Page 4 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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Page Four The Gold Bug, Weatern Maryla.nd College, WestminJter, Md. Alumni EDITED BY ELSIE HELD AND MARGARET MARTIGNONI Ernest Nuttall, former President of The Inler Club Couneil, which can· the OlIlSS of '29, is studying dentistry sieta ()f represcntati\"es of the three wo- Suuday school services were resumed Any news items concerning W. :M. Miss the Surah Adams, '2,7, is librarian men'~ elubs, Delta Sigma Kappa, Phi at Baker Chapel on Sunday with an ex- nt Hopkins. AllllllIli will bo gratefully received. at Hagerstown 11igh School. Alpha Xlu and "iV. W., was organized in eepticnully fine attendance. Tile school Mildred Doub, ex·'2!l, was married Walter Smith, '27, is teaching and 192·' for the purpose of insuring ec- is in charge of Dr. Stephens who has lnst summer. stull.,-ing at Richmond Medleal College, operation among the clubs for their mu- been very faithful and interested in the Carroll Dern '26, was seen on the Richmond, Vn. tual benefit. success of the work. Misses Alice Small Dorothy Robbs, '30, is now enrolled at cewpua Sundny. '27, is an aasiatant At the prl'scnt time there nre several and Elizabeth Korman sang and Dean Women-a College, University of Deln- George Baker, :in Biolo!P' ecuuctl-regnlafions wllicll will be of in -Miller ga\'c IL very stimulating talk on Charlie Uh, '27, is prmcipnl of the the College. Department at Dartmouth terest to all tile students. It is under the place of religion in the college. High School at $ln,-age, Md. stood that all elub members shall cb- The regular election of offieers then David Johns, ex-'30, has a position Lewis Woodward, '27, is planning to sene the code of honer which prohibits took place with rhe following results: with the General Motors Co., ;n Mich. "Lit" Hollins, '24, i]lld "C1lief" study :n~dicill' at. the. University of rushing in any of its forms e:xcept duro Seeretarv, 'hl.iss IIIMY WH~fiefd; treae- igan. Bender, '25, were seen on the "hill" _Mnr.yLlld, this year. ing the rushing season. 'I'his season uree, Mr. Eyerett Meredith ; ecrreepond- "Bill" Hahn, '28, is studying den- during the paet week-end. "ill extend from November 1, 1!l~7, to ing aceretnncs, Miss F. woa, Mr. B. tistryat.lI:nrylan$olsolcaclting. /I~tie stunding of C. Appointments Made schOol in Texas. These regulations shnll b~ strictly cn. Thomlls W. Hred hm! been appointed Dl$;.n!·he j~ord, fhe musical g~"ins of \\·"rd IlJl$ rela·hi)(1 IlS th~t Ralnnd forecil. mr~jor, and Rubert K. JohnllOn adjutani Because of poor health, Alice Freeny, fhe elllss of '2:7, is tcnehilJg J:m~i~ ill "·nSGn. '~I;. i8 tIl!' fnlher of a b:tby girl. of the eollege R. O. 1'. C. 'rhe~e t\\'o '2S, left thl! Hill Sundny for her home Carroll eount)' sellOols. She i!i'Mrll fre· We l"n·c IJNIl IIllllhle tn glean further g~ntlelllen are Ihe ollly ones who hm·e ;n SnlisbuQ', Md. quently in Westminster {lnd !.'n the llcttlils bIlt I\'~ wi,,!! the whole fnlllily WEBSTER HOLDS FIRST MEETING been notified of their appointment as !lladeline Pettit, ex-'29 is rlltending "hill." th~ best of henJth llud huppiness. yet, hut it is expected illllt appoint husin"s~ school in Wilmington. ..t\gnea Atkinson, '2ol, wus marrie,1 W~b5ter Literary Societ~' IleJd its m{'nts 10 thf: (II her ranking positions in this summer to Pnlll Harris, '24, a. fo,' ,),hl' f\,llowing meml,·_'tS of the elnss first meeting ),londay e,'cnulg in Web· the lmllnIion will be !ll~de public in the Jan e;-;:-'30, is engngeil in ,_" '~, arc tt'udl;ng: HortenSIl Petit. in Il~ar future. mer stndent at Ihe Seminnr~·. A nnm Painter. \',1.; Eelen Strain in "\Vilming· ster Hall. The progrmn was opened bn~ineSlS ,,·jjh father. her of the briile'sclnssmutes attende$! ton. D~l._: "Uerb" Nichols in Berlin, with a speech of weleome by the Presid W. M. C. Has Crack Shots the 1I'<;,(lding: in Cumbrrlallcl. )1r. and :'II{t; H~illmnlh ill Salisbury, "Md.; {'nt, H. K. J·ohnsoll. A sbort operetta, K'ltherine Close, ex-'2!l, is stuilying .Tames Lusby, "Tom" Reed, and )lrs. Hnrri~ nre now li\'ing 'It Upper \W,;lson ill l'.ittsyiI1e, 1fd.: "Germnny in ]914" was n~xt offered Itome E~OIH)luies in ChlC3g0. "Charli~" Summers gnined hon~)rs for Ja~', New York. )1illllie \"I1Tren in Berlin, Md.; Rildn bl' Lambertson :md Barnea, followed Rlaomquisl Ht C~nlrnl High School, with a Histor~' of -Webster hy W. G. thl"jllSeh'\'S and for the college by the \\'('fimi thnt an unngUalnUnlber of I~o!laroning. )'ld.; ,Tohn "\Vooden ill Mt. Bll-ton. ~fcS!!.rs. Paul IIownrd llnil G{'o. lJrotieirnry which th~J showed in riJ\~ FIRE CffiE!' INSTALLED thl' fr('Shmnn boys are Air~', :'lid.; "Lib" 'Bemiller in West· ~alter added l' strain of hUIllor with a m1lrksma118hip Ihi", summCl. They ear· ri"es ill c]l{lllsing ,',estern as minster, )fd.; ")bnnie" Curling in few jokes. Several impromptn speech rilld offl'igh honOTSnt Camp Meade, and were members of the team wldeh repre To insure the greMest possible jhe to gain their higher ('h"rl('s Carroll Rigll school: "Gil" es wer(' made by mallY of the melilbNI! iunIOn of J. Bibh .\lilla, Browne flt D{'al'a Islllnd, :xiii.; BeSl; first meeting pT!I~'ed n ~ueee~~, not 0111." !\-Ianding mornll~', IUcntnUy a11d physie· "·h,, is n(l\\· 8Up(lrintrnlient of' the H:l~'mluj in Snow Hill, ? the e,.;ceuti'-e fitting for their heloved "Hefty" to rOllllnittce, and al~o to attend to Ol·er· iJe properly installe;P{I 1.25 HOLDS FIRST MEETING with n Fr~nch doll in her outstretehed 2*-H01'11 RERY1(,E-24 The W. W. Club hnd !I bre/lkf!lSl hik~ The Browning Literllry Sodety held Frid:l.'" morning, September the twenty, nrlllS snying "Pir~mall, SII\'e my child." D. S. GEHR Albert "Abo" Tozzi its first meeting of the y(~r ~Iondny Ihird ilt six o'e]ock. Breakfast \l'as Tho seniors wish 10 tllke this oppar· t:uJl('ge Hepre$~nt3tiH of night at half pnst six. After The busi· cook~d lind sefl'l'd on Sunrise Hill bnek tuuilylothank)lr.Woolworth forlllak· Wholesale and Retail Hardware, ness meeting the president welcomed all of the eoll~ge farm. iHg' their inSlallation Berd~e a possibil U. W. MILLER, Cleaner and Dyer the members [111d urged them to parti its (financially.) Buililing :xInt.{'rials, Cutlery, ALVIS '1'. Al_jUllIGTTT, tlpaic fully in the work find pleasure of Ammuuitiou, Pllint.s, Oils, 1,CI'i1le lfnl1"RepresentllliH WlJrn Ihe ~'Nn. Two!l8ting communiea· :-JARY PICKFORD Stoves, Ranges, FUflmces, tions from Browning luulIInae were Wanted II Good King's Pharmacy IrOll nud Ste('1 Produeta refld, and a welcome extended to all PHOTOGRAPH On the Football Field new girls on the hill. A short program !=lllc!l'ent for The Rexall Store (E:rt.nblished 1866) featuring "Two Black Craws" was the Sereck S. Wilson ri.i E. ~lain St., We$hnin~ter, Md. Westminster, Md. dosing e\,l"nt. EVERHART Bel.' our newline of DELTA SIGMA KAPPA Babylon & Lippy Company The College Western Maryland Delta SiguHI Rappa had its first pi!'.· BARBER and BOBBER nil'. of the f:lellJlon at College Farm Jast Seal Merchandise ~'riday afternoon. H WllS n great re "Aronnd the eorner." )'LORS_BEL\l RllOES union, espeeinJl)' for those llnfortunate BOOK END!': STETSON R..,"\_TS girls wllo tniSlied the Del! House Part~'. Westminster Stationery Store C'AI,ENDAR P,\DR BHACELWrS RILLl' DITlIAN, Pr{lp. P1NS lni~rnlltional )ladc-lo-Measure Suits Notice! Greetiug Cards for all O{,~lIs;ons lUNGS TRAYS ASH PAPE"R Ki\-'T,ES T. W. MATHER& SONS Westminster Savings Bank POCKET KN1VES or ~n the has~bllll di31nond, in the elaSl! You \I'iIl want ta follow tile "Ter· CO"llPACTS room, or study h(lll, lhe l~ure16 of (~ol· Gapital $50,000.00 rou" thiB yeru. THE GOLD BUG will Western Maryland Seal Stamped on Irgiate fj(:hi,.,,-emeni aetrue ta the men of Westminster's Leading Store gi"e you all the nQw~ about them. So Surplus "E(!rn~d" 300,000.00 Each Article s!amin/l. of /Iud nerl'e ,-italit~,. henIth. These urc health at, Nen'", tributes _P. TllOS. BA BYLON, President. is a prodlld 01 chiropractic. USE THE MU,TON P. MYERS, Vine Treasurer. Boosack's Store Pre!'. ARMY SHOES SUBSCRIPTION JACOB ll. lIA~DLEY, Dr. A. J. Morrell BLA..1>,o";K ON THE -FRONT PAGE"~ The shoe~ lIutliorir.ed for the R. O. T. C. Security Savings Servietl The CQI/ege Shop uo E. Main St. l'hone175
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