelasi.nglineBoflfen calf; "lIfighty Lnk' n Rose"-lly Nevill: or at the Baker Chapel scr,i"e, \vouglit protect foreign in~'e8tments in Latin 1928. This eonveution is part of the ley's peem "Il1yietns"-"I am the mas- "The Open RQnd"-by Stickles. _to tbe graduating c.lllSSthe mess3gB of Amori~a at the CXolulIiano.f protection great centennial eelcbrat.ion of J.J;etha- ter of lily fAte, I am the captain oJ' my The Grl).en and Gald Parrots opened!llll. "The llU1l1unralld.os a peo- Qf her own mvestmenb. dist PrQtestantism, and is expectcd to. sQul"-~nd the tll'O wards from the Pnrt II with ''Red Hot Syueapatiofl." ple ef symbalism. Symbols are the Each spenker was allowed ten min- gather thegrestest group of Methodist Bible "I, John" n~ exalllllles of thi~ DeHaven then sang ''lnvictus''-Kuhn, visi1)le reminders of eur ideals. The ntes for her construetlve speech and Proteatants evor assembled a oue t.illl'i" l)(,rsenality. Then he aske(l the Ijllca· with Weagly tit Ule piano. cap and gown is the symbol o.f ';clJOl:u- live for her rebuttal. Dean Fr(le recreatianal events nre offered tion, "'iVhat is my life'" and HnBwereil The qunrtette reudered another nmn· ship which has come to us thraugh ~l,e Boom,af Ameriean University, and Miss to thase l'here will be " it by Sllyiug that lif{' is marllihan lllCre ber, "Tile Heart of You," arrauged from ages; the rninbow is 'a symbol of God's Kinkea{l, of Western Mar~'land, acted motar tour of Baltimore and a steamer physieal being, mental pall'l!l',orwealtll. Dvorak's "Lnrgo." promise to us'; Moses built the ark of us time keepers. exeursion an the Ohesapeake Bay 0.1\ Persanality, tIle pawer whieh marks ''Bill'' Bush and Walt Bareski ns the eovenant-, and Solomon the temple 'l'he (leeision of the judges was unani- Saturda~' afternoon. Friday night there mllU from ot,ll('r creatures, is nceeasary, "The Buckeye Boys," contributed Ohia's at .Jerusalem usl!ignB of our obligatioDs mous in favor of American University. will be a banquet at whieh representa· or these thi'ngs are nothing. gift to t,he musie. to. God. We lo.ok at the of nll- tives o.f Adrian, High Point, Westmin- Dr, Elderdiee wtl.rnet1cveryone to be- R.ic.lmrd Wengl~', aceompanied by ture and cannot help but feel the ma- ster, nnd Western :\farylalld Colleges warc of two schoals of lJhilasophy, first, Reby Day, snng "The Spirit Flower/' n. jesty of God; we see a flag and remem- MARYLAND WOMEN'S CLUB CON- that sel,oel whiel! teal'.11('stllat the law ~omposition of Cambell Tipton. ber the idcals of a nation; we laok at VENTION HELD ON HILL will be present. Fallowing the l)sn· of heredity means e"erything is shup- The rest af the progrnm was devat- a wedding ring and think of our moth- 'l'11l!1eighth anunl!.l meeting of the quet Dr. Daniel A. Poliug, President o.f ing life far good or, nnd second, ed to. the Jesters Players who played ers. The cap und gowil are not an1)- the New Yark Federation of Churches thut sehaQl whieh elaims that the mast "A College Town" writtpn by W. B. an insignia of scbolarship, but also. a First District of the Maryland Fcdera- and of tlle Interllfltiallal Soeiety of })owerfnl factor in tlle formation and Hnre. T'he east is aB follQws: Eri.gnof added responsibility to tile tian o:f ""'s Clubs met at Western Christian Endenver, will speak ut the eantral of charaeteris enviro.ument. He Jimmie Cavendish, a Rah-Rah bey- warld-may yau wear yours as an hanor Mnr~'land Oallege on .April the eleventh. Lyrie Theatre. Those attendiIlg the stated that these W0re bath important, W.E. Warfield,129j Tad Cheseldine,tho The IUOrningscssion, held in McDan· to. your institution. banquet will ha,e reserved scats at the bnt that llere \\-as more power in per- College eut-up-C. T. DeHaven, '30; lel Parlor, was ealled to. order at tell theatre. 8011aliyto. shape lives than in auy laws Leviticu9, the Ace of Spades-H. B. o'elock by the President, Mra. A. N. of hereility ar CllVOrOlllllent. Ne oue Cl!.l1l),'31; Mnjor Kilpep]ler, Ward. The mceting was opened by re- Another feature of the eonveutien shanld allaw heredity or enyironmcnt to. "Mili- PAGEANT IS POSTPONED peating the J~ord's Prayer and singing will be canfcronees on chureh work by be a haudicap: they can be assets lind tary Hend ~t W. :ilL C.--J. L. Mathius, "America, the Beautiful." After the lea{ling instrnctors from all over the .Jr., '29; Seateh MacAllister, the Foot- lL was wilh regret thnt Dr. Ward nll- reading o.f the llIllut('sanil the roll call, natiQn. Each afternoau thc.rc will be can aid in tlcvelopiug character. ball Captain-O. L. Gaodhand, '28; nouneed in ehapel 1'ue8d~y morning several reports were giyen by delegates rorums an ?outh proble!llBealldneted by In clasing, Dr. Eld~rdiee advised all Sharty Long, the ubiqnitaus Fresh- the llllllouibility ef giving the ClIrroll and ehnirmen of departments. },frs. A. eminent. ?OUllg people's workers. Tues- to overeome these two sehools by ma man-K B. Lippy, '29; Billy V~n Dorn, ~ageaut this spring. This is due to the N. Ward, Mrs. Isaac T. Parks, and da.\, morning a bus trip to Mt. Vernon triculating in tIle sehoal that teaehes en tho Glee Club--J. A. Stach, '30; ~naa rat.flcr sudden illn('ss of Miss Elderdi~e Mrs. L. Whitcl!Urstaddressed the and Washington is seheduled to take in haw to. tlght fire with fire, llOW to ".Hm" Ohanning, the Girl from Dixie-- WllO,~ith Miss Burns of Peabody C()l'- Club. Oampaign sangs .far the support ehnngo the origiuill handicnp, aud hew C. D. Reill, '31; ~Irs. Baggsby, "Ma," a Bervatary, bad clm.rgc of the pageant. of Mrs. .Jolm F. Sippel, one of the two all the publie buildiugs in Washington. to. develap personality. Only ul' doing PQPular landln(ly-K. W. Lyons, '31; It was at fir~t decided to. j)ostpanll ;' candidates for presidency of the Na- The them~ af tbis con\'ontion is this e,an one ever llOpe to. b" able to Miu Jnnc Oaveudish, of Cavendish & until the auiumn but this plan w[t.i tianal Waman's Oiub, were sung. This "Christ Preminellt" in the life of the May truthfully, "I nUl the U1a~ter of Dean, Wall St., New York--G. Mc· I1bandaued when it was learned tll<'ltthe session was elosed by tho singing of imlhidual, the call1Ulunity, the clmrcll, my fate, I am tIle of my saul." Gewan, '31. eoopemtion of t1m Carroll cannty High "Our Pledge." the natian, and UlCworhl. The play m three aets is really a could not be counted upan u~ Lunch was seryed in the Western The Methodist Protestant aetivity in "mAWATHA" TO BE PRESENTED comedy of errors. The first Beene is in ti,at time. The high ~chaals in the au- Maryland Oallege dining hall. the Youth Mavcment will be ofiicially the sitting raom of a eollege boardiJ:g tumn are busy with the rearganiUl,tio.... The afternaon S6uion was beld in started at this canvention. The Yaut!1 On April 27, the Callego Players will house. Our hero, Jimmie Cavendish, in- of school life find could find no mcaHS Smith Rnll. "My Cluntry 'Tis of Thee" Mo.vement is a "Crnsude with Ohrist" prellCnt "Hiawatha," a {lelightful volves himself llnd many oUlers iuto what might be called the popular idea of giving the time the pageant requited was Bung as an apening sang. Mrs. and deals with yOllth in EVll.nglilislll, based upon Longfellow's poem. af a t:ypieal college serllpe. Thn ]llot is play, which includes a large cast, will When it IVas suggcslled to. give Lhe John L. Alcock broug'ht the club "A Christian Citizenship, and World Pcaee. give a vivid partrayal of the aId II.' Bet Ilraund by seones of love, romance, pagcllnt in the spring of '29, Miss Elder- Message from the State Fednratian," Mr. Little nrged tM st.udents to rcg- !lian legends :Ind eustoms. I.UlllOr, and pathos. Leviticus, in diee readily eansellteil. She had re- and 1I1rs.John F. Sippel Bpo.keo.n "A istor for this eonvention and cspceially "Sing's" eapacity, in his quaint ljttlc eently eompleted tllC eaat ot the dif- 'Message from the General Federation." to attend the banquet and by way bears the burdens and joys o.f his ferent da.nees to bc gi\'en, but lVith the The remainder ef the program cunsistc,l Dr. Paling on Friday night. Owing to the financial condition college bays and has the responai1li.lity af a piano. solo by Miss Violet Hertz· postponelllcnt, the list will not be rm],· man, a vocal solo by Miss Caroline Mr. Lambertson and Mr. Gibbs were of the Gald Bug, it will he necessnry for the sueeess of the foatball team as lished. WantZ', a one·aet pl.~y, "Square Pegs," appoiated to. receive registratiOlls and to. limit the number of issues dur- water carritlr. We si.n!'.erely hope that Miss BI,ler- given by Miss Gladys Miles and Miss a committee was appamted to. arrange ing the spring term. Beginning with We flnallv are carried to the Beeenc dice will saon be well and campl,'le Helen Smith, and an address, "Our transportation of the students who. wish this issue the paper will be pnblished of the glau~ds overleoking the football tho work in wbicll she finds ao muell Friends, tlle Trees," by Mrs. O. H. to. attend the College 13anquet and the every other week until tbe fall term. field. Great excitement prevails dnrins pleasure. Dorsey. address at the Lyric Theatre. (Oontinued on Page Feur)
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